Congrats to Rick Ankiel


Jul 12, 2007
I'm sure anyone who would post in this forum already knows his story.
Rick hit a 3 run homerun in his first game back in the majors tonight and his first game ever as a fielder. He had a long journey to get to where he is now. Here's hoping he gets to stay.
And a special congrats to LaRussa and Jocketty for sticking with him. As much as Tony's game-time decisions annoy me, I am grateful that he has given us nearly a decade of StL baseball that is the complete opposite of Whitey-Ball (ie, ghetto-ball).

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I remember well Steve Blass, who set thestandard for pitchers suddenly being unable to throw a strike. What happened to him is one of baseball's great mysteries.

For Ankiel to persevere like he has isaninspirationalachievement.& nbsp;I don't know why, but I have the feeling that if he was of a different paint job, what he's accomplished would be far better known and appreciated.Edited by: Don Wassall
Jun 17, 2007
We've stuck with Rick and I am glad that he was able to get back to the big show. The cards are running hot. I think alot of people can point back to this home run as the Cards getting hot and Soriano hammy as the Cubs getting cold. The Brew Crew is not playing as well either. This could make for an interesting month in the NL Comedy Central
Jun 17, 2007
Ankiel hits another 2 HR's and makes a great catch in the outfield! They are going to have to keep him in the majors and out of Memphis just like Pujols did when he came up. This guy is swinging too hot of a bat!


Jul 12, 2007
Didn't Rick get the call up only because of Spiezio's temporary departure? Rosters aren't expanded until September. If Spiezio gets out of rehab and is ready to join the team in ten days, then Rick will most likely get sent back down. Right now, they're playing without a backup 3B.


Jul 12, 2007
I'm still mad at Jocketty for his missteps at the trade deadline. Everyone knows the season is over for the Cards. Yeah, maybe they're only 6.5 games out, but they're still incapable of playing .500 ball. And the Brewers and Cubs have enough offense and pitching to maintain their records for the rest of the season (and the wild card is an impossibility).
It was time to deal and restock for next year. But apparently Tony was whispering into Walt's ear that he could still turn the season around. So now that opportunity is gone.
I think there were even teams that had a genuine interest in Juan "It's too far away to run" Encarnacion. So keeping him around stings even more.


Nov 2, 2004
Hooray For Ankiel who got another hit today and sports a .375 batting average. The suddenly hot RedBirds are only 5.5 games behind the Brew Crew.

I wish Ankiel played outfield for my miserable AL ballclub. His rocket arm served him well in Right Field


Dec 15, 2005
Babe Ruth anyone. I'm surprised I haven't heard that connection just yet. Maybe better, don't want to jinx it.
Jun 17, 2007
Rick Ankiel has done it again! 2 hr's, one being a grand slam, and a 3-4 night this past week. In regards to Rick getting the outfield spot, it is now a mute point. Juan Encarnacion was hit by a foul ball while he was on the on deck circle. The ball shattered his orbital bone and is out for the year. His playing career is in trouble to with the injury. I don't wish bad on anyone and I hope Juan gets better but Rick will do well.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Bad news!

Cardinals comeback kid Rick Ankiel received human growth hormoneCardinals comeback kid Rick Ankiel received human growth hormone

Comeback kid Rick Ankiel of the St. Louis Cardinals received a year's supply of human growth hormone in 2004, the Daily News reported Friday.

The pitcher-turned-outfielder is the latest athlete to be linked to the Florida pharmacy at the center of an investigation by the Albany County (N.Y.) district attorney's office into the illegal Internet distribution of performance-enhancing drugs.


Jul 12, 2007
HgH was not a banned substance when Rick was given a prescription for it by his doctor to recover from a surgical procedure. It was perfectly legal and 'allowed' by baseball back then. Rick was also in the minor leagues at that time. Also, he stopped receiving it before Selig took action to ban it.
This is a diversionary tactic by the media-friends of Barry Bonds to implicate other players. Notice how ESPN played along by using headlines such as "Ankiel linked to STEROID</span> scandal". They also point to his performance numbers, yet fail to throw any suspicions towards their beloved AFraud, who is (fortunately for his wallet) having a miracle season in a contract year.

