Drew Bennett

Sep 9, 2006
He is doing very well so far at Rams camp, him and Bulger are getting on well and according to gridirongateway.com "The star of practice was Drew Bennett, who caught at least three TDs in the red zone part of the drills alone, and another couple long passes in other drills."

Things are looking good for Drew, hopefully he will be teh red zone target the Rams have needed for a long time.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
From Len Pasquarelli's "Insider" column:

<A name=Bennett>- Big plans for Bennett: On the subject of Bulger and the Rams, the veteran quarterback seems to have forged a quick relationship with Drew Bennett, the newest weapon in his wide receiver arsenal. The team's biggest offseason acquisition on the offensive side, Bennett, signed as an unrestricted free agent after six seasons in Tennessee, provides Bulger a different kind of receiver than either of St. Louis' other two stars, Torry Holt and Isaac Bruce.

Bennett is 6-foot-5 and 206 pounds, one of the biggest wide receivers in the league, and an imposing target. And it appeared at this week's minicamp, where observers said Bulger threw the heck out of the ball, that Bennett could make an impact in the red zone in 2007. Despite his great size, Bennett has never been much of a force inside the 20-yard line. However, as his 14.8-yard career average demonstrates, he can get vertical for a guy with such a long-strider's gait. Bennett has averaged a remarkable 26.8 yards per touchdown catch on his 18 scores over the past three seasons, and six of those have been for 40 yards or more. Only seven of the scores, though, came in the red zone. If the minicamp this week was a sign of things to come in the St. Louis offense, look for coach Scott Linehan to seek out advantageous red-zone matchups for Bennett in 2007.


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
let's hope he'll have a season rivalring the one he achieved with Volek throwing to him!


Apr 14, 2005
Don Wassall said:
From Len Pasquarelli's "Insider" column:

&lt;A name=Bennett&gt;- Big plans for Bennett: On the subject of Bulger and the Rams, the veteran quarterback seems to have forged a quick relationship with [COLOR=#000000">[i]Drew Bennett[/i][/COLOR">, the newest weapon in his wide receiver arsenal. The team's biggest offseason acquisition on the offensive side, Bennett, signed as an unrestricted free agent after six seasons in Tennessee, provides Bulger a different kind of receiver than either of St. Louis' other two stars, [COLOR=#000000">[i]Torry Holt[/i][/COLOR"> and [COLOR=#000000">[i]Isaac Bruce[/i][/COLOR">.

Bennett is 6-foot-5 and 206 pounds, one of the biggest wide receivers in the league, and an imposing target. And it appeared at this week's minicamp, where observers said Bulger threw the heck out of the ball, that Bennett could make an impact in the red zone in 2007. Despite his great size, Bennett has never been much of a force inside the 20-yard line. However, as his 14.8-yard career average demonstrates, he can get vertical for a guy with such a long-strider's gait. Bennett has averaged a remarkable 26.8 yards per touchdown catch on his 18 scores over the past three seasons, and six of those have been for 40 yards or more. Only seven of the scores, though, came in the red zone. If the minicamp this week was a sign of things to come in the St. Louis offense, look for coach Scott Linehan to seek out advantageous red-zone matchups for Bennett in 2007.

WOW len praising Bennett a lot there. He must have had the wrong kool aid this morning.
Anyways if the Rams coaches were actually had a functioning brain they would see how Bennett is doing so much bettter than old ass issac Bruce and insert Drew in the starting lineup.
May 10, 2005
United States
I'm rooting for the Rams to go back to Kurt Warnerish glory days & win the Super Bowl this year....I think Marc Bulger is going to have a super star season this year....Don't forget Marc Bulger only threw 8ints in 588 attempts last year...That's simply amazing..1int per every 73.5 attempts...Consistency & lack of turnovers plays huge dividends come playoff time...Bulger threw for 4,301yds & now he has Drew Bennett...

Well, with Bulger, Drew Bennett, & also Brian Leonard, I'm hoping they can go all the way with white guys at the skill positions...


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I share your sentiments Doc. I'm just hoping they air a few of the Rams games out in Utah so I can watch the fun.

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
Doc Holliday said:
Well, with Bulger, Drew Bennett, & also Brian Leonard, I'm hoping they can go all the way with white guys at the skill positions...

