Farve Retiring?


Sep 29, 2008
Wow, just received a txt from my friend in Mnpls, he says Farve is done.
I thought he was a lock to come back for 2010.

If so, what a way to kick off August. LOL!
Do you think this is Farve just doing his mind changing thing again?

I just can't imagine Farve retiring now. The Vikings window for SB is this year.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
According to media reports, Favre will announce that he will not return for the 2010 season as his ankle has not improved to the point that he is comfortable with it.

DWF's don't despair! You'll have the super afflete Tavaris Jackson behind center working his magic with his room-brightening smile!


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I'm sure this is great news for the affletes on the Vikings roster. After all they wanted Jackson to start over Favre a while back anyway. Yes they would have preferred that an unproven and very mediocre quarterback start over a living legend based solely on skin color. This is the world we live in today. Now they have their wish.


Nov 13, 2005
If Tavaris is now handed the job of QB, Packers chances to win the division just got a lot better. Wondering how this would impact Toby, might be catching the ball more, but also blocking more as Tavaris scrambles his way from one screwed up play after another.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
I can see it now, when the Vikings start to go downhill because Jackson sucks, they will find the white guy, Gerhart to blame because he can't catch Tavaris' one-hop balls thrown his way, or collect the knee-level handoffs.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
is this Brett's 84th retirement, or his 85th? i have lost track ...
he'll probably be back right after training camp wraps up. *grin*

in all seriousness, however, this bodes ill for Gerhart and for Peterson. with no threat of a passing attack whatsoever, surely defenses will load the box with 8 or 9 defenders and dare the "dynamic" and "big play" Jacksoff to throw the ball ... to his own team, i mean. Jacksoff has proven he is very skilled at making "big plays" whilst throwing passes to the opposition.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Wait a second fellas, Isn't there another White QB in camp who was giving Jackson a run for the money before Farve came on the scene last year? Isn't that White guy still there? Don't be such doom and gloom all the time.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Tom, the other quarterback they have on their roster is Sage Rosenfels. He's 32 years old now and a 10 year veteran. He started 10 games for Houston during two seasons and has 12 total NFL starts. He's a good qb but you know the Vikings are going to stick with Tavaris "dump it off" Jackson. He's young and the affletes on the team will give him their unconditional support.

Magic things happen when a negro qb replaces a white one. The affletes seem to drop less passes and play harder. Just my observation from past situations.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Rosenfels is an average QB, journeyman describes him well. Favre will probably still play, but if he doesn't Rosenfels has a chance to be the starter. Jackson has some talent but is very erratic, which is true of just about all black QBs.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
If Favre retires it will be the downfall of Childress. For whatever reason he thinks Tavaris Jackson is a serviceable QB and if that doesn't work he has the afflete Joe Webb backing him up. They could of drafted Jimmy Clausen but passed him up, that says alot about how moronic Childress is.


Oct 21, 2004
Pure WWE drama. Favre should be regaled as one of the all time great NFL players, but these acts of buffoonery may be what he is ultimately best remembered for. I don't think for one minute that he will retire. Or, if he does, that he will do so without several more uncertain moments. Already, there are several reports that he has said nothing about retiring. Ryan Longwell stated that he talked to Favre today, and Favre mentioned nothing about retiring.

I am beginning to think that even the false ESPN reports are all part of the theater. Favre can't make up his mind any more decisively than the average toddler, and he has now held his team hostage for several consecutive seasons. It's the epitome of selfishness to not give the Vikings, or before that the Packers, enough notice so that they can make other plans (draft, free agency, etc.) at quarterback.

I've expressed my feelings about Favre many times on this forum. I think that he is harming his legacy by this ritualistic game he plays, and losing the respect of more people each time a new false retirement report pops up. He certainly isn't giving me any reason to reassess my views about him. Edited by: bigunreal


Dec 13, 2009
Sage is better than Jackson IMO and Gus Frerotte clearly outplayed Jackson 2 years ago as will Sage this year if given the chance.


Oct 31, 2009
Favre wants to still play..his body is not allowing it. Did you see his swollen/purple ankle
months after the NFC Championship game?? He had to have surgery on it...bec it wasn't healing on it's own; and it did not respond to surgery as he had hoped.

