Search results

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    Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

    Adam Gemili I've been following Adam Gemili and I'm telling you that boy is going to achieve something great. Just proves my point about soccer taking European kids away from Athletics. Imagine how many more kids are persuaded by the promise of fame and fortune into soccer when in reality...
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    Adam Gemeli World 100 Meters Junior Champion (10.05)

    I read somewhere that Gemili's dad is of Italian/Moroccan decent - suppose that explains his love of soccer/athletics. Let's hope he makes the right choice and stays with Athletics.
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    Adam Gemeli World 100 Meters Junior Champion (10.05)

    Adam Gemili I've been searching this Gemili guy, he's something else! been looking at some youtube video's, he has so much potential it's crazy! Is he taking up soccer seriously or is he going to move to Tracks? Why isn't he being persuaded to make his move towards tracks through some sort of...
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    white long jumpers

    white long jumpers Seem's to me we've not only lost good quality of long jumpers we've also lost the coaching ability.
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    Steroids and Black Athletes

    Steroids - Yam will take the blame Mark my word, in a few years the French will have to answer some question's about their athlete's.
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    Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

    Christophe Lemaitre It seem's to be working for him. One day it will all be outed and we will all be saying "I just knew it"
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    Adam Gemeli World 100 Meters Junior Champion (10.05)

    Adam Gemili Great find mattharper