Chef Werewolf's Helpful Cooking Tips


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Tip #1: Buy Barilla pasta. It's not only the best, and the best buy, but I just found out that the perverts are boycotting it! Link:

Nice find, man. Along with the restaurant “Chick Fil-A,” the pasta company “Barilla” is the only major corporation (that I know of) to openly resist the sodomites and their totalitarian bullying for supremacy. Even if Barilla was 10 times as expensive, I’ll never buy another brand of pasta.

In addition to my day job, I’m also building a small agricultural business on the side. If I ever “make it big,” I’ll be fabricating daily anti-Marxist proclamations from my position as CEO. Like Henry Ford (one of my personal heroes) and his prodigious “Dearborn Independent,” all of my products will come with a complimentary dose of “literature.” Hey, a guy can dream!
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Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Interesting that the Chairman's statements were made way back in September. Neither the NY Post or HuffPo had anything on it until November. You would have thought that the excrement would have hit the fan and been front-page news with poofter outrage.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Nice find, man. Along with the restaurant “Chick Fil-A,” the pasta company “Barilla” is the only major corporation (that I know of) to openly resist the sodomites and their totalitarian bullying for supremacy. Even if Barilla was 10 times as expensive, I’ll never buy another brand of pasta.

In addition to my day job, I’m also building a small agricultural business on the side. If I ever “make it big,” I’ll be fabricating daily anti-Marxist proclamations from my position as CEO. Like Henry Ford (one of my personal heroes) and his prodigious “Dearborn Independent,” all of my products will come with a complimentary dose of “literature.” Hey, a guy can dream!

Hey, that sounds great, and yeah Henry Ford was the man! Why can't people like that be president? No, only the lowest of the low claw their way up to the top of the political dung pile, with a rare anomaly like JFK, an anomaly that they quickly "corrected". The best system would be to get political leaders from people who DON'T want power.

Barilla pasta, by the way, is on sale in the local supermarket, $1 each pound package, all types. Maybe it's on sale to counter the perverts' protest.

USSA = Perverts R Us.
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Nov 13, 2005
A forgotten fact about Henry Ford is that he was almost elected to the US senate in 1918, narrowly defeated by a Republican. Ford was running as an independent IIRC but with backing from the Democrats. Had he been elected he likely would have been similar to other mavericks such as Lafollette, Hiram Johnson and William Borah.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
A forgotten fact about Henry Ford is that he was almost elected to the US senate in 1918, narrowly defeated by a Republican. Ford was running as an independent IIRC but with backing from the Democrats. Had he been elected he likely would have been similar to other mavericks such as Lafollette, Hiram Johnson and William Borah.
Ford was also a big "civil rights" guy and was responsible for recruiting Southern blacks to work in his Detroit auto plants. In 1920, Detroit was less than 1% black. Only 60 years later it became 80% black and a disaster area.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Ford was also a big "civil rights" guy and was responsible for recruiting Southern blacks to work in his Detroit auto plants. In 1920, Detroit was less than 1% black. Only 60 years later it became 80% black and a disaster area.

Good counterpoint.

"The Ford Motor Company has a unique place in the economic history of black Americans. On the eve of World War 11, Ford employed more than 10,000 black workers, a far larger number and a far greater representation than at any other firm in the automobile industry. Whereas other auto companies confined blacks to menial positions, only Ford had black workers on the assembly line and in other important production jobs..."

Henry Ford also seemed to have no problem using Negroes as strike breakers. Negroes were often used as strikebreakers by the industrialists. Sonny Liston was one.

Demographic history of Detroit:

Seems that they first started importing Negroes into Detroit to provide labor for their bull**** WW1, their "war to end all wars", "war for freedom and democracy", "war to stop the Huns from bayoneting Belgian babies and cutting off the hands of Belgian nuns", and all the other bullcrap that they always use to sell their wars to the canon fodder.

Bob LaFollete, mentioned by R. above, opposed the US entry into that fratricidal holocaust. Here is a cartoon from the Jewsmedia of the day vilifying him, depicting him getting decorated by the Kaiser, as the Jews demanded war, as always...and unfortunately including Teddy Roosevelt, the last US president, besides JFK, that I have any use for at all:



"Fighting Bob" LaFollette
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Along with the restaurant “Chick Fil-A,” the pasta company “Barilla” is the only major corporation (that I know of) to openly resist the sodomites...

Barilla's Not Alone: 8 Companies Who Don't Support Gay [Pervert] Rights

Guess you can scratch the Boy Scouts off that list.

