Samuele Ceccarelli 6.47 and 10.13

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
It's time to start an individual thread for the Italian Stallion Samuel Ceccarelli. In his short career so far Ceccarelli is the fastest
white sprinter in the history of the world over 60 meters. He won the 2023 European Indoor Championships Gold Medal running a
sensational time of 6.47 seconds! No white sprinter has ever run that fast. He has already run 10.13 twice so far over 100 meters
in his first 2 races of the year! I see this man running many sub 10's in the coming years!


Samuele Ceccarelli storms to 60m gold | Men's 60m Final | Full Race Replay | Istanbul 2023​

European Athletics


white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Here is the same race in english where Samuel Ceccarelli won the European Team Championship Mens 100 Meters in a time of 10.13!


white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
To put into perspective of what Samuel Ceccarelli is possibly capable of let's look at Su Bingtian who has the same 60 meter
personal best time of 6.47! The mens 60 meters world record is 6.37 non altitude which is just a tenth of a second away!

Su Bingtian has a lifetime best in the 100 meters of 9.83. Many other sprinters that have similar 60 meter times as Ceccarelli
have gone in the 9.80's to low 9.90's range. So just something to make you think of his potential when he learns to hold
his speed for longer with better speed endurance!
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Hall of Famer
Jul 20, 2018
Always nice to have another White Sprinter on the radar!


Jun 8, 2022
To put into perspective of what Samuel Ceccarelli is possibly capable of let's look at Su Bingtian who has the same 60 meter
personal best time of 6.47! The mens 60 meters world record is 6.37 non altitude which is just a tenth of a second away!

Su Bingtian has a lifetime best in the 100 meters of 9.83. Many other sprinters that have similar 60 meter times as Ceccarelli
have gone in the 9.80's to low 9.90's range. So just something to make you think of his potential when he learns to hold
his speed for longer with better speed endurance!
By the way, is Su Bingtian still competing?


Jun 3, 2014
Ceccarelli is listed at 6 feet tall. I see this as a positive for him in the 100. He doesn’t look like he has short legs so once he gets his speed endurance up he could potentially run some great times.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
By the way, is Su Bingtian still competing?

Su Bingtian ran twice indoors and hasn't been seen outdoors. He is 33 years of age so his bests days are over in my opinion. What a career
he had though. People use height as an excuse too much. Su Bingtian is only 5'8 and ran these times. Maurcie Greene it at 5'9. Of course
we will never know if they had any help or not? There were many rumors about Maurice Greene but there are rumors about many athletes.

Let's try to get this thread back on topic. I'm excited to see Samuel Ceccarelli run tommorow in the Olso Gold Continental Cup!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
On Friday July 14th we will see the big 3 Italian Sprinters face each other. Samuel Ceccarelli, Filippo Tortu and Lamont Marcel Jacobs. Here
is to hoping that Ceccarelli is ready to run a new personal best. I feel it's his time to shine! Look for a very fast race. To get you guys pumped
up for Friday here is a quick video with some of his indoor and outdoor races so far in 2023. Let's do this!

Things have changed for now and none of these guys will be there sadly. They will meet at the end
of July so we will just have to wait 2 more weeks to see this matchup.


Samuele Ceccarelli - The Man who SMOKED Jacobs​

Athletics Sprint
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white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Ceccarelli, the new blue jet

While awaiting Marcell Jacobs' return to the track, the Italian sprint relies on Samuele Ceccarelli. The rider from Massa, European indoor 60m champion at the end of winter, has also grown up on the 100m straight. Three outings in the space of a month, as many good performances: 10”13 at the Golden Gala in Florence, 10”13 with lots of success at the European Team Championships in Chorzow, 10”15 at the Golden Spike in Ostrava. At the moment, qualification for the World Cup in Budapest would be possible due to the ranking, but between now and the world championship in Hungary there will be a lot to improve. «Until last season I hadn't explored the 100 much due to constant injuries. Now that I finally feel good I can express myself continuously and therefore I can go to discover my limits on the queen distance». Good start, Ceccarelli is exploring resistance to speed, so as to build a better launched phase. «At the exit of the blocks I am keeping myself lower for a prolonged time. In this way I can acquire greater speed to maintain in acceleration and in the subsequent transition to the launched. This will be the phase to work on in the summer to improve grip at speed and avoid stiffening in the chest». Complex elements that the twenty-three-year-old Tuscan describes in a simple way. On the other hand, the continental crown conquered on the Bosphorus at the beginning of March did not change his life. "In training I remained myself, if anything the changes took place off the track, because now there are more people who recognize me on the street".

