UFC tonight!


Nov 3, 2004
United States
Hi everyone, I have been absent for awhile and wanted to make sure everyone knew the UFC was on PPV tonight. If anyone is interested here are my personal picks to win.

1-Arlovski vs Silva-I think this fight could go either way but I am leaning toward Arlovski because I think he has better handspeed and has a much better ground game. Arlovski 2nd round KO

2-Ortiz vs Shamrock-I hope Shamrock wins but I have a feeling Ortiz's ground and pound will be too much for him. Ortiz by 2nd round ref stoppage.

3-Josh Burkman vs Josh Neer-I have seen very little of these two guys but I will go with Burkman by second round sub.

4-Christanson vs Mir- Mir runs out of steam in the first round and Christanson TKO's him in the second round.

5-Stevenson vs Edwards- I hate Edwards and hope Stevenson beats him senseless. Edwards will try to keep it standing and strike but I think Stevenson will put him on his back for most of the fight. Stevenson by decision.

6-Jordan vs Franca- I know absolutely nothing about Jordan but I do know Franca is pretty good so I will go with Franca by KO in round 2.

7-Jeff Monson vs Perosh- I know Monson is a good grappler (and I believe he's also a commie)but I have never heard of Perosh or watched him fight.So I will go with Monson by submission in round 3.

There you have it. Hopefully I won't look like a total buffoon at the end of the evening. Any similar or opposing views to my predictions are welcome. Hope everyone enjoys the fights tonight.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
1- Arlovski grew his beard, he will KO Sylvia.

2- Anything can happen in MMA, but I expect that Ortiz will own Shamrock in this one, bad.

3- Josh Burkman vs Josh Neer... Tough call, but I pick Josh to win!
Just kidding. Neer has wins over TUF vets Joe Stevensen and Melvin Guillard, but has lost to Drew Fickett and Spencer Fisher. Burkman's last fight was a loss by RNC to Jon Fitch, but he has beaten Drew Fickett. I think it goes to the judges and the bald white guy will win it.

4- Tough one to pick. Is Mir back? If he can get a sub in the first round, Mir will win. Otherwise, I'm with you and say he gases and gets KO'd in the 2nd.

5- Edward is the favorite, but I think Stevensen takes this one by submission or GnP.

6- Franca.

7- I know nothing about Perosh either, but Monson is an Abu Dabai champion and super strong. They're talking about a future matchup between Monson and the winner of Sylvia/Arlovski, if Monson wins tonight. I'll take Monson. And it may be splitting hairs, but I don't think Monson is a communist, he says he is an anarchist. He has also been labeled as Aryan nation in addition to communist, but I doubt that. From what I've read in his interviews, he is definitely a bleeding heart and cares for all the widows and orphans he sees begging in the streets of Rio De Janeiro.

You left out a couple of fights:
8- Drew Fickett v Kurt Pelligrino - I'll take Fickett by submission.

9- Gilbert Aldana v Cheick Kongo - Kongo is black as Africa but is from France, go figure. Guess he couldn't make it on the "French" soccer team. Anyway, he has more fights than Aldana, against probably better competition although I don't know for sure. Having said that, I'm going with Aldana by KO. I'm hoping, anyway.
Edited by: White Shogun

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005

1) Arlovski v Sylvia - Neither of these guys wanted to fight. I don't know why AA didn't attempt to take Sylvia down or continue to try and work the leg kicks. The UFC should consider yellow cards for inactivity like they do in Pride. In any event, we learned that AA *can* take a punch after all. It was a fair decision, although I think a NC or draw would have been better.

2) Ortiz v Shamrock - Quick stoppage but merely saved Shamrock an ugly, inevitable beatdown.

3) Burkman v Neer - Good fight, lots of action, good decision. Loved Burkman's "Hughes" style body slams!

4) Mir v Christison - Who'da thunk Mir could go three rounds. I thought Christison was going to KO or submit Mir several times in the 2nd and 3rd rounds, but Mir hung on and squeaked out a decision. Close call in my book.

5) Stevensen v Edward - BLOODBATH! What a gash on Edward's head. I wasn't sure they would stop the fight since it wasn't near an eye but Yves did lose a huge amount of blood. Good fight, good stoppage.

6) Franca v Jordan - Didn't see this fight, PBP reads that Franca got the win by triangle choke at 0:47 in the 3rd round. Probably a good fight, will see it on UFN later.

7) Monson v Perosh - Monson by TKO in the 1st round, as expected. Sylvia called out Monson during the post-fight interview. I'd like to see it.

8) Fickett v Pellegrino - Fickett by RNC 3rd round.

9) Kongo v Aldana - Kongo by TKO 1st round. *sigh* As much as I hoped for Aldana, this is what I expected to happen. This was a Silva - Leben matchup: Aldana was outclassed from the beginning, so it seems.

I went 5-2 in my picks, as I didn't pick the Burkman-Neer fight and Mir did not win by sub or lose by TKO either way. Three of the fights I picked exactly. Not too bad I guess!


Jul 30, 2005
How'd you guys like the big announcement? Chuck isn't afraid of anyone but he's in over his head here. Silva is a monster.

Yves festooned the octagon with his blood. Downright gory.

