Political Correctness killing Nascar


Jul 23, 2015
I just saw that Nascar announced that history was made last week when a female black tire changer work the pitts at the Xfinity race at Dover speedway for the first time. They can put blacks in ever position in Nascar and it's not going to put more people in all those empty seats you see at the race tracks ever week. What it will do is empty the rest of seats at the tracks. Nascar was one of the last sports venue that whites could be around their on kind and not worry about offending someone.
They took away smoking and then the Confederate Flag hoping to attract more minorities while driving away their base support. I don't want to around blacks for 5 minutes much less 5 hours. I can cut out Nascar just like I did espn and I don't miss it at all, plus my blood pressure is a lot lower since I quit watching.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I watch most of the Cup races, but if PC becomes their focus and it is close I can ditch it. Sports are expendable

"Bread & circuses".


Dec 19, 2010



Adam Stern


.⁦‪@NASCAR‬⁩ is planning a pre-race moment today at Atlanta to reflect on the death of George Floyd and the ensuing nationwide protests, but exact details are unclear.

➖ Young gospel singer Keedron Bryant, who went viral with a Floyd tribute song, to also sing the national anthem. pic.twitter.com/sL76NKH5uv

6/7/20, 11:41 AM

Jenna Fryer


#NASCAR plans to stop cars on front stretch during pace laps with 1 to go, engines off, crews on pit wall. Message delivered from Steve Phelps, 30 seconds of silence followed by a driver video. Then roll off with 1 to go.

6/7/20, 11:42 AM


Jul 23, 2015
7- time cup winner Jimmy Johnson said he wants to be the voice for Nascar on social justice issues. I say you can take away another 1 million viewers from today's race. Evan in 2020 most of Nascar's fans are still the kind of people who put God, their family, country, and race above political correctness.


Hall of Famer
Jul 20, 2018
Even NASCAR cucking. Falling in line like everyone else.


Jun 3, 2014
For these social justice issues to stop in sports, white people have to quit watching. We all know that isn't going to happen. White people are so weak nowadays that nascar could have a "Kill all white men and force their white women to mate with a black man day" and white people would still watch it. Whites have no backbone, no pride...no heart. Just a bunch of sheep cucking along in the pasture being led around. It's pathetic. I'm not talking about you guys here of course, just most white people.

DWF Upside

Aug 31, 2014
I’m terrible at posting video’s here using the phone. I highly recommend watching the video where ( Bubba) something was being interviewed. He looks to be somewhere between a 1/4 to 1/2 black and they were going to do a commie interview today.

He “faints” but it didnt look like a normal person fainting. It looked exactly like that hypnotic trance thing that happens to people in entertainment. 20 years ago I would have called anyone believing in this stuff a whack job, but now I think you are a fool for not connecting the dots. Scary stuff.


Dec 27, 2019
One positive thing noted in an article a while ago here was that young whites (as in in their teens if I remember correctly) were/are not watching the charcoal football league as much as older whites. Years of media programming has had it's effect and also the school system nearly everyone gives their kids to; but don't discount suburban atomization. Without any outside perspective or help they do not only not support their own interest but become enfeebled as well and very inhibited, some find new perspectives some shake off their programming but so many don't, the alt-right to my knowledge has grown significantly over the past 5 years due to disenfranchised young whites finding it.
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Jul 23, 2015
Nascar like every other sport is controlled by tv money. Fox, ESPN, and NBC supply the money and the direction Nascar goes. The talking heads of Nascar has been sold out their true beliefs and fans for the corporate dollar.


Dec 19, 2010

Adam Stern

⁦‪@NASCAR‬⁩ is actively considering a change to its confederate flag policy, per sources, as calls grow for the series to permanently ban the symbol from its facilities. pic.twitter.com/vQxbs4xWwE

6/9/20, 8:30 AM

This comes only a day after “Bubba” Wallace appeared on Don Lemon saying he wanted to eradicate it. Though kind of a moot point as the flag effectively got 1984d in the aftermath of the 2015 Dylan Roof shooting.

