20/20 John Stossell


May 13, 2006
Last night 20/20 with John Stossell did a report on Race and Sex: biases people have against others but don't like to talk about. Some interesting comments and the usual PC BS.

One study had a group of blacks and whites competing in a golf putting exercise. The researchers claimed that if beforehand they told the subjects this was a test of physical and athletic ability the blacks won. But if the researchers told the subjects that the exercise tested mental ability and intelligence, the whites did better.

A segment CF would like to way in on was about blacks and sports. They really pushed the athletically superior black concept here. Stossell claimed blacks make up 87% of the NBA, 75% of NFL players, and dominate American sports of baseball and boxing. He also added only 53 men had run sub 10 second 100 yard dashes: all African. They went further and compared West Africans with Kenyans; and denied the slave breeding programs as having any effect on today's athletes.

They had their white expert claiming blacks were just superior while their black experts denied this and said blacks just work harder. No mention of a caste system being in place, or any mention of Eastern Europeans in boxing. They did mention Steve Nash and the NBA (he was just an exception). They also claimed they asked numerous athletes to comment on the story but all refused except Carl Lewis. Overall, it was somewhat interesting and somewhat frustrating but if this website were to receive some MSM attention it could possibly come on a program like this looking for ratings.

LinkEdited by: Triad

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
What did Carl Lewis have to say?

I'm sure in all the show's pronouncements from on high about black athletic superiority, they didn't mention IQ or crime rates or anything like that, did they?

Sounds like they were trying to make it seem like some kind of cutting-edge un-PC show, but really people DO talk about all the stuff he mentioned, and in just the way show portrayed. If they wanted to be REALLY novel and un-PC, they'd have talked about white dominance in 99% of the world's sports other than the NFL and the NBA, black IQ, black propensity for violent crime, and so forth. Then we'd have had something.

Funny they didn't mention the top stars of the NBA getting bounced out of the gold medal round in international basketball.

Funny they didn't mention a white team winning the World Cup.

Funny they didn't mention white dominance of boxing's champions from lightweight to heavyweight.

Funny they didn't mention MMA and Fedor, Cro-cop, Liddell, Franklin, et al.

Funny they didn't mention power lifting.

Funny they didn't mention swimming.

Funny they didn't mention gymnastics.

Funny they didn't mention skiing, the decathlon, that the world's greatest triathletes are all white, they didn't mention international cycling, wrestling, judo, the high jump, the pole vault, the javelin toss, the shotput, the 110 meter hurdles (wasn't that guy Chinese?), the ultramarathon (100 milers!), I could go on, but I think you get the picture.

It is the height of American hubris to think that the only REAL athletes on the planet MUST play in the NFL and NBA.


May 13, 2006
White Shogun said:
What did Carl Lewis have to say?
I'm sure in all the show's pronouncements from on high about black athletic superiority, they didn't mention IQ or crime rates or anything like that, did they?

Carl Lewis credited his extremely long femurs for his track success.

They vaguely mentioned blacks and crime stereotypes in a beginning segment. The producers had 9-10 school kids look at 2 pictures and decide which looked mean or criminal. The first pic was an Arab (completed with beard, scar, scowl, and headdress). The second was a nice looking Asian guy smilimg in casual clothes.
The 2nd set showed a white guy and a black guy (Timothy McVeigh and a black Harvard professor). This demonstration was used to dispel crime stereotypes to the kids and the viewing public.

The black athlete segment was particularly ridiculous. It only perpetuated the myth of black superiority not debunked it as they did with the other stereotypes. Black superiority was acknowledged and they were simply looking for reasons why. Would have been a nice addition to have some CF guys debating some points on that segment.


Nov 25, 2004
Notice how they ended the show with a story of a former neo-nazi white supremacists converting to a love everybody guy - the final message being delivered as usual.

