The Racist NFL Draft


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Just another great example of what we are fighting against here at Caste Football. As usual, JB does a great job of telling the truth, which seems totally absent from most sports websites and TV networks across the country.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Here's the column. Thanks to Bear-Arms for the Maurice Clarett picture that accompanies the article in the J.B. Cash section on the homepage!

The Racist NFL Draft

The NFL held its annual player draft recently. The draft represents the media worship of the black athlete and the concurrent denigration of white players. The draft itself is a major media event, hyped beyond belief; it's treated like a major sporting event even though only a relatively few rookies will have a significant effect on their teams' fortunes.

The accompanying hoopla surrounding the draft creates a lot of pre-draft prognostications. Many "experts" predict the players that will be drafted first and which teams will draft whom.

Since the draft is a media event, teams are pressured to draft those players that are considered the best by the media army that pronounces such things. Bucking conventional wisdom is
a risky thing to do. After all, it is not unusual for a high draft pick to be a bust. If that player is a bust when all of the experts predicted greatness then the GM that picked that player can be forgiven. However if a GM goes out on a limb and selects a player who's not high on the lists of the experts then there will be hell to pay should that player not work out.

Thus the media controls the draft and is allowed to practice its anti-white athletic agenda without challenge. And practice it they do. The amount of racial prejudice that occurs among draft "experts" would make a Macon County sheriff from 1960 envious. And anti-white racism in sports is "guilt free". No one (except this modest website) will ever offer the smallest amount of complaint or opposition. The old Soviet Union's propaganda machine had nothing on the modern media and their agenda of raising the black athlete at the expense of the white athlete.

This year's best(or worst) example is Matt Jones, former Arkansas quarterback. He has wowed nearly everybody, including the anti-white media, with his performances at the NFL's rookie testing events. His size, speed, and experience as a QB at a major college should have had teams drooling that the next Michael Vick or Duante Culpepper has arrived. It's a no brainer. Draft a kid like this and let the excitement begin.

But wait, Jones was not going to be drafted high as a QB. The experts proclaimed that he is to be a receiver, or tight end, or H-back, or some similar position that suits his race. What team could possibly risk taking him with a high draft pick and giving him a shot at QB in defiance of the opinion of all the experts?

Draft position is extremely important. When a player is drafted in the upper rounds, especially in the first or second, he is assured of a roster spot, a huge contact and an enormous signing bonus. For many years after, no matter how much of a bust he may become he can be sure to find a team willing to take a chance on a "former-first-rounder". Get drafted lower however, and there is no guarantee that you will have any chance to make a teams roster, let alone get signed.

As a sample of the media bias that effects all sportswriters I cite some comments on the draft from Charles Robinson of Yahoo Sports. (His comments are in quotes, mine are directly afterwards).

"Cedric Benson, RB: The Bears get a tank. If anyone is an NFC North kind of player, it's him. He is a between-the-tackles guy who fits their scheme."

Yeah he probably was saying the same thing a couple of years ago about Anthony Thomas out of Michigan whom the Bears drafted, played regularly, kept Brock Forsey from starting, and now has been unceremoniously dumped. This is typical of the modern sportswriter, the NEXT black running back out of college, off the injury list, or claimed on waivers, is better then any white runner anywhere in the country.

"Mike Williams, WR: Wow. Detroit's selection of Mike Williams is quite a surprise. With Mike Williams joining receivers Roy Williams and Charles Rogers and running back Kevin Jones, the Lions have an amazing lineup. Consider this: Detroit's top three receivers stand 6-foot-3, 6-3 and 6-5 1/2."

Williams sat out 2004 because of ineligibility caused by him joining in the Maurice Clarett lawsuit against the NFL (which they lost). Williams ran a 4.59 at the Combine which is SLOOOOOOW for a receiver, especially a first rounder. Should a white receiver run that speed at the Combine he can expect to be selling insurance at the start of the next season. But apparently a black player, having not played football in a year, can do it and still be a number one pick.

"Derrick Johnson, OLB: For a team that needs defensive playmakers, the Chiefs get some great value with Johnson in the middle of the first round. The Chiefs have been called one of the NFL's worst tackling teams, and tackling is one of the major weaknesses in Johnson's game  his tendency to over-pursue and not finish off his tackles. Still, he has tremendous speed."

Really if a linebacker's major weakness is his lack of tackling ability then how good can he be? Isn't that what linebackers are all about? Oh but he has tremendous speed. When in the world does that ever help out a white player? If a white player has tremendous speed but has some other weakness then his career is over before it starts, but for Johnson he can still be first round pick.

"David Pollack, DE: Pollack is a high-motor player. Though people complain about his size, he had one of the best shuttle performances of anyone."

"High-motor player" a phrase only used to describe white guys. Since white guys can never be athletic they must have some other quality that makes them good. For sportswriters that quality is always hustle or hard work or some such thing that can help them overcome their genetic "inferiority" even if they have great shuttle performances.

"Also: Pollack has some burst at the line of scrimmage. One interesting thing about Cincinnati's pick here: It probably means that Virginia tight end Heath Miller slips out of the first round."

I guess the maximum amount of white players allowed to be drafted in the first round had been reached.

"Erasmus James, has supreme talent  top-10 talent  but really lagged in workouts leading up to the draft. "

Then why draft the lazy bum?

"Matt Jones, TE: The eye-popping pick of the first round. Nobody  not even Matt Jones' biggest fans  thought the Arkansas wide receiver would go this high. For a team that needs cornerback help, the Jaguars take a major-league risk."

