Jeremy Bloom

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Nice article on Bloom planning on attending the nfl combine of the front page.This kid is very explosive.I know that he is only 5'9 but it doesn't matter.He is similar to Dante Hall and they play him at receiver.Bloom should return kicks,punts and also be a 3rd receiver.With his speed,he can be a constant deep threat.What a incredible athlete!


Apr 27, 2005
I have always been a big Jeremy Bloom fan and I hope he gets a fair shot at the NFL. He would definitely be one of the top 5 fastest players in the NFL. Go Jeremy!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I just saw a television commercial that showcased this guy. It had highlights of him playing college ball, mixed with him going down the slopes and doing stunts on skis while wearing a football helmet. The entire commercial was about Jeremy Bloom as a lead in to the Winder Olympics. It was great!

It ended on a funny note, with Bloom standing arms raised in victory at the bottom of a slope. Two cheerleaders come out and lift an ice chest to pour Gatorade on him, except it comes out as block of ice and knocks him on the head. Out cold! (pun intended)

Anyone else seen this commercial?


Perhaps theNFL will promote BLOOM as the NFL's first gay icon?! If there is one thing the NFL establishment does not suffer well of non-minority players, it'sa 'pretty boy' evinced quite clearly by the treatment of guys like KASPER, JERVEY, MCCOWNand others. SEHORN got a provisional pass, but he was an aberation...and about a half a foot taller, of course. I just did a quick Google Image search for "Jeremy Bloom" and just about cracked up when I saw some of his official media images being posted on gay men's blogs, etc:

The conservative southern honkeys that run football will never let this rent boy icon anywhere near a playing field. I suppose there could still anoutside chance a Martz-led team might give him a fair shake...


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I guess you'd have to be white to be a "pretty boy" since black players are ugly thugs. if a handsome man is a "pretty boy" to you maybe you've got the problem. Gay sites probably latch onto good looking famous white athletes because that's what perverts do. Sorry you feel it necessary to spread thier perversion around.

You talked about someone being a "troll" you're kinda doing that yourself.


Nov 25, 2004
Jaxvid, my thoughts exactly. Jervey's been a troll from day one. Or maybe his just an idiot.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Christian Laettner (sp?) was also one of those white male athletes the gay crowd latched onto. But that doesn't make him gay, any more than it does Bloom.

Are there any black athletes appearing on these "gay men's blogs?"


You can call me a troll, but I'm not pretending to be something that I'm not...namely, some middle-agedwhite troll dude pretending to be Black in order to slander that group, or some liberal white-boy pretending to be a site supporter only to post inane attempts at making the demographic here seem more illiterate than it is. If you read my past posts months ago, you'll see that I'm always respectful. Without the odd poster like me, boards like thisjust become bland collections of ditto ditto ditto regurgitation.

The point of my post was: White pretty-boy players always get run out of the league, and it can't help that Bloom's already becoming an aesthetic icon among gays. JAXVID: I have no problem with a "handsome man"...guys like ALSTOTT and FAVRE and DWIGHT always seemed to attractfemale admirers...a "Jeremy Bloom" image search yields, firstly, a very clearly sexually provocative photo of the guy pulling down the front of his low-rise track pants...I don't even recall SEHORN in hismetrosexual glory days rocking a look this carefully crafted to provoke gay male ardour. SHOGUN, common now...Cher is a gay icon; that makes her neither gay nor even a man.Chances areBloom isn'teven gay, but I know he's 4+ inches shorter, smaller-boned, 25+ pounds lighter, and no more athletic than guys like KASPER and JERVEY, and their glossy-magazine spreads, I ga-ran-tee you, soured them with their tight-assed white coaches and (mostly Black) team-mates.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Your ever-present "respect" is illustrated by such remarks as trolls "making the demographic here seem more illiterate than it is." You go, boy!

I don't know how this board has survived without you comingon here every three months for a day or two to enlighten us with your pompous pseudo-intellectualism. Youroutstanding characteristicis that of using lots ofwords to make obscure and irrelevant points.