I also noticed how the show made every attempt to explain group differences in IQ as a side-effect of people's own prejudices. Then Stossel, a neo-con propagandist, tried hard to prove that group differences do in fact exists when it comes to athletic ability. There's John having his cake and eating it too again. For a truly alternate investigative view, they should have interviewed the moderator of caste football instead of obscure black college professors and athletic trainers.
In my younger years I used to think Stossel was actually good at investigating, but now I realize he's just really good at propaganda. His peice on teachers and the american workers being over-paid made me sick. Reminds me of George Karlins "obedient worker" line. Rant over.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I thought John Stossell was a libertarian. At least he was last time I paid attention to him. He's not a war supporter is he? Anyway a clue-less libertarian is just as bad as anyone else on race. I remember when I was a die hard Libertarian and the loony ideas I had on race and especially border security.


Nov 25, 2004
Jaxvid, your correct he has been described as a libertarian for some time. I just find that he seems to support a lot of the economic ideas of the current neo-cons in power. I have not heard his stance on the war. His recent controversial pieces so his leaning - I'll sum-up: global warming doesn't exist and if it does so what, pesticides in foods is not a concern, organic foods have just as much pesticides (proven false), Americans should work longer hours, teachers are over-paid, and oil companies are only responding market forces. I can't think of one thing he reported on that made the big business crooks we have running America today look bad. I guess that's why I called him a neocon.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Kaptain Poop said:
Jaxvid, your correct he has been described as a libertarian for some time. I just find that he seems to support a lot of the economic ideas of the current neo-cons in power. I have not heard his stance on the war. His recent controversial pieces so his leaning - I'll sum-up: global warming doesn't exist and if it does so what, pesticides in foods is not a concern, organic foods have just as much pesticides (proven false), Americans should work longer hours, teachers are over-paid, and oil companies are only responding market forces. I can't think of one thing he reported on that made the big business crooks we have running America today look bad. I guess that's why I called him a neocon.

Yes those are all libertarian viewpoints.

The idea that wages and labor are a free exchange between employer and employee.

Teachers salaries are subject to market influences and the glut of teachers has depressed their salaries.

Organic foods are a scam as is global warming, the science that backs them is all funded by people that stand to profit from worse case scenarios (usually the government).

However anti-war, or at lease anti American intervention is also a key libertarian view and I would imagine he is anti-war as are most libertarians because it is one of the few issues where they agree with the liberal media, so Stossell might get some support for that as he gets a lot of grief for the other stuff.

I usually agree with the guy myself. Except for the oil prices thing I think he's right for the most part.


Oct 19, 2004
jaxvid said:
Anyway a clue-less libertarian is just as bad as anyone else on race.

I totally agree. Libertarians can be very liberal when it comes to race. The cold hard truth is that no one agrees with us. We have no allies. Libertarians and most conservatives alike don't care about race. They only care about the "content" of an individual non-white person's character, regardless of overall group differences.

There are some people who are not WN's/ racialists whose work we can benefit from, like Buchanan and Lou Dobbs. Even if Stossel is right on some "non-racial" issues, he cannot be put in this category.


Oct 21, 2004
Stossel is about as libertarian as Bill Maher, who also claims to be one. Call him neo-con, but Stossel represents the new breed of "conservative" who truly appears to be out to conserve everything bad about our society. I don't know that much about him, but from what I've seen I'd wager that he supports all those "get tough, three-strikes-you're-out" kinds of nonsense from the law & order fanatics who want to give ever more power to our corrupt police forces. We know he supports the libertarian tendency to worship the almighty marketplace and would sneer at any notion of a living wage. Thus, he must certainly support unlimited immigration and loves explaining away the disappearance of the middle class by chanting about "jobs Americans won't do." I know he's been critical of the public schools for various reasons, but he is exrtemely unlikely to ever touch on all the pro-black propaganda they instill in the students. I don't imagine he'll ever come out against Black History Month. What passes for a "conservative" today basically boils down to someone who swears unquestioned allegiance to the flag, the police, the military, the marketplace, capital punishment and Israel. While they may criticize Farahkan (only because he specifically mentions jews in his anti-white rhetoric), they are often just as pro- immigrant and pro-black as any diversity-loving liberal.
Okay, enough ranting.


