Brandon Marshall the serial wife beater!


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Below is a picture of Marshall's wife. It's hard to fathom how a dim-witted, thug-sociopath such as him (or any other modern black male) actually committed to one woman via traditional courtship, engagement, marriage, etc"¦


With any luck, Mr. Pea Brain forgot to have his bride sign a prenuptial agreement.Edited by: Thrashen


Mar 25, 2011
At this time, it's not know what happened. U.S. women initiate domestic violence about 50% of the time. Automatically assuming it's the man's fault, without any evidence, is exactly what the marxist feminists want us to do.When the police and prosecutorsmake legal decisions based on anti-male ideology, it hurtsALL men. Whatever the man's ethnicity.

The article doesn't mention Brandon beating his wife.

Let's not embrace anti-male laws and ideology just because the guy in question is black.Remember, those anti-male lawsand ideology are hurting European American men also.


Sep 4, 2009
It is likely that Marshall did something to provoke her, Marshall was a key reason for Bronco's cornerback Darrent Williams being shot in 2007. According to the numerous sources Marshall provoked the attack when he told the shoters in the club the when him in his guys started talking about how their gang was the baddest.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Phil makes very valid points that I normally would agree with, but in Marshall's case he's been in a ridiculous number of domestic violence incidents and is an all-around creep/thug. He may not have initiated this latest domestic problem, or a number of previous ones, but the fact that he's been in so many is revealing. In this case it's the racial card being played more than the feminist card, because no way would a prominent White athlete be allowed to get away with a third of what Marshall has; and Marshall is still treated as a superstar, just witness the hoopla when he went to Miami after the Broncos had finally had enough of him.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I agree way too many fires with this guy. This woman could have been fighting for her life or to maintain consciousness. At this point even party girls and gold diggers must have this guy on a no fly zone.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I've read a lot of comments from DWF's stating that they love Marshall. Quite a few of them don't care about his background.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Anyway a black athlete beating a woman is a non-story dog bites man. It happens so often that I wonder why it's news? It's not like he's going to be disciplined by the league, and undoubtably he will get the typical get out of jail free pass from the (ha ha) justice system.

It's almost part of being a famous black athlete, there may even be a club that they are all in that has "beating yo woman" as a membership requirement. Remember that paragon of virtue that is looked up to by the white media for input on matters of social concern-Jim Brown- is one of the all time wife beaters. A true Hall of famer in the women beating catagory. Did I mention OJ?


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Phil said:
Automatically assuming it's the man's fault, without any evidence, is exactly what the marxist feminists want us to do.

Had Brandon Marshall been a white man, this statement would be entirely accurate. "Marxist Feminists"Â￾ could absolutely care less about slandering, criminalizing, emasculating, or controlling the hordes of non-white men who do legitimately batter, oppress, rape, and generally mistreat their women.

You're obviously unaware of Brandon Marshall's chronic acts of violence (even dating back to his days at Central Florida University) against, well, everyone he comes in contact with (police, girlfriends, teammates, etc).

Phil said:
When the police and prosecutors make legal decisions based on anti-male ideology, it hurts ALL men. Whatever the man's ethnicity. <div>The article doesn't mention Brandon beating his wife.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Let's not embrace anti-male laws and ideology just because the guy in question is black. Remember, those anti-male laws and ideology are hurting European American men also.</div>

I only concern myself with the plight of "white men's rights,"Â￾ as we are held to an entirely different behavioral standard"¦.and by "entirely different,"Â￾ I mean that a standard actually exists. All other "men"Â￾ are free to abuse, torture, rape, enslave, molest, oppress, manipulate, and provide a "clitorectomy"Â￾ to females in whatever manner they see fit (with no repercussions whatsoever from Female Supremacists).

