Panthers up for sale


Jul 23, 2015
Jerry Richardson is putting Panthers up for sale after season. I am sure one reason is to sell the team to a group of blacks so they can run the franchise in the ground, like Michael Jordan has the Hornets. This will also take the heat off the NFL and the flag issue. Jay z name has already been mention along with ,get this, Colin Kaepernick.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Ridiculous. 80% black league needs a black power owner of course! Yet the public has no clue the grip Jew's have on ownership positions in Hollywood, music, The World ! Wake up sheeple.
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May 1, 2015
Limbaugh was saying on his show today that Rapper "P-Diddy" was hoping to buy the franchise with other black owners and then immediately sign Kraperneck as QB.

Robert Kraft was shopping in LA and TMZ interviewed him on-the-spot, thrusting a camera and microphone into his face, asking him about "P-Diddy" and what he wanted to do. Kraft had to (of course) heap praise on "P-Diddy" on-the-spot (otherwise it may have been "misconstrued" that he was against blacks being owners in the NFL and thus have to see his Pats franchise as well).

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
If P Diddy ever had any share of a team I may boycott the NFL less the conference championship games and the Super Bowl.

This is a league that is paranoid about their image, yet they are going to let a(alleged) attempted murderer be associated with a team? Also the league only wants the highest bidder to win a bidding war and as far as I know there isn't any Black investor rich enough to own a team out right if the Forbes valuation of Panthers is correct(2.6 Billion). Finally the league doesn't want a hodge podge of various minority share holders owning a team as you can have chaos when it comes to any matters concerning stadiums and how the team is run, ie the Titans current clusterf*&%k.


Oct 6, 2007
If P Diddy ever had any share of a team I may boycott the NFL less the conference championship games and the Super Bowl.

This is a league that is paranoid about their image, yet they are going to let a(alleged) attempted murderer be associated with a team? Also the league only wants the highest bidder to win a bidding war and as far as I know there isn't any Black investor rich enough to own a team out right if the Forbes valuation of Panthers is correct(2.6 Billion). Finally the league doesn't want a hodge podge of various minority share holders owning a team as you can have chaos when it comes to any matters concerning stadiums and how the team is run, ie the Titans current clusterf*&%k.

But Goodell and the spineless SJW NFL owners will surely make an exception for prospective owners who are members of the magical race.


Jul 23, 2015
If the Goddess Oprah and Jay-Z want it ,they get it. The NFL kills two birds with one stone ,a minority owner and a woman.
Sep 12, 2016
At this point the new owners of the Panthers will almost certainly be some combination of blacks and Jews, with the blacks as the public face of the organization and the Jews actually buying the majority of the team. There's too much "it's their turn" from the near all-powerful social justice media for it to go any other way, especially a whitey's way. They couldn't steal the election for Hillary "It's Her Turn" Clinton, but they can steal an NFL team ownership position - and they'll be desperate to throw their weight around and show the world their power after failing to insert their beloved Hillary into the White House. Krappernick, the ultimate homoerotic darling of the neo-fascist ultra-far-left, will probably be some tiny 0.2% minority owner instead of a QB. His ego is too big to let him sit on the bench as sCam Newton's backup.

If the new owners have any brains they'll run the organization like a normal NFL team, but they'll likely face tremendous pressure from the SJWs to turn the club into "the NFL's only slave-owned plantation!" The Jewish money men will probably cave lest they be Donald Sterlinged out.

I fear for the future of Christian McCaffrey, Luke Kuechly, Greg Olsen, Brenton Bersin, Colin Jones, and all the White men on that team, especially the ones at Caste-forbidden positions.
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Feb 27, 2015
Great. You know when/if a black owner like Diddy assumes ownership, we can kiss our hopes in McCaffrey, Kuechly, and Olsen goodbye - they will have to switch teams to remain in the spotlight. Maybe some or most of them can migrate to the Patriots/Vikings/Rams/etc.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I remember how we remarked that Papa John's was unusual in that it featured mostly White athletes such as Peyton Manning and J.J. Watt on its commercials. It really seems now that any team owner or business executive who isn't a leftist is going to be forced out of their position.

Papa John's controversial CEO steps down after facing backlash for his criticism of NFL anthem protests


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
I remember how we remarked that Papa John's was unusual in that it featured mostly White athletes such as Peyton Manning and J.J. Watt on its commercials. It really seems now that any team owner or business executive who isn't a leftist is going to be forced out of their position.

Papa John's controversial CEO steps down after facing backlash for his criticism of NFL anthem protests

Another weak move by an already rich man, between him and Richardson what gives?! As an average Joe it seems they have the money to fight back !

Guess just shows the stranglehold the *corporate communist left has on society

( * thats a term from The Don of CF that perfectly describes the madness we deal with! )

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
Surprisingly Cam Newton's the voice of reason in this situation. Pointed out how with today's political and ideological climate men are guilty until proven innocent, and pointed out they are allegations, rumors, not proven.

The Panther's owner is pathetic, he's a billionaire, his kid's kid's kid's kids will have "F U money" for life, and he just lays down and rolls over without a fight.