It would be great if they could create some mayhem on defenses.

I think Marc Bulger is going to have a super star season this year....Don't forget Marc Bulger only threw 8ints in 588 attempts last year...That's simply amazing..1int per every 73.5 attempts...Consistency & lack of turnovers plays huge dividends come playoff time...Bulger threw for 4,301yds & now he has Drew Bennett...

I really like Bulger. It's a bit ironic that Jim Haslett is coaching on a team that Marc is on and playing at a high level no less. The Saints drafted Marc in 2000, the story goes that Haslett cut Marc before he had a chance to take one snap in training camp.


Apr 14, 2005
Colonel_Reb said:
I share your sentiments Doc. I'm just hoping they air a few of the Rams games out in Utah so I can watch the fun.

What games do they usually air out in Utah, the Broncos?


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
An article on Drew Bennett from the Rams website

Bennett Embraces Role
Friday, May 9, 2008

By Nick Wagoner

Senior Writer

It's one thing to be asked to replace a player who was productive player for a long time. It's another thing to be asked to replace a legend that doubled as the face of the franchise. To be asked to do both, though is a heavy burden that Drew Bennett is about to embrace.

Signed in the 2007 offseason, Bennett came to the Rams before last season as a guy being asked to chip in behind the celebrated duo of Torry Holt and Isaac Bruce. Bennett signed a lucrative long term contract with the idea that he would be the No. 3 target in the passing game with the eventual task of replacing the aging Bruce.

Of course, Bennett didn't know when he would be asked to fill those awfully large shoes but he did his best to prepare for it. Well, sooner came before later when the Rams chose to release Bruce on Feb. 28.

Bruce signed with rival San Francisco a few days later and suddenly Bennett found himself right back at the top of the team's depth chart as the starter opposite Holt.

"I feel like I was prepared well and I feel like I prepare every offseason to play full time," Bennett said. "It's definitely a different mindset though as far as knowing what I am getting myself into and getting back to a starting role after missing it for a year. I have been preparing more, especially in the classroom."

To that end, Bennett has been a frequent visitor to the Russell Training Center in the offseason. Much like quarterback Marc Bulger, Bennett was around as much as possible this offseason.

And why not? Asked to fill the giant hole left by Bruce is enough, but he also is being asked to learn the new system brought in by offensive coordinator Al Saunders.

It was only natural for Bennett to make himself a part of the daily landscape.

"I think everyone is going to learn real quick that this offense from the stance of learning it is there are no shortcuts and there's no easy way to learn it," Bulger said. "You just have to do it. He's here already and he's working hard and he's in good shape already and there's going to be a lot of studying. That's why it's important for all of our guys to be here."

Bennett's motivation extends well beyond replacing Bruce in the starting lineup, though that doesn't hurt the cause. Bennett was given a substantial contract with the knowledge that one day he would be one of the top two wide outs.

The expectations from fans and media were great even as the No. 3 receiver in 2007. Bennett was supposed to be the guy to step in to the slot and make plays over the middle and use his 6'5 frame to become a serious threat in the red zone.

After developing a nagging hamstring issue early in training camp, Bennett never quite got on track. He missed the season opener against Carolina because of the injury and caught just six passes in his first three games.

When all was said and done, Bennett missed another game against Seattle on Oct. 21 because of the injury and was held without a catch against Cincinnati on Dec. 9.

For the season, Bennett had 33 catches for 375 yards with three touchdowns. Those numbers fell well below anything he had produced in his six seasons in the league in terms of yards per catch and far short of his production in any of the previous three seasons.

"It was awful," Bennett said. "Anytime you go backward and you're used to playing every play and then you play 20 to 30 percent of the time, it's really tough especially when you are 3 and 13 and your offense is struggling a little bit."

Bennett is doing his best to ensure that he has a breakout 2008 season. He had already forged a solid relationship with Bulger and is enjoying the opportunities Saunders is affording him.

This season, Bennett will move to the outside on a more permanent basis and his role will certainly be expanded.

The first order of business for Bennett in the offseason was to get back to full strength, something he feels he has accomplished already after spending plenty of time working out the kinks in his hams

Bennett knows replacing Bruce on the field and in the locker room will extremely difficult and he's just hoping to carve his own path.

