Terror Attack in New Zealand


Dec 1, 2006
I saw the Video... it was live streamed from a go pro. Surreal. He fired into wounded and Dead bodies repeatedly.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
This reminds me of another attack on a mosque:

The Ibrahimi Mosque massacre


On the 25th of February, 1994, as hundreds of Muslim worshipers were performing the dawn prayer at the Ibrahimi Mosque in downtown al-Khalil ('Hebron'), a Jewish-American terrorist by the name of Baruch Goldstein descended onto the mosque from the nearby settlement of Kiryat Arbaa, spraying the worshippers with machine-gun bullets, killing at least 29 people and injuring many others.

The terrorist, who used his army-issued Galilion rifle, wanted to kill as many innocent people as possible in order to create mass terror throughout the city, the largest in the West Bank. His motive was to thoroughly terrorize the Arabs, who constitute 99.5% of the city's population.

The Israeli occupation authorities, who had to tackle a public relations disaster, denied any complicity or collusion with the perpetrator.

Israeli officials, including then Prime Minister Rabin claimed the massacre was thunder on a clear day. However, it was hard to believe that the terrorist could not have reached the heavily-protected premises of the huge compound without some connivance with the strong Israeli army garrison at the site.

Goldstein himself was eventually overpowered and killed by survivors, fearing he would still kill more worshippers. Many settler leaders had the audacity to demand the arrest and prosecution of those responsible for Goldstein's death.

Many Jewish religious leaders praised the mass murderer, calling him a great saint and hero. Eventually, a monument perpetuating his memory was erected in Kiryat Arbaa and Jewish pilgrims from as far as California came to pay their respects to and be blessed by the tomb.

Goldstein was also eulogized by many rabbis and Torah sages who heaped praise on him, arguing that a thousand Gentiles or Goyim were not worth a Jew's fingernail.

One rabbi, when asked about the religious admissibility of murdering innocent non-Jewish people, said he was not only sorry about the death of innocent Arabs but that he was also sorry about the death of innocent flies!!!

Following the bloodbath, the Israeli government carried out a huge public relations campaign aimed at convincing western especially American public opinion that the Israeli government played no part in the carnage.


Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
I saw the Video... it was live streamed from a go pro. Surreal. He fired into wounded and Dead bodies repeatedly.
Perhaps he wanted to maximize the number killed and probably thought some were playing dead.
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Jan 23, 2017
Veneration by extremists
While mainstream Jewish religious leaders, including the chief rabbis of Israel, rejected the suggestion that killing Palestinians was authorized by the Torah, some extremist religious Jews have defended Goldstein's actions.[30]

At Goldstein's funeral, Rabbi Yaacov Perrin claimed that even one million Arabs are "not worth a Jewish fingernail".[30][31][32] Samuel Hacohen, a teacher at a Jerusalem college, declared Goldstein the "greatest Jew alive, not in one way, but in every way", and said that he was "the only one who could do it, the only one who was 100 percent perfect".[31][32] Rabbi Dov Lior of Kiryat Arba declared that Goldstein was "holier than all the martyrs of the Holocaust".[33]

In the weeks following the massacre, hundreds of Israelis traveled to Goldstein's grave to celebrate Goldstein's actions. Some Hasidim danced and sang around his grave.[34] According to one visitor to the gravesite in the wake of the attacks, "If [Goldstein] stopped these so-called peace talks, then he is truly holy because this is not real peace."[34] Some visitors declared Goldstein a "saint" and "hero of Israel".[34]

The phenomenon of the veneration of Goldstein's tomb persisted for years.[8] The grave's epitaph said that Goldstein "gave his life for the people of Israel, its Torah, and its land".[9] In 1999, after the passing of Israeli legislation outlawing monuments to terrorists, the Israeli Army dismantled the shrine that had been built to Goldstein at the site of his interment. In the years after the dismantling of the shrine, radical Jewish settlers continued to celebrate the anniversary of the massacre in the West Bank, sometimes even dressing up themselves or their children to look like Goldstein.[8][35][36][37]

In 2010, Jewish settlers sang songs in praise of Baruch Goldstein's massacre demonstratively in front of their Arab neighbours, during celebrations of Purim. A phrase from one song reads, "Dr. Goldstein, there is none other like you in the world. Dr. Goldstein, we all love you ... He aimed at terrorists' heads, squeezed the trigger hard, and shot bullets, and shot, and shot."[38]


Jan 23, 2017
Also, as far as modern terrorism goes, once again, the jews lead the way. In 1948, the Irgun (jewish zionist terrorist organization) blew up the King David hotel in Jerusalem killing British, Arab and jews indiscriminantly. It was the zionists who introduced this type of murder to the world. Of course, the media fails to mention this small point.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004


May 1, 2015
The video was on some Twitter feed that I follow as the most recent tweet, so I said to myself "Ahh, screw it...I'll watch it." as I don't normally like viewing gore. He went in the same way he went out. In the video I saw, he was firing against drywall but no holes were left in it. I also saw no blood. The owner of the Twitter feed that was running it was commenting on it as well and noticed that there was an empty(?) rifle magazine sitting in the hallway before the shooter entered the building. The shooter then picks it up on his way out when he was done.