Aug 17, 2013
Maybe Richardson has decided to sale the team because all the SJW BS which has been supported by Goodell and the NFL hierarchy has taken all the fun out of owning an NFL team. Lets face it. Richardson has enough money that her great great grandchildren will live indoors and eat regularly without having to work a single day their whole life. It does tickle me that these people want to give Kapernick the job of a young man who is both the most popular and most talented black qb currently in the NFL. I suppose he might findd a position with another team along with all the white guys that the New Black ownership would purge.(LOL)


Feb 23, 2013
New York
Another weak move by an already rich man, between him and Richardson what gives?! As an average Joe it seems they have the money to fight back !

Guess just shows the stranglehold the *corporate communist left has on society

( * thats a term from The Don of CF that perfectly describes the madness we deal with! )


Richardson and that Panther Puke are not stepping down and they are not taking a demotion. These pricks are just moving along, down the hall, to the next room. The 'ole carnival shell game.


Jul 23, 2015
Felix Sabates has said that he and 4 other investors was interested in buy Panthers and keeping them in Charlotte. He is a billionaire car salesman with ties to Nascar and The Charlotte Hornets as a minority owner. He would like to build a new stadium with a dome outside of downtown Charlotte, of course he wants it to be paid by the taxpayers.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Felix Sabates has said that he and 4 other investors was interested in buy Panthers and keeping them in Charlotte. He is a billionaire car salesman with ties to Nascar and The Charlotte Hornets as a minority owner. He would like to build a new stadium with a dome outside of downtown Charlotte, of course he wants it to be paid by the taxpayers.

Have to wonder if taxpayers in municipalities with football teams are going to finally group together and make sure no tax money is put towards stadiums for billion dollar professional football teams who can cover the bill themselves.
Sep 12, 2016
This whole Papa John's fiasco gives support to my theory that all these anti-free speech laws that the liberals are shoving down our throats, making it illegal to criticize blacks, Mexicans, homosexuals, Jews, Muslims, transsexuals, etc. are just baby steps towards their ultimate goal - to make it illegal to criticize liberals. When a CEO is forced to step down solely for criticizing liberals and not any of the traditionally protected special interest groups, what else can we conclude?

This is also why liberals invent imaginary categories like "genderqueer" and "non-binary" to put themselves in, so they can place themselves into a protected group immediately while waiting for their ultimate law banning criticism of liberals to be passed. Because there is not and cannot ever be any scientific definition of "genderqueer" or "non-binary," nobody can "prove" that someone who claims to belong to one of those groups does not belong. In contrast, homosexuality, for all the trouble its proponents cause, at least has a scientific definition and therefore cannot be exploited in the same manner.


Jul 23, 2015
Dale Earnhardt JR is interested in a minority owner of Panthers if he is asked. This should make the blacks on the team very happy. JR took the side of the players during the season about kneeling during the anthem. He is also well known for hanging with black rappers and black athletes.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Dale Earnhardt JR is interested in a minority owner of Panthers if he is asked. This should make the blacks on the team very happy. JR took the side of the players during the season about kneeling during the anthem. He is also well known for hanging with black rappers and black athletes.

Both politically and socially, “Jr.” has always been a mega-cuck. Here’s the mangina virtue signaling about Charlottesville...

There have been numerous instances in which this corporate stooge has been asked about why there are so few black racecar drivers. Jr’s answer? White racism and lack of opportunities, of course!

Matt Prater

At least C-MAC should become the star he already should be now, next year. He will be a force to contend with as J. Stewart is reaching his peak.

Matt Prater

Wow. Thanks for the information. They will obviously be drafting or via FA getting a complimentary back. Maybe.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I'm sure they will do that, hopefully they don't use a high draft pick on one, but given how the NFL works it won't be surprising in the least if they do.

Matt Prater

C-Mac can be an every down back. He is probably already regarded as the one of the most dangerous receiving backs ever to play which could be detrimental to his overall development. When he was at Stanford he just had that innate ability to make people miss in really tight spaces. Watching his rookie NFL season it is quite apparent the level of tackling ability is much better ( though arguable ) as he had numerous chances to break a big one and to many times someone just got enough of him to slow him down and let someone finish him.
I highly doubt Carolina would spend another high draft pick on a rb but expect a backup to share the exact carry load but for CM to be on the field 85 % of the time.


Jul 23, 2015
I would love to see CM as a full time back, but I just don't see it. He doesn't seem to have the ability to break enough tackles due to his size. It also might be like you said about the tackling being better in the NFL. I just see him being used part time in the backfield and the rest of the time split out as a receiver. Hope I am wrong.


Jun 3, 2016
I hope you are wrong as well. I think we will see a big difference in CM's abilities to break tackles this year. He is a smart cookie and will learn quickly in regards to the tackling but Carolina has to use him better and it would really help if they had a better QB handing and passing the ball to him. Like many people have already mentioned Newton does not think well nor react quickly enough and leaves CM vulnerable to needless hits on many plays.