Sorting through the haze and puffed-up self-importance,one findsa clue - how careful you are to capitalize "black" but not "white"in your posts.That's standard procedure among white haters, and a clear indication of the root thinking behind all the clutter that your keyboard emits.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
soured them with their tight-assed white coaches and (mostly Black) team-mates.

I hope you're not suggesting that black men are more despising of homosexuals and homosexual acts than white men? Run one of those Google searchs using "black homosexual down low," for more information on why black women have the highest rate of new infection in the world.

And why do the threads in the NFL forum always degenerate into something other than football??
Edited by: White Shogun


What, are you some pop-psychologist now..."making the demographic here seem more illiterate than it is..." is a common subterfuge tactic used by trolls to make a board seem like it's populated by ignoramuses...I suppose if I had phrased it "less literate than it is..." you'd have been less offended. I'll actuallyapologize for that, if indeedyou saw some implied quantity in my choice of syntax. Lower case, Capitals...etc...I just noticed that...good got me; I'm actually a gay Jewish internationalist posting here to...well...what?...admit that I like rooting for under-dogs like Travis Jervey and Dat Nguyen and occasionally rail off on Evolutionary Psychology. Anyhow, I looked at a few other posts and saw no clear pattern.Maybe in writing papers for liberal-apologist-academic reviewers I picked up that habit, as not to offend sensitive constitutions...

Being an average-heighted White guy I'd love to see Jeremy Bloom get a legit shot at returning some punts or what-not (along with Abney & Welker, etc)...I'll even openly say sowith some of my multi-racial acquaintances as they root for Asian Dat Nguyen and bemoan Timmy Chang's "raw deal" or,in the case of the Black ones,basically glorify most of the Black players.

This hate some of you got on for my admittedly ostentatious use of language is laughable. THAT IS EXACTLY THE SORT OF LET'S-BE-A-TEAM-PLAYER, MIDDLE-OF-THE-ROAD, I'M-JUST-A-REGULAR-JOEMENTALITY THAT HOLDS BACK SO MANY WHITE PEOPLE THESE DAYS, especially when confronted by loquacious, extrovertedBlacks on Football fields. Why do you think the term "Asian Innovation" is basically an oxymoron...because they're so crippled by the weight of cultural conformity that they rarely venture into pompous, bloated, self-congratulatory individualism.You think Jews are onlysuccessful because they're ethnocentric? I got news for you: They're also fond of superfluous use of language, ostentatious displays of erudite knowledge and general chattiness. That sort of behaviour, be it in verb usage, boxing or team sports, is the sort of thing that gets you noticed. In any event, Isee thatsome other posters, WHITE SAVAGE comes to mind, are no less sesquipedalian...I love reading that blatant Nordic supremacists' posts...they're at least clever and interesting!

The NFL, like all pro sports these days, is 90% hype and showmanship, and, at least for the last 30 years, nobody sh*t-talks, exagerates, self-promotes and manipulates base emotions like Black people.This is a skill which is anemic at best in most White Americans.Maybe some flashy, ostentatiously offensive-minded (offensive in both senses of the word) Argentine or Croatian will come along and figure out how to play football and remind you all of that, just as they did in the NBA. Hell, you needed a pot-smoking, hippie Canadian to put a White face on that league. Loosen yourhips and get out your thesauri, kids!Edited by: JerveyGotGypped

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
How does one use a word like 'sesquipedalian' and misspell "exagerate" in the same post?

sesquipedalian \ses-kwi-pi-DAYL-yun\, adjective:
1. Given to the overuse of long words; "sesquipedalian orators"
2. (Of words) long and ponderous; having many syllables; as, "sesquipedalian technical terms"

Ah, I don't think anyone here is as sesquipedalian as you, Jerve.

What, are you some pop-psychologist now..
If anyone around here is a pop-psychologist, it is you.

This hate some of you got on for my admittedly ostentatious use of language is laughable.

Did you purposely use street jargon (this hate some of you got on) in the same sentence as "ostentatious" to impress us with the adroitness of your loquacities?

