2008 Giants

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Last year's write-up on the Giants can pretty much be cut and pasted for this year's edition with the exception that Jeremy Shockey has been replaced as the starting tight end by Kevin Boss. The samesix other white players who started in '07, all on offense, return for this season, while the defense once again is coal black.

Before the end of last season, Eli Manning had been routinely hated and ridiculed by drunk white fans everywhere, but by leading his team to a Super Bowl win over the undefeated Patriots he's bought some time, a few games at least before the abuse will once again begin if the Giants aren't playing up to expectations, which is generally what happens with defending champions in the NFL.

Eli followed up big brother Peyton's Super Bowl accomplishment, a brotherly feat for the ages. Thank God the Manning men are white; if they had been black sibling QBs, there would be a national holiday named for them already and a month of the calender set aside each year to studying and praising their greatness.

Former first overall draft pick David Carr, thrown to the wolves on a Houston expansion team that still has a woeful offensive line, is the only other quarterback currently on the roster. If Eli proves to be as durable as Peyton, one backup is all the Giants will ever need at the position.

Kevin Boss didn't play much last season as a rookie, but he's fast and got downfield for a huge play in the Super Bowl. He is the Giants' only white tight end.

The four white starting linemen are RG Chris Snee (Coughlin's son in law), C Shaun O'Hara out of Rutgers, LG Rich Seubert from Western Illinois, and LT David Diehl out of Illinois.

Second year tackle Adam Koets and former Sun Devil Grey Ruegamer are backup linemen.

Madison Hedgecock is the starter at the human battering ram position, aka fullback.

On defense, end Dave Tollefson has looked fast and relentless in limited action but has not been considered as a possible replacement for the retired Michael Strahan and Osi Umenyiora, out for the season with a knee injury.

Linebacker Chase Blackburn always is productive when he plays, but the Giants have a strict blacks-only policy, strongly supported by their fans, when it comes to defensive starters.

Zak DeOssie out of Brown is a linebacker who is used as a White Special Teams Demon.




Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Don Wassall said:
Thank God the Manning men are white; if they had been black sibling QBs, there would be a national holiday named for them already and a month of the calender set aside each year to studying and praising their greatness.

Don't forget the movie with Will Smith and Cuba Goodings in the lead roles.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
I totally agree on Eli Manning. The fans wanted Eli's head last season and the media was much harder on him than Vince Young despite Eli noticeably outplaying Vick Young. Now all the sudden Eli went from a Pariah to a King in New York. My how fast these drunkers can change their mind. Tollefson has a lot of talent and Tollefson should be starting now with the injury problems. Zac DeOssie has a lot of talent, but is a bit raw.

I have actually started to switch my favorite team to my former second favorite; the Packers. The Pack is more white friendly and should even start Jordy in the next few years at a forbidden position. And in my wildest dreams the Pack will draft Sam McGuffie in 3 years also! Hey I can only dream.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Week 7 was a lovely sight for this Giants fan. Chase Blackburn was wonderful starting at MLB this week. He caused all types of mayhem for JT O'Sullivan and stopped Frank Gore many times in the running game too. I would love to see Chase starting at MLB with Antonio Pierce (who seems to have lost a step) moving to strong side. Starters Gerris Wilkinson is always hurt and Danny Clark is a journeyman. Blackburn and Pierce both need to be out there.

On to one of my favorite players, DE Dave Tollefson. Dave has only been active for 3 of the 6 games this season. How has he responded, a sack in each game!
Former 1st round flop Jerome McDougle has stolen his time in the other 3 games. His play, 1 tackle and some stupid penalties.
Dave truly had his coming out party this week with 5 solo tackles and a sack. He is a relentless rusher who seems to have the speed and strength to be a top pass rusher. If Dave were active every week I think he could have around 10 sacks in a similar role that Justin Tuck had last year as the 3rd down pass rusher.

If Dave in inactive next week for this lousy bum, I think I will be sick.....
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
TJR--Giants' "die hards" are a bunch of characters, to say the least. This coming from a Giants fan. Manning is the toast of NY--for now, at least. If ever comes a time when he starts playing below what is expected of him, he'll be off to the Coliseum again.

The Giants are blessed with a very competent offensive line, and have had such for quite a while. Still, for me nothing will compare to the O-lines of the mid-late '80s to the early '90s.

Replacing Shockey with Boss was not a great loss to the team, for the Giants are quite the conservative bunch and often had their hands full with the firebrand Shockey. I hope Boss does well for the team.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
With their 7 white starters on offense, at least 1 starter on defense would be very welcome and make the Giants one of the more white-friendly teams in the NFL.


