Lombardi locker room speech


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Dan Patrick had Jerry Kramer on his show today. They were discussing a secretly taped motivational speech given by Lombardi forty years ago that Jerry has packaged for sale. Patrick isn't too upset about secretly recording the speech, but is bothered about the proceeds. Patrick doesn't think Jerry should profit from the sales, he feels the monies should go to the players fund or charity or something along those lines.

In my opinion Jerry has the right to do what he will the dough. He spoke with former players and Lombardi's son who all gave him the green light. If the Coach had said something off-color or something which could tarnish his reputation that would be one thing, but it was only a speech before a game which was very inspiring. Jerry was sort of the -historian- of the team anyway.

If Kramer had announced that a portion of the profits would go to African relief , he would be universally praised. Any thoughts pro or con? Who the heck is Dan Patrick to decide who gets the money?


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
The easiest thing in the world to do is to tell other people how to make and spend their money. The democrat party specializes in that. The republicans are only a little bit better. Maybe Jerry needs the money, I suspect his NFL pension is not much. But even if he doesn't need the money so what, saving that tape was his investment..he has every right to profit from it.


Nov 7, 2004
Bart said:
Dan Patrick had Jerry Kramer on his show today. They were discussing a secretly taped motivational speech given by Lombardi forty years ago that Jerry has packaged for sale. Patrick isn't too upset about secretly recording the speech, but is bothered about the proceeds. Patrick doesn't think Jerry should profit from the sales, he feels the monies should go to the players fund or charity or something along those lines.

Did Patrick tell Kramer that on the air? His reservations as to where the money's going, I mean?



Nov 25, 2004
Giving it to the players fund? That's beyond ridiculous - it's re*******ulus. The current NFL player's union is filled with fithy greed. Their going to make us pay money to them just to play fantasy football and they have no intention of giving any money back to old veterns like Kramer. I say he should keep the money and punch Patrick right in the mouth the next chance he gets. I've been listening to some of Patrick lately and the guy is pathetic. He has recently ranted about the lack of black NFL coaches and has implied that white players are only on teams to keep the crowd happy.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
So What? They also hire guys like the incompetent Denny Green to make black people happy. Which they never are. I will say it again, the easiest thing in the world to do is to tell someone how to spend their own money. The guy made a wonderful investment taping a Lombardi speech, why shouldn't he profit from it. Was it illegal at the time to tape a speech without prior consent? I don't think they had such laws in the 60's.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Kaptain Poop said:
I say he should keep the money and punch Patrick right in the mouth the next chance he gets. I've been listening to some of Patrick lately and the guy is pathetic. He has recently ranted about the lack of black NFL coaches and has implied that white players are only on teams to keep the crowd happy.

Patrick spoke several times during the show about the recording and also said something about being sympathetic to the old-time NFL players. My point is that Kramer could donate profits to charity groups, spend it on his family or blow it all away in the pursuit of pleasure. It's his money to do with as he pleases.

Dan Patrick is particularly wimpy when conducting interviews with black athletes. Dan and Olberman are very articulate, having a good command of the English language. Yet, when speaking with ebonics master Michael Irvin, they assume the inferior position of being clueless, uncool and totally un-hip by virtue of being white. The opinionated duo were unusually timid when interviewing Irvin about the -crack pipe- incident.

Come to think of it, I'd like to punch him in the mouth! Edited by: Bart


Nov 2, 2004
Good Morning Gents ! Excellent Discussion !

Jerry Kramer is an all-time great, a thousand times the man of any flea-bitten sportscaster. He was among Lombardi's immortal white blocking crew. He has implicit permission from Vince to promote his speeches.

ESPN delivers the vilest slime masquerading as "sportscasters." From Berman to Patrick and all in between they are the lowest form of humanity in the country.