"You are never happy to lose a player like Isaac Bruce," Bennett said. "I learned a lot from him and the team really loved him but I'm happy that I will have a more substantial role in the offense. Isaac was going into his 14th year and not so much as I expected to take reps away from Isaac, I did expect to play and that's what I am here to do."

Here's a post I made on Footballsblackfuture.com defending Drew Bennett:

I definitely think Bennett can turn it around. He was a great receiver in Tennessee before McNair started struggling with age and injury. Bennett had a bad hamstring last season and was playing out of position in the slot.

Drew Bennett has very similar tools to Larry Fitzgerald, but has never put together the constancy Larry has. I also see a lot of Marques Colston in Drew Bennett. None of these 3 guys are burners, but they have the solid speed for starting NFL WRs to go along with great route running skills and they adjust to the ball amazingly. All three are great at using their strength and size to shield the ball from the defenders.

I am confident that if Bennett can stay healthy he will have a great season playing his natural #2 Flanker role, rather than out of position in the slot. I envision Donnie Avery as a great slot guy, in the mold of James Jones of the Packers or maybe even on the level of Wes Welker (a less tough, slightly worse route runner, but with more speed than Welker)

A WR tandem of Tory Holt at Split End, Drew Bennett at Flanker and Donnie Avery in the slot could be a great one for years to come!

Edited to add: If Bennett doesn't turn it around this season then he will rightfully receive the wrath of fans and coaches alike and lose his flanker job to Avery. But as I said, I think Avery would be better utilized in the Slot and Bennett at Flanker if Bennett can recover from his disappointing year last year. I predict Bennett will come through big for us!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Edited to add: If Bennett doesn't turn it around this season then he will rightfully receive the wrath of fans and coaches alike and lose his flanker job to Avery.

I agree thatBennett, being white,will "receive the wrath of fans and coaches," if he doesn't have a good season, but I disagree with the implication that he was at fault for what happened last year. When a receiver is on the field for only a quarter of the team's offensive plays, and the team's star quarterback is beat up most of the season becausehis atrocious offensive line can't afford him even minimal protection in the passing game, Bennett did as well as could be expected under the circumstances. What needs to be "turned around" is Bennett's role in the offense, along with improving the Rams' pass protection. At least the team now appears to be headed in the right direction.

I think the Bulger to Bennett combination can be as productive as the Volek to Bennett combination was in 2004 and am excited about the possibilities, but I don't blame Bennett in the least for the fiasco that was the Rams 2007 season.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Well, that was basically what I was trying to say; that Bennett deserves a pass from fans wrath for last season b/c of his hamstring injury, playing out of position and the Rams struggles. You wouldn't believe the hate I've seen for Bennett on this Footballsfuture.com message board.

When you are posting on a message board with drunk white fans, who know nothing about the caste system, being fair minded already makes you seem like you are pro-white. I don't want to stand out as radically pro-white on this board because I already got caught with another username arguing for white players when another poster checked this board and saw my re-post here of the same things. He then blew the whistle and exclaimed that "virtually every single post I've made are plugging white WRs and RBs and it is because I am from the white nationalist site known as Castefootball, so anything I say is just BS." The moderator's warned me and him to drop the discussion and told me that if I am trying to argue about race on their forums I will be banned.

So now I am using another user-name and arguing more subtly for white skill players and some black players I like as well. If any pathetic drunken white fan checks my posting history they will not be able to brand me a racist. It's a sick society we live in when the anti-white sentiments are so great that another poster would check my posting history because he's unable to debate me fairly and investigate and find out I'm a Castefootball member. He basically branded me a racist.

I truly think Bennett will come through big this year and I was trying to convince the fans that he will. However, without a doubt in these dark caste days, if Bennett goes through most of this season struggling he will lose his job to Avery, Caldwell or someone else. With how good Bennett has been in the past struggling wouldn't automatically omit him from a chance at rebounding next year, if he had a good training camp and Pre-season if he were black. But being white he will have no shot at starting again if he doesn't impress somewhat. White skill players always have to do more and are on a short leash. Bennett please come through for us!
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Keep up the good work Riggins on these other sites. If a few people see the light about the unfair plight of the white athlete then it's worth the crap you sometimes receive from average "drunken white fan". There are still some white fans out there who care about the facts and want to know the truth but it is never presented to them. So again, keep up the good work.
Sep 9, 2006
Don Wassall said:
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Edited to add: If Bennett doesn't turn it around this season then he will rightfully receive the wrath of fans and coaches alike and lose his flanker job to Avery.