Yeah take a gamble on another disposable cornerback instead of an all-world Olympic class athletic talent that can help put points on the board!

"Luis Castillo, DT: Another first-round surprise. Not because Castillo doesn't have late first-round talent, but because he tested positive for steroids at the combine."

Another sign of the NFL's interest in getting steroids out of the game.

"Lofa Tatupu, MLB: Tatupu, though small, fills a big need. This is about one round higher than most had Tatupu going because of his poor speed (4.8 in the 40) but he might be the most instinctual inside linebacker in the draft. Some have mentioned Miami's Zach Thomas when talking about him."

Small and slow, good thing he wasn't a white guy. Oops, he compared him to a white guy, not a good sign for Tatupu. Tatupu is mentioned as "instinctual" probably because he is Samoan, so he can't be "athletic", like a black player or "intelligent" like a white player. Please remember to keep your racial stereotyping correct!

"Nick Collins, CB: This seems like a huge reach. Collins wasn't even projected to be a first-day pick; he figured to be a fourth- or fifth-rounder. But the Packers need help all over the place in the secondary, and Collins was a starter at both safety and CB in college. "

Guess Dustin Fox starring for Ohio State went unnoticed in Green Bay which is right in the middle of Big Ten territory.

"Dan Cody, DE: Flat out, Cody has first-round talent. But there are some major concerns with his depression problems in college. He should be a great fit in Baltimore, especially with his hyper mentality. This is an awesome pickup for Baltimore's defense."

Yes major concerns about his depression. Too bad he didn't use drugs, abuse women, or kill someone then he would have been drafted in the first round. Also note that he has a "hyper mentality". (Question: how many euphemisms can you think of for the word 'hustle'?)

"Eric Shelton, RB: With the injury concerns over Stephen Davis and DeShaun Foster, Shelton gives the Panthers another physical running back that fits their style perfectly."

Another physical back? Guess Brad Hoover's physical running didn't suit their style?

"Maurice Clarett, RB: It's a compensatory choice, so Denver gets a free shot  there's not much to lose. Most people thought Clarett would start getting looks in the fifth or sixth rounds, but the Broncos latched on to Clarett at the combine and kept talking to him all the way up to the draft."

The OSU malcontent and cheater, who ran a plodding 4.78 at the Combine, was drafted higher then he should have been (if at all). Clarett's misadventures appear to have cost him little. How disappointing! Denver could have drafted local college hero Chance Kretschmer, who led the nation in rushing a few years ago for Nevada. Kretschmer had better speed at the Combine than Clarett, a better college record, and is a much better person. But Chance is white so all that counts for nothing in the Caste System NFL. Note also that Kretschmer would have fit Denver's style of big running backs to a tee.

"Adrian McPherson, QB: McPherson slipped a little further than anyone expected, but it's not a huge shock with some of his personal issues. It will be very interesting to see how he develops with a team like the Saints. Most agreed that he needed to go to a high-character team with a quarterback that could take him under his wing and bring him along. New Orleans really isn't that kind of place. It has a lot of character issues inside the locker room."

Note the nearly all-black Saints are mentioned as having "character issues". That is sportswriter PC speak for gambling, drugs, and woman. Actually McPherson should fit in quite well with New Orleans.

"Anttaj Hawthorne, DT: Hawthorne fell as far as anyone in this draft. Once considered a second-round pick, his positive test for marijuana at the combine ruined his draft prospects. It's not a surprise that a gambling team like Oakland takes a shot on him."

It's not surprising a collection of criminals like the Raiders took him. They are probably hoping he can supply some good weed.

Robinson's comments reflect the views of ALL sports media in the country. Thus the only white players with a guarantee of being drafted high are QB's like Alex Smith. The few other high achieving white college players are slighted for their smallest weaknesses and dropped in favor of black players that had lesser numbers at the NFL scouting combines.

What is especially irritating is that the draft gurus always cite the results of pre-draft testing to back up their reason for placing black athletes in higher positions in their mock drafts, yet the opposite is never the case. No amount of great testing results will increase a white player's standing very much but God forbid he not perform well. Bad Combine numbers are sure to kill what little chance the white player has of being drafted high.

Perhaps the epitome of racial prejudice in pro football drafting was the treatment received by Luke Staley a few years ago. Staley, a white running back out of BYU had been awarded the Doak Walker Award, given annually to the nations best running back. Doak Walker award winners are always been picked in the first round. What could be more important to an NFL team then getting a young running back who has proved he can run
the ball in college better then anyone else in the nation?

Yet Staley, because he was white, was barely drafted, being taken in the last round by the Detroit Lions. The Lions gave Staley the chance most last round selections get, little to none. The excuse given for his late selection was an injury Staley suffered his award winning season, but he recovered completely by 2002 yet still was cut by Detroit and not picked up by any other team even as a backup. Staley is now out of football, at last report working at a kiosk in a Salt Lake City mall. The nation's best runner out of college in 2001 got virtually no respect and no chance, merely because of his skin color.

The unfair treatment of football players due to the color of their skin is wrong. Nearly everyone in America agrees that racial prejudice is bad. Yet year after year, and decade after decade go by and no one in the major print and electronic media has anything to say about the NFL's continuing bigotry. Even when human slavery was legal there was a small but forceful group of abolitionists that opposed it. Eventually people realized they were right and steps were taken to correct that injustice. Today the fight continues, led by Caste Football.
Edited by: Don Wassall