
Oct 21, 2004
I caught bits and pieces of ESPN today, and their programming was almost indistinguishable from CNN. The top story all day was apparently the 30th anniversary of MLK's "I Have A Dream" speech, and there were plenty of high profile blacks and self-hating whites on hand, to tell us all that "we've come a long way" but there is "still work to do."

What was really sickening was Skippy Bayless's whining again about how "in this day and age," Riley Cooper said the "N" word, and "is still starting for the Eagles." I couldn't listen to any more, but before I cut off ESPN, they all seemed to be talking about black QBs and past discrimination or something.

I don't know about MLK, but Don King's America marches on.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
It's always either about MLK or Jackie Robinson on every single station. It is truly Black Run Amerika now 24 x 7. This country sucks.


Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
As stated, its pretty much been on every channel ad nauseum. Just seeing Oprah getting up and talking about it is enough to make one gag. I could only stand about maybe 5 minutes of it before turning it off.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
As stated, its pretty much been on every channel ad nauseum. Just seeing Oprah getting up and talking about it is enough to make one gag. I could only stand about maybe 5 minutes of it before turning it off.

This is actually the 50th anniversary of the end of America 1.0. On the local megawatt AM radio station they were going on about the wonderfulness of the occasion and featured an interview with a person on the street. It was a black woman and she could barely speak coherent English and was unable to say anything sensible about the occasion at all. If I didn't know better I'd think the station was intentionally parodying the event by showing the sheer absurdity of it.


Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
This is actually the 50th anniversary of the end of America 1.0. On the local megawatt AM radio station they were going on about the wonderfulness of the occasion and featured an interview with a person on the street. It was a black woman and she could barely speak coherent English and was unable to say anything sensible about the occasion at all. If I didn't know better I'd think the station was intentionally parodying the event by showing the sheer absurdity of it.

Another thing about this that got me was, not one black conservative/Republican was invited to speak at this thing. Now I know a lot of people here have reservations about the Stupid party and how they pander to blacks with little results to show for it, but the hypocrisy of the left just really irks me. What it shows me is that they really don't care about the well being of blacks. All they care about is keeping them dependent, living off the government dime and keeping the Democratic Party machine afloat. Our usurper-in-chief is definitely doing his part to ensure that it stays this way. Its no wonder more blacks are living below the poverty line than ever before under this administration.
Dec 10, 2012
Another thing about this that got me was, not one black conservative/Republican was invited to speak at this thing. Now I know a lot of people here have reservations about the Stupid party and how they pander to blacks with little results to show for it, but the hypocrisy of the left just really irks me. What it shows me is that they really don't care about the well being of blacks. All they care about is keeping them dependent,..

Well said..
My experience has been similar with White Liberals.. I often find them to be as racist as any right wing White racist.. They just express it differently. Instead of taking the separatist approach to Blacks, they become focused on patronizing Blacks. But in spirit it's still the same, they view Blacks as innately different than themselves.. which is the textbook definition of racism.
It's Liberal hypocrisy to demonize right wing Whites for seeing Blacks as different.. & then turn around and themselves create separate, lower standards for Blacks (thru Affirmative Action, etc).

& it kills me how White Libs will spend an entire day drooling over MLK, but you won't hear a peep out of them on President's day. All the achievements of Washington, Truman, Eisenhower, etc doesn't get near the commemoration..
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Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
I think even MLK himself would even be disappointed with how race relations have become. He did say judge people by the "content of their character", and as far as most blacks, and "pro blacks", it hasn't been good at all. If he were around today, I think he would have a different dream and would be disgusted with the black community. Amazing how they have added so many words into his mouth off of that one speech, it was like a 10 minute speech but people have turned and twisted around to make it sound like he said different things.


Jul 6, 2011
Notice also that he is never called "Martin Luther King" (never mind, Michael, his birth name) it is always "Dr King". Constantly emphasizing the "Dr" bit smacks of an inferiority complex - David Duke supporters do the same thing. Most people don't know it but King plagiarized his doctoral thesis, yet even when it was discovered Boston College refused to strip his doctorate from him. I guess academic integrity has no place in post-WASP America. Even the memorable parts of the "I Have a Dream" speech were copied from someone else - a black preacher who spoke at a GOP convention in the 1950s!