Born in 2000 in Massa, where he still resides, Ceccarelli has been training for three years under the orders of Marco Del Medico (famous because he was the guide of the blind sprinter Lorenzo Ricci at the Sydney 2000 Paralympics, twice gold in the 100 and 4x100) in Pietrasanta , about twenty kilometers from home. «As a child I practiced karate, then at 15 I started with athletics, enticed by the father of a classmate of mine who coached at the Massa camp. Following Giuseppe Mannella's advice, I dedicated myself to sprinting, but unfortunately I was tormented by injuries in the youth categories». A series of micro-fractures from stress that didn't leave him alone until the end of the year of grace 2023. «I made my debut indoors, improving my 60s by eleven cents, then from 6"61 I dropped to 6"58 and 6" 54 to win the Absolutes, then 6"47 in the semifinal and 6"48 in the final to put the European gold around my neck». Both in Ancona and Istanbul beating twice the Olympic champion Marcell Jacobs. “I know he's going through a complicated moment right now, but I'm sure he'll get back on his feet. I don't hear from him often, because I don't want to disturb him or be out of place, but there is a cordial relationship between us, also made up of jokes and jokes». The two should have competed on the 100 at the Golden Gala, where, however, Jacobs raised the white flag. So Ceccarelli took the stage, subtracting 32 cents from the staff dated 2021 and conquering the blue shirt for the European Games. In Poland, a personal record equaled and a valuable contribution also to the 4x100, where he was deployed in the second fraction, the one usually raced by Jacobs.

«I like being part of the relay project and I am proud to have been able to give my contribution. At the moment we are among the qualifiers for the World Cup, but if we need to make another sprint in July, the technicians are available». His maternal grandfather Gastone Giacinti was the goalkeeper of Foggia in Serie A in the 70s, but Samuele chose to follow in his father's footsteps: after graduating from the linguistic high school, he is studying law in Pisa to become a lawyer like his father. «I'm halfway through the process and starting next September I will start the Dual Career program which will allow me to have some benefits as a student-athlete. I don't want to block any road. I wouldn't mind being a lawyer, but now I'm thinking about studying and the 100 meters». Simple and modest boy, a lover of travel and music, Ceccarelli is proud to be part of the Italian national team. «We won the European Cup for the first time. The wave of triumphs in Tokyo continues and many young people are joining the group without disfiguring in the presence of the older ones». Like Samuele da Massa in front of Marcell da Desenzano. It almost seems like David against Goliath, yet twice the outsider beat the champion. Probable next duel - if Jacobs will be at the Assoluti di Molfetta at the end of the month, where the "Cecca", as his friends call him, will want to conquer the tricolor jersey of the outdoor sprint, after having already worn that of the 60 in February. « I'm still uncertain whether to carry out a test in Italy or abroad the week before the Tricolori. It will depend on any invitations that may arrive and on my position in the ranking at that time». In fact, the priority is to detach the ticket for Budapest, the first major career review for a fast-running millennial.

Storia di Mario Nicoliello • Ieri 06:54


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Jun 3, 2016
gotta comment on that last photo....I think he has his nails and cuticles manicured as his hands and fingers are very "soft" looking for a man...

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Three big Azzurri will be protagonists on Saturday in edition no. 16 of the Triveneto International Meeting of Trieste. The event that this year will be held at the Draghicchio athletic field will host the sprint of the European 60m indoor champion Samuele Ceccarelli, in his fourth season outing on the 100m. The blue from Atletica Firenze Marathon will arrive in Trieste the day after the commitment with the 4x100 relay in Grosseto (Friday) where he will look for a time that can guarantee participation in the Budapest World Championships. At the Triveneto Meeting he will continue his approach to the world championship review in the individual competition, to which he will be admitted through the ranking, thanks to the recent performances of 10.13 (Golden Gala in Florence and European team championships in Chorzow) and 10.15 (Golden Spike in Ostrava) and of the results obtained indoors. For Ceccarelli, from today at work in Rome in the relay rally, it will also be an opportunity to test himself in view of the Absolute Italian Championships which will see him on the track seven days later in Molfetta, to try to win his first national title in the 100m meters.


Jan 16, 2022
I am quite interested in this. Would like to see if he can finish stronger over the last 20 meters.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004

