Cedric Griffin arrested


Apr 16, 2005
The cornerback, who was involved in a nightclub altercation, is the sixth member of the team arrested in the past 12 months.

Vikings cornerback Cedric Griffin was arrested early Sunday morning after an altercation at the Spin nightclub in downtown Minneapolis.
Griffin was charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct after fighting with staff members from the Spin, located at 10 S. 5th St. He posted $50 bail and was released at 4:45 a.m.

According to Minneapolis police spokeswoman Lt. Amelia Huffman, Minneapolis police were summoned to the Spin because security members were "physically fighting" with Griffin inside. The officers observed Griffin being carried "bodily down the stairs" toward an exit.

Spin staff members got Griffin outside and told him not to return. "[Griffin] was quite angry," Huffman said, "and was yelling at the officers, refusing to leave." One of the officers maced him, Huffman said, but Griffin still remained on the sidewalk outside the club.

"He was yelling and swearing at officers," Huffman said, "telling the officers that he was going to have them fired." At about 1:40 a.m., Griffin was arrested.

Spin officials later told police they ejected Griffin for a dress-code violation. Huffman said Griffin refused to correct the violation -- wearing his jeans too low -- and would not leave when asked.

"He threw elbows and pulled away when they tried to escort him out," Huffman said.

A Vikings spokesman declined to comment. Griffin has an April 20 court date.

Griffin, penciled in to be a starter in the 2007 season, is the sixth member of the Vikings to be arrested in the past 12 months. According to a 2003 story in the Austin American-Statesman, he also was arrested while attending the University of Texas. In that incident, he was charged for interfering with an emergency telephone call.

Because this is his first arrest since joining the NFL in April 2006, Griffin likely will not be subject to immediate discipline under the league's new personal conduct policy. The lone exception under a first offense, according to the policy, is in cases of "significant bodily harm."

A second offense can lead to fines and/or a suspension. Vikings coach Brad Childress also can levy a limited fine, or deactivate Griffin for a regular-season game -- the equivalent of a suspension with pay.
Edited by: KJV1

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
As best I can discern, here is the latest updated standings in the battle for the NFL's cherished "Team With The Most Arrested PlayersAward":

Bengals -- 9

Chargers -- 8

Vikings -- 6

The 2006-'07 season has been particularly competitive, with affletes on the other 29 NFL teams all vowing to do their best to catch the front-runners before the new season kicks off in September.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
You guys are racist. You shouldn't even be mentioning all of those crimes. People might get the idea we don't like black players. I bet right now people are turning away from this site because they came here to support the diversity that is the NFL and you hit them with stories of criminal activity by blacks. You should be ashamed of yourself. If I didn't know better I'd think you were white RACIALISTS!!!!
Jan 5, 2005
United States
As a Viking fan, I am embarrassed even further by "my" team. I don't know if I can take much more of this....

Lets see if I can name the 6...

Cedric Griffin - Black - Violating dress code with a "sag" and acting like a petulant child.

Dwight Smith - Black - Diddling a prostitute in a stairwell.

Koren Robinson - Black - Drunk Driving and evading police.

Kevin Williams - Black - Drunk Driving

Who am I missing....

Travis Taylor - Black - Fighting with police and interfering with an ambulance if I remember right

Okay I'm gonna have to cheat for the sixth, lets see if Google knows the answer....

Oh, the DB coach Joe Woods - Black - was arrested for DUI.

Now of course as I googled I was reminded of the other recent arrests....

Marcus Johnson (Black) and Bryant McKinnie (Black) for fighting at a Gas station.

The Love Boat 4 Smoot, Culpepper, McKinnie and Moe (all Black).

The Whizzinator (Black).

Henderson, Nattiel & Farmar (all black) for fighting outside of a bar.

Michael Bennett (black) for getting his "ride" shot up after leaving a nightclub.

Randy Moss (black) and the meter maid.

Then of course we just signed Mike Doss (black) who once fired shots outside of a restaurant in Ohio.

Hmmmm.... What is the connection, it must be those cold Minnesota winters....

To be fair, one White name came up in my search, Tommy Kramer who played back in the Late 70's and 80's, and I do remember an incident with Keith Millard kicking a hole in a cop car door after telling the police officer that his arms were more powerful then their guns... But once again that was in the 80's.

Oh, and then of course a large segment of the fans actually see Matt Birk as the villian for being the guy who spoke out against Randy Moss leaving the field early during that Redskins game....