Uganda President: Homosexuals Are Disgusting

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Jul 29, 2008

Be sure to watch the interview. That man makes some very good and valid points.

If nothing else, kudos to some of these African and Middle Eastern countries, plus India, for realizing the importance of family and the kind of damage rampant homosexuality can bring to a society.

Meanwhile out West, the scum in charge are tripping over each other trying to push the next item in the gay agenda.
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Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I'm not a 'fan' of heathen nations like Uganda, India & Saudi Arabia. However, I do appreciate their (collective) stand against the vile s0d0mite agenda. They've shown more stones than the co-opt'd, corrupted 'west'

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
I believe White people should live by nature's plan and be heterosexual.

But if negroes in Uganda or anywhere else want to live a homosexual lifestyle, I have no problem with that.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Please elaborate if you can.

Well now...I'm no mastermind "philosopher" but I'll give it a shot.

They're non-Christian nations. Now, before you respond that "neither is the US(S)A", let me add that the Constitution was largely based on Biblical principles (such as God ordained rights). Furthermore, even the majority of "Amerikans" (of 2.0 ilk) are self identified Christians. So, I'm referring to "heathen" nations as those where the population majority self-identifies as non-Christian. It's simply a demographic catagory.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I'm 'non-christian'.....'anti-christian' even.

Yes, I suspected such was the case, & that choice is certainly yours to make. I'm all for personal freedom & liberty.

FYI, there's things I respect about many (heathen) Islamic nations, like their outright defiance of cultural marxism. I'm not so much an advocate of (truly) 'persecuting' the s0d0mites, as I am an opponent of lionizing & lauding them.
Oct 24, 2012
Yes, I suspected such was the case, & that choice is certainly yours to make. I'm all for personal freedom & liberty.

There are many things I would have wanted to say,but I think its best I pass,as we all have our convictions,with good reason.....or so we would like to believe.

I'll leave it at that.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
There are many things I would have wanted to say,but I think its best I pass,as we all have our convictions,with good reason.....or so we would like to believe.

I'll leave it at that.

Being one of the more outspoken CF members about my Christian faith, I have found that most don't have any problems with opinions of everyone here, as long as it doesn't turn into name calling or personal attacks.

I realize most people here are not Christian, but I think I've only been attacked maybe once for what I have said about my faith, so you have the freedom to say what you want to. We may disagree, but don't think you can't express your views here.

Most people who say they're anti-Christian really don't understand the faith. If you understand Christianity and you choose not to become Christian, you have that choice. God gave us free will. I understand being non-Christian, but it's difficult to understand why someone would be anti-Christian.

Back to the topic of the thread, I agree with DixieDestroyer, I appreciate their stand against homosexuality.

"God made them MALE and FEMALE. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his WIFE, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore, what GOD has joined together, let man not separate."
Mark; 10: 7-9
Oct 24, 2012
it's difficult to understand why someone would be anti-Christian.

And for me,its difficult to understand why someone would subscribe to 'christinsanity' and call themselves 'White'.

Anyways,the above two statements(one yours,one mine) are exactly why I 'passed'.

Because,like I said,we have our convictions and we aren't going to change,anytime soon...because,it hurts to know that you're wrong.

Let's face it,one of us is wrong,but that fact won't deter either as we're convinced that its the other side.

My initial motives for asking Dixie to elaborate was to see if he was onto something.
I know he's a Christian,I didn't bait him.
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Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
There are many things I would have wanted to say,but I think its best I pass,as we all have our convictions,with good reason.....or so we would like to believe.

I'll leave it at that.

I appreciate the civility sir, as I (too) was tempted to provide more of rebuttal. However, I don't want to sidetrack this thread with a 'religious' debate.

Besides, my opinion ain't for much anyway, as I never claimed to be an intellectual giant...just a knuckle-draggin', no account, troglodyte country boy. ;-)
Oct 24, 2012
Hopefully the following wouldn't be regarded as 'passive moderation' on my part.

I have found that most don't have any problems with opinions of everyone here

I have a major problem with christards.

Most people who say they're anti-Christian really don't understand the faith.

