"A Day in the Life of Jews" - for $1000 Alex!


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina

Jewish "talent" and "love" and "tolerance" will be the first installment.



Bad Religion's logo has been referred to by fans as the "Crossbuster". It features a black cross with a red prohibition sign over it. It was created by guitarist Brett Gurewitz by drawing it on a piece of paper and showing it to the rest of the band. They supposedly thought it would be a good way to annoy their parents. In the live documentary Along the Way, frontman Greg Graffin claimed to regret choosing that as their symbol because it may put off a lot of religious people who he feels could benefit from listening to Bad Religion. When bassist Jay Bentley was asked about it in the same documentary he claimed it was symbol meant to "piss off our parents" and that it was "something easy to put on t-shirts and for kids to spray paint on walls" and that when people ask him what it means he says "whatever you think it means". Guitarist Greg Hetson claims in the documentary that it stands for anti-establishment.

The Crossbuster caused controversy in Russia when a religious group found a shop in Moscow selling Bad Religion posters. Items like these can no longer be sold in Russia.

Such "tolerant" Jewboys.


In God We Trust, Inc., Plastic Surgery Disasters and Alternative Tentacles Records

With Peligro's propulsive drums behind the band, 1981's In God We Trust, Inc. EP saw them moving toward full on hardcore/thrash. In addition to the EP's controversial artwork depicting a gold Christ figure on a cross of dollar bills, the lyrics contained Biafra's most biting social and political commentary yet, and songs such as "Moral Majority", "Nazi Punks f**k Off!" and "We've Got A Bigger Problem Now" put the DKs on the map as the leaders of a social movement, while "Dog Bite", a cover version of Rawhide and various joke introductions showed a much more whimsical side. The following year (1982) they released a full album, Plastic Surgery Disasters. The album's cover features a withered starving African child's hand being held and dwarfed by a white man's hand. This picture won the World Press Photo award in 1980, and was taken in Karamoja district in Uganda by Mike Wells.

Why don't these "cool" and "hip" boys move to mother Africa? Seriously, I can't comprehend why no MAN stood up and bashed these little punks tiny brains to oblivion. There are other vile things at the link.

With little boys running amok, permanent children, society just isn't right. They "sing" about violence and gore and body parts, but I don't think they'd be up for the challenge if a real man stood up, no siree.


The ...And You? album cover was a source of some controversy, since it was lifted from a World War II Nazi recruiting poster. It was not the first time members of the band (most of whom, ironically, were Jewish) had been associated with charges of this sort since Go Girl Crazy had featured the songs "Master Race Rock" and "Back to Africa."

I don't think it's ironic. Jewboys just trying to be "clever".. and hey, they'd gladly take the money from some kid that doesn't know what's going on. Look at the band name... They are probably trying to make dictators' synonymous with White men.


Whats The Verdict & Sex and Drugs and Jesus Christ

Without a drummer,[citation needed] the band went into the studio to record "Sex and Drugs and Jesus Christ" and its associated single What's The verdict, released in 1988.The single failed to capitalise on the gains made by Church Of No Return after the label accidentally pressed it with the wrong rough mix version as the A-side.[citation needed] The album cover and T-shirt depicted the image of Jesus shooting heroin.

I remember Pat Robertson talking about this numerous times.

American Inquisition

American Inquisition is so far the latest studio release by Christian Death. Released in 2007, the album is a critique of American society and the role of religion in society. Its cover depicted a tortured prisoner of the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq being burnt on a cross, in front of the American flag.

"Ironically" - one of these vicious haters offed himself. He was apparently from a Baptist background.


We need to stay strong. We can fight these vile beings!


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
My "Not bad for a Jewess" list. Feel free to critique it! This 2nd installment shall be short.


I wasn't a fan of the show "ER" - but I'd say that she did an excellent job in her role.


I don't really consider her a Jewess. I like her.


Father a Quaker and mother a Jewess. She inherited the big schnoz, but she was pretty in "The Whole Nine Yards" (2000).

She married a Jew, sad...


Yes, she is leftist garbage, but genetically speaking, she looks pure Germanic to me. I watch the "Ghost Whisperer" occasionally, and she looks 100% White.


