Wlad v. Thompson II


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Anyone who has ever viewed the first Cooper vs Clay fight, where Cooper dropped Clay with a good left hook and left him on queer street towards the end of the rd. Clay stumbled back to his corner. Where dasterdly Dundee took a razor blade to the Clay's gloves and ripped them. Thus stopping the fight and giving Ali buco time to recover in order to change his gloves.

Can you image Wlad or Vitali landing a left hook then a booming right to close matters. Game over. It would be no contest. Wlad and Vitali are immensely better, stronger and faster than cruiserweight Henry Cooper.


May 18, 2012
In my world
The Eastside Boxing Forum has a thread going: Prime Ali vs. Prime Wlad.

Most think Ali would win easily.

I think in some topics words will never be enough...........I am just posting a photo and I am resting my case...........

Let's be serious, the Jews contradict their-selves and they don't even realize it. In once white dominated sports as the sprints and American Basketball, they will tell you that legends of the past (99,9% of them white of course) would stand no chance against the better conditioned athletes of today, the better sports technology, equipment blah blah and of course in current white dominated sports such as Tennis, Golf (they have Tiger there), Hockey etc they are waiting for a black champ to come (like a savior ala Serena and Tiger) only so they can discredit and demean the 99,9% of the all time great whites in those sports (they have done it in baseball as well I believe).

Now in sports like boxing or even soccer where whites outnumber blacks in the all time great lists 10 to 1 (if not more) they won't care FOR THEIR OWN theories and they will try to convince you that midgets and bums like Joe Louis, Jack Johnson, Mike Tyson etc would destroy the Klitschkos etc hahahahaha
In soccer they will use Pele to demean 1 trillion all time great whites and claim that Pele = the dominance of the "super athletic" black race in the sport.

I don't know how some will take this and I swear I am no fan of Hitler (he harmed both my countries and family on personal level) but he was right about one thing.............He said that Jews are not as smart as they think they are, that's why they always end up being hunted ( Egypt, Rome, Spain, USSR, German.......soon in USA? We will see)


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
David Haye would beat Ali. That is no joke. Look at what Wladimir did to him. In fact, Haye has a definite advantage over Ali, better power. I'm sure even the self loathing DWF's will agree at least on that. Now if "Pig" James wasn't playing for the Heat and took up a career in boxing then we'd have to worry. :smile:
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Anyone who has ever viewed the first Cooper vs Clay fight, where Cooper dropped Clay with a good left hook and left him on queer street towards the end of the rd. Clay stumbled back to his corner. Where dasterdly Dundee took a razor blade to the Clay's gloves and ripped them. Thus stopping the fight and giving Ali buco time to recover in order to change his gloves....

It's another crime that the record boks have not been corrected to show that Henry Cooper won that fight by KO, which he did.

Even worse - I watched a tape of the fight on ESPN Classic. What the media zhids did was SPLICE THE TAPE together so that it appeared that no abnormal time elapsed after the round that Copper knocked down Clay. Not only did they splice the tape but the commentators said not one single word about what transpired between rounds. They deceitfully and deliberately presented it as though nothing at all happened between rounds. I don't even think that you can find an authentic uncut tape of that fight anymore. They have spliced them all or destroyed them, so now it is uncertain how much extra time Clay got between rounds. I think it was over 4 minutes, but even if it was one second it doesn't matter because Cooper won because the rules make no provision for extra time to recuperate between rounds if a fighter is hurt at the end of the round.

Another one of Clay's crooked wins was vs. a club fighter named Alonzo Johnson. You can see that fight on Youtbe, but you will notice that it ends abruptly. They clipped off the end. But I remember the end. I remember how the announcers said in disbelief, "They - the crooked judges - gave it to Clay!"
Dec 18, 2004
Most Jews (like yourself) think so, they never give white athletes any credit because of their deep-rooted hatred for the goyim.

The weak-minded, self-loathing whites who post on ESB believe so too. And of course, most negroes believe Ali would win.

But any normal, healthy white man who thinks for himself and has not been fooled by the media's negativity against the Klitschkos would realize the elusive but feather-fisted Ali is a very good style matchup for Wlad.