While no southern roots myself, I was always drawn to the history and symbolism of it. I remember finding one and buying it (5’ x 7’ )while at a garage sale in college around 2010 for 25 cents. I remember the host commented “we were wondering if anyone was going to buy it”. Fast forward 10 years and she would have probably burned the flag before it reached the sale and posted it to social media, gotten arrested for racism for having the audacity to sell it or have some black bloc nut buy it and burn it too.


Hall of Famer
Jul 20, 2018
Getting rid of The Confederate Flag is just another positive step in the direction they want to take NASCAR. Globohomo like everyone else. Getting rid of the Flag symbolizes getting rid of all the "rednecks" that founded, grew, and watched the sport over the years.

Now we can finally get some real progress like rainbows, minorities, and wait for it, hopefully a tranny driver so our LGBTQ friends have someone they can support! Though ole Bubba probably gets them excited enough, such upside he brings to the sport.

I'm not Southerner either but always admired the flag and what it stood for. Standing up against Totalitarian Government! Had zilch to do with Black people just as the Civil had crap to do with them either lol.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Getting rid of The Confederate Flag is just another positive step in the direction they want to take NASCAR. Globohomo like everyone else. Getting rid of the Flag symbolizes getting rid of all the "rednecks" that founded, grew, and watched the sport over the years.

Now we can finally get some real progress like rainbows, minorities, and wait for it, hopefully a tranny driver so our LGBTQ friends have someone they can support! Though ole Bubba probably gets them excited enough, such upside he brings to the sport.

I'm not Southerner either but always admired the flag and what it stood for. Standing up against Totalitarian Government! Had zilch to do with Black people just as the Civil had crap to do with them either lol.

Must be nice for Bubba Wallace to have the whole system supporting his side - it takes real courage to speak out about a non-issue that will get him an overwhelming majority of support from the media, marxist corporations and mindless sheep. The "antifascists" are in fact the biggest conglomerate of tyranny that has been seen in some time. Anyone with an open mind can see how this all started and has now permeated throughout everything in society.


Hall of Famer
Jul 20, 2018
Must be nice for Bubba Wallace to have the whole system supporting his side - it takes real courage to speak out about a non-issue that will get him an overwhelming majority of support from the media, marxist corporations and mindless sheep. The "antifascists" are in fact the biggest conglomerate of tyranny that has been seen in some time. Anyone with an open mind can see how this all started and has now permeated throughout everything in society.

I was thinking the same thing earlier, being a feminist or BLM supporter is no longer edgy nor is it rebellious as it's been accepted by leftist media as normal. All these stupid Antifa college kids have been brainwashed into doing exactly what they want them to do, and still feel like they are independent and rebels when in fact they are sheep.


Jul 23, 2015
Nascar allows the Confederate flag to fly at races. They are not seen because the camera angles are deliberately set so they will not be seen. Nascar does not want you to bring one the race they will even offer you an American flag in exchange for your Confederate flag when you go through the gates. I will admit they're at least 50 to 75% fewer flags now than just a few years ago.


Jan 2, 2020
So St. Bubba says that flag makes "some people" uncomfortable and should be removed from all events in his interview............

Well in that case the inner city underclass Black thugs in every metropolitan area of the US make me (and Jessie Jackson too.....lol) uncomfortable........so remove them too.

The other day I saw a Black guy in the grocery with a full leather coat of the Confederate flag.........LOL.........you should have seen the White cucks looking at him and not knowing what to think.........Wish Bubba could have seen that......


Jul 23, 2015
Nascar announces today that the Confederate flag will be banned at all Nascar tracks and events. They caved quicker than quicksand. I guess they will go after the homosexual fan base by naming a race for them. Maybe the Quick Lube 500 sponsored by Vaseline.