It's all explained in this book:


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Notice also that he is never called "Martin Luther King" (never mind, Michael, his birth name) it is always "Dr King". Constantly emphasizing the "Dr" bit smacks of an inferiority complex - David Duke supporters do the same thing. Most people don't know it but King plagiarized his doctoral thesis, yet even when it was discovered Boston College refused to strip his doctorate from him. I guess academic integrity has no place in post-WASP America. Even the memorable parts of the "I Have a Dream" speech were copied from someone else - a black preacher who spoke at a GOP convention in the 1950s!

It's all explained in this book:

I think the idea that MLK would be disappointed or upset with the way things have worked out is hooey. He was a communist party member and embraced the philosophy. The whole idea that he would have been some modern black conservative is ridiculous. Guys like Rush Limbaugh and other conservatives say this all the time. It's silly. The best way to look at it is one of his protoge's was Jesse Jackson, at his side when he died. How did that turn out for not judging by the color of ones skin?

King was a relentless whoremonger and would probably have turned out like Marion Barry, a cheating, drug using, example of black dysfunction. The whole idea of King as some noble negro is part and parcel of the liberal myth. There is plenty of evidence, under government lock and key, of what kind of person he was. Even the stuff that has leaked out, the plagerism, the misuse of funds, the fueding with other blacks on the civil rights gravy train. It all makes the whole idea of King as anything else then another black poverty pimp, laughable.
Dec 10, 2012
I think the idea that MLK would be disappointed or upset with the way things have worked out is hooey. He was a communist party member and embraced the philosophy. The whole idea that he would have been some modern black conservative is ridiculous. Guys like Rush Limbaugh and other conservatives say this all the time. It's silly...

Agreed. King was understood as a Marxist agitator both in his time, & for about a generation following his death. It's only been in the (maybe) last 15 yrs that King has been sainted. And with the FBI files sealed, the American public is being willfully denied a chance to honestly study King, for better or worse.
Motivated Americans routinely want disclosure from their government.. but have remained completely mute & retarded on asking about the sealed FBI files.
Will anyone rise from the lemmings & seek to have the files opened early,.. or is that already in the works (?)


Oct 21, 2004
King has been a saintly cultural figure for at least thirty years. Recall the massive campaign to get his birthday declared a national holiday, begun in the early 1980s with Stevie Wonder's song "Happy Birthday." And I can still remember a few episodes of the "Cosby Show," wherein film clips of "Dr." King speaking would come on the television, and the entire family would gather around, with a worshiping, rapt attention.

The fact that "Dr." King's acknowledged plagiarism has been completely ignored by the dishonest media and an adoring society tells us all we need to know, in terms of how difficult it will ever be to undo all those decades of intense brainwashing. The same thing, on a lesser scale, can be said about Alex Haley's proven plagiarism in his acclaimed "Roots," and the subsequent silence of the literary world.

Oddly, while "Dr." King continues to be the most revered figure in Don King's America, the same forces who idolize him swallow the absurd official story of his death, and still blame hapless petty thief James Earl Ray for his assassination.

Of all the deadly poison that has been fed Americans for the past fifty years, none appears to be more resistant to argument and reason than the black supremacist nonsense. They simply will not let go of all those "To Kill A Mockingbird"-type fictional narratives. Their indoctrinated racial philosophy is condescending and offensive. They simply refuse to hold black people accountable and to treat them like everyone else.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The King national holiday has been with us for 30 years. Although King was controversial when he was alive, that was mostly part of an ongoing transition, with some individuals and institutions resisting the cultural communist permanent revolution unleashed after the assassination of JFK and which was moving into high gear in '67 and '68 (Old America vs. today's USSA). After King was killed he instantly became "Saint" Martin, though not to the degree he is today as the system pours it on in ever greater doses every year re King, Jackie Robinson, and anything and everything black.

