Rohan Browning 10.01

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
at world indoors many may still not know who he is - but those that do their homework will. Rohan will research every potential competitor

Yes I agree. He just may become a household name around the globe eventually. My fear is he is doing too much in a major year. If I were him I would do all of the above
but skip the World Indoors. I think he will be too tired and worn out by the time the World Championships starts. Hope I'm wrong but I'm excited to see him compete
internationally finally. Something we don't see Australian Sprinters do very often. Very exciting times to be an Aussie Track Fan!


Jan 13, 2006
Sydney Australia
Yes I agree. He just may become a household name around the globe eventually. My fear is he is doing too much in a major year. If I were him I would do all of the above
but skip the World Indoors. I think he will be too tired and worn out by the time the World Championships starts. Hope I'm wrong but I'm excited to see him compete
internationally finally. Something we don't see Australian Sprinters do very often. Very exciting times to be an Aussie Track Fan!

I'd like to see him crack that 6.50. Eventually I'd like to see us get at least a minor indoors tournament going here. It may well sharpen up all our potential sprinters' starts and Rohan can be the one to lead them through the process.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
In Bern, Switzerland we saw the return of Rohan Browning. He looked excellent again finishing a close 2nd running a time of 10.12! This has to be great
for his confidence as he ran this time with no wind in Europe after a few weeks of rest and relaxation. Browning has arrived as a world class sprinter. His
last 3 races all wind legal have been 10.01, 10.09 and 10.12! Now that is consistancy even after a very long season. So happy for him. Maybe if we are lucky he
will race one more time but he has the experience he needed overseas now to know that he belongs!

(2021 Bern Switzerland)

Mens 100 Meters Final Wind +0.2

1 Fall Mouhamadou France 10.08 MR

2 Rohan Browning Australia 10.12

3 Greene Cejhae Abtugua & Barbuda 10.13

4 Jeff William Reais Switzerland 10.22 PB

5 Ricky Petrucciani Switzerland 10.24 PB

6 Silvan Wicki Switzerland 10.25

7 Oliver Bromby Great Britain 10.34 SB

8 Marvin Schulte Germany 10.35

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Rohan Browning of Australia crosses the finish line in the mens 100 meters in Bern, Switzerland.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Rohan Browning will be racing on August 31st in Palio Citta della Quercia Rovereto. It's a good field so the times should be fast!


Jan 13, 2006
Sydney Australia
Rovereto, Italy (I had to look that up) is near beautiful Lake Garda. I'll bet he has a nice little holiday there between races

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Rovereto, Italy (I had to look that up) is near beautiful Lake Garda. I'll bet he has a nice little holiday there between races

I suprised no Tortu and any of the other top Italian Sprinters. I wouldn't be suprised if it's Browning last race of the year. Hoping for another stellar showing.


Jan 13, 2006
Sydney Australia
no big deal here - except Bracy's sub 10. They're mostly sliding down the times as we see at end of season. Browning OK but nothing spectacular

this is the whole meeting. !00m men is at 1.58.00

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
What a great article. I can't imagine how pumped up he was after running that 10.01 in the opening round heats at the Olympics. If it was me I probably
wouldn't be able to sleep for a week. I'm sure if effected his slow start in the semi finals where he ran 10.09. Still a fast time but he was capable of at minimum
a 10.05 and probably faster if he would have had his usual fast start.

Glad he is racing in his first Diamond League Race. To be honest he should have skipped the Rovereto Meet in Italy. Not sure if he can rest up enough to run fast
in Brussels. I will be rooting for him either way. Hopefully with his youth he can still recover and come out ready in his final race of the season!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
After a very, very long season Browning raced in his first Diamond League Race. He finished in 5th place running a time of 10.14 +0.1 wind. I'm actually happy
about the result as I know he has to be exhausted. It was his 2nd race in 4 days as he has traveled to Asia and all over Europe. The 23 year old is getting valuable
experience knowing what it is like to battle with jet lag, hotels, fatigue, racing high level intl sprinters, etc. This will bode well for him going into 2022.

Here are the results from today:


Jan 13, 2006
Sydney Australia
yes. I'm happy too. Sensing the end of a long season and getting some great competition he was 2m down on Brommell. He knows how far ahead the best guys are and 2 metres is not hopeless - just keep improving his craft and see what he can achieve. Beating Simbine and reversing his loss of a few nights ago to Frenchman M.Fall are little positives to take away.
I said 2 years ago I wanted him to consistently get 10.10 with no wind assistance and he's now around that level. That to me is an international sprinter - running at that level means a decent tailwind sub 10 is a possibility on any given good day

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Here is a video to Rohan Browning in his brief but brilliant career so far! Much more to come in 2022 and beyond! :)


Jan 13, 2006
Sydney Australia
let's see how his 2022 starts - a bit of a rest for the nervous system to recover then bck to Europe for indoors is th eplan atm


Sep 11, 2021
When you read a thread like this one thing that stands out to me is that even if browning never breaks 10.0 in the 100 he is still an elite sprinter. He is also apparently bright enough to study law. I’m guessing that even if bolt wasn’t using drugs that combination of brains and athleticism must be incredibly rare and something to be proud of. It also means he’s probably faster than everyone in the nfl by a good margin. Sooooo why can’t whitey play cornerback again?

