Texas black athletes just went all in!

Jul 26, 2018

And for his part, Tom Herman’s past statements indicates he will support the players in this endeavor.

“We’re going to pack 100,000 people into DKR and millions watch on TV that are predominantly white — not all of them certainly, but most of ’em white. We’re gonna cheer when they score touchdowns, and we’re gonna hug our buddy when they get sacks or an interception,” Herman told the Austin American-Statesman on June 1.

“But we gonna let them date our daughter? Are we going to hire them in a position of power in our company? That’s the question I have for America. You can’t have it both ways.” End quote

My response would be in short, then get the hell off campus tonight. Btw isn’t it as obvious as it needs to be for all to admit that there is an absolute intentional plan to destroy the white family ?! Frick this ****!!

DWF Upside

Aug 31, 2014
These coaches are clearly just puppets. At what point do some of these well respected schools wreck themselves? When this happens do they all just go down together or will there be winners and losers. Private schools dont seem to be the answer either.


Jan 27, 2016
I think Herman's going to let them have access to his wife. The players demands are ridiculous. They want to change stuff about the program that the fans like.

Don't the players only play because the fans want to see them play? And the fans are mostly white. I can see this spreading to nearly every school.

The unspoken agreement that white fans and black athletes will put aside their differences to enjoy and profit from the game is over.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
What's working in favor of the militants this year in college and the NFL is the partial or complete lack of fans in the stadiums. Who knows how "average fans" will react if they're not even allowed into the stadium? This allows the corporate/BLM media to continue to completely control the narrative and pretend that virtually all Americans support the incredible shift to the extreme left that is taking place in real time. I suppose there's TV ratings, but does anyone still believe anything coming from the fake news media, including alleged "facts" and "statistics"?
Sep 12, 2016
If the powers that be try to eliminate the "middle ground" and force White people to choose between full-on cuckoldry or full-on nationalism, they may not like the choice that many White people will make when backed into a corner.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
While DWFs may miss sports, on the other hand now that we've been away from sports for so long it's actually much easier to break old habits for good. Even ignoring the omnipresent political and racial angles to everything, I have a hard time getting excited about the proposed ways the NHL and MLB want to come back, what with baseball players -- if they even come back -- wearing masks when they're not on the field, 24 hockey teams going right into the playoffs, few or no fans. Big sporting events, any sporting events, without fans are a farce. It's all right out of a Twilight Zone episode.

Good old White Americans -- and those non-Whites who love and appreciate this country -- need to build up communities and families and contacts and break the ties from poisonous social media and the boob tube.
Jul 26, 2018

While DWFs may miss sports, on the other hand now that we've been away from sports for so long it's actually much easier to break old habits for good. Even ignoring the omnipresent political and racial angles to everything, I have a hard time getting excited about the proposed ways the NHL and MLB want to come back, what with baseball players -- if they even come back -- wearing masks when they're not on the field, 24 hockey teams going right into the playoffs, few or no fans. Big sporting events, any sporting events, without fans are a farce. It's all right out of a Twilight Zone episode.
Good old White Americans -- and those non-Whites who love and appreciate this country -- need to build up communities and families and contacts and break the ties from poisonous social media and the boob tube.
Jul 26, 2018
You are so right! I’m basically at the point of getting this fight on by any means necessary. This is not a black vs white fight but instead a destructive psychotic irrational hate mongering people (represented by BLM, Soros groups and liberals vs the rest of us.

If the powers that be try to eliminate the "middle ground" and force White people to choose between full-on cuckoldry or full-on nationalism, they may not like the choice that many White people will make when backed into a corner.