I agree that Bennett, being white, will "receive the wrath of fans and coaches," if he doesn't have a good season, but I disagree with the implication that he was at fault for what happened last year. When a receiver is on the field for only a quarter of the team's offensive plays, and the team's star quarterback is beat up most of the season because his atrocious offensive line can't afford him even minimal protection in the passing game, Bennett did as well as could be expected under the circumstances. What needs to be "turned around" is Bennett's role in the offense, along with improving the Rams' pass protection. At least the team now appears to be headed in the right direction.

I think the Bulger to Bennett combination can be as productive as the Volek to Bennett combination was in 2004 and am excited about the possibilities, but I don't blame Bennett in the least for the fiasco that was the Rams 2007 season.
I will give Bennet a small pass for how he played last year, but so far he is a dissapointment. He can do so much better, i understand he had an injury and the team around him was beaten up and in a bad way, but he has to do better than last year, where he showed poor hands at times and less than ideal quicknes . Hopefully new offensive coach Al Saunders can try and revive him. He has nobody to blame but himself if he does not produce, he will be the number 2 WR and given every opportunity to redeem himself for last years showing. I watched a lot of Rams games last year and i simply do not agree that he did as well as could be expected...did you watch him play? He was nowhere near as good as he CAN be. He needs to up his game with Isaac Bruce no longer on the team.Edited by: BrianLeonard23


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Certainly I agree Bennett has to step it up this year. He will have no legitimate excuse if he sucks this season, now that he is recovered from his hamstring injury and playing his natural role of Flanker instead of Slot. Bennett will have a whole training camp and pre-season to get some chemistry with Bulger. This is unlike last season when he tweaked his hammie in pre-season and then saw Bulger get injured.

But my point is with how much hate the drunken white fans were giving Bennett when there were clearly some other factors at hand last season. Bennett did under perform, but deserves a chance this season to redeem himself now that he has a more favorable situation, but if Bennett sucks this season there is no doubt he should lose his job despite what he did in the past. But being white if he struggles two seasons in a row not only will he lose his starting job in St. Louis, he will "never" have a chance to earn a starting position again. And you can also bet that he might lose his career.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
BrianLeonard23 said:
I watched a lot of Rams games last year and i simply do not agree that he did as well as could be expected...did you watch him play? He was nowhere near as good as he CAN be. He needs to up his game with Isaac Bruce no longer on the team.

Yes, I did watch him play. When a receiver is on the field for only a quarter of his team's plays, and the team's quarterbacks are not getting time to throw the ball, what should have been Bennett's output last year? One thousand receiving yards in a quarter of a season's playing time? Nearly 400 yards in less than part-time play on a team with a crippled passing game is as well as he could have been expected to do. Now, if Bulger is healthy, the o-line improves, and Bennett gets to start all season and doesn't produce that's a different story.

However, he should also be used properly; he is just as much a big play threat as Torry Holt as this point in Holt's career. Bennett should be used on short, intermediate and on long throws. Did you watch him play in 2004 when Volek was the QB for Tennessee? I know I'll never forget how dominating he was. Eight TD receptions in three games in one stretch, mostly by blowing by secondaries, and second in the AFC in receiving yards even though washed up Steve McNair was his QB for the majority of the season. For 6-5 he is very fast and his big play potential needs to be utilized again.Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
I think the main points Rams fans were making were that Bennett dropped too many passes and didn't seem to like going over the middle and was also held without a catch in one game he started while Bruce was out with injury. Of course part of the problem was that Bennett is not a natural Slot guy and was playing out of position last year and had a nagging injury all year. He also didn't get any kind of camaraderie going with Bulger because of all the injuries.