Here's an excellent article by the late great Sam Francis:

The King Holiday and Its Meaning


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
I think the idea that MLK would be disappointed or upset with the way things have worked out is hooey..

sorry its my bad, listening to too much Walton and Johnson on the way to work, forgot about the communist beliefs, "player "life style he had plus teaching the pc stuff in school you start to forget. Heard of a coworker getting in trouble for calling Obama a communist, couldn't imagine the repercussions for calling the "saint" MLK a communist.

No other man has a holiday like this do they? I get a day off, but supposed to talk about MLK all week
Apr 27, 2013
dwid, Sir, are you a teacher? If so, how do you stand being around those type of people all day? I just had a goround with my local BOE last night and can only stand being near those bums once a month - no more.



Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
dwid, Sir, are you a teacher? If so, how do you stand being around those type of people all day? I just had a goround with my local BOE last night and can only stand being near those bums once a month - no more.

its not that bad, people that live around black people tend to have a more realistic outlook. A dumb decision I made years ago because I wanted to coach high school ball, and was told that I had to teach if I wanted to coach. I should have aimed for college coach. Its actually more of males that are bothersome, dwf mentality, well the old school belief that even some White nationalists hold = "blacks are dumb, but boy they can sure can run fast and jump high" and then theres the ones that think its just lack of opportunity, usually younger ones. Had one tell me some rubbish about his 5 year plan, something about getting to the point to where he can walk into a ghetto with a football or a basketball and then somehow they are going to learn calculus and biology. No, that isn't a joke.

overhearing the White female teachers talk amongst themselves, theyre more racist than me.

but, I'd rather go do electrical work like my brother and father, my back is just so bad I can't do it, especially residential stuff like my brother. I mean technically I could just file for disability and volunteer as a coach, but screw that, I have to work, I can't sit around all day doing nothing regardless of my moral beliefs.

but it is getting worse, they are holding teachers more "accountable" like if little Jamaal doesn't want to do his work, and just sits there doing nothing no matter what you do, parent teacher meeting where the parent is all in your face like their kid can't do anything wrong, then he fails it reflects poorly on you.
At least I am not doing the early grades. My cousin had to quit because of the parents she dealt with, the ones that really bothered her were the ones who insisted their kids were retarded so they can get government aid, when the kids were doing decent in the class, not great but not on a retarded level.

but the population is about half and half, and quite a few White kids on the football team so its not all bad.
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Dec 10, 2012
King has been a saintly cultural figure for at least thirty years. Recall the massive campaign to get his birthday declared a national holiday, begun in the early 1980s with Stevie Wonder's song "Happy Birthday." And I can still remember a few episodes of the "Cosby Show," wherein film clips of "Dr." King speaking would come on the television, and the entire family would gather around, with a worshiping, rapt attention.

Big, hey brother..
yeah, I'm a kid of the '80s so you're bringin back some sad memories with your Cosby/MLK reference..

But I still remember into the 80s there was public critique of King. Remember even into the early 90s, Arizona had resisted the MLK holiday, there was the NFL's boycott designed to undermine AZ's state referendum & Arizona's ability to host the Stupid Bowl that year (90, 91 ?) bcuz they rejected a King holiday.

And even tho King's stock was rising, into the 90s Virginia still celebrated a joint Robert E Lee- Stonewall Jackson - King Day. So there was still some middle fingers raised at King..
To me, it seems like something really went sideways in the late 90s, where anything short of worshipping King became socially unacceptable (?) And now we have a sports channel, that seems to be silent on every other political issue, except glorifying Civil Rights.. what can ya do ~

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
sorry its my bad, listening to too much Walton and Johnson on the way to work, forgot about the communist beliefs, "player "life style he had plus teaching the pc stuff in school you start to forget...

Hey Brother Dwid, I thought the same thing while listening to Walton and Johnson last week. They are very talented at what they do best, which is being radio smart-asses. But W&J are even more shallow than Limbaugh, Hannity, et al when it comes to discussing politics, especially so on race.

For those unfamiliar with Walton and Johnson, their basic theme was the neo-con boilerplate: "Dr King wanted us all to be judged by the content of our character..." and "Dr King would feel betrayed by today's race hustlers."

