"Cave of the Negroes" incident in WW II

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007

Cave of the Negroes incident was a killing of three African American Marines by Okinawans from the Katsuyama village near Nago, Okinawa after the Battle of Okinawa in 1945, shortly before the end of the war in the Pacific. Their bodies were hidden in the nearby cave and the incident was kept a secret until 1997.

Villagers of the Katsuyama village in Okinawa claim that they were victims of sexual attacks. According to villagers, three men, US Marines, came to the village every weekend, forced the men to hand over the women, and then sexually assaulted them.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
The USSA military still occupies Japan, Okinawa, and the Japanese continuously protest especially because of the ongoing sexual attacks on their girls and women, but what they of course don't tell you in the USSA mass media is that these sexual assaults are all committed by negroes.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Sounds like the japs had enough of the TNB & taught those 3 boys a lesson (circa '45). ;-) We could stand to learn a few things from them nowadays.

As for USSA bases on foreign soil, they ALL need to be closed down & the troops brought home. There's not one iota of "defense" of our (fading) Constitutional Republic being provided via policing the world! It's a collosal waste of taxpayer (fiat) dollars just to serve the globalist agenda. It makes me sick to hear all the neocon'd sheep bray about how the troops are "fighting for our freedom" in the heathen middle east, when our Constitutional freedoms are evaporating every day (as our nation collapses).


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Believe it or not, some of our young people are waking up to our upside-down use of the military. When I make comments about the danger and insanity of it all, quite a few agree with me. Now that doesn't mean they'll go out and become an activist to change it all, but just the fact that they are thinking about the issue more clearly gives one reason to hope! :smiley:


Nov 9, 2009
N.S.W. - Australia
Ooh, the poor Japanese suffered a spot of rape in the aftermath of the Second World War, did they? How "tragic". Try some of the following on for size...

Execution of Australian POW Sergeant Len Siffleet, 24 October 1943:


Japanese soldiers burying Chinese civilians alive - Nanking Massacre, 1937:

20111031-war in pictures pictureshistory.blogspot 12.jpg

For obvious reasons, I shan't post photos of the bodies of Chinese women which Japanese soldiers profaned after raping then slaughtering them at Nanking - such unsavoury pictures are easy enough to find via a simple "image" search.

The Japanese are unquestionably in the running for the title of the most brutally nasty non-Negro / non-"black" nation on the planet. Their arrogant egotism and latent megalomania rapidly rise to the surface if they are given even the faintest opportunity of holding the upper hand, yet all of this is concealed beneath the carefully-cultivated exterior of the "highly civilised", formally polite, ritual-bound, law-abiding and industrious "model citizen" who is a willing slave to a supposedly admirable, solipsistic Nipponese "code of honour". Naturally, the West laps up this idealised image like a tail-wagging puppy, with the Japanese being particular favourites of both physically underdeveloped, manga-loving teenagers and many (perhaps even a majority of...) pro-White "activists".

On balance, the Japs got off very lightly after the Second World War. Personally, I always wished they had refused to surrender as quickly as they did, which may have resulted in the Americans dumping an additional 20-odd kilotons at another location, thus wiping out even more of the flat-faced bastards. Sounds harsh? Well, let's just say that I literally shudder to imagine what would have befallen Australia had the Japanese managed to occupy the eastern seaboard - always home to our highest concentrations of population - for even a brief period. For a further explanation, simply refer to the photos above...

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
On balance, the Japs got off very lightly after the Second World War. Personally, I always wished they had refused to surrender as quickly as they did, which may have resulted in the Americans dumping an additional 20-odd kilotons at another location, thus wiping out even more of the flat-faced bastards. Sounds harsh? Well, let's just say that I literally shudder to imagine what would have befallen Australia had the Japanese managed to occupy the eastern seaboard - always home to our highest concentrations of population - for even a brief period. For a further explanation, simply refer to the photos above...
Koreans, Chinese, Cambodians, Vietnamese are just as bad if not worse than the Japanese. We don't see much about the countless atrocities by Asian troops in WW II and the Vietnam & Korean Wars.

The American POWs in North Korea looked like skeletons when they were exchanged at the end of the Korean War.

The My Lai Massacre got a lot of attention, and several anti-white movies like Platoon showed similar atrocities. But My Lai was really the ONLY major atrocity by the US in Vietnam. The North Vietnamese Army massacred 30 to 50 times as many people at Hue.