Bennett definitely has some deep speed. In fact he is faster than Colston and at least as fast as Fitzgerald. Bennett if I recall has 4.5 speed. Although he wouldn't be called a complete burner at the NFL level, for Bennett's size that is very impressive. I'm just hoping for a big year from Bennett b/c he will be on a short leash.
Sep 9, 2006
Don Wassall said:
BrianLeonard23 said:
I watched a lot of Rams games last year and i simply do not agree that he did as well as could be expected...did you watch him play? He was nowhere near as good as he CAN be. He needs to up his game with Isaac Bruce no longer on the team.

Yes, I did watch him play. When a receiver is on the field for only a quarter of his team's plays, and the team's quarterbacks are not getting time to throw the ball, what should have been Bennett's output last year? One thousand receiving yards in a quarter of a season's playing time? Nearly 400 yards in less than part-time play on a team with a crippled passing game is as well as he could have been expected to do. Now, if Bulger is healthy, the o-line improves, and Bennett gets to start all season and doesn't produce that's a different story.

However, he should also be used properly; he is just as much a big play threat as Torry Holt as this point in Holt's career. Bennett should be used on short, intermediate and on long throws. Did you watch him play in 2004 when Volek was the QB for Tennessee? I know I'll never forget how dominating he was. Eight TD receptions in three games in one stretch, mostly by blowing by secondaries, and second in the AFC in receiving yards even though washed up Steve McNair was his QB for the majority of the season. For 6-5 he is very fast and his big play potential needs to be utilized again.
Yeah i saw him play in 2004, he was awesome and that is why i was dissapointed last season. We all know he can do better than last year, lets just hope he does. I agree with you Don he needs to be used better.
Sep 9, 2006
http://www.dailyamericannews.com/articles/2008/05/23/sports/ sports3.txt

"I signed a six-year deal to come in here and do big things," Bennett said. "That didn't happen last year. I want to prove to people that I'm worth the energy and money the team spent to go out and get me. I want to make some good things happen. I want to get in the end zone and win some games. Everything takes care of itself when you're winning."

I like his attitude, i hope he shows he can gwt it done.


Jun 12, 2006
Looks like Drew will be out for at least a month. Meanwhile the Rams will hold tryouts for the thinned out wide receiver corps. Typical black retreads abound, Reche Caldwell and Eddie Kennison were mentioned. I wonder if Mike Hass will get a look??

"Until the Rams' sixth play on offense, that is. Bennett's left foot was caught in an awkward position when he was tackled after a 4-yard gain on a pass from Marc Bulger. The result was a broken metatarsal bone that will keep Bennett sidelined at least a month, coach Scott Linehan said Monday. Bennett won't need surgery, and Linehan said he didn't think it was a season-ending injury."



Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
You're not supposed to lose your starting spot b/c of injury unless the backup goes buck wild, but I have an uneasy feeling about this. Bennett was already on a short leash. The guy is a natural flanker and was going to have a big year IMO in the #2 role, now Curtis is injured too. I hope this isn't a step backward for white WRs.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Bennett was placed on IR today, an entire season wiped out when he would have been the uncontested starter had he been healthy. He'll be a scrub from now on with Haslet as coach, and probablyanywhere else he may end up.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Bennett was released by the Rams yesterday. In his two seasons with St. Louis, he was underused his first season as the offense went primarily with Torry Holt and an obviously declining Isaac Bruce, leaving Bennett with a minor role as the third receiver, one he didn't thrive in and he was subsequently made a scapegoat for the team's more glaring failings on offense, beginning with a very poor o-line. In '08 he injured his foot in the first quarter of the first regular season game and never got back on the field.

Bennett's 30 years old, still a prime age for a receiver. He's reviled by white fandom as a big time bust now, but if he can stay healthy he has plenty of talent to help many teams as a second or third receiver.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
"Bennett's 30 years old, still a prime age for a receiver. He's reviled by white fandom as a big time bust now, but if he can stay healthy he has plenty of talent to help many teams as a second or third receiver."

Well, I guess a "bust" in the sense thatSt. Louis gave him alot of money in free agency. Bennett used to be my favorite whiteWR, however,we havent seen much of him since joining the Rams. Alot of the blame is on the patheticoffense, but some of it hasbe put on Bennett himself. Let's face it, he's the offensiveequivolent of Bearssafety Mike Brown.Oh wait,nobody in NFL history could surpass Brown in terms of getting injured
. If Bennett signs elsewhere, I really hope his durability is no longer in question.