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
ProFootballTalk reports Plaxico Burress has shot himself in the leg.

Plax was reportedly carrying a loaded gun late Friday night or Saturday morning, and the gun accidentally fired. We will update as soon as details become available.


EDIT: to expand the report:

Fox Sports' Jay Glazer reports Plaxico Burress has shot himself in the leg, accidentally. He's out indefinitely.

ESPN's John Clayton is reporting the incident took place in a club. Plax was reportedly carrying a loaded gun that went off unexpectedly late Friday night or Saturday morning. He spent the night in the hospital, but the injuries are not believed to be life-threatening. It's well past time to pick up Domenik Hixon, but grab him if he's still available.Edited by: backrow

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Classic! Who needs the Three Stooges when you can follow the real-life antics of thecerebrally-challenged buffoons of the NFL and NBA?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I see this as good news, especially for Kevin Boss and Madison Hedgewiener.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Burris plays WR like a total wimp anyway (ala Randy Moss). If these two primma donnas don't immmediately get throw to, they play half-assed.

When they are playing well, they rely solely on their extreme height advantage over the midgets playing CB in today's NFL....as they are both 6' 5" +.

I'm very happy that this typical rich-boy buffoon shot himself. If only it would have been in his feeble brain instead of his constantly injured leg.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
How does a gun 'unexpectedly' go off? I like how people always say 'the gun went off by itself.'

Can you imagine.. "I'm sorry officer, I don't know what happened. I walked out to the parking lot and my truck just took off, all by itself, and crashed into the store. I don't know what happened."

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Gangsta Boy didn't have a license for a loaded and concealed weapon, which is a big deal in NYC, but being a black athlete nothing will come of it.

Burress has always been a thug. I've disliked him ever since the Steelers took him in the first round in 2000, the same year they selected Danny Farmer in the 4th round. Burress's 40 time at the Combine was 4.55, Farmer's was 4.56, but the Pittsburgh media routinely called Burress "fast" and Farmer "slow." Burress was always praised for his jumping ability but his vertical was poor and his timing even worse. As Thrashen wrote, being some 9 inches taller than the many short black DBs in the league was his only advantage. And of course he had bad hands too.

Then there washis gangsta attitude. He arrived at training camp the day he signed his rookie contract in a limo, bedecked in jewelry and a full-length fur coat (on a July day). He threw a partya day or two before theSteelers were playing the supposed "arch-rival" Browns at home his third season, and invited many of the Browns. Burress was arrested on a misdemeanor charge at the party, which most likely consisted only of black Steelers and Browns.

He routinely flaunted team rules, as he still does with the Giants. He had a couple of arrests, including one when he and his friends went "wilding" through the streets of Virginia Beach, targeting whites for harassment and assaults. The racial animus behind the incident was mentioned once or twice, but as always happens was quickly forgotten and Burress received no punishment for it.

Burress mumbles and can barely speak English. The Pittsburgh media always ran to Joey Porter and Burress for quotes when they were on the Steelers together, a lovely one-two punch of ignorance and gangsta attitude.

Burress had a bad rookie year (just 273 yards) but was a starter from day one. Farmer, a modest, straight-A student who engaged in community volunteer work and who was the son of an NFL player -- and who in sharp contrast to Burress could jump like a kangaroo and also had much better hands -- was despised by the team's black players as white wideouts were verboten in the Bill Cowher era.

Realizing his drafting mistake and the feelings of his black pets, Cowherquickly turned against Farmer, and the pathetic white Pittsburgh sports "journalists" all followed Cowher's cue andbegan"reporting" without giving any good reasons why, thatFarmer probably wasn't going to make the team. After Farmer fell out of favor, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's sports section ran a half-page picture of CB Chad Scott throwing a punch at Farmer during practice. During training camp that same summer, Scott hit Patrick Jeffers in the knee during an exhibition game, effectively ending Jeffers' career after his brilliant breakout 1999 season following his racial apprenticeship, during the second half of which he played perhaps as well as any receiver ever has.

Farmer, who left UCLA as its all-time leading receiver,was the highest drafted player cut in preseason in 2000. And even after he was picked up by the Bengals and was doing very well, he was abruptlycut by Cincy and was never more than training camp fodder for a couple of teams after that.

And so it goes in the NFL, with the full support of the media.

Edited by: Don Wassall


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California

I haven't heard the name Danny Farmer in a long time. But hearing it again, I remember him, along with Cade McNown and Drew Bennett being really big names around LA during 1998-2000. Drew Bennett in particular was often mentioned around campus as being the Bruins' best athlete.

Of course, none of these guys were popular with the sporting press, who at the time preferred to fixate on Donovan McSlabb-o-hype, Afloppi Smith, and Daunte Dullpepper.

