Recent content by Clipper

  1. C

    Commercials we HATE!!!!

    Didn't even watch the commercial linked above. Am all too familiar with the smug, self-satisfied smirks on the faces of the woman & africans in the still shot. Along with the white male being a total loser--it's the American MSM circa 2014 in a nutshell. There's a war on..
  2. C

    Real-life Jewish villains made out to be White Gentiles in movies

    CORRECTION. The vast majority of the victims were Italian women and girls. Therefore, we have an (actual, historical) event wherein mostly Christian women were incinerated by Jewish bosses, and it's effectively been turned around in the popular consciousness such that Jewish women were killed...
  3. C

    Real-life Jewish villains made out to be White Gentiles in movies

    And it's not just Hollywood. NPR's special on the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire of 1911 is careful to identify the victims as jewish but neglect to mention that the evil, wealthy owners who had locked them in their shop floors were also jewish. Because, of course, the Chosen can only ever be...
  4. C

    Commercials we HATE!!!!

    Everyone but white males. Who, after all, are very much a beleaguered minority nowadays. And of course a significant share of them are the self-flagellating, 'I'm not worthy' type. Remind me never, ever to buy a Hyundai. Not that I was tempted.
  5. C

    Donald Sterling racist rant

    Conversation with his 'girlfriend' and if Tokowitz were known as a Chosenite to the general public, this story would be totally different. I care because the MSM is spinning this story against white males. Yep, he's not getting 'ruined' by any means. What you say below really answers it...
  6. C

    We Are Living In A Cartoon

    Well enjoy, because it's a slow-motion train wreck on a historic scale. Replace "Western" with "America" and "a university" with "a nation" and you'll get the gist of that the Ruling Tribe has enshrined as Sacred Truth for several decades now. It ain't pretty.
  7. C

    Donald Sterling racist rant

    Watching just a little of Snoop Dogg's profane tirade, it occurred to me that the tape was almost like black ops. (Snoop calls Tokowitz 'bitch-ass white-bread' among other things... the MSM has done its job.) A billionaire Tribal Leader incites race hatred, gets everything blamed on 'whites'...
  8. C

    Donald Sterling racist rant

    Audio-visual propaganda is unbelievably effective The really shocking thing to me is how many people, given a choice between what they know to be true from their own experience, and what's shown to them on television, will happily believe only the latter.
  9. C


    Just to start, that is ridiculous on its face. Anyone who wants to can be racist, and we're all mongrels scientifically speaking. Celine was always a fun read, I enjoyed his malice and wit. But if he said that (and I must have missed it) he wasn't entirely serious. It's not a completely bad...
  10. C

    Commercials we HATE!!!!

    Good post; and many people who claim that Asian women are all submissive need to encounter a Dragon Lady or two. Notwithstanding that, once they get a load of U.S. laws and customs, they realize that they can transform themselves once the ring is on their finger. I'm not saying that some don't...
  11. C

    Donald Sterling racist rant

    Well I've been doing my part around the internet, but as I'm sure you can believe I get called racist for mentioning it. Not that I mind much. This reminds me: I watched a documentary on the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire on PBS not long ago. It was pretty dramatic. But what caught my eye and ear...
  12. C

    A Thread For Really Funny Pictures

    Oh jeez I almost couldn't breathe there for a minute
  13. C

    Donald Sterling racist rant

    We should call him by his real name--Tokowitz. Now imagine if every white slimeball in the country had taken a jewish name? What would be the MSM reaction when they were caught? Instead we have these people hiding behind names like Sterling, Ross, Lauren, even Smith. Of course the MSM...
  14. C

    Ubiquitous Man Hating

    From the Telegraph of London--don't miss the comments Why do advertisers portray men as idiots?
  15. C

    We Are Living In A Cartoon

    It ain't your father's NASA Most of NASA is superannuated, fat-assed civil-servant desk squatters anyway.