Black Privilege

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Black Privilege

1. You can be a former drag queen and cocaine abuser, and still become president of the United States.

2. You can say you are proud of your own race without being called a racist

3. You can always root for people of your own race in sports, and never be disapproved of for doing so

4. You can get poor grades in high school and not be able to read or write very well, and still be admitted into university

5. You can be less qualified for a job, but still be chosen over white people

What are some other examples of black privilege?
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Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Black Privilege

1. You can be a former drag queen and cocaine abuser, and still become president of the United States.

2. You can say you are proud of your own race without being called a racist

3. You can always root for people of your own race in sports, and never be disapproved of for doing so

4. You can get poor grades in high school and not be able to read or write very well, and still be admitted into university

5. You can be less qualified for a job, but still be chosen over white people

What are some other examples of black privilege?

You can hurl racial slurs at whites with no repercussions. Mayweather and Hopkins are just two examples in boxing. It applies in every aspect of life however. You can attack whites all over the country in astronomical numbers and virtually never be charged with a hate crime.

Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
Excellent thread!

Examples of black privilege:

You can make false accusations of racism against white people with no consequences to yourself.

You can get jobs you're not qualified for.

You can get promotions you haven't earned.

You can get scholarships over more qualified applicants because of your race.

You're given degrees you haven't earned.

You get special celebrations such as Black History Month which whites don't get.

Unlike whites, you're allowed to form all black organizations.

You're treated like royalty by white liberals.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Excellent thread!

Examples of black privilege:

You can make false accusations of racism against white people with no consequences to yourself.

You can get jobs you're not qualified for.

You can get promotions you haven't earned.

You can get scholarships over more qualified applicants because of your race.

You're given degrees you haven't earned.

You get special celebrations such as Black History Month which whites don't get.

Unlike whites, you're allowed to form all black organizations.

You're treated like royalty by white liberals.

Good ones EP. In addition...

- You can be "accepted" at (supposed) 'institutes of higher education' with sub-par IQs, standardized test scores & inferior grades.

- You can have companies (artificially) too cowardly to terminate your sorry hide for lack of effort & competency.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
It looks like an out-take from the movie Idiocracy.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Excellent thread!

Examples of black privilege:

You can make false accusations of racism against white people with no consequences to yourself.

You can get jobs you're not qualified for.

You can get promotions you haven't earned.

You can get scholarships over more qualified applicants because of your race.

You're given degrees you haven't earned.

You get special celebrations such as Black History Month which whites don't get.

Unlike whites, you're allowed to form all black organizations.

You're treated like royalty by white liberals.
If black you can get selected to armed forces aviator schools and get downs (failing grades) upon down after down and still get coveted aviator wings!!!

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
You can hurl racial slurs at whites with no repercussions. Mayweather and Hopkins are just two examples in boxing...

Remember Mike Tyson's infamous press conference, where he made several anti-white (and aggressive homosexual) statements and gestures toward the white reporters. It cost him nothing. He's in movies, and has a new superhero cartoon.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Remember Mike Tyson's infamous press conference, where he made several anti-white (and aggressive homosexual) statements and gestures toward the white reporters. It cost him nothing. He's in movies, and has a new superhero cartoon.

Damn right I remember it. A white female reporter tried to ask him a question and he replied, "If you give me a blow job I'll answer your questions, white bitch!"

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Damn right I remember it. A white female reporter tried to ask him a question and he replied, "If you give me a blow job I'll answer your questions, white bitch!"

Has to be one of the worst cases ever in Mike Tyson! There are confirmed reports that after winning the HWT Championship he returned to robbing elderly ladies.

His former trainer Teddy Atlas knew how to deal with the likes of Tyson. I believe Tyson was trying to mess with Atlas's sister and Atlas held a gun to his(Tyson's), head and told him he would blow his head off if he ever touched her!

Also, Tyson looked like a scared school girl when Stone Cold Steve Austin was about to whip his @$$ in the squared circle, years ago!


Jul 15, 2011
Eric Dickerson made similar comments about white athletes and was never held accountable.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
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Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
This story reminds me of Grizzly Man (Timothy Treadwell) who loved bears so much he thought it a good idea to live amongst them. He thought he was a bear or could behave as one and they would accept him. The bears ended up eating him.

Ruenzel too meet his timely demise at the hands of the wild animals he loved. Since White privilege and institutional White racism led his killers to committing such an act, I wonder what 'Runt'zel's last thought was?

Did he wake up in those final seconds? Did he say "I'm one of you, I hate Whites too" before getting blasted to hell? Did he feel proud to be punished for his evil Whiteness?