She looks very Jewy now, but she didn't strike me as particularly Jewy when she was younger. Perhaps, aging makes a Jewesses "Jewishness" burst out? Seems so..


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
3rd Round. If they didn't have Jewish blood, they wouldn't be allowed anywhere near a TV show or movie set.


She has aged really fast. Her voice is truly awful in "The Closer" - making it unwatchable. She also plays a masculine character. Memo to Turner Broadcasting: Please NO MORE bastardized Southern accents!


Does she even take a shower? If she was to enter pornography, no one would ask - "Hey, what's that Hollywood lady doing in this industry"...


Boring. Boring. Boring.


She looks truly awful in "Medium" and, in my view, she can't act worth a lick.


"Blossom".. Nuff said.


This is a hybrid, Diana Ross' half Jewish daughter. She is neurotic and crazy and has huge eyes. "Girlfriends" is another horrible Afro-centric TV show.


I'm conflicted about this. I once had a crush on her that lasted 2 days. Has anyone else had a moment of weakness while viewing her?


Apr 6, 2007
Are you obsessed with the tribe? Or just their women folk?


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Menelik said:
Are you obsessed with the tribe? Or just their women folk?

I had to leave previously..

To try to answer your question, women are judged more by how they look compared to men. The reason some people think 100% of actresses are Jewish, is because it's the rare one that isn't! I am certainly going to post more "Jewboys" on this thread.

For the record, I wish there was a gameshow called "Name that Jew!"... I don't care that it would have to be "underground" and aired through the internet. It would be subversive and educational.

If I was a contestant, I would likely get my ass-kicked because I would need to do A LOT of brushing-up about specifics regarding Jewish "comedians" and musicians. TV shows would probably be my strongsuit. Jon Scheyer is "Jewish Jordan" - according to fellow tribeman Doug Gottlieb. The cat is "officially" out of the bag. We now need "Name that Jew" - which would be layed-out like "Jeopardy!"


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
"Bizzarro World"

Jews really are shysters.. Notice how "Gods Chosen" have a near monopoly on "psychic-abilities?" Dare I ask... Why did the "Holocaust" have to happen then?!!

Sylvia Brown, who appeared on the Montel Williams show a million times, often doing "predictions" - is such a fraud. Then you have the Jew, with the Dutch name, that's the inspiration for the show "Ghost Whisperer." And then there's Shar... ALL THREE of them have appeared on Larry King's show multiple times. Just WOW! The GOY better wise up!


LaVey's third and final companion was Blanche Barton. Barton and LaVey are the parents of Satan Xerxes Carnacki LaVey, born November 1, 1993. She succeeded as the head of the Church after his death, and has since stepped down from that role and handed the reins of power to Magus Peter H. Gilmore.

Anton LaVey died on October 29, 1997, in St. Mary's Medical Center in San Francisco of pulmonary edema.[10] He was taken to St. Mary's, a Catholic hospital, because it was the closest available. For reasons open to speculation, the time and date of his death was incorrectly (by two days) listed as the morning of Halloween on his death certificate. His daughter Zeena Schreck claimed responsibility for LaVey's death through putting a ritual curse on him.

Could the blossoming Satan be the anti-Christ? Could the anti-Christ be of a Jewish background, afterall? (rather than a Muslim or Central European as is claimed..) Stay tuned!


Her voice is obnoxious! It's no surprise that this manly "woman" is a dyke. Wake up goy! Stop succumbing to these shysters!


She was on the Jewish list, and I do believe that she has Jewish blood (her nose is almost groidian). She's a freak and leftist, and she's turning our young women into freaks. Sorry, I'm not into females with tats or excessive piercings. Women who butcher themselves sicken me!


What an uber-loser. I wonder if we are even supposed to know that he's Jewish? Does ESPN really think that White American men are going to "strive" to be that weak? Bizarre..


Even deaf Jews are leftists. If you think I'm being "cold" - I can assure you that I'm not. On the other hand, I'm not exactly PC either..

You can read what makes her a lefty by clicking on the link. Anyway, her role in "Jericho" was ridiculous. She played the strong White man's (a farmer) sister, and they look completely DIFFERENT. He had all-American good looks and rugged determination, while she is a pure Jewess, very visibly so.

