Most Mexicans Hate America

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The Mexican soccer team beats the U.S. team. But notice what's buried after the beginning of the article:

"The crowd booed the U.S. national anthem and a spattering of fans chanted "Osama! Osama!" before play started, and shortly after Lewis' goal."

This is normal behavior by Mexican soccer fans toward the U.S., both in Mexico and, sadly, in America as well. When an American team plays a "home" game against Mexico in Southern California, the stadium is loaded with Mexican "immigrants" who vent their hatred of the U.S. Being pelted with bags of garbage and urine and being called vile names the entire match, has become part of the routinewhen the U.S. soccer team playsa Mexican team.

If this were, say, Syrian or Iranian soccer fans acting this way toward the U.S. team, the bombers from 18,000 feet would probably have already struck, in the name of "freedom and democracy" of course. But when the U.S. is being flooded with Third World hispanics, most of them from Mexico, because of the deliberate policy of both Democrats and Republicans in direct opposition to the wishes of the American people, the reaction by the corporate mediais to ignore or downplay such vile hatred by Mexicans toward America.


Mar 8, 2005
United States
My uneducated reaction to this. "shoot them old west style"


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
I love it when people say we are a democratic nation electing representatives who do our bidding. Yeah, right. I don't recall voting for millions of Mexicans to cross our borders. Hospitals particularly in the West have been closed caring for Mexicans who have no funds.We pay for their care and many of us cannot afford insurance for our own families. Our jails and prisons are filled with them, the cost is staggering. Many areas of our cities are filed with gangs, drugs and violent criminals. Huge modern state of the art schools have been built for Mexicans and Blacks who do nothing but riot and destroy everything in sight. Pity the poor white kids trying to learn in that environment.

Our government officials sold us out long ago. Those avaricious scoundrels make tons of money have the best health care and benefits available and yet are so cheap they have illegals watching their kids and doing lawnwork. Seems like they all have problems when backgrounds are checked. They undercut American workers by employing illegals at bargainprices claiming Americans won't work certain jobs.If we didn't have a glut of invaders driving wages down Americans could make a decent living working at jobs they traditionally held.

President Fox of Mexico encourages Mexicans to cross the border. He loves getting rid of his riff raff. What percentage are doctors, academics or skilled tradesmen as opposed to thieves, murderers, drug dealers and criminals? Some brave people are now volunteering topatrol our borders and Condoleeza threatens them with the full extent of the law. We have gone insane.


Mar 8, 2005
United States
I'm just letting everyone know my above statement wasn't racist, but patriotic. Which is totally different.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
No need to explain, Bear-Arms, we know what you mean. I feel the same way about those who won't leave. If we don't do something about our borders, I'm afraid to think of what the consequences might be. We are just seeing a taste of it now.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
They had a good show of ESPN last night about the hatred
felt there.It was on "Outside the Lines".They covered the
history of the match and followed the current players
down there.One of the players from the US was told that
they would find his mother and kill her by one of the
Mexican Soccer Players.They took alot of cheap shots.
The crowd was very hostile as they booed the US and
yelled Osama,Osama!What a disgrace for a country to act
like Mexico does when we help them so much!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
White Lightning,their behavior is disgraceful but we have encouraged them. Californians began to exercise rights given to them by the founding fathers. They voted for measures which would deny benefits to illegal invaders. A judges ruling completely overrode the peoples decision. The courts are the ULTIMATE authority. Lefty judges interpret laws not on historical precedent but on what they see fit, they have perverted the system. Of course the Mexicans mock and taunt us,why not, there are neverrepercussions .We have been left totally defenseless and vulnerable byour govenmentwhich is supposed to protect us. Pardon this expression,but in popular jargon concerning the Mexicans,we have become their BITCH and they know it.