Rest assured that this stabbing incident was indeed Marshall's "fault."Â￾

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
jaxvid said:
It's almost part of being a famous black athlete, there may even be a club that they are all in that has "beating yo woman" as a membership requirement. Remember that paragon of virtue that is looked up to by the white media for input on matters of social concern-Jim Brown- is one of the all time wife beaters. A true Hall of famer in the women beating catagory. Did I mention OJ?

there are numerous NFL "talent" scouts who actually rate (black) players higher on their evaluations if the playershave assault charges in their past, even if the charges wereagainst women. these so-called "talent" scouts claim that the criminal behavior indicates a more aggressive player other words, they think thatbeating up a woman means you will bea better football player.

this is just another facet of the upside-down world of the Caste System.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Jimmy Chitwood said:
there are numerous NFL "talent" scouts who actually rate (black) players higher on their evaluations if the players have assault charges in their past, even if the charges were against women. these so-called "talent" scouts claim that the criminal behavior indicates a more aggressive player ... in other words, they think that beating up a woman means you will be a better football player. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>this is just another facet of the upside-down world of the Caste System.</div>

I've always said that was true but do you know it for a fact? I can't believe in these PC times that any evalutor would publicly make that claim even though it's undoubtably true. The agenda's script says that they downgrade players of "questionable" chararcter, which we here know is a joke (unless they are white) so I find it hard to believe that anyone would admit otherwise.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Thrashen said:
<div>Let's not embrace anti-male laws and ideology just because the guy in question is black. Remember, those anti-male laws and ideology are hurting European American men also.</div>

I only concern myself with the plight of "white men's rights,"Â￾ as we are held to an entirely different behavioral standard"¦.and by "entirely different,"Â￾ I mean that a standard actually exists. All other "men"Â￾ are free to abuse, torture, rape, enslave, molest, oppress, manipulate, and provide a "clitorectomy"Â￾ to females in whatever manner they see fit (with no repercussions whatsoever from Female Supremacists).

Rest assured that this stabbing incident was indeed Marshall's "fault."Â￾ [/QUOTE]

Not to criticize Phil but the MRM (mens right movement)is waging a mini-war against WN and/or white awareness right now. I've seen on several of those blogs vicious attacks on guys that have tried to frame those issues as partly or wholly racial in nature. "The Spearhead" in particular has recently had some hit pieces on pro-white views. Their rhetoric is right out of SPLC 101 (ie jew/cultural marxism) in stereotyping and insulting.

It's sickening but typical, I've yet to see any mostly white group (libertrians, Tea party, NASCAR, etc.) not make a ritual sacrifice of racial identity in an attempt (always failed) to garner some sympathy with the MSM and gain more support/members. I guess the MRM figures being wimpy pussies is going to get their manhood back.

I always appreciate posters like Thrashen (and many others we have had here) that maintain a hard ass attitude 24/7. It's the only hope. It helps to be reminded that our enemies will constantly seek to divide and conquer us. Castefootball, 7 years in and still unabashedly pro-white! Edited by: jaxvid

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
jaxvid said:
Jimmy Chitwood said:
there are numerous NFL "talent" scouts who actually rate (black) players higher on their evaluations if the playershave assault charges in their past, even if the charges wereagainst women. these so-called "talent" scouts claim that the criminal behavior indicates a more aggressive player other words, they think thatbeating up a woman means you will bea better football player.

this is just another facet of the upside-down world of the Caste System.

I've always said that was true but do you know it for a fact? I can't believe in these PC times that any evalutor would publicly make that claim even though it's undoubtably true. The agenda's script says that they downgrade players of "questionable" chararcter, which we here know is a joke (unless they are white) so I find it hard to believe that anyone would admit otherwise.

jaxvid, i don't know of a link or a vid that shows a scout making that statement for the public record. i have, however, actually been presentwith (and privy to) actual scouts actually saying that very thing. it was off the record, of course. anyone who has been around the media knows that "off the record" talks are far more revealing than the"on the record" stuff,though. it's just that the revealed nuggets can't be repeated by a journalist.BUT i am not a journalist. so take it for what you will. and, as you well know, what the scriptwriters say and what actually takes place in the the caste world are often two VERY different things.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
jaxvid said:
Not to criticize Phil but the MRM (mens right movement)is waging a mini-war against WN and/or white awareness right now. I've seen on several of those blogs vicious attacks on guys that have tried to frame those issues as partly or wholly racial in nature. "The Spearhead" in particular has recently had some hit pieces on pro-white views. Their rhetoric is right out of SPLC 101 (ie jew/cultural marxism) in stereotyping and insulting.

It's sickening but typical, I've yet to see any mostly white group (libertrians, Tea party, NASCAR, etc.) not make a ritual sacrifice of racial identity in an attempt (always failed) to garner some sympathy with the MSM and gain more support/members. I guess the MRM figures being wimpy pussies is going to get their manhood back.