Jason Kapono was also a big name for Bruins basketball. Of course Kapono, along with Bennett, McNown, and Farmer, are white and thus relegated to "I remember when" stories about obscure people who mean nothing to the average dolt eating Doritos and drinking Shasta and calling in sick to his low-qualification job on Monday morning so he can play Doom on the internet.


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
Don Wassall said:
Gangsta Boy didn't have a license for a loaded and concealed weapon, which is a big deal in NYC, but being a black athlete nothing will come of it.


i am not so sure about that: (from rotoworld.com)

Plaxico Burress is expected to be charged with criminal possession of a weapon after shooting himself in the thigh Friday night. The felony chage results in a mandatory 3.5 year prison sentence.

"He went for his gun and fumbled it. And now it will cost him," a police source told the NY Daily News. Details continue to emerge, such as Antonio Pierce berating Plaxico for bringing the gun to a club. Pierce also stashed the gun for Burress and didn't call 911 at Plaxico's request, so he could face charges as well. Cops only learned about the incident after the Giants quietly reached out to them to report it.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Wow, all kindsa wrong going on there. Taking a gun to a club, taking the gun out at the club (probably to show it to his hangers-on), then hiding the gun and failing to report it. Ordinarily, the ER would report a shooting victim to the police themselves, but Burress street cred must have gotten him out of that one (or did he go directly to the team's medical staff?)

I wonder what went through the minds of the Giants' brass before they decided to report it to the police. They must have known it was a felony. I imagine the legal aspects of failing to report a felony themselves finally tipped the scales for full disclosure.

On the other hand, I pretty much disagree with laws that prohibit the carrying of weapons. My feeling on this is that, although I doubt I'd have shot myself, I'd like the privilege of carrying a weapon at all times, in all locations, without fear of apprehension by the police - whether it's a night club, church, hospital, or wherever.

So in my opinion it's ridiculous that Burress should face 3.5 years in prison for merely having a firearm in his possession. This kind of 'law' is the same irresponsible statute that got two Border Patrol agents ten years in jail for shooting a drug dealer.


Aug 27, 2008
Don Wassall said:
  During training camp that same summer, Scott hit Patrick Jeffers in the knee during an exhibition game, effectively ending Jeffers' career after his brilliant breakout 1999 season following his racial apprenticeship, during the second half of which he played perhaps as well as any receiver ever has.

Thanks for posting this. Jeffers was my favorite player for a while, and I've been trying to find out what happened to him. Edited by: DWFan


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
White Shogun said:
On the other hand, I pretty much disagree with laws that prohibit the carrying of weapons. My feeling on this is that, although I doubt I'd have shot myself, I'd like the privilege of carrying a weapon at all times, in all locations, without fear of apprehension by the police - whether it's a night club, church, hospital, or wherever.

So in my opinion it's ridiculous that Burress should face 3.5 years in prison for merely having a firearm in his possession. This kind of 'law' is the same irresponsible statute that got two Border Patrol agents ten years in jail for shooting a drug dealer.

I agree Shogun and was thinking of posting something similar this morning before I left for church. Freedom is almost gone in whats left of the USA.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Don, your post about Burris / Farmer / Jeffers / Cowher has to be on the most spot-on things I've read here in months. I can tell you used to be from PA, as the news of Burris' anti-white hate crimes didnt make it beyond "statewide news," if that. The sickest thing is, Burris' incredible list of wrongdoings and asanine behavior is almost nothing when compared to the thug-sissies that infest every NFL roster.

When Farmer was cut by the great caste stooge, Bill Cowturd, I knew something was wrong with the NFL....especailly after watching Farmer DESTROY the wimpy competition in the collegiate ranks.

Farmer, like Drew Bennett and Matt Jones, ARE NOT possession / slot WR's. Therefore, the media, the coaches, the fans, and the teams have/had no use for them. Do you know why? Because it's easy to hide the athleticism of, say, Wes Welker. He rarely "burns" supposedly superior black CBs. You simply can't hide a white man running past a true afflete sunday after sunday....that's why guys like Kevin Walter and Matt Jones are so rare.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Thrashen said:
Farmer, like Drew Bennett and Matt Jones, ARE NOT possession / slot WR's. Therefore, the media, the coaches, the fans, and the teams have/had no use for them. Do you know why? Because it's easy to hide the athleticism of, say, Wes Welker. He rarely "burns" supposedly superior black CBs. You simply can't hide a white man running past a true afflete sunday after sunday....that's why guys like Kevin Walter and Matt Jones are so rare.