The NFL, like all pro sports these days, is 90% hype and showmanship, and, at least for the last 30 years, nobody sh*t-talks, exagerates, self-promotes and manipulates base emotions like Black people. This is a skill which is anemic at best in most White Americans.

You say this like it is a good thing. Perhaps you are more acculturated to the socialization of the MTV agitprop than you think. Why should "sh*t-talking," "exageration," and "manipulation of base emotions" be a necessary trait for success in any field of athletics?

Loosen your hips and get out your thesauri, kids!

Now I believe you have actually sunk to the level of troll. This comment is nothing more than a blatant attempt to provoke forum members into posting against false white stereotypes. The tight-hips-can't-dance thread has been done, thank you.

Just because a person chooses not to use big words doesn't mean they don't know how nor that they lack understanding. This reminds me of the adage, "Do not mistake kindness for weakness." In your case, do not mistake brevity, joviality, and the use of common language for stupidity.

And didn't we beat this same topic to death in the 'neotany of the blondes' thread?

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
P.S. I'm sure White Savage will be pleased to know that you "got his back."


Oct 19, 2004
JerveyGotGypped said:
This hate some of you got on for my admittedly ostentatious use of language is laughable. THAT IS EXACTLY THE SORT OF LET'S-BE-A-TEAM-PLAYER, MIDDLE-OF-THE-ROAD, I'M-JUST-A-REGULAR-JOE MENTALITY THAT HOLDS BACK SO MANY WHITE PEOPLE THESE DAYS, especially when confronted by loquacious, extroverted Blacks on Football fields.

I disagree. We were arguing for clarity, not conformity or dumbing down language. I consider myself to have a good grasp on the English language, but I don't need to show off about it. I can write in a way that gets the point across in a clear, straightforward way. That's the point of language, is it not? This is not a f***ing poetry class, for crying out loud.

Oh, and by the way, what's holding back white athletes is blatant stereotyping, not the inability to be "loquacious."

You think Jews are only successful because they're ethnocentric? I got news for you: They're also fond of superfluous use of language, ostentatious displays of erudite knowledge and general chattiness. That sort of behaviour, be it in verb usage, boxing or team sports, is the sort of thing that gets you noticed.

Maybe Jews are like that, but I find black athletes to be the opposite. If anything, they show a superfluous misuse of language, ostentatious displays of ignorance, and general obnoxiousness.

The NFL, like all pro sports these days, is 90% hype and showmanship, and, at least for the last 30 years, nobody sh*t-talks, exagerates, self-promotes and manipulates base emotions like Black people. This is a skill which is anemic at best in most White Americans. 

Why in the world would we want to emulate them? And why would it help white athletes to do so? If anything, that's a clear indictment of the system's woes, not us. Why is sports 90% hype? Why should we accept it? Why should we conform to it? What kind of athletes do you want to root for? I would much rather root for a quiet, even bland white athlete than an obnoxious, trash-talking, self-promoting white a**hole.

Maybe some flashy, ostentatiously offensive-minded (offensive in both senses of the word) Argentine or Croatian will come along and figure out how to play football and remind you all of that, just as they did in the NBA.

Whatever. That'd be kind of like winning a battle but losing the war.Edited by: JD074


Apr 27, 2005
Holy Cow, I thought all of this time that the purpose of playing sports was to WIN. Now I find out that it is to showboat, be obnoxious, and talk trash. Thanks for the enlightenment.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Remember the line from "White Men Can't Jump?" Woody Harrelson's character points out that black men would rather look good and lose, while a white man would rather look bad, and win.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
JerveyGotGypped said:
nobody sh*t-talks, exagerates, self-promotes and manipulates base emotions like Black people.This is a skill which is anemic at best in most White Americans.

sh*t talking is a skill? Mutha f***a, yo momma be so fat! Yes, these are highly skilled people. And I always thought Bill Buckleyhad a way with words.Any fool with a an IQof 70 can talk trash ghetto style.But if you like the so-called art of put -downs or sarcastic,witty commentary, read something by H.L. Mencken.