Talked to this black dude a few weeks back who was wearing Vikes hat...me being a Saints fan; wetalked about the NFC Game...of course the loss was "on Favrewith thelate game INT"...I then reminded him of Peterson's fumbles(on crucial near goal-line); Harvin & Berrrianfumbled too..but it's easy to forget those plays..hmmm

They can makeFavre the scapegoat...but truth is with Tarvaris Jacksonthey are lucky to get into a wild-card game! Childress knows it.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I think Rosenfels is a lot better than Jackson too. Frerotte played great a couple seasons ago replacing Jackson as well. I really think Jackson would hinder the team more than help them. They wont be better than 9-7 with him starting even though all he has to be is a game manager...(gasp)did I just use that term to describe a black QB?


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Brett Favre, the certified megalomaniac, is once again "teasing"Â￾ the legion of drunken white fans (who, justifiably, have grown to loathe his yearly "deliberations"Â￾) and the corporate media (who prefer to masturbate to the most narcissistic of athletes) with vague and contradictory text messages to his teammates and his most obsessed admirer (and/or celebrity stalker), the always-emotional Steve Mariucci. He has all of the Football FanBoys wrapped around his selfish little finger. Mariucci then announced that the supposed retirement is not actually definite. What? You mean this modern theater "isn't over,"Â￾ I'm so stunned.

And, yes, I know the counter-argument"¦ "Well, at least it's a white player generating this type media frenzy."Â￾ Yeah, right. His bizarre behavior makes him look like an utter fool, a liar, and a vacillating egomaniac. Seriously, what kind of a self-described "Louisiana country boy"Â￾ does this sort of thing? How does he live with himself knowing that he is the never-ending topic of conversation? Perhaps the same guy who, despite being the "Unofficial President of Green Bay Wisconsin,"Â￾ did and said nothing for 15+ seasons to petition the Green Bay Packers into signing any white skill players besides WR Bill Schroeder (who he treated poorly) and TE Mark Churmura (who he never publicly defended, even after he was found innocent)? This is one of the best overall football players in the history of the NFL effectively tarnishing everything he's accomplished with 5 years of melodramatic nothingness.

Every season that "Favre Watch"Â￾ continues it's like depositing money (via increased ratings) into the bank accounts of infinitely anti-white corporations such as ESPN and NFL Network. And no, for once, it's not the media's fault (those twits are just pandering to attention-whores and ignoring pertinent news, as usual)"¦it's always been him.

If his ankle isn't healing correctly, that's fine"¦then either retire or report to training camp to help your teammates prepare until you're healthy. Isn't that what any normal player would do"¦even the most self-absorbed, infantile blacks? Favre had an amazing, age-defying season in 2009, but this "Legendary Tale"Â￾ is being turned into a "Funny Story."Â￾Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I agree with you for the most part, Thrashen. I love Brett Favre and wear his jersey all the time. He's a favorite of mine along with Steve Young and Peyton Manning

With that being said, if he does come back after all this I will lose a lot of respect for him. Hopefully he doesn't play with out minds again.


Oct 12, 2008
The vacillating doesn't bother me at all. It's mostly the idiotic media which blows the speculation out of proportion. I think he really intended to retire two years ago and legitimately changed his mind. He definitely doesn't want to attend mini-camp and he doesn't need it.

Ultimately, it would benefit cf's interests for him to return. The Vikings feature significant white defensive players who benefit from a good offense. And, if Toby gets an opportunity, I want Brett Favre at quarterback. The only argument for Favre's retirement is that we could watch T-Jack fail miserably. But, he's already a proven dud.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Im beyond all this Brett Favre garbage. THe Packers made the right choice on choosing Rodgers. For the last 6 years there has been constant media coverage on Favre(local and national). Whether he was considering retirement, blah, blah, blah. He's only tarnishing his legacy, I respect him as a player, but I sometimes wonder if he's like this with every decision in his life?


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
icsept said:
The vacillating doesn't bother me at all. It's mostly the idiotic media which blows the speculation out of proportion. I think he really intended to retire two years ago and legitimately changed his mind. He definitely doesn't want to attend mini-camp and he doesn't need it.

Ultimately, it would benefit cf's interests for him to return. The Vikings feature significant white defensive players who benefit from a good offense. And, if Toby gets an opportunity, I want Brett Favre at quarterback. The only argument for Favre's retirement is that we could watch T-Jack fail miserably. But, he's already a proven dud.