I understand the whole 'Dead jew on a stick' stuff.So thank you very much.

Back to the topic of the thread, I agree with DixieDestroyer, I appreciate their stand against homosexuality.

"God made them MALE and FEMALE. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his WIFE, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore, what GOD has joined together, let man not separate."
Mark; 10: 7-9

Excuse me,but wasn't Christ GAY?



Its too easy...pissing on Christ.

The reason I passed that opportunity was because,I understand the fact that CF has many noble objectives,but nothing along the lines of 'purging the white race of the jewish malaise called Christinsanity'.

And as it is,CF has its own problems and infighting shouldn't be another one added to that list.

You're a Christian?
Fine,but you recognize the 'Caste system' and you make an effort to post about it.
So,I'm grateful for that.

Just don't post 'psalms' on CF ever again....a humble request.
Oct 24, 2012
However, I don't want to sidetrack this thread with a 'religious' debate.

Another forum,another time,I'd have given you hell.But CF isn't he place,not even the 'sub-forums'...or atleast I think so.

We have a caste system to fight,we have knowledge to spread,our enemies outnumber us and control every other media outlet,website.CF is literally a diamond in the mud.Last thing we need is some newbie to not take us seriously because we're fighting amongst ourselves.

As it is,most of us post under fake names...what little legitimacy we gain will only be because of our posts,our arguments and our seriousness.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
By pushing homosexuality on African countries, Obama is actually doing harm to them. Negroes are by nature more promiscuous and have a stronger sex drive than whites, and so are more likely to contact AIDs and other STDs.

Without some kind of restrictions on homosexual behavior, the greater number of HIV-positive Ugandans will be a heavier burden on that country's health care system.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
I have a major problem with christards.

I understand the whole 'Dead jew on a stick' stuff.So thank you very much.

Excuse me,but wasn't Christ GAY?



Its too easy...pissing on Christ.

The reason I passed that opportunity was because,I understand the fact that CF has many noble objectives,but nothing along the lines of 'purging the white race of the jewish malaise called Christinsanity'.

And as it is,CF has its own problems and infighting shouldn't be another one added to that list.

You're a Christian?
Fine,but you recognize the 'Caste system' and you make an effort to post about it.
So,I'm grateful for that.

Just don't post 'psalms' on CF ever again....a humble request.

Wow ThePhilosopher! With all those attacks on Christianity and Jesus, if I didn't know better, I would think you were a Jew! There's too much ignorance in your post, I don't have time to correct all of your mistakes, however, I will say this: I quoted out of the "New Testament the Book of Mark," not Psalms. Psalms is in the Old Testament. I guess I was correct, you know nothing about Christianity. You don't even know the difference between the Old and New Testament.

By the way, I'll post whatever Biblical scripture I want. Your humble request is denied!
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Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Arizona governor veto's a bill that would restore some freedom of association to businesses. Another RINO capitulation. The long cultural marxist nightmare will never end until this generation of RINO's die off and some sort of opposition can rise against the tide of PC.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Arizona governor veto's a bill that would restore some freedom of association to businesses. Another RINO capitulation. The long cultural marxist nightmare will never end until this generation of RINO's die off and some sort of opposition can rise against the tide of PC.

And to think...I used to have a half-ounce of respect for this glorified AA hire + "promotion". Like so many other gutless "RINO" compromisers, she bowed down at the alter of cultural marxism. The level of cowardice at every level of (co-opt'd) government is absolutely revolting. >:-(


Oct 12, 2008
I'll weigh on on the "Christianity" issue. I was raised as an evangelical Christian. My parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins are almost exclusively evangelical Christians. I never liked church and was burdened with fear of Hell and being left behind in the rapture. I have no use for Christianity. However, my Christian family members,(despite being judgmental)are extremely moral, responsible, honest, trustworthy, and honorable people. I believe that Christianity is a religion that can enhance the lives of its followers. Nobody can argue with the golden rule. I just don't have the faith, and can't lie to myself. Bottom line, I respect many Christians, and any blanket ridicule of Christians is offensive to me.
Oct 24, 2012
Wow ThePhilosopher! With all those attacks on Christianity and Jesus, if I didn't know better, I would think you were a Jew!

