Bush sticking with the "didn't want to scare the kiddies" excuse for sitting on his ass with his eye

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Im going to apologize publicy to the members of this forum who I called paranoid or moronic. I never said I didint have concerns about how wtc 7 came down that fast, how you could only see smoke out of the Shanksville wreckage and how you cant see any plane debris at the Pentagon but I still find it highly illogical that 19 Jews would give up their lives so some rich Hebrews could make even more money. It just defies logic. Claiming Osama Bin Laden was killed in 2001 is just preposterous. I guess Obama and all our other leaders just faked that shot of watching the Seal team go in. For all of this to be a hoax would take thousands of people to basically lie. I dont claim that everything our government tells us is the truth but this would be the biggest contrived whopper in the History of the universe. I spent at least 3 hours over the internet trying to find one of the 4,000 Jews that were notified by email not to come into work that day. I havent found a name yet. I guess Im not so internet savvy as some people.
Lastly not to open up another can of worms but whoever posted that the Jewish Holocaust was also a hoax is not correct. I highly doubt 6 milliion Jews were murdered among the Roma, Handicapped , gays and political prisoners but cmon Typhoid didint kill all of these people. I hate how the Holocaust is beaten in our heads almost weekly by some form of media but I dont really think they faked the appoximatly 5,000 or so pictures Ive seen of naked emaciated dead bodies piled up in heaps. The only thing I really hate is how Jews always tell us its important to learn about the Holocasut so it dosent happen again. I never saw Israeli commandos going into Cambodia to kill Pol Pot. How many Israelis were among the few UN soldiers trying to stem the racial violence in Rwanda? Jews get a bad rap because for the most part they never try to assimilate in the communities they live in and they have proven time and time again they are mostly out for themselves.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Oh jeez, this place is going downhill fast. Now we've got guys coming back to trot out the most holy of holies, the holy HollowHoax.

According to no less than the Jewish Encyclopedia itself and the World Almanac there were more Jews living in the world after WW2 than before - and that after an orchestrated bloodbath that slaughtered 55 million white people, not counting the countless tens of millions mass murdered by the Judeo-Bolshevik-Capitalists before and after the war - plus half the "Nazis" were Jewish background themselves - Hitler's own chosen successor, Heydrich, the founder of the SS, Maurice, the head of the Luftwaffe, Milch, Hitler's vegetarian chef, etc etc etc.

The "Holocaust" wasn't even invented until the 1970's. You won't see a word about it in US movies, books, magazines, tv shows, school courses, etc. in the 50's and 60's. Now they try to shove it down our throats every day of our lives.

But if you want to believe that 6 million Jews got turned into lampshades and bars of soap (before coming back to life to collect reparations in Miami Beach), you too, suit yourself.

As for the behavior of President Dubya on 911, and his staff and Secret Service:

Bush at Booker Elementary



And here's another thing about the latest zio-agitprop that has already been dropped down that ol' orwellian memory hole, the photograph of the dead bin boogyman that the media was circulating right after they said they murdered him in that flat in Pakistan - until the internet Photoshop experts called them out - and then they simply disappeared it from the news, just like they did the gag about Soetoro watching the action live on his tv set while munching on pigs feet and fried chicken, and a million other things.


Fake Bin Boogy death photo as shown in the UK and US mass media.


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Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Claiming Osama Bin Laden was killed in 2001 is just preposterous.

He was an old man with Marfan syndrome, which is a degenerative genetic disease for which there is no permanent cure. The notion he was alive up until 2011 is preposterous.


I guess Obama and all our other leaders just faked that shot of watching the Seal team go in. For all of this to be a hoax would take thousands of people to basically lie.

It was a staged photo.


The government is a huge bureaucracy that is highly compartmentalized. Thousands would certainly not be in on it. Probably less than a hundred and they would be high ranking people in the intelligence communities and white house. And why won't someone speak out you ask? They all know what happened to JFK or various whistle blowers who "commit suicide" or die in plane crashes.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Originally Posted by mattgianone

Claiming Osama Bin Laden was killed in 2001 is just preposterous.

Yeah, very preposterous. That's why his Dec. 2001 death was reported in the world news.

Report: Bin Laden Already Dead Wednesday, December 26, 2001


That was already posted on this thread, but you haven't read or looked at a damn thing.

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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"I guess Obama and all our other leaders just faked that shot of watching the Seal team go in."