Nov 25, 2004
jaxvid said:
Yes those are all libertarian viewpoints.

The idea that wages and labor are a free exchange between employer and employee.

Teachers salaries are subject to market influences and the glut of teachers has depressed their salaries.

Organic foods are a scam as is global warming, the science that backs them is all funded by people that stand to profit from worse case scenarios (usually the government).

However anti-war, or at lease anti American intervention is also a key libertarian view and I would imagine he is anti-war as are most libertarians because it is one of the few issues where they agree with the liberal media, so Stossell might get some support for that as he gets a lot of grief for the other stuff.

I usually agree with the guy myself. Except for the oil prices thing I think he's right for the most part.

Yep, I agree with a free exchange between employer and employee if that actually exists these days. Just check the "free exchange" of labor running across our border.

Market influences for teachers? What would that be? Teachers salaries are generally determined by local taxpayers the majority of which do not have school-aged children. If we want unlicensed, unqualified teachers then I say destroy their union and cut their wages too - just don't complain about the education system. I taught at one time in my life without a license for 4 years - trust me there's plenty of demand for licensed teachers.

As far as Organic foods and global warming I fail to see how government benefits particularly considering that government is funded by big business. Check out the latest Ecoli bagged spinach fiasco. It came from city sewage being spread on large farms. A couple of weeks ago my dad, as simple township member, helped block the spread of sewage on farms in his township area. They had so-called experts that swore the sh*t was safe, and hey some farmers could save a buck or two. I guess if he was a true libetarian he would have said "Sounds like a great idea"! But instead the old man researched it himself and found out otherwise.

But go ahead - eat whatever you want. Not for me. I ate something sh*tty last year and it still affects me. Right now I'd say being careful about what you eat is pretty damn important.


Oct 21, 2004
Kaptain Poop,

I agree with you completely. I have many libertarian tendencies myself, but I will never understand their unswerving faith in big business. If we'd never had any government intervention in the sacred marketplace, we'd still have rampant child labor, mandantory 60 hour work weeks, no sick or vacation pay, no medical insurance, no pensions and no health or safety standards. This is not to say that governmental intervention is a good thing, because most of the time they intervene in the wrong way and make the situation worse. However, before the institution of the 40 hour work week and basic employee benefit packages, most working stiffs had a terrible time of it. My grandfather worked as a security guard 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, with absolutely no benefits. Well, his employer was kind enough to let him come home on Christmas day and have lunch with his family. Like so many others who had such an unhappy schedule, he drank heavily in his brief free time. Because he had no sick leave, he had to work up until a few weeks before he died, even though he was ravaged by cancer. His treatment by our marketplace was sinful, and his case was hardly uncommon. We all know how often CEOs and other members of upper management give themselves huge bonuses while those who slave for them get nothing (or even get laid off). Imho, most every wealthy corporate executive is incorrigibly corrupt and would work your children and mine to death in their coal mines or sweat shops if they could get away with it. They have no morals and their only goal is more personal profit.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
bigunreal said:
Kaptain Poop,

I agree with you completely. I have many libertarian tendencies myself, but I will never understand their unswerving faith in big business. If we'd never had any government intervention in the sacred marketplace, we'd still have rampant child labor, mandantory 60 hour work weeks, no sick or vacation pay, no medical insurance, no pensions and no health or safety standards. This is not to say that governmental intervention is a good thing, because most of the time they intervene in the wrong way and make the situation worse. However, before the institution of the 40 hour work week and basic employee benefit packages, most working stiffs had a terrible time of it. My grandfather worked as a security guard 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, with absolutely no benefits. Well, his employer was kind enough to let him come home on Christmas day and have lunch with his family. Like so many others who had such an unhappy schedule, he drank heavily in his brief free time. Because he had no sick leave, he had to work up until a few weeks before he died, even though he was ravaged by cancer. His treatment by our marketplace was sinful, and his case was hardly uncommon. We all know how often CEOs and other members of upper management give themselves huge bonuses while those who slave for them get nothing (or even get laid off). Imho, most every wealthy corporate executive is incorrigibly corrupt and would work your children and mine to death in their coal mines or sweat shops if they could get away with it. They have no morals and their only goal is more personal profit.

