White sports fans are pathetic!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I hate to say it but you guys already know what I'm talking about.The reason Sports are like they are is the media and who is running it.It is the same with music and movies.Whites almost everywhere get sucked into this bottomless pitt of b.s. and being put down that they become immune to it.Whites these days don't even know when they are being cut down most of the time.

I really wish we could stick together and help to make a difference like this site is doing.White fans to need to quit going to the games and buying the Jerseys,Shirts,etc. When will it end?There was a thread about when was the last time to attend a NFL Game?We need to quite supporting a league that does nothing but hold the white man down!No white running backs,no white cornerbacks,very few starting receivers,etc. At least in college football,it is a little better.Not much but I can watch it and enjoy it unlike the NFL.I am really getting tired of rooting for guys,only for the NFL to ruin their careers.

I will continue to support the Curtis,Jones,Stokley types,etc,but not like I used to.They won't get one dime out of me unless we see at least some change like the NBA and Boxing.I want to see a Euro and White American invasion of the NFL.I'm so tired of seeing this crap go on year after year but I will never give up the fight.That's why we are here at Caste.football.us.Keep up the good work guys!


Jun 29, 2005
I will continue to support the cause as much as possible, but I unfortunately cannot give up watching the league, or supporting the Browns no matter what. Some things run deeper than racial harmony.


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
JoeV said:
I will continue to support the cause as much as possible, but I unfortunately cannot give up watching the league, or supporting the Browns no matter what. Some things run deeper than racial harmony.

amen... i am the same way with Tampa Bay Bucs, no matter how much Gruden and his antics piss me off sometimes...Edited by: backrow


Aug 10, 2005
If whites aren't playing, I don't even enjoy the game. There is no one to root for. I'm around blacks all of the time. Most of them don't root for any of our guys. Besides, the game is sloppy and ugly the way they play it and all of those stupid celebrations and so forth.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Amen to that KG2422! I can't either. I wouldn't pay to go to an NFL game, especially now knowing what I do about how it, and the people who run the teams, operate. Unless I have some connection to a black player through him being from my state, a local or familiar high school, or college team that I have supported, I can't root for them either, with a few exceptions. The game is extremely sloppy, and the celebrations go against everything I believe football is about. As for some things running deeper than racial harmony, JoeV, I hope you meant to say racial pride? If you did, I think very few things should run deeper than racial pride, so I would disagree. I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't understand what you mean by "things running deeper than racial harmony." Also, how does a professional football team fit this category, it's not even tied geographically to you by the players like a college would be. I can understand allegience to a college much more than to an pro team, if for no other reason than past ties. Even so, I broke from a team I thought I could never break from in Ole Miss. The university became something antithetical to what it used to be, which was something I could relate to. When I realized it had turned it's collective back on it's history, I walked away, quickly.

IMHO, I think we should examine some of the things we "follow" to make sure it isn't against something we deeply believe in. If it is against something we hold dear, in my opinion, we should walk away when we realize it, or expect to rightly be called hypocrits.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
KG2422 said:
If whites aren't playing, I don't even enjoy the game.

If there are no whites involved, I have absolutely no interest.


Oct 19, 2004
Colonel_Reb said:
Even so, I broke from a team I thought I could never break from in Ole Miss. The university became something antithetical to what it used to be, which was something I could relate to. When I realized it had turned it's collective back on it's history, I walked away, quickly.

I think the same way. My childhood teams were the Cincinnati Reds and the UK Wildcats (basketball,) and if there were no white players on those teams I would have zero interest in them. Period. I don't care about my childhood experiences (some very nice, by the way,) geographical proximity, or anything else.

I guess it's conceivable that a white person could root for a practically all-black team and still have a loyalty for one's people. A particular black team doesn't necessarily impinge on the well-being of our people, so it's theoretically possible. (Although we here argue that the whole of all those black teams does in fact impinge on our rights and culture.) But it's hard for me to imagine a fully awakened white person rooting for black players, to celebrate when they succeed, to identify with them, to feel that they are "one of us." I guess it's possible. I could never do it though. Edited by: JD074

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
White sports fans have been conditioned for a long time just as white Americans have been conditioned from kindergarten on to think and believe inmany ways that are counterproductive to our survival as a people.

I understand the frustration with sports fans as I often have it and have written of it here but I think if we get toodown it will turn off prospective supporters of Caste Football. We want young people to participate in sports and we want to support the good ones of our folk along with their family and friends. In the short and long run, exposure of the Caste System through facts andwell thought outopinion, along with healthy doses of the ridicule the system so richly deserves, will go farther in breaking it down than bemoaning the status quo.

There is a good chance the entire system, not just the sports end of it, is not going to survive the coming days intact. Whatever does happen, let's do the best we can to change it for the better while observing the many spectaclesgoing on in the madhousethat America has becomewith as much enlightened good cheeras we can muster.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Great post Don.I agree.Sometimes it's really discouraging with the way things are,but we all need to keep our heads up and stay positive.The glass is half full as they say.We will beat this Caste System in the long run.For us,our kids,and our grandchildren someday.
Oct 19, 2004
West Virginia
Sarcasm, ridicule and contempt are our most effective weapons. The ultra-arrogant ones in charge can't stand it when their "subjects" deligitimize them in this fashion. They're so out of touch with the lives of most Americans it's a joke, and so are they.
Dec 18, 2004
The late Samuel Francis wrote something in one of his last Chronicles essays that could apply here. He wrote that the Hard Right needs to produce a change in the culture first, then political success could follow.


Jun 11, 2005
United States
I have to agree wih many of the posters. I just cannot id with african americans as people so as players it's hard for me to watch the game. I sometimes try to take my way of thinking as far as me being "WEST COAST' and project that onto the field but since i was middle class and the west coast blacks were like from Compton it's impossible
Brandon Green


Oct 31, 2005
I also agree with many of the posters, but ironically, I don't have
much interest in "all white" sports. I like to see white guys beat
blacks. I love boxing, but I'd MUCH rather see a black and a white
fight than two whites.


May 20, 2005
bwc_708 said:
I also agree with many of the posters, but ironically, I don't have
much interest in "all white" sports. I like to see white guys beat
blacks. I love boxing, but I'd MUCH rather see a black and a white
fight than two whites.

You must LOVE the UFC/MMA then.


When people asked me why i dont like the Vikings i flat out tell them, "why should i root for a bunch of thugs from the ghettos?, none of them are from Minnesota!" "I root for individuals." Then i ask them why they do root for them, they just say cause they always have. People need to wake up, times have changed!
Oct 10, 2005
If there are no whites involved, I have absolutely no interest.


I am totally Euro-centric and really only care to support and cheer White Players. I am White and therefore I am for the Whites. Pretty simple.

When it comes to the other folks the most I can muster for them is a detatched respect.

The only time I will watch a sport when there aren't any White Players is if I am waiting for one to come off the bench and it is a pretty good player that I like (this happened a few years ago when the Seattle Super-Sonics, who had Brent Barry injured at the time and had Potapenko way down at the bottom of the Depth Chart, had Vladamir Radmanovic coming off the bench so I would wait to see him come in the game. )