Yes they did, and "Obama" may be your leader, but he sure as hell ain't mine.

"The narrative of last Sunday’s raid has flip-flopped constantly and even mainstream journalists are starting to become wary, particularly after it emerged that Obama and Hillary could not have watched the raid unfold live as they had claimed because the live feed was cut before the Navy SEALS entered the compound, meaning that the “situation roomâ€￾ photos that purported to show Obama and Hillary watching Bin Laden’s assassination live were in fact completely staged."


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"The government is a huge bureaucracy that is highly compartmentalized. Thousands would certainly not be in on it. Probably less than a hundred and they would be high ranking people in the intelligence communities and white house. And why won't someone speak out you ask? They all know what happened to JFK or various whistle blowers who "commit suicide" or die in plane crashes. "

Every single one of their BS wars was started by some false flag or fake atrocity stories in the media or stories about how the demon du jour wants to "take over teh world and desrtroy our way of life".

You think there weren't plenty of guys in the know who were well aware that the Gulf of Tonkin was a hoax, or that they had broken the Japanese code and the Japanese fleet has disappeared from radar while Admiral Kimmel in Hawaii was denied access to code breaking equipment and all the old obsolete battleships - and their crews - were lined up in a neat row and FDR had his speech written before the event as well as emergency supplies getting delivered to the Hawaii Red Cross days before Pearl Harbor, or that Sadam didn't really have yellow cake uranium and weapons of mass destruction and aeriel baloons to carry them in, or that it wasn't really the Egyptians who attacked the USS Liberty and our israeli friends didn't really make an honest mistake thinking the Liberty was a 19th century Egyptian horse scow, and the Spanish didn't really blow up the Maine in Cuba, and Milosovich didn't really have death camps, and on and on and on?

The difference is now it doesn't take like 50 years for the truth to come out. You have access to the free internet and you can bypass their controlled media, but you need the will to do so, and sadly most people are herd animals and just parrot whatever is in power at any given point and place in time.


Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
"I guess Obama and all our other leaders just faked that shot of watching the Seal team go in."

Yes they did, and "Obama" may be your leader, but he sure as hell ain't mine.

"The narrative of last Sunday’s raid has flip-flopped constantly and even mainstream journalists are starting to become wary, particularly after it emerged that Obama and Hillary could not have watched the raid unfold live as they had claimed because the live feed was cut before the Navy SEALS entered the compound, meaning that the “situation roomâ€￾ photos that purported to show Obama and Hillary watching Bin Laden’s assassination live were in fact completely staged."

I've noticed too how so many Americans, even many of the few who are aware, regularly use words like "us," "we," "our," etc., when referring to the government or system "leaders." I prefer to use terms like "the" government, or "Washington." The corporate media sets the tone in this regard, part of its transformation in recent years of abandoning any semblance of objectivity no matter how phony, to becoming an all-out bimbo cheerleader in the mode of the movie Idiocracy.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
And here's another thing about the latest zio-agitprop that has already been dropped down that ol' orwellian memory hole, the photograph of the dead bin boogyman that the media was circulating right after they said they murdered him in that flat in Pakistan - until the internet Photoshop experts called them out - and then they simply disappeared it from the news, just like they did the gag about Soetoro watching the action live on his tv set while munching on pigs feet and fried chicken, and a million other things.

The regular US media NEVER used that photo as any kind of evidence of bin ladens death, it was known to be a fake from the get go, and the MSM reported it as such. As you should remember the government would not release ANY pictures or information on bin Laden after the alleged killing, citing security concerns or somesuch. Here you are using false information that someone put out there and blaming it on others, that kind of intentional misleading is why conspiracy buffs get denigrated so much.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
QUOTE=jaxvid;222370]The regular US media NEVER used that photo as any kind of evidence of bin ladens death, it was known to be a fake from the get go, and the MSM reported it as such.

​"The obviously Photoshopped picture of a "dead" Osama Bin Laden, which has been circulating since at least 2009, is printed large and proud (though obscured due to some bad stretching) on page two of today's New York Post...."