Bennett was briefly "allowed" to show his big play ability, during the second half of 2004. With Billy Volek in for the injured Steve McNair, Bennett was close to unstoppable, catching an NFL record tying 8 TD passes in 3 games at one point. Bennett ended up second in the AFC in receiving yards that season, but the next year dink and dunk McNair was back as the starter and Bennett was once again a fast 6' 6" "possession" receiver.

The 1999 Carolina Panthers had a tremendous passing attack, with QB Steve Beuerlein, WRs Patrick Jeffers and Muhsin Muhammed, and TE Wesley Walls. A well traveled journeyman until then, Beuerlein threw over 4,400 yards in '99, leading the NFL. Jeffers was unbelievably good, effortlesslybeating defensive backs for one long touchdown after another. But the next season Jeffers' career was ended by Chad Scott, and Beuerlein was eventually benched and was out of the NFL altogether in 2001.

It seems like "punishment" is meted out one way or another to whites who perform well beyond what they're "supposed" to. There have been a number of white receivers with thousand yards seasons over the past 10 years, but only Ed McCaffrey had more than one. Brock Forsey, Brad Hoover, and Brian Leonard all had one but only one hundred yard rushing game. Let's hope Peyton Hillis is "allowed" to shatter the mold, but to those who think some of us here aren't optimistic enough it's because of long and painful experience watching how the NFL operates.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
White Shogun said:
Wow, all kindsa wrong going on there. Taking a gun to a club, taking the gun out at the club (probably to show it to his hangers-on), then hiding the gun and failing to report it. Ordinarily, the ER would report a shooting victim to the police themselves, but Burress street cred must have gotten him out of that one (or did he go directly to the team's medical staff?)

I wonder what went through the minds of the Giants' brass before they decided to report it to the police. They must have known it was a felony. I imagine the legal aspects of failing to report a felony themselves finally tipped the scales for full disclosure.

On the other hand, I pretty much disagree with laws that prohibit the carrying of weapons. My feeling on this is that, although I doubt I'd have shot myself, I'd like the privilege of carrying a weapon at all times, in all locations, without fear of apprehension by the police - whether it's a night club, church, hospital, or wherever.

So in my opinion it's ridiculous that Burress should face 3.5 years in prison for merely having a firearm in his possession. This kind of 'law' is the same irresponsible statute that got two Border Patrol agents ten years in jail for shooting a drug dealer.
NYC has had big problems in their clubs from drug dealers/criminal thugs shooting each other outside of clubs and even in them. I think the law should be on the books but give the judge more leeway on intent. Anyway I was listening to WFAN this evening and Mike Francessa was throwing Burriss under the bus. He stated the obvious that if the Giants took him back Plexico would be another accident waiting to happen. You know things are out of control when a homer like Francessa is stating the obvious..

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Chris Carter was on ESPN's Mike and Mike show this morning. They asked Carter what he thought about the Burress situation, and about violence and guns in today's society.

Carter said (paraphrase) that he didn't want to stereotype or anything, but most football players live in the South, regardless of where their team is located. And that people in the midwest, you know they're friendly... 'but people in the South, they carry more guns. Know what I'm sayin'?'

So Burress carried a gun into a club in NYC because people in the midwest are friendly but people in the South carry more guns. W T F?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Chris Carter's statement leads me to believe he is even more idiotic than I thought he was, and that is no small feat!

I know that where I'm from, some of the black cops routinely tell white residentsto carry gunsin their cars and sometimes on their personto protect themselves from the gangs, etc. At least they are honest enough to admit that blacks are the troublemakers. Of course, if a crime is committed against a white by a black, the local authoritiesare slow to find out who did it and then convict them for it. I guess the black copsare trying to tell whites towatch out forthemselves, because nobody else gives a crap about them.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
White Shogun said:
... 'but people in the South, they carry more guns. Know what I'm sayin'?'

So Burress carried a gun into a club in NYC because people in the midwest are friendly but people in the South carry more guns. W T F?

Probably the implication is that blacks carry weapons because theyhad togrow up around allthoseunfriendly crackaswho live in the South. It's always Whitey's fault.


Nov 13, 2005
Yahoo sports is now listing Blackburn as starter for Outside linebacker position, and a new york paper also wrote that, saying that he has been playing most of the reps where a run is expected. Also, if Pierce is suspended because of his role in the Buress affair, Blackburn would be starting for him at MLB. It would be great to get more whites involved for the Giants as this team is looking good this year. A white WR would be wonderful, but now I'm dreaming.


Mar 25, 2008
Tollefson has been getting the lion's share of snaps at DE over first-round bust Jerome McDougle. It's entirely possible to see TWO WHOLE WHITE DEFENDERS on the field for the Giants. Wow!