White Football Players Are World’s Best


Sep 27, 2004
latest by J. B. Cash
Case Closed: White Football Players Are the Best in the World

With the recent World Cup victory by the Italian national team, the issue of which of the world's peoples make the best soccer players has been settled. Not only did the Italians dominate the world field, all four of the final teams had a strong if not completely genetic European background.

The French team, which finished second in losing to Italy, was primarily of native European stock although like everything about France today the team had a strong non-European nature. The team has many Arab Muslims, the same type of people that burn cars for sport throughout "their" country.

Apparently a few of them spend their idle time kicking a soccer ball about in between acts of vandalism and senseless violence in a manner similar to the American black underclass and how they busy themselves when not playing basketball.

Italy was once labeled the "soft underbelly" of Europe although you will note that the primary invasion of World War II came through France, the same route that this most recent invasion of Arab/African Muslims is taking in its attempts to conquer Europe. Expect the "Vichy" government of France to surrender to Arabia at any time now.

The Germans, who were third, have a habit of trying to do everything well and once again held the mantle of white athleticism up high. Fourth was Argentina, basically a white nation in the New World, although like all white settled lands it too is under siege from non-white hordes.

The case that white footballers are the best can be inferred from the common example used in the media that once a person or team of a particular race succeeds at an athletic event then it is a sure sign that they are the dominant race.

Cases in point: there is only ONE good black professional golfer, in fact just one black professional golfer period, yet we are to believe that blacks are poised to take over the sport. There was only ONE decent black tennis playing family, yet we are told that a black invasion of the sport is imminent. There are virtually NO black heavyweights of any talent left, yet blacks are still considered the best boxers based on ancient history. White athletes regularly out-jump blacks at every Olympics and track meet yet we are told that "white men can't jump."

Blacks are considered the world's best athletes because they dominate running events (and only running events) at the Olympics, thus, by the media's measure, they are the best at every sport and athletic activity played by mankind. Odd that it does them little good at soccer, a sport that is all about running. Why the all-black teams from Africa and South America fare so poorly at a game that should be perfect for the one thing in life they can do well can only be explained by the one cause that is ascribed to all non-white failure: white racism.

Note how it is impossible for white people and their media and representatives to compliment themselves for being good at something. Since the end of the World Cup much of the commentary about the results of the tournament have centered on why was there not a higher non-white presence in the finals. Imagine that! Whites are unable to enjoy their success but must instead berate themselves on what imagined wrongs they have committed that prevented non-whites from winning instead.

Thus the success of white people is to be ignored or denigrated at the cost, once again, of trying to lift the esteem and accomplishments of blacks. The self-hating white pundits have come out in force to denounce the unfairness of the World Cup, because, as we all know ANYTIME non-whites do not achieve as high as whites it is the fault of white people and up to them to correct it.

Well, too bad for all the white-hating, anti-European bigots. Italy's win is proof that whites are the best footballers on the planet. And how about those Italians! A world cup soccer victory and a recent Olympics silver medal in basketball makes one think that the Italians are poised to regain some of the lost glory of Rome. Perhaps the Italians have found a key to winning at team sports: have everyone on the team related genetically. It is generally agreed that there is no stronger bond than family, yet this concept is lost on people when the family becomes the size of the nation.

White people are smarter than any other race on the planet. We are better artists, better scientists, and have set up better societies. We are also prettier as every survey worldwide has determined and as the actions of all non-white men towards our women proves time and again. And now we are also, once again, the best footballers on the globe. These are all unassailable truths and ones that the media and most white people refuse to acknowledge and do everything in their power to deny.

Not here at Caste Football though. We know we are the best. It amazes us that there is nearly no one else willing to make this obviously truthful claim. So enjoy yourself. Celebrate. You are a family member of the greatest people the planet has ever seen. VIVA ITALIA!!!!