Ask the black DB's on the Chiefs a couple seasons ago (on monday night football), Bennett can flat outdominate atWR when given a chance. He'll get picked up, hopefully by a desperate team like Seattle or the Bengals (after losing TJ Housemanzda).Edited by: Thrashen

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Bennett may re-sign with the Titans. After not being signed by the Browns, his old team appears to be the only one with any interest in him. If he becomes a Titan again, at least it'll be Kerry Collins throwing him the ball and not dink 'n dunk McNair or non-QB Vince Young. But then again with his luck, Collins will get injured and Young will take over. Whether he signs with Tennessee or someone else, Bennett will have to claw his way up the depth chart again, just like he did as a free agent converted QB out of UCLA.
<H1 itxtvisited="1">Receiver Drew Bennett to visit Titans on Monday</H1>
Former Titans receiver Drew <NOBR id=itxt_nobr_1_0 style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 100%">Bennett </NOBR> is scheduled to visit with team officials on Monday, possibly the first step of his return to the team.
Bennett, a free agent, is scheduled to undergo a physical at Baptist Sports Park. He's also paid free agency visits to Cleveland and Atlanta this offseason after being released by the Rams in March.
Bennett played six seasons with the Titans (2001-06) and led the team in receptions for two straight seasons and in receiving yards three straight seasons. He ranks eighth in Titans franchise history with 4,033 yards and ninth with 273 receptions.<BR itxtvisited="1"><BR itxtvisited="1">Bennett signed a 6-year, $30 million contract with the Rams in 2007, but was released by the team after two injury-filled seasons. Bennett had just 1 catch for 4 yards in '08 after suffering a foot injury in Week One. He ended the season on Injured Reserve.<BR itxtvisited="1"><BR itxtvisited="1">The Titans signed free agent Nate <NOBR id=itxt_nobr_5_0 style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 100%">Washington </NOBR> earlier this offseason and used their first round pick on Rutgers receiver Kenny Britt. Team officials could not be reached for comment on Sunday, but General Manager Mike Reinfeldt said recently the team had interest in signing a veteran receiver.<BR itxtvisited="1"><BR itxtvisited="1">Behind veteran Justin <NOBR id=itxt_nobr_6_0 style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 100%">Gage </NOBR> and Washington, the Titans have little experience at the position.<BR itxtvisited="1"><BR itxtvisited="1">Bennett became a fan favorite in his first stint with the Titans after making the team as an undrafted free agent in 2001. A former quarterback at UCLA, Bennett has played eight NFL seasons with 307 career catches for 4,412 yards and 28 touchdowns.
[url]http://www.tennessean.com/article/20090510/SPORTS01/90510009 /WR+Bennett+to+visit+Titans+on+Monday [/url]


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
Bennett has had some bad luck. Had 80 catches and over 1200 yards receiving in 2004, thats like 15 yards per catch in 2004 with 11 tds.

He dislocated his thumb the next year in 2005 but still had over 700 yards with 58 receptions. Happened to Marques Colston and he had around the same numbers this year and no one gave him any grief over it.

Then in 2006 i believe Vince Young entered the picture with his 50 percent completion ratio. Bennett was healthy this time but had another season of around 700 yards but with 46 catches, 16 ypc. He actually led the team in receiving that year, I dont know how Vince Young got Rookie of the Year.

I dont know what happened with him and the rams, he had around 400 yards with 33 catches but played 14 games and had a hamstring injury is what i have read.

Then in 2008 he was placed on injured reserve with a foot injury.

I dont know what happened with the Rams, probably Haslett. Hes never been white friendly, He probably put him in a role where he couldnt do as well and Bennett probably could have healed from the foot injury and came back after a few games.

"He has been regarded by Bernie Miklasz as one of the worst free agent acquisitions in Saint Louis sports history."

Hopefully he makes the Titans and he has Collins throwing to him. Im sure he could put up good numbers there and revive his career. Hopefully the same will happen for Leonard.

The Rams have been weird, all these players at caste positions but get screwed overEdited by: dwid