My sentiments exactly. I think Favre did this to get more money which the Vikings did by bumping his 13 million dollar contract up to 20 million. If his ankle improves, he will play. If you guys could make a extra seven million dollars in a day by issuing a semi-fake retirement, you would do so in a heartbeat.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
From my years of observing the media in action, it doesn't surprise me in the least that this year's Favre saga is fabricated in an attempt to get ratings and raise sensationalism. Think what you will of Favre's indecision, the reports of his retirement and "text messages to teammates" is a made-up story according to Favre:

<DIV ="hd">
<H1 property="dc:title">Favre Says He's Undecided, Denies He Sent Texts</H1>
<DIV ="byline">
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<DIV of="vcard:VCard">
SportingNews 2 hours, 25 minutes ago
<DIV ="toolbar">
<DIV ="ymsb ymsb-facebook ymsb-retweet ymsb-mail ymsb-print">
<DIV id=yup-container>Brett Favre(notes) told ESPN he has not made a decision about next season but will play if his ankle is healthy.
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<DIV id=copy>
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On Tuesday, it was reported that Favre told some teammates via text message that he was retiring. Favre told ESPN he never sent any such messages.
<DIV id=sidebar>

The Vikings have reportedly offered Favre up to $20 million to return this season, but Favre says money is not an issue, according to ESPN.

NFL Network's Steve Mariucci, was has mentored Favre, reported Tuesday that the quarterback was undecided. "Right now, he told me, ‘I'm trying to get my body healthy,'" said Mariucci.

On Wednesday, Favre's agent, Bus Cook, made a statement to Mariucci. "As far as Brett is concerned, in spite of reports to the contrary, Brett's situation has nothing to do with his contract, but everything to do with his health and ability to contribute to that team and play at a level that he has been accustomed to playing over the years. "¦ Brett's ankle, which needed surgery since 2007, was surgically repaired this last spring by Dr. James Andrews. Until such time, Brett feels he can play at a level that he expects of himself, no decision will be made.

"Brett has an appointment to see Dr. Andrews next week and will know more at that time. Brett continues working every day, rehabbing his ankle and will see after his visit with Dr. Andrews what his status is at that time."Edited by: FootballDad

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
icsept said:
The vacillating doesn't bother me at all. It's mostly the idiotic media which blows the speculation out of proportion. I think he really intended to retire two years ago and legitimately changed his mind. He definitely doesn't want to attend mini-camp and he doesn't need it.

Ultimately, it would benefit cf's interests for him to return. The Vikings feature significant white defensive players who benefit from a good offense. And, if Toby gets an opportunity, I want Brett Favre at quarterback. The only argument for Favre's retirement is that we could watch T-Jack fail miserably. But, he's already a proven dud.

I agree. I think this annual rite is kind of funny actually. The media used to pester Favre five, six, seven years ago with questions about when he was going to retire. Maybe this is his way of getting back at them.

I'll be sad when he does retire for good. He's an all-time great and what he did last year at the age of 40 was sensational.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Wither Brett Farve. To be or not to is the question I ask today...
I would prefer for him to retire you can only go to the well so many times before it runs dry. You can tell how desperate Minnesota is by negotiating through the media. Even Childress knows that letting Tiberious run the Vikings ship will maroon the Vikings....
Dec 18, 2004
Don Wassall said:
icsept said:
The vacillating doesn't bother me at all. It's mostly the idiotic media which blows the speculation out of proportion. I think he really intended to retire two years ago and legitimately changed his mind. He definitely doesn't want to attend mini-camp and he doesn't need it. Ultimately, it would benefit cf's interests for him to return. The Vikings feature significant white defensive players who benefit from a good offense. And, if Toby gets an opportunity, I want Brett Favre at quarterback. The only argument for Favre's retirement is that we could watch T-Jack fail miserably. But, he's already a proven dud.
<div> </div>
<div>I agree.  I think this annual rite is kind of funny actually.  The media used to pester Favre five, six, seven years ago with questions about when he was going to retire.  Maybe this is his way of getting back at them.  </div>
<div> </div>
<div>I'll be sad when he does retire for good.  He's an all-time great and what he did last year at the age of 40 was sensational.  </div>

Yes, 6-7 years ago, media types hoped that the QB position might soon become majority black. They may have wanted Favre to retire in order to speed things along.