Firstly the coporate entity is a government creation. in a free society the protections from legal recourse available against a corporate executive would not exist.

You mentioned the bad things about a free market in labor. What aout the bad things in a protected labor market? Constant rising prices as labor contracts increase the cost of goods every year. Unproductive workers that are protected from discipline by union rules. Uncompetitive markets as non-union workers take away the jobs. Special rights legislation that mandates positons for unqualified minorities. Public sector strikes that shut communities down.

You mentioned a personal example about your grandfather, sounds like he had it bad. Too bad his family could not have helped him out more so he did not have to work while he was so sick, I guess it's better to transfer his misfortune to me and other consumers and taxpayers instead of his own family. But now we're talking about charity, not employment.

Here's a personal example, the city of Detroit is a sh*t hole because the industry that once proided jobs for everyone has been destroyed by union policies which drove companies elsewhere, in it's place is the kind of "charity" that provides for sick people: welfare, and guess what? nearly everyone is on it, it has taken the life from the city and burdens those few of us still working.

However my grandfather retired from his job with a pension, a cottage, a couple of houses, cars, and a lot of other stuff I will never be ble to afford on my non-union salary, he lived in Florida, voted Democrat, and also died of cancer.

I suspect he ended up in the same place as your grandfather, same place we will end up. Here's hoping it will be a better place.


Oct 21, 2004

I'm no fan of big government. I just think that big business is just as bad. It's similar to the "differences" between Democrats and Republicans. "The twin towers of disaster," as Huey Long once described them. That's why my primary political impulses are populist- I tend to mistrust "big" anything, including big labor. Concentrated power in any form is bad for the overwhelming number of citizens, imho. It's a shame unions ever had to invented, but the plutocrats who ran corporate America in the late 1800s through the 1930s were, by and large, immoral monsters who exploited their employees to the greatest possible degree and profited handsomely from it. Of course, far too many unions became corrupt themselves, milking their members for dues, holding hands with management and organized crime and not providing much in return. But along the way, some really important reforms were introduced. I hope you think it was a good thing to ban child labor, for instance, or to institute the 40 hour work week and require employers to pay overtime and paid time off. As for my grandfather, his family was in no position to help him at all. They were all barely ekeing out an existance and were solely supported by his salary. They were, I suspect, very similar to most members of the poor working class.

I recognize that, lacking a voluntary effort on the part of corporate America to be a just a tad bit fairer in compensating those outside the executive washrooms, the only way to reform anything is through governmental action. Considering how truly awful and corrupt those who run our government are, meaningful reform is probably impossible. However, that doesn't stop me from pointing out the greed and immorality of plutocrats who give themselves six figure bonuses while giving those who mop their floors and file their papers nothing, or even laying them off as they cash those huge checks. I agree with you about not regulating business in theory, but the sad fact is that human nature is such that, as Lord Acton put it, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." I just don't think we can trust people who have great power to do the right thing.


Oct 19, 2004
bigunreal said:
Stossel is about as libertarian as Bill Maher, who also claims to be one.

Bill Maher is basically a hedonistic liberal. He hates Christianity, he hates Republicans, he hates marriage, and he loves drugs and non-white women. That pretty much sums him up as far I'm concerned.

What passes for a "conservative" today basically boils down to someone who swears unquestioned allegiance to the flag, the police, the military, the marketplace, capital punishment and Israel.



Oct 19, 2004
jaxvid said:
You mentioned the bad things about a free market in labor. What aout the bad things in a protected labor market? Constant rising prices as labor contracts increase the cost of goods every year.

