Chris Long Watch

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
from off the wire: On Friday, the first day of the three-day, full-squad minicamp at Rams Park, rookie DE ChrisLong blew by OT Alex Barron on a pass rush."I told him I'm willing to help him any way I can, any time he needed help," DELeonardLittle said. "He's athletic; he's very athletic. But as a rookie, you've got to learn what you're doing, and that makes you play a lot faster on the field."

Nice to see the guy with the "non-stop motor" blow by first round draft pick Barron, who is supposed to be "fast" and "athletic"
. At least his "mentor" Leonard Little, who killed a woman while driving a car in a drunken stupor and picked up another DUI afterward in violation of his parole but who of course is still playing in the NFL, acknowledges Long's athleticism.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
I think if you get another DUI after serving time "for killing a woman" while driving drunk, that should have been the end of his career. After killing someone it shows he has absolutely "zero" personal accountability, to even think about getting in a car after drinking again. At least a 5 yr. suspension, but probably a dismissal from the NFL should have happened. I don't care for the "I'm and alcoholic excuse." Get help & don't drink ever again, or decide that you will never drive a car again if you can't handle it! How could he allow himself to drive drunk again after that happening!

This is definitely worse than Vick's dog fighting charges, which were cruel and inhumane and although dealing with animals and not humans, the act was definitely done purposely. However, I personally think Vick should get another shot when he gets paroled from prison. People should be forgiven by society for making a big mistake once if they take a lesson from it, but should not be enabled for the same mistake again!Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I think if you get another DUI after serving time "for killing a woman" while driving drunk, that should have been the end of his career.

Little served no time; he got off with 1,000 hours of "community service." His second DUI was made a "felony DUI" because prosecutors were able to label him a "persistent offender." He ended up being acquitted of the felony DUI charge; usually the crimes black athletes are charged with are "dropped" before they ever have to get in front of a jury of their "peers" which is often eager to let them off the hook.Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Wow, pathetic! How could he serve absolutely no time "for killing a woman" for driving drunk? And then as a repeat offender get acquitted. I beg to say your average white Joe would have gotten off so easy!


Oct 21, 2004
More importantly- where is the usually vocal Mothers Against Drunk Drivers here? Shouldn't this be the kind of outrageous case that they supposedly exist to expose, and prevent from happening again in the future? But, every single time a pro or high profile college athlete is arrested for drunk driving, MADD is totally silent. They don't send representatives to sit in the courtroom to pressure the judge into handing down a stiff sentence, as they have done to so many young burnouts who don't play professional sports. They don't even hold a single press conference, or issue a single sound bite, about how unjust such slaps on the wrist are for repeat offenders like Little. This is the reason why they are one of my least favorite organizations.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
It's very similar to how NOW and the other feminazi groups remain silent when just about every day a black athlete is arrested for beating his wife or girlfriend (or a female he tried to pick up in a bar, etc.). Brutality by black men towards women is epidemic, yet you will never hear it condemned by a so-called "feminist." Feminism is a Cultural Marxist top-down scam designed solely to alienate white men and women from each other and to destroy the nuclear family as the cornerstone of a healthy society.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
To put it simplistically, Cultural Marxists have abandoned the traditional Marxist ruling tactic of class warfare and replaced it with the far more effective strategies of race and gender/sexual orientationwarfare. Here's a good J. B. Cash column on Cultural Marxism:

[url] eamID=0&ID=23178[/url]


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
While I agree that blacks seem more prone to violence against women and violence in general, I think it has to do with their tempers and bad impulse control. I don't think it is from inherently bad nature. African Americans also lost track of their family history through slavery and were bred by slave masters to produce new slaves, with no consideration to family structure.

Every group has its strengths and weaknesses. I am mostly Irish and Scottish and we are known to have bad tempers, being prone to drinking problems and be more predisposed to Bi-Polar disorder. To top that off the Irish were badly discriminated against in the past like blacks were and were called by many "the n**gers of Europe"! But Celtic people have many strengths and I consider us the greatest group of people in the world. I'm a bit biased I know.

Personally I have noticed that new immigrants from Africa seem to do better at assimilating into white culture than African Americans who have been here from the days of slavery.

Actually, one of the best classes in college I took in Canada at the University of Waterloo was from a Kenyan immigrant Anthropology professor. He was an amazing teacher and did not seem to be a cultural Marxist in the least. He discussed differences in cultures in a very creative way without favoring one over the other. I got the sense that this man harbored no ill feelings toward whites at all. He was from East Africa which is separate from the slave trade, so that could be something to do with it.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
Don Wassall said:
To put it simplistically, Cultural Marxists have abandoned the traditional Marxist ruling tactic of class warfare and replaced it with the far more effective strategies of race and gender/sexual orientation warfare. Here's a good J. B. Cash column on Cultural Marxism:

[url] eamID=0&ID=23178[/url]

Thanks for the link!

The article makes it easier to understand.

What I don't get though is how those "pulling the strings" intend to maintain their behind the scenes decision making abilities and wealth/power dynamic after society is subverted to such an extent that every aspect of society is controlled by the less-than-competent.

"You can't go crying for the police if there are none."

- Barney Fife

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
GiovaniMarcon said:
What I don't get though is how those "pulling the strings" intend to maintain their behind the scenes decision making abilities and wealth/power dynamic after society is subverted to such an extent that every aspect of society is controlled by the less-than-competent.

They themselves intend to continue to maintain control over every aspect of society, with everyone else "incompetent." It's the preferred Third World Banana Republic police state model that they believe works best -- a population of deracinated and racially mixed proles is far easier to rule and manipulate than an alert population of well-educated people with historical memories. Edited by: Don Wassall
Dec 18, 2004
Don Wassall said:
It's very similar to how NOW and the other feminazi groups remain silent when just about every day a black athlete is arrested for beating his wife or girlfriend (or a female he tried to pick up in a bar, etc.).  Brutality by black men towards women is epidemic, yet you will never hear it condemned by a so-called "feminist."  Feminism is a Cultural Marxist top-down scam designed solely to alienate white men and women from each other and to destroy the nuclear family as the cornerstone of a healthy society.

The only time a feminist has ever condemned a black man for brutality toward women was the case of Tammy Bruce when she was the head of NOW in Los Angeles during and after the O.J. Simpson trial. After the trial, she said something like "abuse of women is more important than racism." She even gave out the phone number of Simpson's agent, who has just written a book. This book, "How I Helped O.J. Get Away With Murder," provides details of this episode.

Bruce was condemned by NOW's national leadership and left the organization. She became a neocon media pundit and describes herself as "an openly gay, pro-choice, gun-owning, pro-death penalty, voted-for-President Bush authentic feminist."