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
When you read a thread like this one thing that stands out to me is that even if browning never breaks 10.0 in the 100 he is still an elite sprinter. He is also apparently bright enough to study law. I’m guessing that even if bolt wasn’t using drugs that combination of brains and athleticism must be incredibly rare and something to be proud of. It also means he’s probably faster than everyone in the nfl by a good margin. Sooooo why can’t whitey play cornerback again?

The fastest players in the NFL only run a 10.40's to 10.60's in the 100 meters. Any elite sprinter around the world would blow their doors off. Rohan Browing ran 10.01
this summer at the Olympics. He also ran 10.09! Anyone with eyes can clearly see that he will go sub 10! Yes he is as smart as they come.


Jan 13, 2006
Sydney Australia
as well as the attributes you guys have mentioned here there is something else. He and his coach pore over every aspect of each run he does and attack it objectively - they treat sprinting as the science it is. Some things are tweaks, things he should have done better and was capable of doing better - other things will be booked in as long term fixes that need patience and work to accomplish. Both Rohan and Andrew make it their joint work and passion to put everything learned into play. They are a great team.

His coach couldn't have triple-jumped from 16.50 m to 17.32 m (that's 54' to 56'10") for 18 years without having that mindset.

And even when missing the start (by his high standards) he showed he doesn't go into that panic chasing mode - pressure seems to be something he can cope with.


Sep 11, 2021
For sure it’s impressive as hell I don’t know how many white sprinters are capable of sub 10.5 in the US. Is there an estimate of this? Is it more than 25 do you think?


Jun 3, 2014
For sure it’s impressive as hell I don’t know how many white sprinters are capable of sub 10.5 in the US. Is there an estimate of this? Is it more than 25 do you think?
that’s a good question and I think it would take quite some digging to really find out. Off the top of my head Cole Beck, Matthew Boling, Devin Quinn and Zach Jewel are guys capable of sub 10.2. I think Austin Kratz might be up there as well. I’m sure there are more than a few who can run 10.3/10.4. It would help if they had pictures on the iaaf website but they rarely do.


Sep 11, 2021
The same Cole Beck who couldn’t find a spot on perennial “powerhouse” Virginia tech’s football team Would likely be the fastest man in the nfl by a solid margin.
You’d think they’d play him all the time just as a decoy?



Jan 13, 2006
Sydney Australia
I don't think I've been able to post this till now. A local guy, Tom Connolly is a real track lover and posts great videos he's often taken, but otherwise found, on our athletes.
This is the Australian commentary by Tamsyn Manou and Bruce McAvaney. They can't disguise their excitement (but I love that).
Also, the side on shot takes away any parallax error where it always looks like those closest to the camera are gaining near the end. This shows clearly that wasn't happening here.

Opinions folks? - if that run had been ours would we be confident of sub 10 very soon and really take encouragement from it?

I really think this is the most "real" 10.01 of any of our sprinters. Kilty, Teeters, Quinn, Reuss didn't run it in these conditions and on this world stage.

I loved Blake's look across at 90m when he'd assumed he'd have it won. (I know W/L will love this)

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white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
It is the best 10.01 for two reasons. First is obvious and as you stated mate that he did this at the Tokyo Summer Olympics! What could be better? Then second is that
he did it out of lane 1 with a small wind against a stacked field like he had never competed against ever. So when you add it all together it was PHENOMENAL. No
other way to look at it. Incredible. Spectacular. Outstanding. A true class act. He should be the face of Aussie Sprinting for the next decade. He truely is a superstar
already. The fact that he followed up that 10.01 in Tokyo with a 10.09 after a horrible start in the Olympic Semi Finals backed everything up. The kid has a future
in track as he has arrived on the International Scene. Maybe it's good he didn't go sub 10 yet. This will make him even hungrier to train that much harder. Once you
get a little taste of success, you will yearn for alot more. He has the swagger of a champion. I cannot wait for 2022. I just wish he would skip indoors. I'm worried that
he might overdue it and burn out before the World Championships.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I was looking at the World Track Rankings for the sprinters. Rohan Browning is currently ranked 14th in the world. That's a huge improvement and we should
see him hopefully move into the top 10 fastest men on earth in 2022 barring injury. Let's hope for a huge season packed with several wind legal sub 10 times!


Jan 13, 2006
Sydney Australia
I was looking at the World Track Rankings for the sprinters. Rohan Browning is currently ranked 14th in the world. That's a huge improvement and we should
see him hopefully move into the top 10 fastest men on earth in 2022 barring injury. Let's hope for a huge season packed with several wind legal sub 10 times!

and I just noted the 13 rated above him are all older. He's one behind ol' man Gatlin so this should be the year to take his scalp
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