Future of the Supreme Court


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
What will happen to the god of liberalism? Will Bush cave and appoint a "moderate", or will he try to get in another Robert Bork? These are questions I think about sometimes. I just saw an article on Bork and thought one paragraph in particular stands out in regards to this website. It is as follows:

In a commentary posted on the Internet that day, William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard, described Oct. 23, 1987 -- the date of the Bork vote -- as "a day that lives in conservative infamy" and said, "Now 18 years later, George W. Bush has the chance to reverse this defeat, and to begin to fulfill what has always been one of the core themes of modern American conservatism: the relinking of constitutional law and constitutional jurisprudence to the Constitution."

"Bork has eagerly joined the fray over O'Connor's successor. In a column in the Wall Street Journal last week, he castigated the current Supreme Court, writing that it has "denigrated marriage," protected pornography, guaranteed "abortion virtually on demand," "whittled down capital punishment," "mounted a campaign to normalize homosexuality," allowed "discrimination at the expense of white males" and created a justice system "tipping the balance in favor of criminals."

Would Bush even have the guts to put someone up like Bork? I don't know for sure, but I doubt it. I know one thing, if we don't get back to interpreting the Constitution as it was written, we can kiss the future goodbye!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Bush will probably send up a moderate Asian, Mexican, Negro or a female of any persuasion. He may toss in the name of a phony neo-con shyster to make it look good for the sheeple. If you think he would fight to get another Scalia on the bench ... forget it! He might pay lip service but would proabably rather appoint a little, commie, sniveling, rat looking creature like Ginsburg. Notice when she and Breyer were sent up, there was nary a word of dissent from either side of the aisle.
Dec 18, 2004
Bush wants to appoint AG Gonzales to the Supreme Court. However, he wants him to replace Chief Justice Rehnquist. Bush wants his "legacy" to be a "Gonzales Court." This is from a Robert Novak column. Bush will probably appoint a woman to succeed O'Connor, who will probably turn out much the same.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Maybe he should nominate Dr. Laura to take O'Connor's place.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
These are all possibilities. I almost hate to see what will happen for real.