Another terrorist attack in France

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel



His brother:



Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
the number of people killed in this attack will be 115 according to sources close to the police
what stopped the truck was actually the many bodyparts that were stuck in it's wheels
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Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
the french state is involved in a scandal regarding these attacks, because high ranking politicians have lied about how many security and police officers were in nice to protect the people gathered on bastille day
as always, the ones who have exposed the lies are the people who are even more leftist than the leftist government, through the various newspapers that they dominate
since there are no right wing media in france don't expect anything to come from the right

anyways, their lies have been exposed, and their answer was to formally ask the city of nice to destroy all the video evidence of the terrorist attack :

welcome to the sovietic republic of france


Dec 29, 2019
Compared to the rest of Western Europe, French people as a whole tend to lean to the left politically, embrace racial equality, feminism, gay rights and so on. Basically what I am saying is that the majority of White French are hardcore wiggers, unapologetic leftists and blatant feminists. I believe this is part of the reason why Muslims keep attacking French people. Other than Scandinavia, France is certainly the most left leaning in Europe. I mean Jesus Christ just look at their soccer team, packed with Negroes and the White French think thats normal and applaud their Negro heroes.

Its never ok to kill people but having said that France is the worst Europe has to offer culturally. Moreover, quite frankly I find it extremely hard to relate to the common Frenchman, who at his core is an uncompromising liberal. These people have never been a help to our cause to begin with.[/QUOTE

You say that France's soccer team is "packed with Negroes and the White French think that's normal and applaud their Negro heroes."

What do you think white Americans do? Down here in the Southern USA you see it every Saturday of college football season. Alabama Crimson Tide fans, who are supposed to resent black culture so much, love their black football players, go wild every time they make a good play. Same thing everywhere else, even in the NFL. You may call the French liberal (and they are) but what about all these white Trump voters that go nuts for their black football stars? No different from the French in that regard.


Hall of Famer
Jul 20, 2018
Agreed @shamrock supposedly"racist" Southern White's love their SEC Football and Their Black Super Heroes.

Cracks me up when I was down South for a couple years, They could recognize my Yankee accent yet worship their coal black SEC teams lol.


Dec 27, 2019
Agreed @shamrock supposedly"racist" Southern White's love their SEC Football and Their Black Super Heroes.

Cracks me up when I was down South for a couple years, They could recognize my Yankee accent yet worship their coal black SEC teams lol.

I remember Flint saying that the southern head coaches think blacks are primitive savages but much better athletes in every case. I think that many people with views that are called racist may think blacks are better athletes due to them being primitive, savage or dumb, E.G. mother nature has not endowed them well in the mental aspect but in compensation gifted them superior physical traits, I am not a leftist but this is a common view among the right and far right, certain people such as HBD researcher Rushton went as far as manipulating and cherry-picking data to legitimize this view.

For example from the Occidental Observer (NSFW):

"Rushton incorrectly reported the data on testicle size, ignoring at least two sources which indicated that not only East Asians, but also Africans, have smaller testicles than whites. In a coauthored paper from 1987, Rushton even blithely dismissed the evidence that Africans have smaller testicles than Europeans as “contrary to the general trend.”"

I think manipulating data to make whites look inferior physically against blacks won't actually make you palatable to the left or general public but. :nusenuse:
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Dec 29, 2019
Agreed @shamrock supposedly"racist" Southern White's love their SEC Football and Their Black Super Heroes.

Cracks me up when I was down South for a couple years, They could recognize my Yankee accent yet worship their coal black SEC teams lol.

I grew up an Alabama fan in the 1960s when Bear Bryant's all-white teams were the scourge of college football. How I loved those great teams, but the national press was crucifying the Crimson Tide for not integrating their football team. Yet in spite of all the media pressure, Bama kept winning with their "little boys" as Bryant called them (they were often significantly outweighed by every team they played, but by golly those little white boys were quicker than lightning and they hit hard as hell). And the more the media got onto them, the more you loved their amazing winning ways and national championships (1961, 64, 65, unbeaten in 66). But by about the 1980s, when the Tide began playing more blacks than whites, I quit caring about them. My kind of people now no longer played for Alabama, and I couldn't give a damn less about the teams from then on or today.

Tell you a funny story, Bucky. Some hardcore southerners still are a bit reluctant to befriend northerners, especially in rural areas. When my wife and I bought a house from a fellow in rural southeast Alabama, the fellow that sold us his house, knowing I was from Mobile said, "Thank goodness I was able to sell it to a southerner instead of a damn yankee!" Since my wife, unbeknownst to him was from Michigan, I couldn't wait to spring it on him. "My wife," I said quietly, "is from Michigan." Well he turned about three shades of red and stammered, "Well, you know, there are some GOOD yankees."

My wife and I still laugh about that one.