Let's be frank about MLK. First, **** him, whatever it may be alleged he wanted or would have wanted! Who the hell died and made him the arbiter of good and bad, right and wrong? Who cares what he would have wanted?

Next, taking one small snippet from one small speech -- whether he plagiarized the line or not -- is no way to assess the MLK record. The late leftwing street agitator said lots of things! Another sentiment he often voiced was his wish that the fedgov force "affirmative action" to favor negroes. Furthermore, judging individuals by the content of their character and judging groups by what we know of their group's norms or tendencies are not inconsistent practices. One may recognize the relative intellectual acuity of a Walter Williams and still recognize that negroes, en masse, are, as Teddy Roosevelt said, "a perfectly stupid race."

In other words, there was nothing special or magical about the concept of judging each individual on his or her merits. That has been a white norm for a long, long, long time. Marxist Looter King did not introduce that distinctly Western ethical concept into American culture. He merely used it to tug at the heartstrings of the naive (i.e. Americans who had very little exposure to real negroes).

The "color of skin" part of that imagery was intended to piggyback on the ignorant pop-cultural notion that racial differences amount to color, hue, pigmentation, complexion, yadda yadda... Anything to drag discussion of race at that time (as in our present day) away from the biochemical differences between peoples.

To the idea that MLK is floating aloft with a tear in his saintly eye, dismayed by the antic of Sharpton, Jackson, Sheila Jackson Lee, et al... Cracka pleeze! Jesse was MLK's sidekick. They chased tail together, traveled together, discussed strategy, and the like. At the time he was murdered, MLK was already a has-been, a damaged brand. Much like Jesse is today. Every one of King's former cohorts -- Andy Young, Jesse, Ralph Abernathy, Joseph Lowery, John Lewis, wife Coretta -- is a leftwing, pro- forced integration, pro- affirmative action, pro- expanded state ideologue, as he himself was. It is impossible to say with 100% certainty that MLK would have remained a strident leftwinger, as his closest friends and family have. Neither is there ANY reason to suppose he might have become some sort of "conservative."

Nor or WE obligated to uphold or pursue his "dream."
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Dec 10, 2012
Everyone one of King's former cohorts -- Andy Young, Jesse, Ralph Abernathy, Joseph Lowery, John Lewis, wife Coretta -- is a leftwing,.. ideologue, as he himself was.

Nor are WE obligated to uphold or pursue his "dream."

Good thoughts.. To Abernathy's credit tho, he has publicly written on King's adultery. And it wasn't like Abernathy had a vendetta against King. Abernathy has praised King, but told the truth about King's chronic adultery.
The problem is, no critical study of King's life (as a whole) exists any longer. So here we have a society of mentally-challenged DWFs, accepting the King hagiography.

Releasing the FBI files on King, will initiate a complete study of King. It would also reduce King to a mortal, which (I think) would help adjust our historical placement of him. He won't disappear as a hero for some Americans. But c'mon, there has to be varying opinions allowed on history, or it just becomes propaganda.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
To Abernathy's credit tho, he has publicly written on King's adultery. And it wasn't like Abernathy had a vendetta against King. Abernathy has praised King, but told the truth about King's chronic adultery.
The problem is, no critical study of King's life (as a whole) exists any longer. So here we have a society of mentally-challenged DWFs, accepting the King hagiography.

Releasing the FBI files on King, will initiate a complete study of King. It would also reduce King to a mortal, which (I think) would help adjust our historical placement of him. He won't disappear as a hero for some Americans....

Abernathy wrote in "The Walls Came Tumbling Down" that MLK made numerous homosexual advances toward him. Yes, to his credit, Abernathy was candid, as was Georgia Davis Powers ("I Shared The Dream"). MLK's serial plagiarism, serial adultery and communist affiliations, however, will be yawned-at by 2027 when his FBI files are unsealed. Prior to Bill Clinton, such things carried sting. Just ask Gary Hart. Ask Joe Biden. Now they are celebrated! Hell, like neo-cons, LGBT cultists claim MLK as one of their own.