OT: Buster Olney should be hit by a truck.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
It seems beyond Bimbogate Arod is near untouchable. I have noticed the filling out of Arod over the years too. Anyway it puts a damper on the feel good story of the summer...
Jun 17, 2007
It hurts a bit cause it seems now that they just had to bring it up. The people in the know in St. Louis already knew about the HGH and the valid reason behind why Ankiel was getting it. I know some people have asked about Pujols too. I personally watched him play in High School (he played before my H.S. was to play and we had Mark Buehrle pitching for us) and he was a bit chubby but looks about the same now, just a bit more ripped but he was confirmed clean of roids in 06. He hit a 450 ft. shot back then in Liberty, MO (I wasn't there) when he was a Soph. and could barely speak English back then. Naturally strong, of course. HGH I don't know. He says he is clean and at this point I believe him as he has lived up to his word in the community and is a excellent citizen of the city. But we have been dupped before. But back to Ankiel, the media just loves to take the shine off of anything, even if it is for a valid reason. Riddlewire, you are right about all you said. I believe in innocent until proven guilty but ARod has filled out in the past few years....Who knows


Aug 6, 2006
The Ankiel story has been the best tonic for the game of baseball in the last 40 years,as the game slides down hill,would it not be interesting to know who's decision it was to break the story now?

I don't know if Rick has had one hit since the story broke,but I do see the pained expression on his face,and see how his mechanics have been altered at the plate.Perhaps this reaction was intended.

As Bonds,Sosa,Palmiero,et al,are given as much protection as possible,I wonder when White American baseball fans will catch on?


Jul 12, 2007
As was proven last season, the mainstream sports media (ESPN, SportingNews, SI, LA and NY sports media) HATE it when teams from non-major media markets make it to championship games in the professional sports leagues. The hate and vitriol spewed in the direction of the Cardinals last season was shocking. Led primarily by Jayson Stark of ESPN, the baseball media couldn't trip over themselves fast enough to declare that the Cardinals didn't deserve to be in the World Series. This same media who praised Selig's dictatorial reshaping of baseball into a three-division system began to demand that new rules be created to limit the possibility of a team doing what the Cardinals did (reach the WS with only 83 wins). Even after the (mostly white)Cards embarrassed the supposedly all-powerful (mostly minority) Detroit Tigers, the baseball writers still couldn't let it go. If anything, their anger was intensified. They declared St. Louis a fraud and the World Series illegitimate. They also refused to ever mention St. Louis as World Series champs without also throwing in the disclaimer that they were the least-winning World Series champs in history. Here are a few snippets from the ESPN article that was written about the series clinching victory:

"No Fall Classic, for sure.

</span><br style="font-weight: bold;">
Flatter than the Midwestern heartland and a flop in the TV
ratings, this World Series crowned a champion that barely made it
to the postseason."

"</span>Manager Tony La Russa's team had just 83 regular-season wins,
the fewest by a World Series champion."

"St. Louis won this World Series not through great play and certainly
not through tremendous talent, but by making fewer mistakes than their


In the year that has followed, the media has reveled in the Cards' misfortune. With the Chicago Cubs playing well and remaining near the top of the division, the baseball writers have been quite fond of covering the NL Central. This wasn't the case over the past 7 seasons, which were dominated by two teams, the nearly all white Cardinals and the nearly all white Astros. But this season, Houston and St. Louis have both suffered injuries and personnel losses that have crippled both teams. The Cubs and Brewers have been the dominant teams in the NL Central this season, so all was right in the worlds of the baseball media. Until, that is, Rick Ankiel returned. Ankiel's explosive performances sparked the Cardinals to a winning streak and a return to the top of the division. Then, right when the Cardinals were on the doorstep and could have moved into a tie for first place (for the first time all season), this 'scandal' breaks. What an incredibly fortunate bit of timing for the Cubs. Ankiel hasn't been able to hit anything the past week, the Cards have lost five straight games and have all but fallen out of contention.
This is a very simple situation. Firstly, there's no story here. Ankiel did nothing wrong. Secondly, it's very old news. All of this happened years ago. Thirdly, the media was sitting on this information because nobody would have cared what some random minor leaguer did two years ago. But when that same minor leaguer got a late season call-up and sparked his team to a run that threatened to return the Cardinals to the post-season yet again (the ultimate nightmare for big city media), suddenly this becomes a 'scandalous breaking news story'. Well, congratulations New York Daily News, your timing was perfect. You destroyed the Cards' momentum and it looks like the Cubs will represent the Central in the playoffs this year. As a side benefit, you have also diverted further attention away from the true villains of the sport (Barry Bonds, Sheffield, etc.) and onto a helpless young man who has no 'interest group' to shield him from the attacks. You got exactly what you want and all it took was ruining the dream of one lonely hero.
Jun 17, 2007
Riddlewire....That is so true...No one gives the St. Louis Cardinals the credit we deserve for the World Series last year. Like I said before too, anyone who really followed the Cards knew that about Ankiel and the reasons why. They just wanted a story and to make Ankiel seem like a badguy. MLB can't have small market teams winning the World Series. Heck they give EVERY excuse for either the Yankees or Red Sox to win it. But they would MUCH rather have the Cubs win the NL Central than the Cardinals. Heck I'd think they would even want the Brewers more than us. Oh well. Guess it's just another case of the man (Selig) trying to keep us down.
...Hell you have to laugh to keep from crying....They timed this and were waiting for the right time to hit the rest of the nation with this.Edited by: mrjohnnynofear


