Lou Dobbs


Aug 10, 2005
Lou Dobbs is doing an excellent job exposing the consequences of illegal immigration and the outsourcing of jobs. A populist journalist is rare. Here's his latest:President, Congress defying people's will




Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Lou Dobbs has been the mainstream media's voice in the wilderness.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Dobbs is one ofa veryfew admirablefigures from within the establishment who is standing up for the American people. He has pretty wide appeal too; he was on Bill Maher's HBO show a couple of weeks ago and was treated very well by both Maher and his liberal audience.Dobbs won't easily be tainted with the "racist" label that the system puts on so many others who don't follow the party line.


Aug 10, 2005
Dobbs showed a clip of president bush tonight where he was complaining that the senate "defied the will of the people" by not passing that amnesty bill as quickly as he would like. Dobbs went on to say it was the president and the senate who were denying the will of the people. He sited polls where Americans opposed amnesty and provided the results of one from his website. He said that he would send the results to bush's speechwriters. I bet they regret ever putting him on the air over at CNN.Edited by: KG2422


Apr 27, 2005
Bill O'Reilly has been beating the illegal immigration drum hard for the last 2 or 3 years too, but Dobbs has more style than O'Reilly. You would think that the politicians would be listening, since these men in the media have influence over the public.


Nov 25, 2004
SteveB said:
Bill O'Reilly has been beating the illegal immigration drum hard for the last 2 or 3 years too, but Dobbs has more style than O'Reilly. You would think that the politicians would be listening, since these men in the media have influence over the public.

O'Reilly is still in support of the guest worker program and does not believe in deporting the illegals that are already here. He has a lot of flawed ideas that he is stubbornly hanging to his stance despite all logic. The only thing I will give him credit for is wanting to shut-down the border with the national guard.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
A massive round up and deportation is not going to happen, even if the government wanted it to happen. There are too many of them, too many people who support them and would hide them during such a round, especially if it included women and children. Remember Elian Gonzalez?

Part of the bill was to charge aliens who enter illegally with a felony. Want to know a secret? The first time an alien enters illegally, he can be charged with a misdemeanor. The second time? Its a felony. Thats right, the law is already on the books.

The only aliens who are charged with felonies pertaining to entry are those who re-enter after deportation. But those cases are accepted by the US Attorneys office only after they have been convicted of a prior felony, such as assault or drug offenses.

There is no way any new law charging an alien with a felony after illegal entry will ever be prosecuted in such a way that will make a difference. The jails are overcrowded already, many in the southwest with majority criminal alien populations anyway.

The only real answer is to stop them from crossing in the first place. Militarize the border.

The second step would be to fine employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens. This law was already on the books, too, but there is no enforcement provision for employers who fail to pay fines.

The third step is to offer a guest worker program, but make only those aliens who apply from their home nation eligible. Many may self-deport to obtain a card, and with a militarized border, they may find it much more difficult to get back.

Getting them to go home in order to be eligible to apply for a guest worker program, in addition to having to prove they have never been apprehended, or at the very least, charged with entering the United States illegally, would be a great way to get some of them to go home on their own.

But none of this is going to matter if we don't do something drastic to keep aliens from entering in the first place.


Nov 25, 2004
Shogun, I agree everything you said except that we can't deport them. This does not require a cowboy movie style "round-up". You simply deport them one at a time when they show up at schools, hospitals, government centers etc as time goes by. This does not have to be done overnight.
If we legalize the illegals already here, it will increase the incentive for others to try to get here illegally anyway they can. They will find a way over here if we give them hope that they can still become citizens by finding a soft spot in our borders. I say we take their will away and send the message that they will NEVER become citizens in this country if they come here illegally.
One last thing. You mention a guest worker program but what happens when its time to return to Mexheeco. Do you really think that they will all willingly return? A guest worker program is a joke and is certainly not needed. Over a million are allowed over here from Mexheeco legally every year. Do we need any more?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Good points, Kaptain. Americans have been taught to think of deportation as something horrible, akin to stocking huge numbers of people in concentration camps, but if we would build an impenetrable wall along the southern border and hit employers who hire illegals, very very hard -- I'm talking about large fines and significant prison terms for owners and executives of companies who hire aliens -- the problem can be taken care of over a short period of time.

The other necessity is to go back to America's pre-1965 immigration policy, which was white oriented. We could use a temporary influx of whites to offset the non-white invasion of the past 40 years, starting with the persecuted white South Africans and "Zimbabweans."

Of course, all this is idle speculation as long as the U.S. has an anti-American fedgov in control.


Nov 2, 2004
Tom Lehrer penned a lyric in the early 1960s, part of a song lampooning self-serving American politicians:

"Even in Egypt, the Pharaohs
Used to import Hebrew 'Braseros'"

He was referring to the "Brasero" plan of importing temporary workers from Mexico into the US of A. Anybody remember the details of the "Brasero" movement? I was a tot at the time, I read somewhere that the program worked [the Braseros came, worked, and departed] because the program was massively unpopular, and discontinued in short order. Americans in the late 1950s - early 1960s didn't want ANY Mexicans prowling around, temporary or otherwise


Oct 19, 2004
Lou Dobbs not only talks about immigration and "so-called free trade" (as he calls it,) he's actually informative. He and his reporters deliver facts about immigration and the economy, and lots of them. Various people on TV have made good points here and there, but nobody on television does the kind of reporting that he does.

One person who surprised me was Chris Matthews. He actually said that he understood people who are afraid of the "cultural change" that illegal immigration is bringing to various areas in America, like small towns. He said that he doesn't personally feel that way (and why should he, he's rich,) but that he understands it and feels that it's justified. I did not expect anyone to say that.

As for the felony thing, that's something that the Democrats voted for to agitate their non-white minions. And it worked perfectly. Sensenbrenner realized it while it was happening.

Kaptain Poop makes a great point about picking them up wherever they show up. The only other person I've heard mention this was Ann Coulter on O'Reilly's show the other night. It makes perfect sense. Every pro-immigrant advocate says the same thing: "We can't round up and deport 12 million people." It's like they're all reading from the same script. Of course, nobody is suggesting that we "round them all up," but please, liberals and liberal/ moderate Republicans, don't let that get in the way of your straw man argument!

Combine picking them up wherever they are with severe employer sanctions (Matthews recommends $40,000 a pop) to dry up the jobs magnet to a certain degree, 700-2000 miles of fencing, and military at the borders, and we're getting somewhere! Since the whole immigration system is so corrupt, with so much fraud and mismanagement, we should have a temporary moratorium (perhaps 2-5 years,) and we should take that time to overhaul and upgrade the entire system. Then, if need be, we could have a legal immigration policy that allows only highly educated, highly trained, English speaking, and highly paid workers. I stress highly paid because it's critical that American employers not be allowed to undercut American workers' salaries. No more Indians with H1B visas that work for several thousand dollars less than American workers. They must be paid the same as American workers. And no extended family members, refugees, asylum seekers, or diversity lotteries. Edited by: JD074