wes welker


Aug 8, 2006
Hey gents, I hate to ask this because I know you've probably already knocked it around a bit, but I've been busy as hell and haven't been able to get online much lately.

Anyway. About Wes Welker. With Moss going to NE isn't Wes doomed? On sports Radio, I haven't heard one guy mention him in the regard to the Pats new WR tandem. It's Moss, Stallworth and some other guy, but no mention of Welker.

I thought he must have signed with the Rams because noone is talking about him.Very frustrating, indeed.


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
i think he will end up as their slot receiver just the same, Pats would be stupid to give up their second round pick for someone they have no plans for. if he is treated fairly he will be AT LEAST third receiver, i just hope that he will become Brady's favourite target.
Apr 29, 2007
Just because Moss is on the Pats doesn't mean the end of Welker. If you've seen Brady play, you know his favorite receiver is his open receiver. He rarely forces balls and makes the right reads often. As we all know, Welker gets open and gets open often. Brady doesn't force the ball to one receiver, plus the long ball, which is Moss and Stallworth's bread and butter, are not Brady's strong point. His short, intermediate pass are, which Welker's quickness and hands will benefit from. Plus, i have a feeling the Pats will focus more on the passing game this year, and they've been known to often run no huddle 4 or 5 receiver sets, which means even if Welker is demoted to 4th receiver (which would be a joke for him to fall behind Washington), he'll still get more receptions than most would in that position. Welker'll be just fineI think. Who knows, maybe Stallworth will moved to slot, route-running is more important to the Pats than speed. ( Think Troy Brown, David Givens, Deion Branch NOT Bethel Johnson)


Aug 16, 2006
They paid a fair amount to get Welker's services, I'm sure they plan on utilizing them. You made a good point about Brady spreading the ball around and finding the open man. Welker has said he prefers the slot anyway.

Bear Backer

Jan 23, 2007
IMHO I think Randy Moss is done. New team but same old lame Randy. His guts were always questionable and I think they finally gone completely. I suspect Wes Welker will have nothing to worry about. If he plays hard like he has, Brady will get the ball to him, and Randy will be out there loafing and taking plays off and will eventually fade away after this season.


May 3, 2006
Yeah, too many people are fretting about our boys Welker and Furrey because of Moss and Calvin Johnson. I think things will open up for them more now with all the attention Moss and Johnson will draw. Wes and Mike have the skills to take advantage. Their jobs just got easier.Edited by: Hockaday
May 5, 2005
Got to agree with most here. Welker and Furrey have prooved themselves. Most of those black guys hate to take a shot and would rather get the long ball. Makes them look more glorious and of course if they miss, it was the long ball after all.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Well, you always have to wait to see how things unfold for white receivers in the NFL. Very few capable ones even get to play at all, and most of the ones that do still get screwed with depressing regularity.

With Moss and Stallworth both being deep threats, Welker could run wild over the middle. He should be the #3 receiver over any of the others New England signed in the off-season or has left over from last year's pitiful group. One would think he's in a very good spot and they did pay a price to obtain him. But experience says to hope for the best but don't be surprised if it doesn't happen.


Aug 8, 2006
Hope you guys are right. I have a very bad feeling about this though. I am telling you, I have yet to hear Welker's name mentioned in regard to the new Pats receiving corps. That concerns me some. Not that I have any respect for any of the prognasticators, but I still wonder nonetheless. Have to keep an eye out.
Sep 24, 2006
Furrey lobbied for Calvon Johnson. Most of that article is Furrey praising CJ and knowing that Martz needed a third WR. I think the others are right about this opening up the middle.
Apr 29, 2007
So far from what I've read, Wes Welker has looked very good in the Patriots minicamps and from all the praise he's been getting it sounds as if Welker is Brady's favorite receiver thus far. However, I was astounded when I came across an article which contained.....:

Here's what Gil Brandt, Sirius radio host and former Dallas personnel guru, had to say about Wes Welker on his show in April: "Wes Welker is a good football player . . . .but you're not going to win championships with that kind of player."

[url]http://patriots.bostonherald.com/patriots/view.bg?articleid= 1005232[/url]

Now WTF is that supposed to mean???? I'm not sure I've ever heard a more ridiculous statement. He's good...but you won't win championships.????? You can guarantee that a comment like that would ever be said about a black player. That statement just made me very angry.


Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Brandt's an older white man who has become a good Caste System barking seal. He helped construct the Cowboys teams of the '60sand '70s that had good white players at all of today's taboo positions. White men like Brandt are the worst of the Caste System's white Uncle Toms.

I read similar disparaging remarks about all the white receivers in the NFL on a regular basis, with the exception of Kevin Curtis, but even he gets the derogatory treatment a fair amount.Whites arealmost always viewed as a sign of weakness at receiver and a general embarrassment to the organization that's resorting to using them. A fantasy football site I subscribe to recently wrote about Mike Furrey: "Now, Mike Furrey, 2<SUP>nd</SUP> in the NFL in catches with 98, will move to the #3 role. That's a great role for him."

The same site predicts that Furrey's catches will decline from 98 last season to 45 in '07. Yeh, that's a "great role" for the second best in the league.Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
The ease with which "objective" coaches demote and replace white starters at the college and pro level is just another example we can point to as evidence of the Caste System. The double standard of behavior and performance when it comes to race and sports is a huge chunk of the Caste System, but it can be slowed by opening people's eyes to the anti-white agenda the media has and getting them to fight against anti-white coaches who prop up the system.


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
Don Wassall said:
A fantasy football site I subscribe to recently wrote about Mike Furrey: "Now, Mike Furrey, 2&lt;SUP&gt;nd&lt;/SUP&gt; in the NFL in catches with 98, will move to the #3 role. That's a great role for him."</font>

The same site predicts that Furrey's catches will decline from 98 last season to 45 in '07.</font>

now, if we need a prime example of the system, this is it. that is something that would never happen to a black player in the same situation. ever. imagine his (and media) outrage if same happened to a black guy.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
to quote from the article...
"I was asked what I thought of Wes Welker. I said he's always been a guy who has overachieved," said Brandt.

how can one always overachieve? according to Webster's dictionary, overachievement is defined as"to perform better or achieve more success than expected." so one would think that a continued pattern of excellence would lead one to expect such excellence to continue in the future, ie. regular achievement, or within a person's capabilities.

wait, on second thought i guess i answered my own question... in today's world, if a white athlete can evenrun down the field without tripping overthe chalk lines he's an overachiever, since obviously he's notactually good or talented or anything.

never mind. carry on, there's nothing to see here. it's business as usual.
Apr 29, 2007
Jimmy Chitwood said:
wait, on second thought i guess i answered my own question... in today's world, if a white athlete can evenrun down the field without tripping overthe chalk lines he's an overachiever, since obviously he's notactually good or talented or anything.

I know, it's a sad point the NFL has reached. I cannot imagine how some of these white guys feel when they constantly produce, yet keep hearing that they're overachieving again. I'd go nuts. They must be aware of the caste system or else they've been so brainwashed by the NFL and media that they accept and believe that they're not as talented as the natural black 'affletes.'

That aside, I think Welker is a good position. Unless the Pats find a suitable back-up runningback (I'm really hoping the give Roger Robinson a shot, but they won't of course
), theyre going to air it out quite a bit. They wouldn't want to wear down Maroney running the ball, as he was already injury-plagued last year. Welker in the slot can be like Tom Brady's old reliable favorite, Troy Brown (or even Deion Branch). Brown was an extremely similar player to Welker (quick, finds holes in the defense)and in 2002, caught 97 balls (would've caught more but missed 3 games). I'm not saying Welker will produce like that, but I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up being the leading receiver on the Pats, especially in terms of receptions. Tom's already been raving about Welker.


I nominate Gil Brandt for "Gimp" of the week. We have the caste system because it is currently profitable for whites and jews to run down white men, and till they suffer the consequences for hating on whitey many will continue to do so. So I suggest we use ridicule and ostracism in our little battle. And as a side benefit this is also what black athletes think of their fawning white sluts anyway. Don't be a gimp.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Sports Illustrated has an article about Randy Moss and his new team, which has this in passing about Welker:

"Free agent Donte Stallworth, formerly of the New Orleans Saints and the Philadelphia Eagles, often lined up on the opposite side of Moss [during practice], with hard-nosed former Miami Dolphin Wes Welker, acquired in March for second and seventh round picks in the slot. 'That's the underrated acquisition right there,' [safety Rodney] Harrison says of Welker. 'He gave us more problems than any player in our division. Quick, smart, fast, never dropped a ball. We couldn't single cover him'."

