Marion Jones tests postive for E.P.O.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Well,it looks like they finally caught her.She has been cheating for years and it's about time.I can't wait to see her banned.She has a kid and still is so selfish that she risks everything because of her overinflated ego.We have had about six or seven us sprinters to get busted for roids within the last couple of years.Finally some progress.Maybe they are not so fast after all.The US has always cheated just as much if not more than the rest of the world.We will try to win at all costs.It makes you wonder how many others just didn't get caught.You have to doubt the majority of them.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
This was as shocking as the headline the sun will rise tommorow.......

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
ESPN story on the positive test result.... part of us wanted to believe Marion Jones, all the way back to that downtown Sydney news conference at the 2000 Olympics, when her husband, C.J. Hunter, was getting thrown out of the Games for being one of the original bodies by BALCO.

Marion Jones
AP Photo/Eric Risberg
Marion Jones may never run again if her "B" sample is positive.

She was so smart, so elegant, so charming, it damaged your spirit to believe that her grace, her greatness, might have been a chemical creation. She was an American goddess, seducing with the sweetest of smiles. You always wanted to believe Jones, even when so many men in her life -- Hunter, Victor Conte and banned sprinter Tim Montgomery -- turned out to be among the biggest drug cheats of a generation.

There she was that day in Sydney, sitting on-stage, defending her guilt-by-association with, of all people, Conte at her side. Only then, no one knew Conte was the mastermind of the most infamous sporting scandal of this century, the BALCO founder who, along with cancelled checks and schedules detailing her doping, would rat out Jones to the world.

Once and for all now, Jones has been exposed, her "A" sample testing positive for EPO at the U.S. Championships in Indianapolis. She hadn't won anything since 2002, but she exploded out of nowhere to win the 100 meters. As it looks right now, Jones knew she couldn't be a champion at 30 without cheating.

So she did, again, and she seems destined to leave the sport with all the indignity her sullied career deserves.

If her "B" sample comes back positive, she'll be subject to a two-year ban -- which means she'll probably be done as a world-class sprinter. She'll go down as one of the great frauds in U.S. sports history.

If nothing else, we'll never have to listen to her get so indignant over the charges of cheating, never have to hear her claim her innocence again. She lied and lied and lied and gets exposed.

Marion Jones goes away now, and she goes away for good. She deserves whatever embarrassment comes her way now, because she did as much damage to her sport as any other athlete in history. She's the reason the Dick Pounds of the world hate the hypocrisy of American sport, forever thrusting the cloud of doubt on foreigners when the good old U.S.A. can cheat with the best of them.

The rest of the world will rejoice over news of Jones' positive test, if only because it throws it back in the face of a USA Track & Field organization that has never dealt with the rule-breaking within its program.

Back in 2000, Jones made the covers of Time and Newsweek without winning an Olympic medal. USA Track & Field's executive director, Craig Masback, had gone into the Games professing the boldest vision ever considered for a U.S. track star, saying Jones "has the chance to be the first female international athlete to transcend sports. In my mind, only three people have done that: Pele, Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan."

Masback was dreaming that a track and field athlete -- a once-every-four-years phenomenon -- could climb onto the Mount Rushmore of sport with those three athletes. She never did transcend sport. She never gave herself the chance.

Jones won three gold medals and two bronzes in Sydney, but she already was tainted on the medal stand there. She was standing with a druggie husband, with Conte.

Looking back, you knew it had to be too good to be true. We wanted to believe Marion Jones, and we all probably cut her too much slack for too long.

Finally, one of those tests came back wrong on her, the stories are saying. Finally, they caught this American princess. No more excuses out of Jones, no more lies. She goes away now, one more sporting myth obliterated for all time.


Oct 19, 2004
I saw her win that race somewhat recently and I thought she looked different. I hadn't seen her since the Olympics, so my memory was a little fuzzy. But she seemed quite a bit more muscular. Combine that with her height and broad shoulders, and she looked really mannish.

She was so smart, so elegant, so charming, it damaged your spirit to believe that her grace, her greatness, might have been a chemical creation. She was an American goddess, seducing with the sweetest of smiles.

Assuming Eric Risberg is white (Jewish,) he's got one serious case of Jungle Fever!

Edited by: JD074


Jun 15, 2006
New York
one of the side affects to using HGH is your jaw bone starts growing again. if you look at her face its looks like she was on them at one time. its all messed up looking!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
JD074 said:
I saw her win that race somewhat recently and I thought she looked different..

She was an American goddess, seducing with the sweetest of smiles.

One more for the happy hour thread about famous smiling Negroes.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
albinosprint said:
one of the side affects to using HGH is your jaw bone starts growing again. if you look at her face its looks like she was on them at one time. its all messed up looking!
Actually she has fang teeth and that could be a sign of her mouth growing in a weird way. I would love to see a photo of her when she was a 16 year old prodigy and compare them to her now.Edited by: white is right


Jun 15, 2006
New York
I have some old track & field news mags and I've got pictures of her in high school / colleage and she was a pretty looking girl. all I can say about her now is "it's a man, baby!"


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
yeah, Jones used to be pretty good looking chick...

i hope they'll bust them all, all the damage it's done to sports... people stopped watching athletics, cycling etc... soon enough only baseball and football will be last stands of clean sports

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
albinosprint said:
I have some old track & field news mags and I've got pictures of her in high school / colleage and she was a pretty looking girl. all I can say about her now is "it's a man, baby!"
Maria Muotola is by far and away the ugliest female athlete of alltime. She makes Martina,Marlesbo and Serena look like homecoming queens.....
Edited by: white is right


Jun 15, 2006
New York
Muotola is a man, and with a build like that she got to be on the juice! has anyone seen the latest Trevor Graham pupil thats on steriods? its Sprinter LaTasha Jenkins! she tested positive for the anabolic steroid nandrolone in July! i hope gatlin starts turning in all the cheats, like his buddy Crawford. its going to be Balco II!

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Just saw the latest issue of Track and Field News and they have Jones and Gatlin in co cover shots and the issue says he's busted and she's not. Looks like Track and Field News might start mentioning more than results for once........