Biased NFL Announcers

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Al Michaels came up with a beauty during tonight's St. Louis-Tampa game, when Rams safety Adam Archuleta made a great strip of the ball from Michael Pittman, picked it up and ran 93 yards for a touchdown. During a replay, Michaels described Archuleta as "rumbling."

"Rumbling" is generally used by announcers when a 315-pound defensive lineman picks up a ball and trys to run with it, or when a slow player in general whether on offense or defense (usually white) is running.Think "rumbling, stumbling, bumbling," made famous by Chris Berman on ESPN's Prime Time. It's hardly a complimentary description of a player's ability to move.

Archuleta has 4.4 speed. Even though he was a linebacker at Arizona State he is still one of the fastest safeties in the NFL. If you saw the play you know Archuleta was motoring -- no one was gonna catch him. "Rumbling" he wasn't.
Oct 19, 2004
West Virginia
I am so sick of hearing announcers for football and basketball games denigrating white athletes. Am glad to have found this site. Keep up the great work, it's sorely needed. Edited by: right winger


Oct 21, 2004
One of the most irritating things about sports announcers is the way
they refer to so many black athletes by their first names. You know;
"Michael," "Magic," "Kareem,""Tiger," etc. This is when they're
not giving them some loving, ridiculous nickname, like "Dr. J.," "Sir
Charles," "T-Mac," T.O.," "A-Rod," "KGB,"Prime Time," etc. Can you
think of any white players who have ever been referred to by their
first names only? Even the most successful white athletes of the
last 25 years or so have not been christened with nicknames by the
anti-white media. Joe Montana? Dan Marino? John Elway? Larry
Bird? No nicknames. The double standard is obvious.
Oct 16, 2004
My "favorite" example of bias the last few weeks is the
treatment given to over-rated punk Michael Vick. He gets
sacked ... and the announcers stammer about this is "... good
for him, helping him learn how to handle being in the pocket,"
blah blah blah. The fact is, Vick froze. One look, he runs. But
there was nowhere to run, and he can't seem to get beyond
taking his one look. Pow. If he were White, they'd be wondering
why he wasn't aware of his surroundings, how he missed an
open man, and so on. I have seen this kid gloves treatment of
a sack hammered Vick two weeks in a row.


Vick sucks!!!!! he can't read defenses and he runs after his second progression, LMAO!!! he has no accuracy whatsoever. what good is his cannon arm with no accuracy??? you could take any Rb in the league that runs a 4.3 or 4.2 like Vick and put him at QB and get the same results. he's a RB playing QB.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Speaking of Vick being like a runing back, I was watching the Falcons/Lions game and the announcers were raving about Vick (as usual) after he scrambled for a big gain. One of the announcers slipped and said that Vick is so good it's like having Barry Saunders at QB, on the very next play Vick throws an interception, the other announcer (to his credit) noted that Barry wasn't a very good QB.


he has no smarts (big surprise, lol)</font> he has no poise in the pocket, heck, he doesn't stay in the pocket!!! that's the safest place for a QB. the best QB's didn't make a name running the ball, they passed it, that's what a QB does. the media whores have no spine whatsoever!!!! just say the guy sucks and he should play RB, or WR or CB.....simple.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Great observation about the black guys being known only by their first names while whites never are.

Here's another one -- LeBron. He's still a teenager yet has already been granted first-name-only recognition. Of course James was also signed to more than $80 million in corporate endorsements before he even inked his first NBA contract. It couldn't be that thesystem has a vested interest in building up black athletes over white ones now could it?


Larry Bird pissed me off when he said he felt insulted when the other team put a white guy on him. he then said the NBA needs more white superstars because most fans are white. then he said basketball is a black man's game.


Oct 21, 2004
How did I forget Lebron? His
counterpart, Carmello Anthony, is not known as Carmello; the lame,
wanna-be comedians at ESPN had to shorten that to the even more lovable

The only white athlete I can think of over the past 20 years or so, who
had a nickname and tried to be what every black athlete is- brash, loud
and arrogant- was Brian Bosworth. Unfortunately for "the Boz," this
isn't permitted in Don King's America. How can we ever forget Bo
Jackson running through Bosworth's tackle on Monday Night Football?
This highlight has been shown over and over again, to reinforce an
image they want to reinforce. I recall being incensed at the time that
such a big deal was being made about a play that wasn't spectacular or
out of the ordinary at all. Still, "Bo" (and yes, it was always just
his first name) was in the midst of a major media overhype campaign, so
anything he did was blown all out of proportion. Bosworth joined the
handful of other white athletes who refused to hang their head and know
their place, like Danny Ainge, Bill Laimbeer and Mark Gastineau, and he
paid for that with lots of bad press. The only whites in sports
who are allowed to be gregarious (and sometimes outrageous) are the
ridiculous coaches, like Bobby Knight and, Bill Parcells.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Brian Bosworth was truly despised in his day. That Bo Jackson play happens in every NFL game --a guy with a full head of steam knocks a defender backwards. Big deal.

