Tina Turner


Jan 27, 2016
Speaking of black icons passing, Tina Turner has died at 83. Turner was another famous black entertainer that came out of the sixties. I’ve heard lots of claims that she was “heroic” and overcame great odds to be a star. Of course those odds turned out to be overcoming the poor treatment by the black men in her life.

The “Queen of Rock n’ Roll” (I think her main competition for the crown was Elton John) like Jim Brown lived the authentic black American experience. Brown embraced it, and the perks of being an abuser/civil rights icon, while Turner scorned it, marrying a nice White man and settling peacefully in Switzerland.

She was born Anna Mae Bullock in rural Tennessee to an abusive sharecropper and a mother that was crazy. She bounced around with various relatives as a kid and met Ike Turner through her sister who was dating a member of the band.

Ike Turner, apparently a real piece of work, renamed her, married her, exploited her and beat her. He would have made a good pimp. She left him and was penniless and without any rights to her work and kicked around for years before hitting gold when in her 40’s during the 1980’s in the MTV era. That led to money and the husband that surely made her life much more pleasant.

She frequently opened for the Stones before hitting it big. Supposedly she taught Jagger how to move. I remember seeing her live, that woman would sing the hell out of a song, and man those legs!

Like Jim Brown she was worth the hype unlike so many “stars” today. I hope she is at peace at last.


Jun 4, 2020
Speaking of black icons passing, Tina Turner has died at 83. Turner was another famous black entertainer that came out of the sixties. I’ve heard lots of claims that she was “heroic” and overcame great odds to be a star. Of course those odds turned out to be overcoming the poor treatment by the black men in her life.

The “Queen of Rock n’ Roll” (I think her main competition for the crown was Elton John) like Jim Brown lived the authentic black American experience. Brown embraced it, and the perks of being an abuser/civil rights icon, while Turner scorned it, marrying a nice White man and settling peacefully in Switzerland.

She was born Anna Mae Bullock in rural Tennessee to an abusive sharecropper and a mother that was crazy. She bounced around with various relatives as a kid and met Ike Turner through her sister who was dating a member of the band.

Ike Turner, apparently a real piece of work, renamed her, married her, exploited her and beat her. He would have made a good pimp. She left him and was penniless and without any rights to her work and kicked around for years before hitting gold when in her 40’s during the 1980’s in the MTV era. That led to money and the husband that surely made her life much more pleasant.

She frequently opened for the Stones before hitting it big. Supposedly she taught Jagger how to move. I remember seeing her live, that woman would sing the hell out of a song, and man those legs!

Like Jim Brown she was worth the hype unlike so many “stars” today. I hope she is at peace at last.
Well stated.