Jan 27, 2016
Nascar announces today that the Confederate flag will be banned at all Nascar tracks and events. They caved quicker than quicksand. I guess they will go after the homosexual fan base by naming a race for them. Maybe the Quick Lube 500 sponsored by Vaseline.

ha! good one! That movie by Will Ferrell I think it was Talladega Nights, was an opportunity for that jerk to dis southerner’s and for some reason his main rival was gay. I could never figure that out until I realized the whole point of the movie was to insult race car fans. Although most car fans I know love that movie.

NASCAR seems like they are in a downward spiral. Declining audience among a shrinking demographic. Appeasing people that hate them.

Stock car racing was better when it was mainly souped up junkers going bumper to bumper on a dirt track in front of a few thousand people. Not 200,000 people getting plastered while sci-fi cars fly around the track.

they should add some black drivers, it would turn into a demolition derby which would be more entertaining.


Sep 29, 2011
On occasion you would get a glimpse of a flag on the race coverage. Honestly and I am the only one in the world who might say this I am glad they finally made the decision, flying a goofy 3x5 version was basically just false advertising for conservatism and the GOP, both are frauds. I doubt the real Virginian Army vets would have had much to say about either.

If no one on the Right has the sense to make any demands of that little clown bubba or the Left/Establishment then just quit. Our one grand tactic of saying "No" is over and it was always a scam. If you are not demanding or asking what they can do for you then you are not a serious man you are a serf in ClownWorld.


Jan 27, 2016
On occasion you would get a glimpse of a flag on the race coverage. Honestly and I am the only one in the world who might say this I am glad they finally made the decision, flying a goofy 3x5 version was basically just false advertising for conservatism and the GOP, both are frauds. I doubt the real Virginian Army vets would have had much to say about either.

If no one on the Right has the sense to make any demands of that little clown bubba or the Left/Establishment then just quit. Our one grand tactic of saying "No" is over and it was always a scam. If you are not demanding or asking what they can do for you then you are not a serious man you are a serf in ClownWorld.

That’s a unique take, but you make a good point. Why fly the flag when you’ve already surrendered. I guess a part of me admires the guys who do it. Just because it bugs people I hate. I’m not southern so I don’t identify with it but I always support people that do. I think this is going to be contentious because the hard assess that fly that flag are going to resist to some extent.


Jul 23, 2015
I know that we flew the flag so that we could let other fans know we were from the south. We always tried to park in the infield part of the racetrack so we could party and meet other people from other parts of the south. We just wanted to be with our own kind of people and the flag brought us together. My brother always flew the American flag higher than the Confederate flag, he would say that we were Americans first. I didn't argue with him on many things because he was a H.C.M.F. and still is.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Looks like the subversion has made it's way into hockey now too. I'm not going to bother watching the video but from the description black players seem to need to be empowered for some reason? We can't question the white athletes in every major sport though - they can't speak their mind or benefit from a system which actively discriminates against them based on race:



Sep 29, 2011
Conservatism is a scam meant to place people as a stooge to pretend they are authority when in fact they are just punching bags in political theatre. We are at the pivot point where the USA Empire is being so looted that it cannot function as the global enforcer to GloboHomo, GloHo for short. We have opportunities but first recognize playing conservative educator is a mook's game where we are scripted to lose, stop playing.

What you can do is to learn how to ask questions and question the "authority" of the day, but first you have to stop with butthurt conservatism or that nonsense where you think you are the authority that lectures the mob into logic and reason bent towards civilization. Do this for your mental health, it comes easy to me, but it's painful to watch guys still stuck in the rut of conservative educator.

Back to the topic I would never try to educate or scold that idiot Bubba Wallace, I'd simply ask him some questions and when he failed my litmus test I would tell him and walk away. If you allow a person to moralize with no pushback on their authority you are toast, trust me I was raised by women, that is their whole gig and if you fail to challenge them they will ride you into the dirt.