They could have found a deaf Gentile women for the role, and quite a few are pretty and very good/sweet people, but they just wanted to give a Jewess a paycheck. Being deaf is not the worst thing, and I think that the "stigma" has largely dissipated. What say you?


Nov 26, 2004
This can be fun stuff.

The founder and owner of the company that makes Bratz Dolls (which some argue promote an attitude of sluttiness among young girls) is an Iranian Jew. He was only described as 'Iranian' during a 60 Minutes profile. "...Came to America with 50 cents in his pocket and now he's playing volleyball with his Iranian buds in the backyard of his Bel Air mansion..." And his bud were Jewish as well. Beverly Hills High School is at least 40% Iranian, virtually all of whom are Jewish.

This might help to explain the negative popular image that's been created about Iran. But they can't say, 'We left Iran because the Mullahs didn't think Jews should have so much wealth and influence.' So instead the story is, 'The Iranian government is just awful to its citizens. We should bomb them.'

Pink is Jewish. Well, her father is. Pink was angry at Michael Vick.

Julianne Margulies was raised by her single mother, who converted to Christianity when Margulies was a pre-teen.

Billy Joel's family was Jewish and converted to Christinity before Joel was born. Catholic girls start too late.

Pro wrestler Dallas Diamond Page is Jewish.

J.D. Salinger's ('Catcher in the Rye') mother was Scotch-Irish. She 'passed' as Jewish after marrying an importer of kosher cheese.

Frank Zappa was of Arab Christian stock. Did a song satirizing Jewish girls, which was different from the Valley Girl song, which may have been satirizing Jewish girls as well.

The original lyrics to the Siouxsie and the Banshee's song 'Love in a Void' included 'Too many fat Jews for my liking'. Later changed to 'Too many fat bankers for my liking'. Wore a swastika arm band for at least one performance. Later Siouxsie Sioux claimed to be part Jewish.

Roz Williams of Christian Death was a talented artist who was largely responsible for the Death Rock subgenre of goth. Goth is interesting because it is several light years removed from the 'white guy trying to sound black' prototype of popular music.

Hebrew Jello Biafra was beat down several years ago by a group of 'crusties' who somehow didn't see him as a venerated elder of punk rawk. Instead he was just another well-fed poser lecturing about proper attitudes.

Norman Jewison (director of 'In the Heat of the Night') isn't Jewish. Not a convert or anything either.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Deadlift said:
For the record, I wish there was a gameshow called "Name that Jew!"... I don't care that it would have to be "underground" and aired through the internet. It would be subversive and educational.

I remember a skit on Saturday Night Live, probably at least 15 years ago, called "Jew or Not a Jew?" Tom Hanks was the only one whose background I recall being probed (not a Jew). SNL was conceived and has been directed from its inception by Lorne Michaels (Jew), and a good portion of the cast through the years has been Jewish, no surprise since "comedy" is one of many Jewish monopolies. (Is Chevy Chase Jewish? I've never gotten the definitive answer on him.)

The infantile Adam Sandler, who in this utterly warped society makes $20 million per movie as one of America's leading "leading men" [sic], had a popular and amusing "Chanukah" song naming various Jewish celebrities. Lyrics: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/adamsandler/thechanukasong.html


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Jewish Wisdom - What is a Goy?


AntiChrist Teachings in the Talmud


What Famous Men Have to Say about Jews


Top 10 Racist Jewish Outbursts



Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Can't people go to Stormfront for anti-jewish rantings? Why all of this here?


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
A few CFers have asked, "Why do people that look like us.. hate us?"

What exactly is "anti-jewish rantings?" The Catholic man quoted the Jews own books. The "Famous White men" video talked about how the Jew wages war against every Gentile society that they inhabit. Rather mild material, but informative, with some very critical passages.

There's some "explicit" material on youtube, with swearing and vileness, and I wouldn't post those here, and I don't think that those videos are superior, anyhow...
Nov 8, 2006
Until you recognize the jewish problem you're just looking at symptoms. Anyone who honestly researches the jewish question is forced to come to the same conclusion: they are the enemies of Western culture.