Blacks certainly know something about manipulating base emotions, that's why our prisons are filled with them. Too bad they aren't as skillful in controlling their emotions.


Nov 25, 2004
JerveyGotGypped said:
face=Arial&gt;The NFL, like all pro sports these days, is 90% hype and showmanship, and, at least for the last 30 years, nobody sh*t-talks, exagerates, self-promotes and manipulates base emotions like Black people. This is a skill which is anemic at best in most White Americans. Maybe some flashy, ostentatiously offensive-minded (offensive in both senses of the word) Argentine or Croatian will come along and figure out how to play football and remind you all of that, just as they did in the NBA. Hell, you needed a pot-smoking, hippie Canadian to put a White face on that league. Loosen your hips and get out your thes!auri, kids</font></font>&lt;/SPAN&gt;

First of all, Steve Nash hardly fits into the offensive minded, sh*t talking, self promoter category. Other than having long hair, he's pretty straight-laced and gentlemenly on and off the court.
Secondly and lastly (because I believe in concise brievity), white players who have tried to fit in the "offensive minded" category have not been all that well recieved by white fans, blacks fans, and the media. For examples look at Brian Bosworth, Jeremy Shockey, and Bill Romanoski just to name a few. It says a lot that the most offensive example you could come up with was Steve Nash. Huh??? There is a different set of rules for white athletes when it come to offensive behavior.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Here's an article on Jeremy from ESPN's homepage by Len Pasquarelli. At least he's finally getting some media attention, with the Winter Olympics approaching and then his attempt to make the NFL. If he wins one or medals it should make it harder for the NFL to discriminate against him, but then again never discount what the NFL is capable of when it comes to keeping as many positions as possible coal black.

[url] relli_len&amp;id=2206387[/url]

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
There's a feature article on Bloom in the current Sports Illustrated magazine (dated 11/14/05).

He looks set to have a dominating Olympics, which of course can't hurt his NFL chances. The Combine is right after the games. With Hass and Bergeron potentially being high draft choices (and maybe David Anderson too), it would be great to see a team draft this super-athlete and let himplay wide receiverand return kicks and give usanother white NFL rookie WR to root for.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I was digging around the web for stuff on Jeremy Bloom and came across some of these tidbits:

Photo of the Bloom family when Jeremy was a child:


Apparently, Jeremy is also something of an attraction to gays. A couple of quotes from an interview:

OUTSPORTS: How do you feel about being regarded by gay men as the best-looking man in sports?
JEREMY BLOOM: To be honest, I don't really feel honored that much. Not because it's "gay men" but because I think outside beauty is a shallow thing. It would be an honor to me if I was regarded by people as a man with great character and determination.

Uh, sure, Jeremy, whatever you say.

OS: Would you feel uncomfortable with a gay teammate in the locker room?
JB: That's a tough question. It would definitely be a little awkward. But I could get over it.

And a little bit of self-deprecation that is expected of all white athletes:

OS: If you were an NFL franchise, what round would you draft you in and why?
JB: I would draft me in the fourth or fifth round. I have potential, but I'm not a sure bet like some of the incredibly talented college prospects.

A pic of Bloom from the site where I found this interview:


I went to a dozen or more sites with info about him and found nothing that indicated he was Jewish. The only parent prominently mentioned was his mother Char, who was a ski instructor and from whom Jeremy learned to ski.

I imagine if Jeremy Bloom were Jewish, we would already know of it because it would have been trumpeted loudly and proudly from any number of pro-Jewish sites.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
As long as whites have this second class athletic attitude, it will be harder for them to break through the Caste barrier.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Thanks for the research White Shogun... he should be offended by the "honor" the gay community gave him..he probably is..just too scared to be accused of reminds me of the scene in the movie "braveheart" where King Longshanks throws the gay lover of his son out the window. The men in the movie theatre laugh and applaud. I wonder if the day is coming when alot of athletes come out of the closet because the shame that would keep them in the closet is almost gone in our society.