Chris Christie faces heat from black leadersd


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Playing the race card, how original. I like the comment in the article that this decision is a "slap in the face to the NAACP". Yes, the NAACP, one of the most blatantly racist organizations on the planet, NEEDS to have its face slapped on a regular basis, with no apologies.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
The NAACP is nothing more than a group of Black Nazis. Speaking of Nazis I saw an interesting show on Discovery Channel the other day. It was about racist white organizations and according to them there are 13,000 members of this one group. I can't remember the name. I could find you 13,000 black racists in a single black neighborhood. But hey whites are the only racists on the planet. Here is another fact. You don't see any other race on this planet whining like this when something doesn't go there way. It's only blacks and whites usually appease them.
Edited by: whiteathlete33

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Racial solidarity among blacks is unbelievable. Already the race card is being played as to why black Supreme Court Justice John Wallace wasn't re-nominated by governor Chris Christie. It's the same old story from blacks but hopefully it wakes a few DWF's up.
Minorities tend to view a supreme court seat as a permanent anchor. I recall when the first Black Chief Justice was sick and ailing he basically was going to die on the job because he feared Bush Sr was going to appoint a White conservative to his position. Of course Bush had the last laugh when he appointed Clarence Thomas the equivalent of Uncle Ruckus to fill his position....:icon_mrgreen:


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
View attachment 273

Just in case anyone wondered where Chris Christie's allegiance lies.
I saw this the other day on Drudge. This caused me to think 2 things. First, why would a lowly Governor need to travel to a foreign nation? I mean, for New Jersey, how can traveling to Israel be justified to help the issues that face the state? This brings me to my second thought. Cristie has presidential aspirations. Maybe they'll even roll him out at a brokered convention. After all, visiting Israel, praying at that wall and kissing Jewish hindquarters is tops of the political checklist.
:love::kev: :cheer2: for :israel:

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The NAACP is nothing more than a group of Black Nazis. Speaking of Nazis I saw an interesting show on Discovery Channel the other day. It was about racist white organizations and according to them there are 13,000 members of this one group. I can't remember the name. I could find you 13,000 black racists in a single black neighborhood. But hey whites are the only racists on the planet. Here is another fact. You don't see any other race on this planet whining like this when something doesn't go there way. It's only blacks and whites usually appease them.

Typical wildly exaggerated scare propaganda. There are maybe several thousand klansmen scattered across the country who belong to dozens of klans that spend most of their time feuding with each other, and about half of those "members" or more are federal agents.

It's even more difficult to get racially aware Whites to join commonsense groups with a mainstream approach such as the American Nationalist Union, American Third Position, the CofCC, American Renaissance, and the few others that still manage to exist. There is no shortage of anonymous keyboard warriors, but those that will do anything beyond typing are almost extinct.

And given how many good posters have disappeared from the board here, apparently even typing is becoming too much effort for more and more racially aware Whites.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
You’re right Don, many people, once awakened, become disenchanted if they don’t take the next step and depart from the safety of the Internet. I for one was a member of that latter category: my posting frequency has dropped considerably since I first joined over five years ago. Not to discredit blogging and researching WN websites to increase one's knowledge (I am forever grateful to CF for assisting in my awakening), but at some point, one has to "cross the threshold." I did just that, having attended the La Crescent European American festival in SoCal and meeting some veritable giants in the WN movement, including Dr. Kevin McDonald and Mark Weber. I've also befriended and train with a sprinter who has been discussed on this forum. I urge everyone to cross the Internet threshold. It takes courage, but most of the fear is fear of the unknown, not in Big Brother lurking around every corner. A lot of their power stems from fear mongering and propaganda, not from actual manpower. I can tell you that the experience was enlightening, if not life changing, for I had the priverlidge to meet and yes, “ethnicallyâ€￾ network with some very intelligent and powerful "gentiles": a hedge fund manager form Merrill Lynch, a high tech business owner with international connections, scholars, historians, and artists. Crossing the internet threshold was a numinous experience; it released a tremendous about of personal energy and I felt connected to an extended family that was there all along.