A good start for people who think these are just Whites with bigger noses would be to type "jew" and "pornography" into google.
Oct 24, 2005
I was with friends at a comic book convention years ago. In the movie, Airplane, the thinnest book in the world is "Great Jewish athletes." We suggested that the another thin book would be "Gentiles in the Comic Book industry." Some of the people we thought were gentiles turned out to be Jews. The only gentiles I can think of are Denny O'Neil, Carmine Infantano, Archie Goodwin, and Roy Thomas- and I could be wrong about this.
I just recently found out that Rod Sterling was Jewish. That surprised me. The twilght zone never seemed jewish.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Deadlift said:
A few CFers have asked, "Why do people that look like us.. hate us?"

What exactly is "anti-jewish rantings?" The Catholic man quoted the Jews own books. The "Famous White men" video talked about how the Jew wages war against every Gentile society that they inhabit. Rather mild material, but informative, with some very critical passages.

There's some "explicit" material on youtube, with swearing and vileness, and I wouldn't post those here, and I don't think that those videos are superior, anyhow...

I think there are very few CF's here who don't understand the jewish problem. But is it really necessary to list every single "jewess" and all of the other jews that control the media? I don't see how that fits into Castefootball. I understand the discussion of how jewish interests are harmful to white interests and agree with it. I don't mind discussions of Germany during WWII, however to go on and on about it....

And BTW most of this has been posted here before MANY times over the years. I would just list the applicable websites and let whoever is not aware find out for themselves.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Gentlemen...FYI, Don's American Nationalist Union (ANU.org) site has a Discussion Forum that includes a "Zionism" sub-forum for those who're interested.

ANU Discussion Forum - "Zionism" Section

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
screamingeagle said:
I just recently found out that Rod Sterling was Jewish. That surprised me. The twilght zone never seemed jewish.

There were several episodes that were particularly Cultural Marxist. Plenty of White people were outraged by this 1963 episode - "He's Alive!"

Why were Americans being associated with Hitler? It's "odd" to say the least. At the end, Serling's narration was blatantly "pro-Minority" and meant to induce White guilt. In typical PTB style, it was a "one-sided" view of race. It's deeply condescending.


HE'S ALIVE - 01/24/63
Written by: Rod Serling
Director: Stuart Rosenberg
Cast: Dennis Hopper, Ludwig Donath, Curt Conway, Howard Caine,
Barnaby Hale, Paul Mazursky, Bernard Pein, Jay Adler

(There were a few excellent quotes, though.)

Peter Vollmer: "If it's the minority opinion, that we HAVE to SURVIVE, then we are the minority!... WE are the MINOOORIIIITTY!!!"

The enemy tries to use our language against us, play with words, so turn-about is smart.

Peter Vollmer: "Ernst, I'm made of steel. No softness. Just purpose and will!"

Elderly Magic Jew: "Then shoot, kill, destroy me..."

Elderly Magic Jew: (After being shot I think) "Yes, Peter. You are steel. But you have no heart."

Having Mr. Vollmer kill the magic one was an incredibly stupid part of the script, but the Jew couldn't resist putting that into their morality play. It simply HAD to be that way. That's how the Jewish mind operates.

They couldn't have Peter Vollmer kill a pornographer, whose only goal in life was to exploit vulnerable Gentile women, and strip their souls bare in the process. That's their driving force. According to them, Whites are cattle afterall.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
The Chevy Chase "question" is a good one. He's a rabid leftist, nonetheless.


Return to television

Chase guest-starred as an anti-Semitic murder suspect in "In Vino Veritas", the November 3, 2006 episode of Law & Order. He also guest-starred in the ABC drama series Brothers & Sisters in two episodes as a former love interest of Sally Field's character. Chase appeared in a prominent recurring role as villainous software magnate Ted Roark on the NBC spy-comedy Chuck. In 2009, Chase and Dan Aykroyd provided voices for the Family Guy episode "Spies Reminiscent of Us."

OY! It's not that uncommon for blacks and browns to murder Jews in various places (Florida, Jersey, DC, Maryland, New York) - but you won't see an episode of (F)Law & Order where the "anti-Semite" is brown or black.

Has there EVER been a black or brown "anti-Semite" in a show or movie? I'm not talking about a Farrakhan-type, but rather a lower-level operator?