Also, Podesta was there eight days before the attack and said that Christchurch made a "juicy target" for the upcoming election. The female radical feminist PM made a multi-million dollar donation to the Clinton Foundation about three years ago. In addition, Hillary, Clapper and I believe Brennan were down there recently as well. There was also some purposeful misinformation that the FISA Declass was going to drop today and so the Trump coup conspirators needed something to change the narrative to. To me it smells of just another M0S/C1A psy-op with cover from the M0S/C1A media talking heads. Of course, before the bodies were even cold, the NZ PM called for more gun and Internet controls.

During the Christchurch earthquake several years ago, there was some unidentified victims lying on the floor of some major media company, but no one knew who they were. They were later ultimately identified as M0S agents (probably manipulating the NZ media there to suit their JWO agenda).


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
NZ, just as here, and all (momentarily) White countries need organized grass roots uprisings that MUST include full military support, otherwise the said military will be used to enforce the aforementioned types of laws with the assistance of local police, especially in large Leftist cities. 2020 is in the sights of the Dems and their (((handlers))). They are licking their chops. Trump is toast for all intents and purposes...

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I saw the Video... it was live streamed from a go pro. Surreal. He fired into wounded and Dead bodies repeatedly.
I saw this video too, he blew away everybody that was in his way and a guy who tried to run by him, it was a good five minutes in and not a police siren in the background. It actually looked like a video game similar to Duke Nukem.

The response of the police was pitiful at best.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
I watched his actual video a few times the day of the attack, before it was removed from the internet.

It actually looked like it might have been fake. As someone else said, it looked like a video game rather than a real massacre.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Uncensored. Better download it before it gets disappeared.


At 6:00 in he gets out of the car with a rifle in hand. Then he opens the trunk and pulls out another rifle as the one he had in his hand just disappears !
6:27 well dressed couple has no reaction to a man carrying a rifle?
6:39 as he approaches the front of the Mosque, the music has magically followed him from the car! 6:45. The shooter has been shooting straight ahead, but the victim is laying on the ground to his left. He has his face covered. There is no blood!
6:47 the "victim" is crawling away? Why ?
7:01 the "victims" are already piled up in the corner
7:04 the guy comes running around the corner TOWARDS the shooter! Who would do that?
7:25 the shooter has fired 20 rounds towards a pile of dead bodies. Not a single bullet hits the wall? In fact, not a single bullet hits the wall in the entire shooting!
7:52 gives us a clear view of the "carnage" and for some reason there is absolutely NO BLOOD on anyone!!
8:55 as he exits the building the music is playing. Why ? Where is it coming from?
8:58 - 9:06 he shoots at absolutely nothing as the Ejected cartridges disappear into thin air! CGI 10:02 again shooting at nothing. Isn’t he worried that the cops could show up by now?
10:33 returns to the scene for some unknown reason. Anyone would be heading for the hills by now as cops are surely on the way there by now. His absence has allowed for some better staging of the scene as fake blood has been added! There is blood coming only from the victim on the right. The victim on the left has no blood and his whites shoes are even spotless!
10:51 still no blood from the dozen or so victims laying on the floor
10:55 offers a better view of the "dead victims" who have no blood on them and somehow manage to all lay face down! Also note that there is absolutely zero damage to the walls!!
11:06 the shooter decides to double kill some of the dead people just for good measure! We see their bodies jerk with the impact of the "bullets" and yet their clothes remain intact and there is no flesh exposed. At least they tried to jazz it up a little with just a tiny bit of fake blood!
BTW, 11:02-11:06 he shoots directly at the walls and there is not any sign of impact!
11:20 the music resumes! I guess we needed a soundtrack for this shooting!
11:25 one guy in white pants covered in fake blood as everyone else remains unscathed (and face-down)
12:06 is when he shoots the woman. We see her "hair" being struck, but it’s actually a hoodie. It’s just airsoft bullets hitting the hoodie. That’s why there is no blood splatter!
12:50 he shoots at his windshield twice! The windshield doesn’t break
13:22 he places the barrel of the gun against the side window and it break. The glass falls inward. In summation, I would recommend that everyone watch this with a critical mind. There is nothing scary about it once you realize that it is just stage acting combined with some very poor special effects and an airsoft rifle. Nobody got hurt in Christchurch thank God!
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Jun 3, 2014
I saw the video and had a few questions pop up in my mind instantly. The first and most obvious one was why the police took so long to respond? The guy is just strolling around shooting for 5 plus minutes and not a siren to be heard. Second was why did everyone seem to evenly distribute into the 4 corners of the bigger room, rather than try to run? It just seemed a bit odd to me as I would think chaos would have ensued and people would have been running as fast as possible toward any exit they could find. After shooting for a few minutes inside, he then goes outside and shoots at more people who are still on the premises. You can't tell who he's really shooting at outside but I would have been blocks away running if I was a survivor by that time. I'm not a gun expert but the guns seemed very quiet too. Perhaps it was just the sound distortion from the go pro, but the assault rifle seemed to have the sound of a .22. I've shot an assault rifle before and they are loud. Anyways, the video was disturbing to say the least and I can't say with certainty that I believe it's fake but some things seem very odd. Given the timing of this video and the current political environment in the world, if it is fake, it's probably an attempt to quell the rising right wing across the world that is tired of the left's policies and their endless immigration that is has ruined our white countries.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
I saw the video and had a few questions pop up in my mind instantly. The first and most obvious one was why the police took so long to respond? The guy is just strolling around shooting for 5 plus minutes and not a siren to be heard. Second was why did everyone seem to evenly distribute into the 4 corners of the bigger room, rather than try to run? It just seemed a bit odd to me as I would think chaos would have ensued and people would have been running as fast as possible toward any exit they could find. After shooting for a few minutes inside, he then goes outside and shoots at more people who are still on the premises. You can't tell who he's really shooting at outside but I would have been blocks away running if I was a survivor by that time. I'm not a gun expert but the guns seemed very quiet too. Perhaps it was just the sound distortion from the go pro, but the assault rifle seemed to have the sound of a .22. I've shot an assault rifle before and they are loud. Anyways, the video was disturbing to say the least and I can't say with certainty that I believe it's fake but some things seem very odd. Given the timing of this video and the current political environment in the world, if it is fake, it's probably an attempt to quell the rising right wing across the world that is tired of the left's policies and their endless immigration that is has ruined our white countries.
Good post. I’m not sure myself if it was real or fake but I think the most important thing is the response. More draconian policies and more censorship of the internet coupled with more acceptance of migrants crap.