Whatever the maggots last thought was, I'm just happy he's no longer breathing. He could have lived another 20 years working to undermine Whites and our culture. He was waging a war against all of us so I cannot feel sorry this "soldier" is now dead.

Here's a nice article by the awesome and brave Colin Flaherty:

Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
Apparently part of "white privilege" is being murdered because you're white.

Here are a few examples of whites being murdered solely because they're white.

The Zebra Murders, The Yahweh ben Yahweh murders, the murder of Kevin Shifflet and the murder of Melissa McLaughlin.

You can look them up.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007

Unfortunately, this brand of ultra-ironic justice doesn’t occur too often, since the vast majority of white “anti-racists” don’t normally spend too much time in the drug-sodden, crime-imbued, gang-infested, war zone-like “communities” they’re rigidly dedicated to championing. Under the laughable guise of an “educator,” these clueless, naive, Militant Marxists will usually administer anti-white speeches at lily-white universities and all-white corporate functions. They certainly don’t live within any reasonable proximity to the “people” they allegedly adore. It sounds as if Miss Ruenzel was “hiking” in inner-city Oakland (WTF?) when he was confronted by two members of the “World’s Greatest Race.” They robbed him and shot him dead…

A 60-year-old man found shot to death in the Huckleberry Botanic Regional Preserve was a longtime writer, editor and English teacher who loved to hike in the Oakland hills park, his wife said Wednesday.

David Robert Ruenzel of Oakland was found on a park trail by a woman who had reported hearing gunshots about 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, according to the East Bay Regional Park Police Department. Investigators said they were looking into whether Ruenzel had been killed during a robbery.

Ruenzel’s family said he often visited and hiked in the small preserve on Skyline Boulevard, just south of Elverton Drive.

“We’re just in an absolute state of shock,” said his wife, Nancy.

David Ruenzel taught English and journalism for more than a decade at the Athenian School in Danville. He was also an award-winning writer and editor at Teacher Magazine.

“He was an affable man,” said David Smock, a former colleague at Athenian. “He cared a lot about educational issues and his students.”

Most recently, Ruenzel worked at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which issued a statement Wednesday calling him “a beloved educator, talented writer and valued partner in our work. He will be missed greatly.”

Ruenzel was shot at least twice, apparently where he was found, said park police. Officers found shell casings at the scene.

No arrests have been made, but police said witnesses had seen two men on the trail just before three gunshots rang out. Police said the two were “persons of interest.”
One was described as a black or of mixed race, in his late 20s or early 30s, thin, with dreadlocks, high cheekbones and a narrow face, wearing dark clothes.

The second was an “out of shape” black man, 6 feet tall and 240 pounds, clean-shaven and with short hair
, wearing dark clothes and a black backpack, police said. Investigators said he was described as “overly friendly.”

Thankfully for us, the “out of shape” Negro who murdered this treacherous worm wasn’t being “overly friendly” during this particular encounter: “Hey, yo, Happy Kwanza, muthafuka!” [gunshots].


Jul 29, 2008
Unfortunately, this brand of ultra-ironic justice doesn’t occur too often, since the vast majority of white “anti-racists†don’t normally spend too much time in the drug-sodden, crime-imbued, gang-infested, war zone-like “communities†they’re rigidly dedicated to championing. Under the laughable guise of an “educator,†these clueless, naive, Militant Marxists will usually administer anti-white speeches at lily-white universities and all-white corporate functions. They certainly don’t live within any reasonable proximity to the “people†they allegedly adore. It sounds as if Miss Ruenzel was “hiking†in inner-city Oakland (WTF?) when he was confronted by two members of the “World’s Greatest Race.†They robbed him and shot him dead…

Thankfully for us, the “out of shape†Negro who murdered this treacherous worm wasn’t being “overly friendly†during this particular encounter: “Hey, yo, Happy Kwanza, muthafuka!†[gunshots].

I completely agree that irony here is just too rich. I really wonder what this self-hating wretched fool was thinking in those final moments as he was about to be culturally enriched by the very diversity he'd been championing his whole life.

The sad thing is, if he had survived this "robbery gone wrong", there's no doubt he'd have blamed himself and his white-privilege for the crime and probably campaigned for the two negroes to be let free and not charged with any crime.

That task is now left to his widow, who will no doubt speak at the court after the guilty verdicts, ask the judge for a lenient sentence, and announce to the world that she's forgiven her husband's killers.

There's no hope for these people. They are our worst enemies, worse than blacks, illegal Latinos, zionists, homos, etc. They are actively promoting their own extermination and taking the rest of us down with them.

Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
I completely agree that irony here is just too rich. I really wonder what this self-hating wretched fool was thinking in those final moments as he was about to be culturally enriched by the very diversity he'd been championing his whole life.

The sad thing is, if he had survived this "robbery gone wrong", there's no doubt he'd have blamed himself and his white-privilege for the crime and probably campaigned for the two negroes to be let free and not charged with any crime.

That task is now left to his widow, who will no doubt speak at the court after the guilty verdicts, ask the judge for a lenient sentence, and announce to the world that she's forgiven her husband's killers.

There's no hope for these people. They are our worst enemies, worse than blacks, illegal Latinos, zionists, homos, etc. They are actively promoting their own extermination and taking the rest of us down with them.

Heck, his widow might beg the black murderers to forgive her for her "white privilege" and "racism," which magically forced them to kill her husband against their will.

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
E.L.E.: James Stuhlman Found Out the End Result of 'White Privilege'

What's Black-Run America (BRA)?

It represents an E.L.E for white America.
James Stuhlman.. a white male executed by black males. He pleaded for his life, but was shot in the chest for his troubles.

In the 1998 movie Deep Impact, we learn E.L.E is an acronym for Extinction Level Event.

Though most people still believe politics are a game, the continued usage of the phrase 'white privilege' is nothing more than the creation of a new morality and ethical paradigm paving the way for the logical conclusion to the problem of privileged whiteness: an E.L.E. for white Americans.

Look no further than the mainstream media's jumping on the "beating" of Martese Johnson at the University of Virginia (where a black serial killer was recently apprehended for preying upon white women...). A SBPDL reader wrote in this comment about this story:

It is astounding to see how quickly the UVA President and VA Governor have hopped to investigate the arrest and possible beating of a black student by officers. Our entire society is now on hyper-alert at the slightest possible incident of any kind involving a black person. The UVA VP of Diversity and the Head of African-American Affairs (have to have both offices, of course) immediately issued a statement describing what happened as "brutality." I wrote them and said that it is professionally irresponsible to make such a statement without knowing what happened, and that in light of recent events you'd think they would know better.

We saw the reality of the situation of the impending E.L.E for whites with the execution of Brittany Watts in Atlanta. Her crime? Her black killer had been fed the idea of "white privilege" from college professors, so he did what he felt was necessary to extirpate this privilege for good.

The media silence in CNN's hometown was chilling.
Black-Run America (BRA) is the harbinger of an E.L.E. for white America

This was a moment of profound sadness for me, with the realization of the eventuality of an E.L.E as an inevitability.

continue reading

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
if you REALLY want to get fired up, read the following two links ...

Google backs Code2040 in three cities.

CODE2040 is a non-profit founded in 2012 that focuses on getting more African Americans and Hispanics into the tech workforce. It has graduated nearly 50 fellows, many of whom have gone to work for companies such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Uber. The group's name refers to the year the population of minorities in the U.S. is expected to overtake whites.

Apple donates over $50 million to improve diversity in tech.

Apple is donating over $50 million to a pair of organizations working to get more women and minorities working in the tech industry. In an interview with Fortune, Apple's HR chief Denise Young Smith revealed that the company has partnered with the Thurgood Marshall College Fund and the National Center for Women and Information Technology to help improve diversity within the pipeline of talent coming into Apple, and throughout the industry. "We wanted to create opportunities for minority candidates to get their first job at Apple," Young told Fortune. "In any of these programs we’re really trying to provide focus, impact, and a ripple effect — not just on Apple."

The Thurgood Marshall College Fund — which will receive over $40 million from Apple — is a non-profit that supports students in historically black colleges and universities (HBCU) ...

Apple is also partnering with the National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT) to double the number of college graduates supported by the organization. Apple will donate nearly $10 million over the next four years to NCWIT, the largest donation the organization has received to date.

more details can be found at the links provided. but basically, the two tech giants are giving out money specifically for being NOT White and NOT male. of course, this is lauded as being a good thing.

one "wonders" how a similar program specifically aimed at helping just White people or just White men would be received ...


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Yaaaaaay! JC is back! Nothing new about Apple and their leftist agenda. Led by head Homo Tim Cook, what else do you expect?


Sep 19, 2012
not Brooklyn
Much like Apple products are designed to fail quickly due to irreplaceable batteries or progressively more resource-intensive software upgrades, Apple CEOs are designed to fail quickly due to AIDS.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Much like Apple products are designed to fail quickly due to irreplaceable batteries or progressively more resource-intensive software upgrades, Apple CEOs are designed to fail quickly due to AIDS.

LOL! So that's why they called him "Jobs". ;-)