Welker is also of course an excellent kick returner. Yet every single fantasy football preview I read about Welker says the same thing -- "no upside." Let's hope Bellichick and staff have the smarts and cajones to make Welker an integral part of the passing offense because he has all the tools to be a star. Stallworth is injury-prone and has always been a chronic underachiever compared to the hype he receives, and we all know about the unpredictable nature of Moss, who may or may not still be a great receiver. Welkerwill bust loose onsome longtouchdown playsaswell as have lots of short and medium receptions if used in a way that enhances his skills. Edited by: Don Wassall


It's frustrating to hear players admit the same things we see on television, and then have the coach act as if the guy can barely play.</span>


Apr 14, 2005
Don Wassall said:
Sports Illustrated has an article about Randy Moss and his new team, which has this in passing about Welker: 

"Free agent Donte Stallworth, formerly of the New Orleans Saints and the Philadelphia Eagles, often lined up on the opposite side of Moss [during practice], with hard-nosed former Miami Dolphin Wes Welker, acquired in March for second and seventh round picks in the slot.  'That's the underrated acquisition right there,' [safety Rodney] Harrison says of Welker.  'He gave us more problems than any player in our division.  Quick, smart, fast, never dropped a ball.  We couldn't single cover him'."

Welker is also of course an excellent kick returner.  Yet every single fantasy football preview I read about Welker says the same thing -- "no upside."  Let's hope Bellichick and staff have the smarts and cajones to make Welker an integral part of the passing offense because he has all the tools to be a star.  Stallworth is injury-prone and has always been a chronic underachiever compared to the hype he receives, and we all know about the unpredictable nature of Moss, who may or may not still be a great receiver.  Welker will bust loose on some long touchdown plays as well as have lots of short and medium receptions if used in a way that enhances his skills. 

I love how Harrison uses great adjectives to describe welker's athletic ability such as fast and quick yet the ignorant writer had to describe welker as hard nosed. If you just read or listened to the quote Harrison said(just like the writer probably did) then there is no way you could randomly come up with the term "hard nosed" to describe Welker. This writer is obviously suffering from a hard case of caste system mentality. It NEVER ceases to amaze me.


Aug 10, 2005
"hard - nosed" is a term usually used to describe a strong fullback or middle linebacker. But now it's used for a smallish receiver / punt returner? What a clown.
Welker is tough, but that's not what sets him apart from other football players. His quickness, agility, and talent for the game is what sets him apart. I think some people think football is all about measurable physical abilities. It involves skill and know how just like other sports. Edited by: KG2422

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
And Welker just barely made the NFL. Was undrafted despite his record-setting career at Texas Tech, then was signed as a FA by San Diego and cut. According to reports, Nick "The Prick" Saban wanted to cut Welker last summer even after his standout rookie season with the Dolphins.

Where's Derek Abney and a host of other short but fast, elusive and smart white WRs with good hands? All screwed over even though the NFL hasa slewof short black receivers who are drafted(sometimes in the early rounds)and hang around for years. Most of the talented white receivers are tall, but there are plenty of shorter ones that can play at a high level in the NFL.We'll see what kind of opportunity two-sport star Jeremy Bloom gets from the league. . .


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Disgustingly "pro-caste" coaches such as; Jim Haslet, Jack Del Rio, Dennis Green, Tom Coughlin, Joe Gibbs (as of the past few years), Mike Holmgren and Brian Billack couldn't even hold a candle the kind of anti-white, reverse-racism that Nick Saban would have unleashed if he had been given more time in the NFL. Coincidentally enough, NONE of these coaches has ever had the least bit of success as head coaches (especially Haslet, my least favorite after Saban). Young men like Wes Welker will be mocked and labeled a "Feel Good" story on shows like "Outside the Lines" or "NFL Total Access." I can see it now...every meek, frail little caste-loving "sportswriter" on ESPN would be simply baffled with the fact that a athletic young white man (un-drafted and cut), could start in the NFL at a position he couldn't possibly be athletic enough to play, WR.

Honestly, we need to start asking ourselves if this whole thing is joke....because what's happening in America today is truly pathetic. This isn't what thousands of men died to protect. Remember that sports are a microcosm of society as a whole...
Apr 29, 2007
"Coincidentally enough, NONE of these coaches has ever had the least bit of success as head coaches"

Holmgren won a Super Bowl. Billick won a Super Bowl also. Gibbs has won a few Super Bowls as well.

But it's true, look at what happened to the Cardinals and Jags. The blacker they became, the worse they got. Look at historically black colleges. Why is it that those football programs aren't usually strong?