Most people are not aware of the many massacres carried out by Koreans during the Vietnam War:


The Diên Niên - Phước Bình massacre was a massacre conducted by South Korean forces on October 9 and October 10, 1966, of 280 unarmed citizens in Tịnh Sơn village, Sơn Tịnh District, Quang Ngai province in South Vietnam. The massacre was conducted in two hamlets in Tinh Son village.

One massacre was conducted in the Dien Nien Temple in Dien Nien hamlet, the second massacre was conducted in Phuoc Binh hamlet schoolyard. Most of the victims were children, elderly and women. The number of dead is given as 180 by Viet Nam News.

The South Korean forces conducted similar massacres in Binh An village, Binh Hoa village, Binh Tai village and Tay Vinh village in the same year.
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Aug 22, 2012
Rebajlo, the Cave of the Negroes rapes took place in Okinawa. Okinawans are not Japanese. The battle of Okinawa was one of certain death for the Japanese defenders. Knowing both of these facts the Japanese didn't see a problem in having some "fun" with the Okinawans before the Americans arrived.

The Okinawans are double victims, conquered by the Japanese and much of their culture destroyed. Then the Americans put most of their "Japanese" bases on Okinawa instead of Japan.
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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Believe it or not, some of our young people are waking up to our upside-down use of the military. When I make comments about the danger and insanity of it all, quite a few agree with me. Now that doesn't mean they'll go out and become an activist to change it all, but just the fact that they are thinking about the issue more clearly gives one reason to hope! :smiley:

The main reason the military-security complex gets away with having 1,000 or so overseas military bases, troops in 150 countries and wars and secret wars ongoing in a dozen or so nations at once, is because there's no draft. They're still able to entice enough young men (mostly rural Whites) to enlist because few have an economic future these days, combined with saturation media advertising and worship of the military by the government's propaganda ministry aka the corporate media. And of course both wings of the closed Republicrat political system are equally militarist in orientation in America's new "unitary executive"-led "democracy." [cue the laugh track every time some dittohead or DWF still calls the USSA a democracy]
Jul 19, 2013


THE TRUK MASSACRE (February, 1944)
Massacres and Atrocities of WWII in the Pacific Region

" 100 women, (most of them 'Comfort Women' girls forced into prostitution by the Japanese Army) took shelter in a dugout behind the Naval base where they worked. With defeat staring them in the face, the Japanese, fearing that the 'comfort women' would be an encumbrance and an embarrassment, should they fall into American hands, decided to dispose of them. During a lull in the fighting, three ensigns were sent to the dugout. Armed with machine guns, they approached to find a few women emerging from the pitch-dark interior. They were immediately shot on the spot. Entering the dugout with guns blazing, they fired randomly in the darkness. When the screams of the women had died down and only the moans of the wounded could be heard, the ensigns flicked on their torches to find around seventy bodies, drenched in blood, lying on the floor. (After the war the US occupational authorities allowed continued use of a number of these Comfort Women still alive, as prostitutes for their own GIs stationed on the island.) "


" Many Japanese men took on Micronesian wives and raised mixed Japanese–Micronesian families.[46] "

" liaisons between Japanese men and Micronesian women; the first brothels appeared in both states in the 1910s. Separate brothels were established for Japanese and Micronesian men, although women in both types of brothels were mainly Micronesian women.[82] "




In East Timor Japanese rape young and innocent girl east timorese girls.
The Japanese occupation resulted in the deaths of 40,000–70,000 Timorese.

There was little likelihood of women trying to escape at such times, she explained. "There were around 12,000 Japanese troops in a country with a population of only about 463,000, so the whole island was like an open prison. There was nowhere for the women to go, and at any rate, they were terrified about reprisals against their families if they did try to escape."



Over a 10-year period, more than 1,000 Japanese miners relocated to the region, confined to a strictly male-only camp. Arriving without family or spouses, the men often sought social interaction outside the confounds of their camps. In search of intimacy with the opposite sex, sometimes resulting in cohabitation, the men openly engaged in interracial dating and relationships, a practice mostly embraced by the local society. As a result, a number of Japanese miners fathered children with native Congolese women. However, most of the mixed race infants resulting from these unions died, soon after birth. Multiple testimonies of local people suggest that the infants were poisoned by a Japanese lead physician and nurse working at the local mining hospitale. Subsequently, the circumstances would have brought the miners shame as most of them already had families back in their native Japan. The practice forced many native Katangan mothers to hide their children by not reporting to the hospital to give birth. Other women raised their child more rural or remote areas as blasian children were sought after and murdered in the city by Japanese officials. Today, fifty Afro-Japanese have formed an association of Katanga Infanticide survivors. The organization has hired legal council seeking a formal investigation into the killings. The group submitted official inquiry to both the Congolese and Japanese governments, to no avail. Issues specific to this group include having no documentation of their births, since not having been born in the local hospital spared their lives. The total number of survivors is unknown