On September 18, 2008, Chase appeared on Howard Stern's show on Sirius XM Radio. Chase was a guest and gave a raucous toast at the wedding of Howard Stern and Beth Ostrosky on October 3, 2008.[15]

Chase is a registered Democrat, and is an outspoken liberal. He endorsed President Barack Obama on his appearance on The Howard Stern Show on September 18, 2008.

Chase is an active environmentalist and charity fundraiser. He raised money and campaigned for Bill Clinton in the 1990s and John Kerry in the 2004 Presidential Election. Following the 2004 elections, Chase criticized President George W. Bush during a speech at a People For the American Way benefit at the Kennedy Center, referring to the President as an "uneducated, real lying schmuck" and a "dumb f**k". Event organizers and several Bush detractors present at the event distanced themselves from Chase's comments, with Norman Lear remarking, "he'll live with it, I won't."[16]

I'm leaning towards him having some Jewish ancestry..

Here's a link with multiple pictures: http://www.movieactors.com/actors/chevychase.htm

A tough nut, indeed!

Edited by: Deadlift


Nov 25, 2004
jaxvid said:
Can't people go to Stormfront for anti-jewish rantings? Why all of this here?

I agree. I enjoy our discussions (or all out arguements) on specific things with Jewish involvement such as WWII, but this thread doesn't really seem to serve a purpose - it's too vague and already common knowledge to us. No offense, Deadlift, but these type of threads are so common on other sites that it kind of has a diluted purpose on this site. No, I don't care if anyone is offended by the thread, but it is the kind of thing that can get a site administrator to have to pull the monitor card out.

There was a chance for a focused thread, for example, if it had been just about Jewish Pop/Culture stars anti-Christians symbols and rantings. But the thread just wanders on into naming a bunch of Jewish Hollyweirds - a listing that is easily found even on Wikipedia. Suggestion: dump the thread and come back with something with more direction/focus. Edited by: Kaptain Poop


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Stormfront has a crime thread.. CF has a crime thread.. Should the CF version be deleted?

If I'm not creating multiple threads, thereby clogging up this board (i.e. "spamming"), then I dunno what's wrong..

I guess that no one could tell that I was using some "schtick" with some of the Jews I posted. I think I posted way less wiki links than what is implied.

I understand, that since this is cyberspace, no one knows what my intentions are, but I WASN'T going to post 100's of links from A-Z. I agree that, if I was to do that, that would be border-line spamming.

Oct 24, 2005
I guess I haven't seen all the eps of the twilight zone. One day I will shell out the money of the complete seasons. He was from upstate New York, and with a name like Sterling, I thought he was Scottish. Some eps look like something only a brooding Scotsman could have made up.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
I would say that most episodes were harmless, but here's another that was anti-White (that was then made more anti-White in the 1983 TZ movie)

Four horror/science-fiction segments directed by four of Hollywood's famous directors based on TV's most popular anthology series, bookened by a funny and scary prologue and epilogue. In the first story (a vague remake of the Twilight Zone episode "A Quality of Mercy"), a loud-mouthed bigoted businessman with an intense hatred for Jews, blacks, and Asians, gets the tables turned on him when he walks out a bar and is inexplicably transported back in time to being pursued by Nazis in 1940's France, then as an African-American at a KKK rally in the 1950s Deep South, and as a Vietnamese in 1960s Vietnam.



It takes a thousand Germans to get ONE man!!


At least a negro threw the grenade!


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
DL, look at how the Hollyweirdos dismiss the justifiable anger & valid points of this eeeevil White man. Then (of course) the default utilization of the trusty NSGWP reference to "teach this "bigot" his lesson", etc. Of course...followed by the wicked Whites who stood for our race in the Klan. Finally, he's aboard a train headed for the "Hollowhoax". Typical "left turn" by Hollyweird tribesman (Serling & Landis).

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
a better question is why this can't be discussed here?


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Dixie says,

-Finally, he's aboard a train headed for the "Hollowhoax"-

Yep, the Jewish Supremacists would love to put us in the cattle-cars, simply for being White. They don't even hide their intentions, or their deep-hatred for us!

In their twisted minds, they would be "justified" in doing that.