The elites are reacting and over reaching as they always do. What they should be doing is looking at immigration and multiculturalism in an honest way. Instead they censor the native population and demand they accept more migrants. This gets the populus more enraged, ensuring more events like this will become the norm. If you look at the response from the average normie-con (on sites like breitbart for example) to the shooting, it was either a collective shrug or a “good, they got what they deserved”. This doesn’t bode well for the future of multicultural countries working in any sort of sustainable way.

But hey, we’ve all been saying this and predicting the conflict that was enevitable for years or even decades now.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Uncensored. Better download it before it gets disappeared.


At 6:00 in he gets out of the car with a rifle in hand. Then he opens the trunk and pulls out another rifle as the one he had in his hand just disappears !
6:27 well dressed couple has no reaction to a man carrying a rifle?
6:39 as he approaches the front of the Mosque, the music has magically followed him from the car! 6:45. The shooter has been shooting straight ahead, but the victim is laying on the ground to his left. He has his face covered. There is no blood!
6:47 the "victim" is crawling away? Why ?
7:01 the "victims" are already piled up in the corner
7:04 the guy comes running around the corner TOWARDS the shooter! Who would do that?
7:25 the shooter has fired 20 rounds towards a pile of dead bodies. Not a single bullet hits the wall? In fact, not a single bullet hits the wall in the entire shooting!
7:52 gives us a clear view of the "carnage" and for some reason there is absolutely NO BLOOD on anyone!!
8:55 as he exits the building the music is playing. Why ? Where is it coming from?
8:58 - 9:06 he shoots at absolutely nothing as the Ejected cartridges disappear into thin air! CGI 10:02 again shooting at nothing. Isn’t he worried that the cops could show up by now?
10:33 returns to the scene for some unknown reason. Anyone would be heading for the hills by now as cops are surely on the way there by now. His absence has allowed for some better staging of the scene as fake blood has been added! There is blood coming only from the victim on the right. The victim on the left has no blood and his whites shoes are even spotless!
10:51 still no blood from the dozen or so victims laying on the floor
10:55 offers a better view of the "dead victims" who have no blood on them and somehow manage to all lay face down! Also note that there is absolutely zero damage to the walls!!
11:06 the shooter decides to double kill some of the dead people just for good measure! We see their bodies jerk with the impact of the "bullets" and yet their clothes remain intact and there is no flesh exposed. At least they tried to jazz it up a little with just a tiny bit of fake blood!
BTW, 11:02-11:06 he shoots directly at the walls and there is not any sign of impact!
11:20 the music resumes! I guess we needed a soundtrack for this shooting!
11:25 one guy in white pants covered in fake blood as everyone else remains unscathed (and face-down)
12:06 is when he shoots the woman. We see her "hair" being struck, but it’s actually a hoodie. It’s just airsoft bullets hitting the hoodie. That’s why there is no blood splatter!
12:50 he shoots at his windshield twice! The windshield doesn’t break
13:22 he places the barrel of the gun against the side window and it break. The glass falls inward. In summation, I would recommend that everyone watch this with a critical mind. There is nothing scary about it once you realize that it is just stage acting combined with some very poor special effects and an airsoft rifle. Nobody got hurt in Christchurch thank God!
The video may be unfocused because of the head camera, so the blood might not be easy to see. Also the mosque may have a rule of no cell phones on the premises or they have to be left outside the prayer area, so that could explain the slow response of the police. Also the shooter did change guns, that could be due to the fact that the gun was hot as hell and the gun could fail at some point because of expanding metal. He also might have been playing Napoleonic march music loudly when he was driving at kept it going while he shot up the mosque.
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Uncensored. Better upload it.

