U.S. Accepts 7,000 Muslims from Russia


Sep 9, 2005
Ethnic Turks granted citizenship, welfare

KRASNODAR, Russia - U.S. authorities have agreed to grant citizenship to 7,000 Turkish Muslims from Russia, who will be settled in Pennsylvania, according to the Russian newspaper Novie Izvestia.

Showing complete disregard for the racial and cultural unassimilability of the migrants, whose homeland is the Ahiska region annexed by Russia in the 19th century, the U.S. government notified the governor of Krasnodar of its decision on February 15. Almost 12,000 Ahiska live in the Krasnodar region.

The Russian government does not automatically treat the Ahiska as citizens, and accordingly does not issue them passports or identification cards. About 5,000 of the total Ahiska population have now applied for and been granted Russian citizenship. An official in the Krasnodar regional government reported last summer than more than 5,000 others had expressed a desire to emigrate to the United States.

Earlier, Chingiz Neiman-zade, chairman of Vatan, a Turkish association based in the Republic of Georgia, said the United States had offered to accept the Ahiska Muslims living in Krasnodar as immigrants.

"On February 16, the International Migration Organization began an information program in Krasnodar to explain the terms for the resettlement of the Ahiska Muslims in the U.S.," he told Chicago Tribune.

"The immigrants will be provided with housing and furniture, they will be helped to learn the English language and to complete formalities needed for residence in the U.S., which is especially important, and have been promised life-long welfare allowances for pensioners and the disabled."

Ahiska Muslims were happy with the American offer.

"This decision marks a great change in our life", said Tepeshon Swanidze, leader of the Ahiska Muslim community in Russia.

The happiness of Americans was not considered in the U.S. decision. American taxpayers will be forced to support the newcomers, whether they like them or not.

Damn, free housing and furniture including life-long welfare allowances for pensioners and the disabled. And here I am working two full-time jobs just to afford the kind of things those muslims are getting for free! Edited by: Deacon


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Our government is BEYOND corrupt.Our leaders will not be satisfied untilwhites become the minority. For years and years I voted for and contributed to Republican causes in the hope of removing the Dems from power. Now that the Pubs are holding the reigns what has changed? Both parties have sold us out!


Feb 18, 2005
You are right Bart, we have 2 partys masquerading as one. The government and media stir up a war against Islam and at the same keep bringing in them in here and treating them better than American citizens.


Nov 25, 2004
I recently applied for a new Social Security Card in Rochester MN (as mine was stolen). At the SS office I had to wait in line behind about 15 black muslims from Somalia. They are coming in by the truckload to take advantage of our social services. It's the first thing they do.

Rochester, once almost 100% white, was rated the number one city to live in America in the early 1990's. Now we have the largest per capita population of Somalians in the US. Some advice: if you think your city is great, don't advertise it. The parasites will come and destroy it.

You probably wouldn't be surprised to learn that one of the muslims involved in the 911 attack was from Rochester, MN. He was detained and is in prison, but was involved in the planning. The day of the attack black muslims got together and celebrated loudly in downtown Rochester. The news never covered the celebration. Word of mouth was the only way I heard of it.Edited by: Kaptain Poop


Mar 8, 2005
United States
Do you have the link Deacon?


Russians have run rampant in Northeastern Pa in the Wilkes Barre area and take advantage of the social services of an already downtrodden region of the state. My family is originalyl from Scranton and when I would visit there in my youth I noticed it to be an almost all white city...I even remember asking my dad where the blacks were (this was late 80's - early 90's) but now when I go back and visit it really irritates me the numbers of spanish in the area especially now since it is such a depressed area. I thought they were coming to America for jobs but they arent because if they were they would eb going to places with lots of job oppourtunities rather than a city mired in depression due to its industrial blue collar roots in coal mining has lost alot. They just go to that area to collect welfare.


Oct 19, 2004
Well, White Nationalists are fond of saying that things have to get worse before they get better, some even hoping and praying for a disaster that will bring about the chaos that will end this corrupt regime once and for all. So maybe we should rejoice in the fact that our beloved nation is turning into a sewer. The quicker the better? If that's true, then trying to salvage this decadent and dying civilization will only prolong the suffering. Instead of trying to put our nation on life support, perhaps we should just pull the plug and start over....