I always appreciate posters like Thrashen (and many others we have had here) that maintain a hard ass attitude 24/7. It's the only hope. It helps to be reminded that our enemies will constantly seek to divide and conquer us. Castefootball, 7 years in and still unabashedly pro-white!

Writers and commenters on The Spearhead are sometimes quite critical of White Nationalism, but from the perspective that many WN men are just as bad when it comes to being "manginas" and "white knights" as are the white male social conservatives who have long been whipped by their wives and church "leaders." I agree with the criticismthat unaware, pre-feminist attitudes by men toward feminist-poisoned White women, especially when it comes to how the institution of marriage has been fine-tuned legally and through propagandainto a totalfeminist stronghold used against men,is indeed often the archaic norm in WN circles and on WN boards.

The comments section on The Spearhead reveals that many posters there are hip to what's going on racially, but most pull their punches to varying degrees because of the site's overall editorial policy on race. And the "thumbs up" "thumbs down" votes on "racially controversial" comments reveals that a solid majority of readers are usually on the side of the racial realist.

Pro-White sites such as Caste Football, ANU News and others are favorably impacting and educating the mens rights movement, and vice versa.Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Don Wassall said:
Speak of the devil, just found an article on Spearhead, currently the lead one on the homepage no less, that is highly and sarcastically anti-WN.  The comments afterward reflect quite a "diversity":
<div> </div>

I've learned a great deal about Mens Right Movement matters from reading articles (and the comments following each article) on "The Spearhead."Â However, as you remarked, Spearhead members are unbelievably oblivious, ill-informed, apathetic, politically correct, Marxified, Zionified, Feminized, and genuinely hostile when concerning even the most mild of "pro-white"Â affairs.

Pertinent examples of this perplexing phenomenon can be found in the various Spearhead articles mourning the "loss"Â (white society's gain) of black male children at the hands of their negligent, neglectful, sadistic, murderous black mothers. A recent Spearhead article treated the death of a young black male who was placed into an oven by his mother as a "catastrophe"Â for which all men should "grieve."Â

As if the death of this future welfare recipient, this future impregnator of multiple women (white trash and/or Negress), this future rapist, this future criminal, this future murderer, this future black supremacist, this future indolent, jobless sponge, this future thief of white property, this future street thug terrorizing white neighborhoods, this future loather of white men, and this future dim-witted waste-of-time in white public school systems is worthy of the collective "tear shedding"Â of any man, let alone a white man. To men's rights activists, any "pro white male"Â cause is seen as a "break"Â in universal "male unity."Â

F-ck that"¦with a capital "F."Â

The MRM claims to combat the odious "FemiNazis"Â (that's right, white men can't even speak ill of the Female Supremacist Movement without utilizing vernacular designed to degrade German men), but until a comprehension of the intrinsic racial aspect of Western Feminism is perceived, the MRM is merely "Shadowboxing"Â in the same vein as the "conservative"Â movement is, and always has been in this relentlessly anti-white society. Feminism is not, and has never been, a "war against men,"Â but rather, a "war against white men."Â

As I hinted at in my initial post"¦Western Female Supremacists have determined exactly what race of men with absorb their viscous, emasculating abuse and projections of inferiority, fail to retaliate in any fashion whatsoever, and even solicit more chastisement for future generations of white men to endure. Yes, the same race of men who've allowed themselves to be mercilessly marginalized, degraded, discredited, disrespected, oppressed, ridiculed, enfeebled, hustled, persecuted, stolen from, feminized, Zionized and generally dishonored in every fathomable regard.

If the feminist movement were to attempt to project their little "sexual spoils system" onto any other race of men"¦they'd either be savagely beaten (Latino), imprisoned (Indian), executed (Semitic), enslaved for the remainder of their lives (Asian), have acid thrown in their faces (Arabic), administered a clitorectomy (African), or endlessly raped and/or sexually tortured (all of the above).

So play your perverted little game, you selfish, white-loathing, hypocrite c-nts"¦.but rest assured that someday, very soon, there will be no real men remaining on this godforsaken planet willing to defend your "womanly honor" from the unadulterated malice rotting within the polluted bloodstream of non-white men. In the absence of white men, your flesh will smolder in the hell-on-earth you've prompted, and rage with fire in the afterlife.Edited by: Thrashen