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
Rick Ankiel really put together an All-Star-like first half of the season: .270 with 20HRs and 50RBIs, while playing solid defense in CF.

Of course it must be hard for any of the outstanding group of white OFs the Cards have-Ankiel, Schumaker, Ludwick, and Duncan-to get the credit they truly deserve because there simply shouldn`t be so many white guys playing OF on one team. It`s just not right.

Bear Backer

Jan 23, 2007
Van_Slyke_CF said:
Rick Ankiel really put together an All-Star-like first half of the season: .270 with 20HRs and 50RBIs, while playing solid defense in CF.

Of course it must be hard for any of the outstanding group of white OFs the Cards have-Ankiel, Schumaker, Ludwick, and Duncan-to get the credit they truly deserve because there simply shouldn`t be so many white guys playing OF on one team. It`s just not right.

Yes they are all quite good. Ankiel has a few holes in his swing, but has phenomenal talent and a huge upside. Ludwick is one of the best clutch hitters that the Cardinals have had in a long time, arguably even better than Pujols in that regard now, who has been declining since the second half of 2006 (Which is one of the reasons I believe he is older than his listed age.)Schumaker is a scrapper and a sparkplug type player that gives a boost to the team and everyone around him. The only one that really doesn't belong among the outfield is Duncan. I hate to think that Nepotism has a place in professional athletics, but with Chris Duncan one has to wonder if he would have a spot on the Cardinals 25 man roster if his dad wasn't the pitching coach. Dunc is really not ready for the Major Leagues in any respect right now, if he ever will be and he certainly doesn't deserve to be taking time away from Ludwick. Duncan has more holes in his swing than swiss cheese and can only hit fastballs in his wheelhouse, and pitchers have learned how to easily get him out and he can't adjust. He looks really bad, and his only draw which was his power at the plate, has gone bye bye too. Not only that, but his poor defense and limited range in the field leave alot to be desired. Joe Mather (another young white Cardinal outfield prospect) already showed alot more promise than Duncan in his couple of brief stints with the big team this year.

The Cardinals have 3 good young white outfield prospects at AAA including the aforementioned Mather, Nick Stavinoha and super prospect Colby Rasmus, any of which could probbly outplay Duncan right now. Rasmus is probably a year away since he is only 23 and needs the rest of this season and some of next to be ready, but one of the other two should be in St Louis and Duncan in AAA to work on his horrible swing. Mather and Stavinoha can also play first base which is the only other draw that Chris Duncan has. Even the erratic Brian Barton has looked better than Duncan at times. I think the Cardinals are afraid to send Duncan down because what little promise he once showed has severely regressed to the point where he might not perform well enough to warrant ever bringing him back and as much smoke that Tony has blown about Duncan, it would look extremely bad and guilty on his part. Edited by: Bear Backer


Jul 12, 2007
There can be no doubt that Tony's decision to bench All-Star Ludwick in favor of Daddy's Little Boy (TM) cost us the victory last night. 0-3, 3 LOB.
It's time to give Chris (and maybe Dave, too) his walking papers.