Tells me,you know nothing about Jews.

There's too much ignorance in your post, I don't have time to correct all of your mistakes,

There's so much wrong about 'Chrisitinsanity' that there will be no semblance of peace on this planet till it it eradicated,from the root.

I guess I was correct, you know nothing about Christianity.

Reading the 'The Antichrist'(by Nietzsche) among other works(like Celsus...thanks,Frederic) have given me all the perspective I,thank you.

By the way, I'll post whatever Biblical scripture I want. Your humble request is denied!

I'll piss on Christ whenever I feel like.
Fair enough?

However, my Christian family members,(despite being judgmental)are extremely moral, responsible, honest, trustworthy, and honorable people.

I'll attribute that to their 'Whiteness'.
Most blacks that regularly feature in the Crime thread are christians too.
Wonder what seperates them?

II believe that Christianity is a religion that can enhance the lives of its followers.

Nice fantasy.
Keep repeating that till the white race will become extinct,which it will,thanks to......

and any blanket ridicule of Christians is offensive to me.

The truth is offensive,then.


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
in christian and muslim countries usually, homosexuality was/is forbidden (uganda's population is christian by the way)
in france it was forbidden until 30 years ago
i find it healthy but hypocritical, since homosexuality has probably always existed
what's the point, to make homosexuals to marry and pass on their homosexual genes?
but it makes regular heterosexuals fell nauseating to think about homosexuality

in pre-christian europe homosexuality was not forbidden but homosexuals couldn't have an important role in the society

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Tells me,you know nothing about Jews.

There's so much wrong about 'Chrisitinsanity' that there will be no semblance of peace on this planet till it it eradicated,from the root.

Reading the 'The Antichrist'(by Nietzsche) among other works(like Celsus...thanks,Frederic) have given me all the perspective I,thank you.

I'll piss on Christ whenever I feel like.
Fair enough?

I'll attribute that to their 'Whiteness'.
Most blacks that regularly feature in the Crime thread are christians too.
Wonder what seperates them?

Nice fantasy.
Keep repeating that till the white race will become extinct,which it will,thanks to......

The truth is offensive,then.

As I said in my earlier posts, there's generally not a problem with saying what you want here on CF, however, it seems someone who hates Christianity, etc. comes on here and starts with the name calling and attacks. I believe you called it "Christinsanity and Christurds" were what you called it and people.

For all of these atheists, agnostics, etc., knowledge and intelligence, they seem to never want to carry on a "CIVIL" discussion.

The Philosopher, I didn't request anything you couldn't post, however, YOU made the request not to post something you HATE, Biblical quotes, yet you know nothing about. You didn't even know from where I was quoting!

Sure, you can piss on Christ all you want. I'm sure CF welcomes all people, even Jesus hating Jews.

Someone's child has been released on CF, again.
Oct 24, 2012
I'm sure CF welcomes all people, even Jesus hating Jews.

So now,I'm Jewish?
Why don't you say it rather more explicitly?

Christians lack balls,always have.

Someone's child has been released on CF, again.

Again,why the ambiguity with words like 'someone'?

What is the point of your existence,if you can't speak your mind while you're anonymous?

You Christians are a bunch so sorry,I'm ashamed of the fact that there is a slight chance we share a strand of DNA.

And next time,don't make supid statements like these and cry later:

Most people who say they're anti-Christian really don't understand the faith.

The Philosopher, I didn't request anything you couldn't post, however, YOU made the request not to post something you HATE, Biblical quotes, yet you know nothing about. You didn't even know from where I was quoting!

FFS,it was a request!
While you do say so,you almost want to make it look like it was an order or a threat.

And you say I know nothing,without substantiating said statement in the least.Is that the way to carry forward a civil discussion,now?

Anyways,like I've already touched upon,I'm embarresed by the mere existence of your kind,who have kosher c0ck in their mouth and.......bah,I can heardly say more,I'm sick of your kind.
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