Don King


Oct 21, 2004
No one exemplifies the decay of American civilization better than Don
King. Here we have a typical urban street thug, who was sent to prison
for murder. Most people may not know this, but the man King murdered
was a parapalegic. Believe it or not, the future cultural icon STOMPED
this wheelchair-bound man to death with his feet. True story. One would
think that King would spend the rest of his life behind bars. Somehow,
he gets out of prison after only a few years, and within a short period
of time is somehow a boxing promoter. I have a few questions; how does
a poor murderer, upon being released from prison, find the wherewithal
to promote the biggest prizefights in the world? Doesn't that
sort of thing require a whole lot of cash? Are we paying our prisoners
that well? Anyway, we all know the rest of the story. It's absolutely
disgusting to see entertainers like Jay Leno and David Letterman treat
King with reverence and laugh heartily at his Ali-like childish rhyming
and his mispronunciations of big words. It's even more disgusting to
watch the audiences delight in his presence. Recently, King has taken
to wearing a specially designed suit made entirely of American flag
material. It makes you ashamed to be an American to watch him in that
suit, as he waves a few more flags and shouts out "Only in
America!" Maybe the Republicans will decide to run him for
office, as they have discussed doing with fellow black racist "Sir
Charles" Barkley. That would be about par for the course for the Stupid
Party. I guess the only thing that surprises me about King is the fact
he hasn't been given his own reality television show.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
You gotta love to hate Don King.I have always called him
Cotton Candy Head.Damn, what a ugly man inside and outside.He is one of the most dishonest men on the planet
and screws everyone over.In Rocky V,their was a actor
that played a character like King.The movie wasn't great
but that actor must have followed Don around.I will enjoy
boxing more when King is gone for good.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Your comment about King the convicted murdererbeing run for office by the Republicans isn't far off the mark. Believe it or not, King has been traveling the country with Ed Gillespie, the chairman of the Republican Party National Committee, in an effort to win more black support for the GOP. It won't work of course, but it shows how desperate the Republicans are to win over blacks, and how low they'll stoop in trying.


Nov 26, 2004
Well, here goes a lame attempt at explaining King's otherwise mysterious success.

Employed by Cleveland organized crime. In 1956 he shoots a man in the back, killing him, while attempting to rob his gambling den (removing competition to his employers?). Justifiable homicide. In 1966 he murders an employee (a parapalegic, as bigunreal points out) over a $600 debt, is convicted of 2nd degree murder, yet the judge reduces his conviction to nonnegligent manslaughter. Quick parole.

Ali visits King in prison. Of all the inmates in all the pens, he visits Don. (The official version is Don introduced himself during the PR tour and so impressed Ali that Ali just had to have him be his promoter.) King later promotes 'rumble in the jungle'. Ali wins despite heavy odds against him. Foreman complains of unfair conditions during pre-fight and fight itself.

Lots of odds-beating fights occur during King's promotions.

In 1992 questioned during Senate investigation about ties to organized crime, especially John Gotti/Gambino family. Takes fifth. Claims such questions are racist.

Theory: King never stopped being in the employ of organized crime. Someone (a felon) promoting a fight on the level of Ali-Foreman, as their first big production, has to put up a lot of their own money to establish credibility. Numbers runners for the Cleveland mob do not have a lot of money.


Oct 21, 2004
Great points, Charlie. To update the continuing saga of Don King, I
just heard on a sports radio talk show that this idiot is launching a 2
BILLION dollar defamation lawsuit against ESPN for a show they did last
year on Sports Century (ESPN Classic). There is no adjective that can
adequately describe Don King. I think the most appropriate way to
describe him is to quote what Ned Flanders said to Homer, in a classic
Simpsons episode that featured him finally breaking down and letting
out all his bottled-up feelings; "You are the most despicable human
being I've ever met." I think that statement applies very nicely to Don


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Did Flanders really say that? Good for him!


Feb 19, 2005
United States
Don King is one of the craziest guys on earth. I think he thinks he owns the world. You watch, one of his fighters is going to take him out.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Only in America could a thug like him become what he is. I will be glad when he is gone from polluting boxing and everything else.