"Boy Scouts, facing decline in membership, raising annual dues"
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011

Another contemporary cartoon depicting the Kaiser of Germany decorating antiwar Senator/Governor Bob LaFollette.

If you don't know how the Jewish media manipulated the US into getting involved in the war against Germany in 1917, look up the secret Balfour Deceleration. WW1 was all but over and Germany had essentially won it before the USA piled on - and US sentiment, especially Jewish sentiment, was initially heavily pro-German before the media and the politicians started campaigning for war and making up their atrocity stories. Exact same crap they're still doing now.

PS Sorry, this was supposed to be a cooking thread.
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Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Bob LaFollete, mentioned by R. above, opposed the US entry into that fratricidal holocaust. Here is a cartoon from the Jewsmedia of the day vilifying him, depicting him getting decorated by the Kaiser, as the Jews demanded war, as always...and unfortunately including Teddy Roosevelt, the last US president, besides JFK, that I have any use for at all:

We had a discussion about “Little Teddy” Roosevelt last year. I attempted to outline some of his Negro-loving, Jew-doting, Cultural Marxist, and female chauvinist leanings…

As for Henry Ford, he seemed to be on the good side of nearly every political issue…wildly anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic, wholeheartedly against America’s involvement in WWII, pro-Hitler, pro-Nazi, donated millions to Germany during WWII…but he didn’t seem to mind Negroes working for him in droves. Perhaps because Negroes were different people (fathers were present, fewer social welfare, knowing their place) back then?

What any of this has to do with Barilla's anti-sodomite campaign, I'm not sure, haha...

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011


Aug 22, 2012
I'm not gonna overpay for pasta just because that brand's CEO said something I agree with. You could donate the difference in cost to an antigay group and do far more good.
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Nov 13, 2005
To further our digression into World War One, I believe I read somewhere that American Jewish influence was one factor in keeping the US out of the war, and then of course there was the Balfour declaration that helped switch the Jews to a pro-allied stance, but I believe the overthrow of the Czar was the more important development in switching American Jews into the pro-war camp. As long as Russia under the Czar was part of the Allied coalition I believe the US would never have gotten in the war. It was only two months after his overthrow that the US joined the war. In fairness to the left, many leading socialists, such as Debs, stayed loyal to the anti-war cause. In Justus Doenecke's new book Nothing Short of War, he points out that many, probably most pro-war votes in congress came from congressmen who actually were still anti-war, but were voting for war just because their President was asking for war. About 30 house members still voted no, plus a few senators.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
I'm not gonna overpay for pasta just because that brand's CEO said something I agree with. You could donate the difference in cost to an antigay group and do far more good.

We already buy Barilla pasta, but I don't like or understand why he's (Guido Barilla) backing down from his original comments.

I don't think Truett Cathy, Chick Fil-A founder, backed off his statements of his belief in the Biblical way of marriage.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"Barilla apologizes"

Oh fer petes sake! In Italy too? I thought Italian men were supposed to be masculine.

But the perverts still aren't satisfied. They want Barilla to grovel. They like Bertolli pasta better. Bertolli runs ads with pervert macaronis holding hands. Remind me not to buy Bertolli anything.


That's always what happens when you apologize to subhumans. They take it as a sign of weakness. Well, at least I got all that Barilla crap when it was on sale.


Interesting observation, Ref. The Tzar was overthrown in March 1917. Two months later the USA entered into a European war that was all but over and done with and won by Germany. The USA did the exact same thing in WW2. The USA has been the most malignant entity in history. Thanks to them the white race and western civilization is now reeling on the ropes.

Prior to the completely unnecessary and completely manipulated and orchestrated fratricidal holocaust that was WW1 the Europid Aryan white race was the unquestionable rulers of the earth and made up about 33% of the world's population. Now they are down to about 7 or 8 per cent, depending upon who you include. And then you got the USSA leading all this satanic pervert crap.

I really really wish they had left this continent to the Amerindians.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
We already buy Barilla pasta, but I don't like or understand why he's (Guido Barilla) backing down from his original comments.

I don't think Truett Cathy, Chick Fil-A founder, backed off his statements of his belief in the Biblical way of marriage.

Looks like Chik-fil-a did a little bit of weasly apologizing to to the **** too. What the hell, is everybody afraid of them!? And just like with Barilla, the **** still ain't satified.

Chik-fil-a issued this statement:

"The Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect –- regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation [code word for sexual deviant/pervert] or gender. We will continue this tradition in the over 1,600 Restaurants run by independent Owner/Operators. Going forward, our intent is to leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena."