As you should remember the government would not release ANY pictures or information on bin Laden after the alleged killing, citing security concerns or somesuch. Here you are using false information that someone put out there and blaming it on others, that kind of intentional misleading is why conspiracy buffs get denigrated so much.[/QUOTE]

You wanna talk to me about "conspiracy buffs", then talk to me about the tin foil hat conspiracy buff conspiracy theory about the dialysis patient living in all those super-caverns in the Himalayan foothills and his 19 evil little Arab assistants with boxcutters who didn't even know how to fly a little Cessna and there's no eal evidence that they even on board any of those 911 planes, and they did 911 "because they hate our freedom", and talk to me about "Al Qaeda", which doesn't even exist!

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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
I've noticed too how so many Americans, even many of the few who are aware, regularly use words like "us," "we," "our," etc., when referring to the government or system "leaders." I prefer to use terms like "the" government, or "Washington." The corporate media sets the tone in this regard, part of its transformation in recent years of abandoning any semblance of objectivity no matter how phony, to becoming an all-out bimbo cheerleader in the mode of the movie Idiocracy.



Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
And more fake bin Boogyman photos and stories in the NY Post and Daily News:



Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
The New York Post and Daily News are well known for their sensationalist headlines and are often nothing more then The National Enquirer in content. You can't use them as examples of the MSM other then as commentary on the downward spiral of the dinosaur media. Neither of them are representative of the govt propaganda machine which is much more reserved in the way it feeds information to more standard news outlets. Pictures like these would never be found in the Washington Post or NY Times which are more the official rags of the US version of Pravda.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Here's what you said, and you emphasized the "never":

"The regular US media NEVER used that photo as any kind of evidence of bin Ladens death"

The News and the Post are "the regular US media".

"New York City is home to 4 of the 10 largest papers in the United States. These include The New York Times (circulation 1.1 million), the Daily News (circulation 795,000), and New York Post (circulation 650,000)."




Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"Neither of them are representative of the govt propaganda machine which is much more reserved in the way it feeds information to more standard news outlets."

The government propaganda machine operates on different levels, slightly more sophisticated in their propaganda to the higher level, like the NY Times and the Wall Street Journal, or more blatant in the NY Post and News. Both the NY Post and the WSJ are directly owned by Rupert Murdock...read Mossad. The NY Times is also Jewish owned, and so is the NY Daily News. Agitprop is in just about everything they churn out for their canon fodder now, from kiddie cartoons to college courses to sports.

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Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
The National Enquirer and Star magazine each have as many subscribers as the New York Post and Daily News so unless you feel that people are getting facts out of those magazines too it is obvious that people want to be entertained-facts be damned.

However while I agree that the point that people may read any of those rags and believe whats in them is a problem. I don't know if that's the govts fault. It's not like the White House releases those pictures and tells the papers to print them. Those types of pictures can be generated by anybody and a publicity hungry editor prints them along with some BS story to boost sales of his paper.

Sure the govt profits from the misinformation and propaganda but in some cases they are victims of it too. Unless you feel there are 12 jews sitting in a room somewhere issuing orders for what content will be put in magazines, newspapers, and tv/radio, then it is all really just a problem of too many stupid people in the country.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"Unless you feel there are 12 jews sitting in a room somewhere issuing orders for what content will be put in magazines, newspapers, and tv/radio..."

Maybe more like six.

"[SIZE=+1] The Six Jewish Companies that Own 96% of the World's Media"[/SIZE]


" It's not like the White House releases those pictures and tells the papers to print them. "

Oh really? The government doesn't influence the (ha ha) free media on what to print?


New York Times Admits to Being Tool of U.S. Government--Again

[SIZE=+3]New York Times Support For Imperial Wars[/SIZE][SIZE=+1] (This one is on today's news via Rense.com)


"Those types of pictures can be generated by anybody and a publicity hungry editor prints them along with some BS story to boost sales of his paper."

Funny how those "publicity hungry editors wanting only to boost sales of their papers" only print stories that back up the lies of Washington, the politically correct party line du jour, and are only 100% favorable to Israel's far right Likkud Party, and 100% negative towards the hated host population, the white goyim.

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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"Funny how those "publicity hungry editors wanting only to boost sales of their papers" only print stories that back up the lies of Washington"

On very rare occasions, such as during the confusion that reigned right after the Mossad-CIA 911 false flag terror attacks, before orders from on high came down to all the US media outlets on what they must and must not publish, something close to the truth actually slid in between the cracks, FOX News' 4-part special on the Israeli connection to 911 and the Israeli "art student" spy gang (the largest spy gang ever busted in the USA), but the orders came down quickly enough and the special was quickly and totally disappeared from FOX's website, accompanied by the Orwellian message, "This story no longer exists".