Nov 9, 2009
N.S.W. - Australia
Rebajlo, the Cave of the Negroes rapes took place in Okinawa. Okinawans are not Japanese.

davidholly -

Yes, I'm aware of where the incident took place and of the differences between Okinawa and Japan but I opted to lump them into the same group in order to make my overall point. :icon_wink: I should have added a sentence or two to that effect but I was posting at something like 1 AM so I just unloaded my anti-Jap rant and crawled off to bed. Hell, its just gone 1:45 AM now... :dizzy:

Carcharias said:
Koreans, Chinese, Cambodians, Vietnamese are just as bad if not worse than the Japanese. We don't see much about the countless atrocities by Asian troops in WW II and the Vietnam & Korean Wars.

Carcharias -

As You are by now doubtlessly aware (well, unless You still believe me to be a Zionist plant, that is... :icon_wink:) I abhor Asians as a whole. All of the ethnicities You enumerated are devious, vicious and heartless scum who - in stark contrast to the pap we are constantly fed about "Asian values" - have always placed a dirt cheap value on life, be it human or animal. When the abovementioned negative traits are combined with Asians' genetic predisposition for slavish conformism and grovelling subservience to tyrants the end product is a largely amoral race capable of calmly committing the most bestial of cruelties without batting the proverbial eyelid (not that their ugly mugs have much eyelid to bat... :lol:).

Beside my open hatred for the rice-munchers, one of the reasons I bothered to add to this thread is that the Japanese are the beneficiaries of more unwarranted good press in the West than any other Asian nation, in addition to being particularly popular among White Nationlists. The main factor which differentiates the Japanese and Chinese from the other Asians is those two nations' highly palpable hyper-arrogance stemming from grandiose convictions of being celestially-ordained "master races".


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Rebajlo, I don't hate the orientals but know full well that they (too) are inferior with heathenistic tendacies, & (also) genetically shortchanged.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Carcharias -

As You are by now doubtlessly aware (well, unless You still believe me to be a Zionist plant, that is... :icon_wink:) I abhor Asians as a whole.
I don't think you are a "Zionist plant", and I don't believe you're Jewish.

We have had a few Zionist shills, wiggers and various other trolls post here in the past, though.


Nov 9, 2009
N.S.W. - Australia
Rebajlo, I don't hate the orientals but know full well that they (too) are inferior with heathenistic tendacies, & (also) genetically shortchanged.

Dixie -

I know my posts give the impression that I virulently despise each and every person who isn't White (plus, for good measure, 95% of Whites as well... :icon_wink:) but that isn't entirely accurate. I recognise that not every Asian, Negro, Arab, et cetera is an evil bastard but - as a whole - these people constitute an eternal threat to our race and this basic factor justifies every generalisation.

If the Asians confined their ant-like physical presence to their own countries, my estimation of them would remain highly unfavourable but the intensity of the "hatred" would certainly be far less acute. The same holds for every other race. But on a macro-civilisational level life has always been an organically cutthroat competition between races, religions, and nations. This is something that the vast majority of Whites have virtually forgotten over the space of a few short decades as a consequence of unprecedented propaganda. The non-Whites, however, have not, and retain their racial / national consciousness. They also pour into our territories as if it is their natural right so if the threat they pose isn't once again "managed" as it always was since the beginning of time not only will we be supplanted in our own states - we shall literally cease to exist.

Even so-called "fully assimilated" Asians, Negroes or whatever will never unwaveringly support Whites in inter-racial arguments and conflicts. No non-White can (or should) ever be trusted completely. In such a dire context, it's therefore far safer to "hate" every non-White than to give any of them the benefit of the doubt for - ultimately - they definitely hate us. :icon_grin:

Carcharias said:
I don't think you are a "Zionist plant", and I don't believe you're Jewish.

Carcharias -

Well, I'm glad that has been cleared up... :icon_wink:


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Rebajlo, I'm onboard with those sentiments. I fully agree that the sub-races are most 'tolerable' in their native lands, & away from ours. They have NO business on our soil. It was the White man who built western civilization & made it great, so his heirs should receive the spoils (have full reign)...not the untermenschen usurpers.

As for trust, I fully embrace the "DTA" philosophy. People have to fully earn my trust...and respect.