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Here's Thrashen's post that he linked above regarding Teddy Roosevelt:

It’s really no mystery why these modern white lasses feel so artificially “powerful,†as even this nation’s most highly respected “leadership†has cultivated these wretchedly-unfeminine ruminations for over ten decades now. For evidence of such, one need only consider one of “greatest†[snickering], most “vigorous†[chuckling] most “manly†[laughing hysterically] presidents in American history, Theodore Roosevelt. You know, the pretentious imp who once proudly wrote that: “Especially as regards the laws relating to marriage, there should be the most absolute equality preserved between the two sexes. I do not think the woman should assume the man's name.â€

Yes, that old “Progressive Teddy Bear†really was some American, wasn’t he? A lifelong-millionaire, a dorky, small-bodied, sickly, distended-bellied, Negro-appointing, Jew-hiring, super-pompous war-mongering bully who was a fake “colonel†during the Spanish-American War, a fake “cowboy†and “Jägermeister†during his time on the “range,†a USA-chanting blowhard who loathed those white Americans that cherished their Irish and German identities, a ruthless executioner of tens of thousands of rare animals while hunting on “Safari,†a hardnosed civil rights activist for non-whites, and a mindless female supremacist that was tremendously undeserving of having his repugnant, rotund, bulldog-esque façade etched upon the mountainside at Rushmore. Then again, Fat-Boy sullied so much of the political landscape during his life…so why not defile a once-beautiful natural landscape in death? That would be so utterly “Rosenfelt.â€

This so-called white man, like so many other absconders of our once-great tribe, was not “great,†nor a “leader,†nor “macho,†nor a “hero,†nor a “founding father,†nor a “national treasure.†No, Miss Teddy, like his viscously anti-white relation (Franklin Delano Beelzebub Rosenfelt), was a comprehensive dishonor to the white epidermal tissue he never deserved the right to wear...


CAPTION: “Macho Man†Slays a White Rhino…Highly Apropos

But a few years ago someone wrote a book (I don't remember the name) comparing the racial views of Teddy Roosevelt and Adolf Hitler. They were separated in office by only twenty years. He found their views on race, the negro problem etc., almost identical.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
3D-printed pasta – the shapes of things to come?

Italian food giant and Dutch researchers working on technology for rapid production of custom-designed pasta shapes

Once, not so very long ago, the pasta of Italian dreams was kneaded, rolled and shaped by hand in the kitchen. Now, though, the world's leading pasta producer is perfecting a very different kind of technique – using 3D printers.
The Parma-based food giant Barilla, a fourth-generation Italian family business, said on Thursday it was working with TNO, a Dutch organisation specialising in applied scientific research, on a project using the same cutting-edge technology that has already brought startling developments in manufacturing and biotech and may now be poised to make similar waves in the food sector...


Aug 22, 2012
Can we stop with this Germany won WWI if not for USA bull****? They didn't.

After Germany made peace with Russia they used their surplus troops from the eastern front to launch the last gasp Spring Offensive. If the Spring Offensive had succeeded Germany would have most certainly won the war. The problem is that the Spring Offensive failed.

USA's contributions in the defense against the Spring Offensive were minimal. Germany's Hail Mary failed without hardly any US involvement.

Let's not forget either that it was the Germans during WWI who planted the seeds of communism in Russia. Lenin would not have been able to gain entry into Russia during WWI if not for German assistance.
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Can we stop with this Germany won WWI if not for USA bull****? They didn't.

After Germany made peace with Russia they used their surplus troops from the eastern front to launch the last gasp Spring Offensive. If the Spring Offensive had succeeded Germany would have most certainly won the war. The problem is that the Spring Offensive failed.

USA's contributions in the defense against the Spring Offensive were minimal. Germany's Hail Mary failed without hardly any US involvement.

Let's not forget either that it was the Germans during WWI who planted the seeds of communism in Russia. Lenin would not have been able to gain entry into Russia during WWI if not for German assistance.

But long before the USA intervened militarily they were supplying vast amounts of money and war material to Britain - they were cynically and secretly even using great passenger liners like the Lusitania to do it! When Germany capitulated there was not one single enemy soldier on German soil. Then they forced the Versailles Diktat upon the defeated Germans, and wise men at the time knew that so called treaty was sure to cause an even greater conflict in the future, as it did. So if the USA hadn't interfered at all with military supplies and money Germany would have won easily, and if they didn't intervene militarily Germany would probably still have won after the eastern front closed down, and at the worst there would have probably been a peace treaty, and Europe would still have remained stable.