The spotlights are on the Molfetta track: on the weekend of the absolute championships on Saturday at 7.45 pm, with the battery, the challenge for the conquest of the Italian title over 100 meters will begin. And in the absence of Marcell Jacobs, still struggling with his injury, attention is focused on Samuele Ceccarelli. “It's definitely a good testing ground, you get there with certain premises and certain expectations, the competition is very high. No one should be underestimated or overestimated, you have to be careful of everyone and of myself,” the European 60m indoor champion explains to LaPresse. "The goal is to try to win, it's plan A as for everyone - he adds - the rest of the plans all come together, to do the best possible". The athlete is fresh from the excellent performance in the 4×100 in Grosseto, when with 38.04 the team secured qualification for the world championships: "I'm sorry that after the good result, two out of four teammates had problems (Filippo Tortu and Lorenzo Patta, ed), we hope they will recover and recover soon so that we can offer a good performance again in Budapest”, he explains. “We are a group of friends, a united group. It is more difficult to run alone than to run the relay – he says – you always give your best, then you know that many things can happen in the changeovers but we all run together ”.
Budapest is certainly also a personal goal: "it will be another good competition, literally with the best in the world, you have to interpret it, get there with the right psychological orientation". Preparation goes on, "I train in Pietrasanta, close to home, since I live in Massa, in the heat you go out at 5", and at the World Championships "it won't be easy at all but you have to give your best and see what it will be".

On the rivalry with Jacobs:

Ceccarelli's exploit arrived in February, when at the Assoluti Indoor in Ancona he beat Marcell Jacobs on 60 meters. From there, the attention - and pressure - in the media and even the ink spent on his rivalry with the world champion grew. “You have to face things in the right way, knowing that everyone is always racing against everyone,” he observes. "It's okay for the newspapers to try to create this competition, you have to know it and take it for what it is - he adds - the most important thing is to indulge yourself, certainly you feel the greater attention from people but few know what's there behind the training there are dynamics unknown to most”. As for the challenge between the two of them, "we hope to see him soon, in competition, athletics and competition would benefit, it is a stimulus". Certainly it is the fact of having seen the Italian expedition achieve unprecedented results in terms of speed at the Tokyo Olympics, "saying we did it leads me to think that maybe in Paris, when I could be there too, we can do it again".

Towards Paris 2024

The 23-year-old Tuscan, registered with the Atletica Firenze Marathon, arrived at athletics 16 years after karate, which he practiced for 7 years. “I think a lot of what you get comes from how you approach it, the right mindset makes your legs spin“. Unlike many other athletes, no mental coach, "I take advantage of the advice of the people around me, my parents, my coach, my girlfriend, who try to make me see things in the right way, who are close to me and live directly with me, in first person and a half everything that happens to me, I'm lucky to have these people who are always there, not just when I'm on the track". Wishes for the route from here to Paris? “Being able to win some other big appointments, getting there with the stability with which I have arrived at this point and being able to maintain the same kind of approach”.

© Copyright LaPresse - Reproduction reserved
Tags: Athletics, marcell jacobs, Samuele Ceccarelli

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Ceccarelli, tricolor shot After 60 you get 100

The sprinter from Massa (in force at the Athletics Florence Marathon), Samuele Ceccarelli, continues to ring successes.

The European champion on the 60 meters indoors also wins the Italian title on the 100 at the absolutes in Molfetta. An objectively painful victory and with a not exceptional time (10.30) but we must consider the meter of headwind. A painful victory, we said, given that the Tuscan prevailed by only 4 cents over the Lombard Roberto Rigali, the first fractionist of the blue 4x100 from Grosseto. Third place went to Eric Marek (Atl. Bergamo 1959 Oriocenter).

"I tried to give a few more paws, when halfway through the race I saw that my opponents were starting to recover - Ceccarelli's words after the race - There was competition tension, I admit that compared to other races it was decidedly more demanding, from the point of view of the physical and psychological approach, due to some annoyance or resentment of the routine.In the final, then, I got a cramp in my biceps, I got scared then and there, and I'm happy to have reached healthy foundation".

Indeed, the finish caused some apprehension with Ceccarelli who remained on the ground, in pain, after the finish. Luckily it was just a cramp, nothing more, for the 10.13 sprinter (at the Golden Gala and EuroTeams), helped to 'heal' by Rigali (Bergamo Stars). It shouldn't be anything to worry about.

In any case, for Ceccarelli it is the first tricolor title outdoors. A good start in view of the Budapest World Championships for a sprinter who has grown exponentially in recent months, demonstrating that Jacobs' successes over 60 meters were neither episodic nor "limited" to the shortest distance and the indoor track.

Now, as mentioned, all eyes are on the World Cup which will be held in Budapest from 19 to 27 August. In the Hungarian capital, obviously, the bar will rise and not just a little, but Ceccarelli is among the top Europeans of the season and will try to have his say. It will be an invaluable experience with Paris 2024 on the horizon.

Robert David Papini

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Samuele Ceccarelli wins in a time of 10.23 to finish the season.

by Guido Casotti

100 meters ceccarelli meeting pietrasanta
ATHLETICS - Good performance by Samuele Ceccarelli who illuminates the 2nd City of Pietrasanta Meeting on a technical level. The 23-year-old blue sprinter, European champion on the 60m indoor and Italian champion on the 100m, won easily by breaking a good 10 "23 if we consider that he wasn't facing any great opponents and that we are at the end of the season.