You sound like a Jewish agent sent to this Forum to make people who check it out think posters are as stupid as a plate of catfish.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
It's certainly true that on one level, Ali is more entertaining than the Klitschkos because he's a loudmouth sh*t talker and people love to hate him while at the same time singing his praises. Call it the Kanye West syndrome, except Ali could box whereas Kanye West is a no talent hack.

In short, Whites LOVE to see Blacks chimp out. They won't say so, and they'll call YOU racist if you call THEM out on it, but it's true.

Just like basketball. Idiots today don't want to see team play, cooperation, and the fostering of sportsmanship. They want to see some bozo put on an hour long special where he minces like a girl talking about what team he wants.

Anyway,boxing is one of those sports where anything can happen of course, but I really think either Klitschko would win against Ali, especially Vitali. Prime Vitali would HURT Ali, permanently.

One thing that's weird about a lot of Whites is that they'll secretly want Ali to lose, but then if someone like Klitschko would actually knock him out, they'd be mad at Klitschko.

Can you imagine if some Black fighter were a PHD and accomplished all that Wlad and Vitali did?

"Oh, but [Black Klitschko] only fought bums!"

"Shut up, racisssssss!"


Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
You sound like a Jewish agent sent to this Forum to make people who check it out think posters are as stupid as a plate of catfish.
No, I'm not a Jewish agent, and you can see I'm far from stupid. You're attacking me because I'm a supporter of White boxers.

I've been around plenty of Jews in my life and I know most of them would say Ali easily beats Wlad. You're the only one at this site who has expressed that opinion. What does that tell us about who you are? You don't come across as a negro or a self-loathing negro wannabe.

In the past you've bashed white fighters like Max Schmeling and Jerry Quarry while giving Joe Frazier and Joe Louis lots of praise.

East Side Boxing, registered under the name "David Rosenberg", is notorious for all the Klitschko-bashing that goes on in the every day.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
No, I'm not a Jewish agent, and you can see I'm far from stupid. You're attacking me because I'm a supporter of White boxers.

I've been around plenty of Jews in my life and I know most of them would say Ali easily beats Wlad. You're the only one at this site who has expressed that opinion. What does that tell us about who you are? You don't come across as a negro or a self-loathing negro wannabe.

In the past you've bashed white fighters like Max Schmeling and Jerry Quarry while giving Joe Frazier and Joe Louis lots of praise.

East Side Boxing, registered under the name "David Rosenberg", is notorious for all the Klitschko-bashing that goes on in the every day.
How does a 212 pounder destroy Wlad? At best he could rope a dope the pre Manny Wlad, but Ali either would lose similar to Haye or get flattened similar to Chambers with the prime Wlad. If a 212 pound heavyweight could still be the undisputed champion boxing would still have champions of this size. I will say that fighter like Roy Jones can beat hand picked limited bigger men or care taker type undisputed champion. But with the way boxing is now only all time great fighters can unify the belts.

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Why the agro against Sport Historian? He's only reporting what the people on Eastside think. He didn't say he thought Ali would easily beat Vlad.

Anyway I figured this Ali-Klitschko think would come up. They can't fine anyone to beat them, so they have to reach into the past. Just picture what either Klitschko would do to the fighters Ali had problems with. None of them would stand a chance. Can you imagain an Alonzo Johnson, Doug Jones, Oscar Bonavena, Karl Mildenburger, or a Ken Norton in with either brother? Fuggetaboutit.

Let them cling to the old days.

It's all they have any more.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Anyone who has ever viewed the first Cooper vs Clay fight, where Cooper dropped Clay with a good left hook and left him on queer street towards the end of the rd. Clay stumbled back to his corner. Where dasterdly Dundee took a razor blade to the Clay's gloves and ripped them. Thus stopping the fight and giving Ali buco time to recover in order to change his gloves.

Can you image Wlad or Vitali landing a left hook then a booming right to close matters. Game over. It would be no contest. Wlad and Vitali are immensely better, stronger and faster than cruiserweight Henry Cooper.

And that is a very good point. Henry Cooper only weighed 185.