FDR, of all people, campaigned on a platform of peace. Here's what FDR had to say about WW1:

"The argument against intervention finds support from an unlikely, little known quarter. In 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was as disillusioned witb the results of Woodrow Wilson's war as the rest of the American people. FDR told progressive Republican Senator Gerald Nye of Indiana that he now thought Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan was right -- Wilson's sham neutrality and his intervention in 1917 were mistakes. The president said the same thing in a letter to Wilson's secretary of the Navy, Josephus Daniels, around this same time. In August of 1936, Roosevelt said if another war broke out in Europe, it would be difficult to resist American businessmen who wanted to sell arms to the belligerents. But if America had to choose between profits and peace, "the Nation will answer -- must answer -- we choose peace." This was very close to a total repudiation of Woodrow Wilson's war by the man who had served in his administration and had been an ardent interventionist in 1917. - See more at:

That's true about Lenin, though. That was a dirty trick that turned out to have dire consequences.
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Aug 22, 2012
The US government wasn't aiding either side, unlike say the Lend Lease agreement of WWII. Private citizens of neutral countries can provide war assistance to other countries, which is exactly what was going on. The allies weren't the only beneficiaries of this though, Germany also received a lot of contributions private US citizens in WWI.

Another conspiracy theorist myth is that the Lusitania was the impetus for USA entering into the war. Lusitania was sunk in 1915, USA didn't enter the war for another two years. On the other hand the conspiracy theorists always fail to mention the Zimmermann Telegram, wonder why?

We intend to begin on the first of February
unrestricted submarine warfare.We shall endeavor
in spite of this to keep the United States of
America neutral.In the event of this not succeed-
ing, we make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the
following basis:make war together, make peace
together, generous financial support and an under-
standing on our part that Mexico is to reconquer
the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and
Arizona.The settlement in detail is left to you.

You will inform the President of the above most
secretly as soon as the outbreak of war with the
United States of America is certain and add the
suggestion that he should, on his own initiative,
invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same
time mediate between Japan and ourselves.Please
call the President's attention to the fact that
the ruthless employment of our submarines now
offers the prospect of compelling England in a
few months to make peace.

Not a single enemy soldier being on German soil at the time of their surrender is irrelevant. Germany was being starved to death by Britain's blockade, their workers were rioting on the streets, their last gasp Spring Offensive had failed. The allies were now breaking through the western front and if Germany hadn't surrendered when they did then you can be certain that that the allies would have reached German soil in a few months.

Keep in mind that during WWII not a single enemy troop had landed on the Japanese home islands outside of Okinawa. Yet no one denies that the Japanese lost WWII.


Nov 13, 2005
I think one tragedy of the US role in World War One was William Jennings Bryan's resignation as secretary of state in 1915. With his prestige and name it would have been difficult for Wilson to fire him (and there was no indication that he was planning to AFAIK in 1915.) Bryan was a true believer in American neutrality and if he had stayed on as sec of state it could only have helped the anti-war forces.
Another forgotten path of that war was that the British prime minister Asquith wanted Britain to stay neutral when the war started, but was pressured by his foreign secretary Lord Grey to intervene. Had Asquith shown some backbone and fought to keep his country neutral he would have won strong backing for his Liberal party from huge sections of a grateful British electorate once it was clear what a horrible slaughter was taking place on the continent. The war would likely have ended much sooner with a German victory or a compromise peace, and no communist takeover in Russia.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
davidholly said:
conspiracy theorists always fail to mention the Zimmermann Telegram, wonder why?

Zimmerman, a German Jew, was also the man behind the plan to send Lenin (also Jewish - they kept that top secret in the USSR) to Russia, and his absurd and infamous "intercepted" telegram that he bragged about, was an obvious and ridiculous setup to shut up Americans who didn't want to get involved in a European war, despite years of the crudest hate-the-hun propaganda - and the planted telegram gave Washington the excuse to dive into the war. Mexico was zero threat to invade the USA in 1917. The idea was absurd and it was a setup, just the way they start all their wars, with a phony setup, false flag, atrocity propaganda, mock or prearranged attack.

The US government wasn't aiding either side, unlike say the Lend Lease agreement of WWII. Private citizens of neutral countries can provide war assistance to other countries, which is exactly what was going on.

What "private citizens" in the USA were providing so much war assistance to Britain way back in 1915, and had so much power, that they were able to load up the giant passenger ship Lusitania with explosive munitions - doing their best to keep it secret from the paying passengers - with the acquiescence of New York port inspectors and the U.S. government?
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Aug 22, 2012
Arthur Zimmermann was not a Jew, Zimmermann is a German surname.