I hope the big announcement portends an opening of the door between Pride and UFC. Would love to see Fedor wearing both belts.


Nov 3, 2004
United States
1-I'm suprised that Arlovski give up on his low kicks after the second round. Early in the fight it loooked as though AA was confusing Silva by mixing kicks and lateral movement with punches. As the fight went on all AA did was throw a half hearted jab and try and load up with his right which Sliva could see from a mile off. I was very disappointed in AA's performance from round 2 on and was'nt very impressed with Silva but regardless I will continue to support both of them.

2-Edwards was mauled and I loved watching it. I just wish Stevenson would have KO'ed the punk.

3-Mir and Christianson both looked bad and I have no interest in watching them again until they improve their skills and cardio.

4-Shamrock vs Tito went the way I expected only much quicker than I thought. Ken needs to retire and I have no desire whatsoever to watch another match between the two of them.

5-Burkman fought well and I must have forgotten how tough Josh Neer is. I look forward to watching both of these guy's fight again. Trouble is, Burkman / Neer are in a stacked division and will have their work cut out for them on the road to a belt.

6-Monson knocking out his opponent caught me by suprise. I would never have predicted Monson finishing any match by anything but submission. I guess next time I'll know better.

7.Franca won by triangle off the mount. Franca is entertaining and should match up well in the lightweight division.

Well I went 5-2 with several outcomes way off base. I am really looking forward to the lightweight division getting heated up and I think it will be a much needed addition to the UFC. Sherk, Fisher, Pulver, Franca, Hominick etc. are all outstanding and exciting fighters and in my opinion will create a lot of highlight clips for MMA fans.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I watched the fights with guys who had never heard of Pride unless I brought it up, but they all thought Wanderlai one scary looking individual. I think Chuck has a chance to win this, believe it or not. Silva, despite his looks, can be beaten - just ask Tito and Belfort.

Another "believe it or not" moment - Tim Sylvia calling out Fedor Emilianenko in his post-fight interview!
I don't know what this guy is high on, but he is definitely taking some kind of psychotrophic drugs, thats for sure. He also said that he told Dana White if he wasn't the main event, he 'felt like he might come down with an injury.' How is that for low class? I can't stand Sylvia's fighting style or his attitude, either one. I wish the Gods of MMA could find some way to match him with Fedor. It would be a painful beat down - unless Herb Dean is reffing the fight!

The UG boards were full of TUF haters picking Yves to beat Joe Stevensen. I'm sure race had something to do with it as well; most of the UG posters always seem to pick the black fighter over the white, despite glaring evidence to the contrary.


Oct 19, 2004
Chuck Liddell is fighting Wanderlei Silva??? Woah!! That's cool. He's really taking a risk with this one. I'm excited and a little bit scared at the same time.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
The only time I have seen Silva mortal was when the now shot Belfor had him out in 30 seconds, back 8 years ago??

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Silva has also lost to Ricardo Arona, Mark Hunt, and Tito Ortiz, albeit by decision, and has a draw with Cro Cop, in which there is NO shame. He beat Arona in a rematch, and has wins over Fujita, Rampage Jackson, Yoshida (twice), Sakuraba (twice), Dan Henderson, Eugene Jackson, Mike Van Arsdale, Guy Mezger... this is going to be Chuck's toughest fight yet, but like I said, I think Chuck actually has a chance to win outright. Randy Couture is no slouch, and he's been KO'd twice by Liddell. Chuck also beat the crap outta Tito, and has already beaten Babalu once before.

The problem is Silva has two fights pending in the Pride OWGP and Chuck still has to fight Babalu. One injury is all it will take to postpone or even cancel this fight.

There is also a rumor that Fujita is going to fight a UFC heavyweight in November as well.


May 20, 2005
I can only think Arvlovski has lost his confidence after the last KO. Then again, we tend to underate Sylvia-he has a beer gut sure, but a 6'8 guy who can put all of that into a punch is no slouch.

Kudos to "Injun Joe" for smearing the ring with Edward's blood. Since we've heard Edwards called the "best lightweight in the world" for a long time while the LWs were defunct in the UFC, this can only mean that Stevenson is now the best LW, correct? I of course, being the savage that I am, hate to see a fight of this nature stopped.

Kongo knocked out Aldana, so f***ng what? Paul Buentello brutally K.O.ed him too.

Liddell vrs Silva? Never though I'd see the day. Since Silva has brutally K.O'd big-mouth Jackson twice, WHEN Chuck K.O.s Silva, the UFC will have to beg, scrape, and payup to get Jackson in the ring and let the Iceman do to him what he did to Couture (Demonstrate what he can do when he actually trains and takes a fight seriously.)
Oct 16, 2004
The Liddell - Silva staredown was better than most of the fights on the
card, although they did look like they were going to laugh.

Arlovski should be ashamed of himself.

Sylvia wouldn't last a minute with Emilianenko. Hilarious.


Nov 3, 2004
United States
It's now being reported that Arlovski's left knee was injured in the second round by a Sylvia lowkick. The article states AA's knee swelled to over twice it's normal size shortly after the fight. It makes sense now looking back on his performance. Hopefully he can recover and come back to his old form.