I guess it depends on the product. Labor costs can be a very small percentage of the price of goods. I read an article recently about illegal alien agricultural workers, and I forget the exact numbers, but it's something like: for a dollar's worth of lettuce, about 5 or 6 cents goes to the worker.

Unproductive workers that are protected from discipline by union rules.

Don't quote me on this either, but I heard during that worker's strike in France that French workers are actually more productive per hour than American workers. (Of course we're more productive overall because we work so many more hours than they do. In fact, when a corporate shill talks about rising wages, that's the inconvenient little truth he's leaving out.)

Special rights legislation that mandates positons for unqualified minorities.

That sucks!!


Nov 25, 2004
Is immigration just the "free exchange of good and services"? I believe hard-line libertarians advocate an open borders policy. Saying you are completely for or against government intervention is an easy way to leave good judgement out of the equation. Clearly sometimes the government has a role and other times it should get out of the way. At times though the masses have to be protected from those big businesses that are only here to make a buck and could care less about the country. Once again check your borders if you doubt whose in control of the government.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Kaptain Poop said:
Clearly sometimes the government has a role and other times it should get out of the way. At times though the masses have to be protected from those big businesses that are only here to make a buck and could care less about the country. Once again check your borders if you doubt whose in control of the government.

That's why our government is such a disaster. It wants to control and regulate every single aspect of the lives of citizens, but the banksters, corporate robber barons, and agents of our "favorite country" are allowed free reign to pursue their agendas, not to mention the borders are left unguarded while a police state is implemented for everyone else. It's bass ackwards like so much else in this society.
Oct 16, 2004
The only reason this 'story' hit the airwaves is to help with the offensive
against the E. Bloc takeover of the heavyweight division, Jeremy Wariner's
dominance over steriod pumped blacks, our NBA Superhero Crew and their
wonderful performance at the World Championships and a host of other
'bad' things that have been going on. The media with its tools like Stossel or
the disingenuous John Entine is always making he sure it presents partial
information, ignoring whatever truths contradicts their 'facts'. But the
powers that be know how gullible so many whites are, at least here in the
US. Carl Lewis has admitted to drug use throughout his career - US officials
covered up for him constantly. Go ahead, look it up. He should thank Anavar
and a few other drugs for his success. Utter fraud.


Oct 19, 2004
Kaptain Poop said:
Is immigration just the "free exchange of good and services"? I believe hard-line libertarians advocate an open borders policy. Saying you are completely for or against government intervention is an easy way to leave good judgement out of the equation. Clearly sometimes the government has a role and other times it should get out of the way. At times though the masses have to be protected from those big businesses that are only here to make a buck and could care less about the country. Once again check your borders if you doubt whose in control of the government.

Well said. Pure Libertarianism is too big of a risk, in my opinion. Unfortunately risk doesn't seem to be a very popular concept among Americans these days. Why have an immigration policy that will lead to a population of 400-500 million people, a huge percentage of which will be Third Worlders, and the children and grandchildren of Third Worlders? It's way too big of a risk for too little reward, but the open borders advocates don't care about that. Thinking about risk means thinking about the future, and that's not a fashionable thing to do in America right now.
Edited by: JD074


Oct 12, 2006
I thoughtthe shooting test that was created to measure bias was interesting. Basically, users had to quickly determine whether the person flashed on the screen was a threat and then shoot. Everyone ws biased towards blacks ... even the blacks. John Stossellthen went on about the media's negative portrail of blacks and how it has shaped attitudesbut he really only told half the story.

Maybe John Stossell should have told everyone how our bias' are also shaped by reality. Depending on the type of crime, black crime ranges from 4 to 12 times the rate of whites. All of these statistics are readily available on government websites. It's been a while since I've looked but black on white was like 5 times more likely than white on black. Yet the media will make a white on black crime front page news for weeks or months, while black on white crime is swept under the media rug.

It's all about making sure white people don't forget their guilt.