Dec 28, 2004
Very good article!!The Italians win in soccer and do very well in basketball. Who could find two tougher men then Rocky Marciano and Bruno Sammartino! I think overall the Germans are better at sports then the Italians,but I respect all my White Brothers. Good Win for Italy!!There is nothing wrong with being F.B.I.-Full Blooded Italian !!!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
CF received these observations via email from a man living in Chile:

Dear Mr.Cash! Great article on soccer, or rather football as it should be called. Your analysis of white self-hate is excellent. This was the same with winter Olympics where CNN interviews a black (manufactured)long distance skier from Ethiopia who came in 74th., but ignored the accomplishments of he Germans and Austrians!I watched some of the games on Chilean TV and can report that the announcers were fair in their assessments, not only of the teams, but also of the venues! THAT is something only few people seem to have even mentioned, the fact that Germany build the finest venues in the world and pulled off an organizational feat which one will not find anywhere. In addition, the German people were exceedingly friendly toward all other nations, depsite being incessantly insulted and even physically attacked by the British hoods who would have been arrested and deported anywhere else on the globe en masse. There was ONE mention on CNN International about the beauty of Germany´s cities when a reporter said ´Welcome to beautiful Berlin´ and that was it. Have you ever seen the new main train station here? It´s monumental! The German team wasn´t expected to even advance beyond the first round and the sour grapes attitude of the white CNN reporters was only badly hidden. Instaed of interviewing goalie Lehmann, they almost cried about Brasil´s failure incessantly showed slack-jawed and functioining illiterate Ronaldo-types running aimlessly about. It was a disgrace. When Sweden failed disgracefully, they were enthusiastic!There´s only ONE place where you erred - the French team. Let´s face it, it was as French as Mao Tse Tung. The whole bunch (with the exception of one or two players) belonged on a one-way-plane to sub Saharan Africa.


Nov 2, 2004
I read the article too, and enjoyed immensely. Glad to see fans from South America tuning into CasteFootball! The J.B. Cash column is always a "first read" when published on the CF site or in the NT newspaper. Keep Up the Good Work!


Dec 17, 2005
Decent article, but you seem to be totally misinformed about the make up of the French team. First off the the French team is not primarily white they're about 75% black and second the only Arab on the French team was Zidane, which shouldnt really matter because no one talks about Arabs being superior athletes, and many Arabs are of the causcasoid persuasion(kind of like Hispanics with european ancestry)

There is one other Muslim player, Ribery, but he is a White convert to the religion and is considered by most French fans to be the next French superstar now that Zidane and Thierry are gone. I wish you would have spotlighted him a bit more, as it would be a big blow to the caste system to show that the number one player on a a majority black, African immigrant, loving French team is in fact a white Frenchman.


Dec 22, 2004
Ribery was noticed--perhaps not discussed here. He was fantastic at times and his slashing goal against the Netherlands --can't remember if that was the team--was a thing of beauty. Ribery has pace and can flash down the flanks. I thought he played better than Henry who spent most of the world cup offsides looking for cheap goals. Only Zindane was a more consistent offensive force for France.
If he stays healthy and fit should be French centerpiece in coming years.Probably should have this in soccer section.


Aug 10, 2006
Hey , administrator , threadstarter...the best football player is WHITE and was playing for FRANCE.

You forgot to mention that... Maybe you don't like muslims but don't forget that Zinedine Zidane's racial background are from kabylian ancestry. (north algeria)

he was born in france though...

here's what kabylians generally look like...(kabylian girl)

http://www.makabylie.info/IMG/jpg/yasmine_lahdiri_19_kabyle_ 2.jpg

traditional kabylian


Misc pictures of kabylians


so yeah, some look more "ethnic" or "arab" than others...but a good portion of this population sometimes look like europeans. (it's not rare to see redheads and blue eyed folks too actually)

This man

http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/3359/snzinedinezidanewt8.jp ghttp://www.netglimse.com/images/celebs/bio/sn_Zinedine-Zidane.jpg

is the one of the greatest football player in history. It's a shame that you're not showing more respect. and labeling him as a mere " Arab Muslim"

ps: if that can be of any consolation for the racially obssessed fans... The french team will soon use "new hopes"...youngr players and 4 of em are white.

And btw, don't forget ribbery too. (also muslim) but WHITE. and one of the best player and new talent of the french team.Edited by: registered1


Dec 28, 2004
Arab Muslims and blacks from Africa have got to be the biggest laughing stock in Soccer
!!You want to see talent watch Italy and Germany play.These European teams will humble the African teams on there own continent during the next World Cup in South Africa
!!You take Kenya and I'll take Germany and we'll see who wins the most games