The video may be unfocused because of the head camera, so the blood might not be easy to see. Also the mosque may have a rule of no cell phones on the premises or they have to be left outside the prayer area, so that could explain the slow response of the police. Also the shooter did change guns, that could be due to the fact that the gun was hot as hell and the gun could fail at some point because of expanding metal. He also might have been playing Napoleonic march music loudly when he was driving at kept it going while he shot up the mosque.

And maybe he quickly repaired the windshield after he shot his (toy) shotgun into it twice.

Seriously though, no offense but none of your responses makes any sense whatoever. Zero.
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Why I Now Believe the New Zealand Event Was a Complete Hoax With Zero Dead


But there is so much more. Why did all the mohamedan invaders in the mosque jump in a big pile right next to an open door instead of running out the door? Why no blood in that weird pileup?

Then after all that sustained shooting from a very loud weapon inside a reverberating structure no police sirens until one was heard much later while he was driving, probably involved in something else.

And when he exited the mosque people right outside, despite the bedlam, were just strolling along normally. Later as he drives no unusual traffic, like roadblocks or police sirens. Then there is the famous scene where he fires his (toy) shotgun through the windshield twice but the windshield remains intact! Ha ha that was a nice touch! No wonder they don't want the people in the new islamic republic of new zealand to see it!

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Uncensored. Better upload it.


And maybe he quickly repaired the windshield after he shot his (toy) shotgun into it twice.

Seriously though, no offense but none of your responses makes any sense whatoever. Zero.
Watch the video he shoots out the side window with his gun maybe we didn't see the front windshield shatter because of the glare of the sun, when he shot and killed the female on the sidewalk it looked real to me, anyway we are going to be talking in circles I don't think you have believed one shooting since they have happened in the time you have been on the board.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Watch the video he shoots out the side window with his gun maybe we didn't see the front windshield shatter because of the glare of the sun, when he shot and killed the female on the sidewalk it looked real to me, anyway we are going to be talking in circles I don't think you have believed one shooting since they have happened in the time you have been on the board.

He shot a shotgun and a high powered rifle through the front windshield. Yes the side window shattered but nothing seemed to happen to the front windshield. What was he shooting at through his car's glass anyway, and why would he shoot out his own car's windows from the inside, especially since he seemed to be shooting at nothing, especially since he was supposed to be heading to a second mosque to shoot it up, tho the stories vary. There were multiple shooters, and now what it's down to one? Has the second mosque vanished from the "news" along with the multiple shooters? Along with this guy's Israeli connection? A lot of it looked more like a video game. I've seen (and been in) real life shootings. I can distinguish between what's real and what's staged.
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Further analyzing the NZ and other false flag ops

Youtube hasn't censored this one yet.

14 years in NZ prison for watching the original. What are they hiding?

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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Ex CIA: THE NZ mosque shooting video is clearly fake.

And that's why they don't want people watching it!

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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Watch the video he shoots out the side window with his gun maybe we didn't see the front windshield shatter because of the glare of the sun, when he shot and killed the female on the sidewalk it looked real to me, anyway we are going to be talking in circles I don't think you have believed one shooting since they have happened in the time you have been on the board.

Americans' interest spans don't last long. This - and all its "anomalies" - has already lost their interest and is quickly dropping from the news, same as all the other big staged shooting events and all their unanswered questions. It will come here too just the same. They just wait for a big shooting event in the US, staged or real, probably the former, to disarm the populace, same as they did to Mexico, UK, Australia, and now NZ, and so many other countries.
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