BTW, one of my favorite movies is "Stone Cold" starring Bosworth and Lance Henricksen. It's a biker film made in 1991 that is the most pro-white movie I've ever seen. Nothing overt, but if you haven't seen it, watch it and you'll know what I mean. Also, it's incredibly politically incorrect in that the entire Mississippi Supreme Court is slaughtered at the end along with various other politicians, law enforcement, etc. The premium cable networks run itperiodically.


Oct 19, 2004
They also call Lebron James "Bron Bron". And I'm
pretty sure he wears a "What Would James Do?"
bracelet. And he just had a child out of wedlock.
Surprise surprise!
Oct 16, 2004
Good point about Bo and Bosworth, Don. Back in the day, I knew that Bosworth was despised for being a "free-spirited" white. A guy running full tilt knocking down a guy standingstill is no big deal. But since it was a black hitting a media despised white - oh, it becomes one of the "most memorable" plays ever.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
This one goes under the category of biased NBA announcers rather than NFL announcers. Bill Walton actually called San Antonio's Brent Barry an "excellent athlete" during the game tonight. But then came the qualifier -- "you'd never know it by looking at him 'cause he's so thin and frail looking."

"Thin and frail"??? Strange, because when I look at him I see an extremely well-conditioned looking basketball player who appears to have about 3% body fat.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I have the 1996 Slam Dunk Contest on tape which Brent Barry won with not 1 but 2 dunks from the free throw line!The only other guys to dunk from the line in a dunk
contest are Dr. J and Jordan.If you watch their dunks and
Barry's Dunks,Brent took off from farther back than both
of them.Brent even had his warm up jacket on in the dunk
contest.How's that for a swagger.In the rookie all star
game that year,I have him on tape also doing the most amazing dunks in a game that you will ever see.Brent is
a complete player but his only downfall is that he is
too unselfish.He should shoot more as he has a outstanding 3 point shot.Also,yes Donwas he is a amazingly conditioned athlete but since he's not black,
you probably won't hear the media say it.


Oct 19, 2004
"Thin and frail" is a total joke. There are plenty of
athletic players in the NBA who are super thin. Kevin
Garnett, Kirilenko, and Darius Miles come to mind.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
During one of the recent playoff games I happened to tune in and hear Dan Diedorf blustering about the lack of black head coaches. Seems there was a co-ordinator for one of the teams who was black. Dan decided to deviate from the game and express profound displeasure at the fact the black was not yet a head coach being in the league a certain amount of years.

Of course media shills don't mindwhen deserving white guys get passed over, such as Fritz Schurmer who died a while back never getting an opportunity to be the head man. Dan doesn't seem to mind that in order to placate the black a white prospect must be denied. But that is okay of course, for that's progress.

Well, I would like to ask Dan a question? Whydoesn't heand Berman and Michaels and Kornheiser and otherssimply vacate their positions allowing room for black aspirants? These fellows love to be magnanimous because they are in positions of security. It is so easy to tell the lowly guy eeking out a living that he must pay the penalty. Nobody cares about the plight of hard working shmucks who lose their jobs to those having lesser or no abilities.

Hipocrites! Actions speak louder than words. If you really believe what you say.. .then resign and campaign for more blacks taking YOUR places. Just think how noble you would look. You're all rich, fat and sassy. Why must a scrubby ol assistant coach be passed over to satisfy your whims? We've seen enough of your whiny faces.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Good post Bart! I remember hearing Teardorf gush about Doug Williams back in 88. He seems to have a long term diharea-like problem when it comes to praising blacks. I'm fed up with it too, and believe me, if they were being replaced by a black guy, they'd clam up tighter than a drum out of fear.


Dec 9, 2004
Dan Dinkdorf is a long-time butt-kisser as well as a controversy seeker.I remember a fight between Tommy Morrison and Joe Hipp in 1992 and he was doing the play-by-play.Hipp is Native-American and Dinkdorf was pulling for Joe to win the fight.late in the fight they showed a shot of Joe's wife and Dinkdorf is just gushing about what goodpeople the Hipp's are.He just met them too.Anyway's Morrison won on a 9th round TKO to shut Dinkdorf up.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
He is very annoying, and I was so glad when they took him off Monday Nights. They need to hire Rush for that job, then the ratings may go back up. Of course, that won't happen, because he's unbiased about sports, which means he tells the truth, which means he's politically incorrect, etc. etc.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Bart makes a good point and a good post. Every job that is earmarked for a minority is one more white person that loses a chance at a job they deserve. True in sports and everyday life.

I am so tired of companies that brag about their minority hiring, all it says to me is more white guys getting screwed. I'll be damned if I will let someone cheer for persons of their own race getting ahead and yet I'm expected not to care about my own. I interviewed recently at a company and the HR person sat there and told me how "diverse" they were and how they intentially hire people of various ethnic backgrounds. I sat there thinking "this guy must think I am the dumbest white guy in the world. Here he is telling me that he intentionally screws white people and I'm supposed to be happy about it!" Yeah thats a place I want to work! They offered me a job. I refused.