I have written previously that I saw predictions as far back as 1974 that NFL QB's would be over half black "in 10 years." This was the year Joe Gilliam started some games for the Steelers and James Harris became the Ram starter for a few years.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Another Favre update. Perhaps Visanthe Shiancoe just wants Favre to retire so he can have a bruva at QB...

<DIV ="hd">
<H1 property="dc:title">Agent, coach: Favre will play if ankle is healthy</H1>
<DIV ="byline">
<DIV rel="dc:creator">
<DIV of="vcard:VCard">
By JON KRAWCZYNSKI, AP Sports Writer 3 hours, 0 minutes ago
<DIV ="toolbar">
<DIV ="ymsb ymsb-facebook ymsb-retweet ymsb-mail ymsb-print">
<DIV id=yup-container>MANKATO, Minnesota (AP)â€"Brett Favre(notes) might play this season after all, with officials saying the quarterback plans to return for the Minnesota Vikings if his surgically repaired ankle allows it.
<DIV ="bd">
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Vikings offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell and Favre's agent, Bus Cook, both said Wednesday that the veteran quarterback plans to play if he is healthy. He had surgery on the ankle in May.

Bevell has been close friends with Favre since he was his quarterbacks coach with the Green Bay Packers.
<DIV style="WIDTH: 220px" ="inline_photo inline_photo_right">

<DIV ="caption">Brett Favre passes to members of the Oak Grove High School football team in Hattiesburg, Miss. on Monday.
(AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)

"I know it's a decision that he wrestles with,"Â￾ Bevell said after Wednesday morning's practice as Favre was throwing the ball around with high school students in Mississippi. "He's a great player. He's a great competitor. He mulls things over. He's an emotional guy. So he thinks things through long and hard and takes his time with his decision. So I'm not surprised that things started to come out. We just have to wait and see."Â￾
<DIV id=sidebar>
<DIV id=sk-right-video ="related_video">Bevell said he has spoken to the 40-year-old quarterback recently, but not in the last 24 hours. He said it's been his understanding that if Favre's ankle heals well enough, he will return to play for the Vikings this season.

"That's what I've been getting all along,"Â￾ Bevell said.

Cook said Favre will visit his surgeon, Dr. James Andrews, next week for an evaluation.

"He's working out really hard and everything seems to indicate that if he is healthy and can contribute and play at the level that he has become accustomed to, he will play,"Â￾ Cook said.

The two-year contract Favre signed last year calls for him to make $13 million this season and Cook said he has not begun negotiations on any adjustments to the contract.

Outside Oak Grove High School in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Favre told reporters his decision is "not about the money."Â￾ He also said he has been in touch with the team and "they know what's going on with me."Â￾

On Tuesday, a person with knowledge of the situation told The Associated Press that Favre had contacted teammates and team officials to tell them his ankle was not healing and that he wasn't going to return for a second season in Minnesota. Tight end Visanthe Shiancoe(notes) confirmed the report, saying Favre "told a couple guys on our team he's going to retire."Â￾

Shiancoe said Wednesday he still had not heard from Favre directly and declined further comment.

Like the rest of the league, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said he was taking a "wait and hear"Â￾ approach to the latest twist in the Favre saga.

"Brett Favre is great for our game. And I think the passion he has for the game is extraordinary,"Â￾ he said. "I think we all love to see him play, but we want him to do what's best for him at the end of the day."Â￾

Favre has considered retiring every summer since 2002. It led to an ugly parting with the Packers that got him traded from Green Bay to the Jets in 2008. After a so-so season in New York, he announced his retirement in early 2009 for the second time, then reconsidered and signed with the Vikings.

He had one of his best seasons last year, with career bests in completion percentage (68.4), quarterback rating (107.2) and fewest interceptions (7), while throwing for 33 TDs and 4,202 yards to lead the Vikings (12-4) to an NFC North title. He hurt his left ankle in the NFC championship loss to the New Orleans Saints and had arthroscopic surgery in May.

"He is an emotional guy. He does tell you how he's feeling. He is very honest,"Â￾ Bevell said. "That's what I love about him and that's what a lot of people love about him. Sometimes it serves him well, sometimes it doesn't."Â￾


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
I still recall an SI cover from 1989 with a picture of Randall Cunningham on the cover and the title yelping something like "The Future NFL Quarterback."