But, thanks to the free internet, the story DOES exist, and if it wasn't for the internet this and so many other inconvenient 911 and other true stories would be ridiculed as tin foil hatted neo-nazi islamaniac urban myths.

Here it is:



"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."

US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli 911 spy ring.



Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Why 911? Ten years later it is still an important issue

Why 9/11? Because ‘they’ claim that’s what gives them the right to override our Constitution and all other laws guaranteeing our liberties and privacy.

Why 9/11? Because that’s what ‘they’ claim as justification for every one of our many wars.

Why 9/11? Because that’s what ‘they’ say is the reason for us having to be violated, humiliated, groped and fondled for the ‘privilege’ of travel.

Why 9/11? Because that’s when ‘they’ began the illegal eavesdropping of all our communications.
Why 9/11? Because that’s how ‘they’ legitimize excessive secrecy.

Why 9/11? Because that’s the excuse ‘they’ use to implement torture and severe human right violations and escape all liabilities.



Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
It's also an event that caused untold suffering and anguish for people that lost loved ones amongst the 5000 or so killed.

IF you believe that 911 was planned and executed by the President, Vice President, cabinet members, military Chiefs of Staff, decorated officers of our armed force, elected officials, and thousands of members of various governmental agencies all of whom have sworn to uphold the Constitution, then you are a FOOL to make yourself such a target by complaining about it on an internet forum.

If those people are such rat-bastard evil pieces of slime as you believe who are capable of such a horribly despicable act unparalled in modern civilization then why aren't you scared as hell that they may decide to silence loudmouths such as yourself?

Isn't it more likely that you would be a mole? Someone who helps "out" others with like mined views? I mean you've made your point. There is probably no regular member of castefootball that is not aware of the 911 truther movement and has not been made aware of the inconsistencies of the official story. Yet still you go on.....


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
I'm exposing the most important lie that their whole stinking house of cards is built on, that and their HollowHoax - all their endless wars and destruction of our freedom and trashing of our country if not the whole planet.

""IF you believe that 911 was planned and executed by the President, Vice President, cabinet members, military Chiefs of Staff, decorated officers of our armed force, elected officials, and thousands of members of various governmental agencies all of whom have sworn to uphold the Constitution, then you are a FOOL..."

Your showing your true colors, champ. Careful, your mask is slipping off. And you sound just like the other mindless and/or zionist trolls- staring straight ahead and chanting the party line, ignoring everything, addressing nothing, but calling names and mocking.

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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"If those people are such rat-bastard evil pieces of slime as you believe who are capable of such a horribly despicable act unparalled in modern civilization then why aren't you scared as hell that they may decide to silence loudmouths such as yourself?"

Fortunately there have always been what you call "loudmouths" throughout history, and if it wasn't for them tyranny would always have its way.

A coward dies a thousand deaths, a brave man only once.

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Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
"If those people are such rat-bastard evil pieces of slime as you believe who are capable of such a horribly despicable act unparalled in modern civilization then why aren't you scared as hell that they may decide to silence loudmouths such as yourself?"

Fortunately there have always been what you call "loudmouths" throughout history, and if it wasn't for them tyranny would always have its way.

A coward dies a thousand deaths, a brave man only once.


Sorry, didn't mean to use "loudmouth", blowhard would have been more accurate (j/k). I don't agree that a coward dies a thousand deaths, everybody gets one life, one death, no exceptions. How about:

"discretion is the better part of valor."


JAXVID, I like certain peoples moxy on this topic but I just wanted to thank you for your clarity on certain points. Its nice to know there are some other logical posters on this site. Im not saying other posters here havent brought up some good stuff that does make me think but in my best conclusion its just a lot of smoke and mirrors. Then again I may be wrong.


Nov 28, 2009
JAXVID, I like certain peoples moxy on this topic but I just wanted to thank you for your clarity on certain points. Its nice to know there are some other logical posters on this site. Im not saying other posters here havent brought up some good stuff that does make me think but in my best conclusion its just a lot of smoke and mirrors. Then again I may be wrong.
The only "smoke and mirrors" conclusion is the official government version as only they have the power to do this. On the converse, the only ones displaying any logic are the ones questioning the official version.
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