Jan 16, 2022
Yeah I was aware of his poor performance. I wonder how driven and singularly focused to his craft he really is..


Jun 24, 2023
Yeah I was aware of his poor performance. I wonder how driven and singularly focused to his craft he really is..
What happened to this guy in the world champs? 6.47 is amazingly good; I believe almost every sprinter who has gone under 6.50 for 60m also went under 10 seconds for 100.

When you question how driven and focused he is, I get unfortunate flashbacks to Lemaitre. It seems that a lot of western Europeans are just soft, frankly. They seem to lack an innate drive to excel. Perhaps the result of decades of easy living in social democratic welfare states guarded for free by nato (America). You almost wish Russia would invade just to give them a kick in the ass and toughen them up. Oh well, the mass influx of third world illegals will soon put a stop to the party.


Jan 16, 2022
What happened to this guy in the world champs? 6.47 is amazingly good; I believe almost every sprinter who has gone under 6.50 for 60m also went under 10 seconds for 100.

When you question how driven and focused he is, I get unfortunate flashbacks to Lemaitre. It seems that a lot of western Europeans are just soft, frankly. They seem to lack an innate drive to excel. Perhaps the result of decades of easy living in social democratic welfare states guarded for free by nato (America). You almost wish Russia would invade just to give them a kick in the ass and toughen them up. Oh well, the mass influx of third world illegals will soon put a stop to the party.
I think it's a numbers game. There's just not enough White athletes in sprints and thus, the underperforming ones are magnified. There are multitudes of underperforming Black sprinters but, the volumes of Black sprinters offsets the individual performances.

Interesting you mention the perceived softness of Euros. You may be on to something as I have found Western European men to be very lacking..


Jan 13, 2006
Sydney Australia
I think it's a numbers game. There's just not enough White athletes in sprints and thus, the underperforming ones are magnified. There are multitudes of underperforming Black sprinters but, the volumes of Black sprinters offsets the individual performances.
Hard to argue with that point.
Physical and mental toughness, devotion to sprinting with its monumental amounts of training and the time needed excel ....... I'd surmise these attributes are disappearing from most wealthy nations for something easier and more socially engaging.
We now tend to have the disposable income required to buy all manner of equipment to pursue other interests.

We had quite a few white sprinters in the 1980s across Europe who achieved PBs of 10.0x to 10.15 on fairly rubbish tracks, with pretty ordinary footwear but their kids are now riding bikes, canoeing, climbing, travelling or perhaps getting paid big bucks doing team sport.

To add to that, we've watched black people dominate sprints (in performance but also in the vast numbers of participants) for over a half century now. That's what kids today grow up seeing and they mostly sign off on the thought of ever pursuing the sprints at any level above school.
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white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004

Filippo Tortu, super duello con Samuele Ceccarelli​



The Grifone Meeting in Asti is preparing for the challenge between two prominent blues in the 100 meters. On Thursday, May 23, the Olympic champion of the relay Filippo Tortu and the European indoor champion of the 60 Samuele Ceccarelli will be confronted on the Piedmontese track, both with the viewfinder focused on the European Championships in Rome and the Paris Olympics.

For Tortu (Yellow Flames) it will be the fourth overall seasonal outing in the 100 meters after those of Gainesville (10.15) and Clermont (10.11 windy, 10.20 regular) during the internship in the United States. For Ceccarelli (Fiamme Oro) it will be the seasonal debut in the 100 and the first test after the technical driving change, since he began training with the former Italian sprinter Maurizio Checcucci.

Tortu and Ceccarelli shared last June the experience of the relay race at the European Teams of Chorzow and in July that of Grosseto, decisive for the qualification to the World Cup where the blue quartet (with Goofe in the last fraction and Cecca reserve) would have been silver a month later in Budapest.

Now they are again, albeit with different ambitions and paths: for Tortu, the first blue under ten seconds in history (9.99 in Madrid in 2018), the 100 meters represent a stage of passage towards the 200 of the European Championships and the Games, while for Ceccarelli (personal of 10.13 at the Golden Gala in Florence 2023) are the occasion to turn the page after the opaque indoor season and to relaunch itself in view of the events of the year. Also announced at the start of the Cameroonian Emmanuel Eseme (9.96), the Portuguese André Prazeres (10.17) and the Dominican Franquelo Perez (10.18). The complete cast will be unveiled in the coming days, but the wait, on the platform, is above all for the duel of the weight between Leonardo Fabbri (Aeronautica), amazing 22.88 in Modena on May 1, and Zane Weir (Fiamme Gialle) who made his debut with 21.93.
