Public Enemy #1

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Here's the latest J. B. Cash opinion column:
Public Enemy #1

John Rocker is Public Enemy #1 in American sports. His crime: alleged racism, although in fact Rocker never actually said much of anything that was really racist. Here is what he is alleged to have said to a Sports Illustrated reporter.

On ever playing for a New York team: "I would retire first. It's the most hectic, nerve-wracking city. Imagine having to take the [Number] 7 train to the ballpark, looking like you're [riding through] Beirut next to some kid with purple hair next to some queer with AIDS right next to some dude who just got out of jail for the fourth time right next to some 20-year-old mom with four kids. It's depressing."

On New York City itself: "The biggest thing I don't like about New York are the foreigners. I'm not a very big fan of foreigners. You can walk an entire block in Times Square and not hear anybody speaking English. Asians and Koreans and Vietnamese and Indians and Russians and Spanish people and everything up there. How the hell did they get in this country?"

So Rocker did insult some people: gays, foreigners, ex-felons. Today, in America, the number of protected classes of people is so large that if you insult anyone but white males you have committed some form of racism. In fact an insult is not even necessary. You can just mention some truthful fact about one of the many chosen few and if it is considered un-PC you are in for a load of trouble.

Sometimes you can even say someone is NOT typical of a particular negative stereotype and still lose your job for it. Exhibit A is Larry Cochell, the former long time coach of the Oklahoma Sooners baseball team who said, off camera and off the record (which is no protection anymore) during a discussion of racial stereotyping that a black player of his was NOT the type of kid that people sometimes refer to as a "******."

Thus you cannot even say someone is NOT an example of a negative racial stereotype because when you do say such a thing you are indicating that such a negative stereotype exists. Soon you will not be able to say anything nice about black people since that would indicate that just possibly there are black people that are NOT nice, which of course can no longer be true in modern America.

But back to Rocker. The media has an insatiable desire to find white racists. The commonly pronounced belief that whites are extreme racists and responsible for all the pathologies of black America falls apart unless you have some actual racism to show as evidence.

Unfortunately whites are so good at hiding their racism that they will do sinister things like transfer billions of dollars to black people, pervert the Constitution to offer them special protection, destroy the career of anyone who utters a racist remark, and compliment, copy, and promote, blacks and black culture at every turn.

Whew! With clever racists doing so many good things for blacks so as to hide their racism it is really difficult to ferret out all that extreme white racism. In fact it is so hard to find actual racists that the FBI has to dig up old cases from the 1950s and 1960s. Then find a 90-year-old frail Southern white man, build a case from virtually no evidence and zero witnesses, and then get a jury of white (closet) racists to find him guilty, so his final few years on earth can be spent locked up with all those unfortunate blacks that are behind bars because of white racism.

So for the media, John Rocker is a pleasant surprise. A white Southerner of high profile that said some unpopular things that were not racist but close enough for the media so that they can refer to him as a real, in the flesh, white racist. They cannot yet put Rocker in jail, as the last few thin threads of a severely tattered document known as the Bill of Rights still prevents that from happening. But they can have their way with him. White racism is so well hidden that all the white racist sports writers make it a point to continually, without end, criticize Rocker for every single little thing he might try to do.

The latest "horrific crime" committed by Rocker was to respond verbally to a heckling fan. Unbelievable! Oddly enough someone like Gary Sheffield can swing at a white fan during a game and be treated like some kind of hero but just let Rocker say something to a fan and look out! Here is the shocking exchange between Rocker and the fan:

As Rocker left the mound to jeers from the tiny crowd of roughly 50, a fan near the Ducks' dugout cracked, "Long way from Atlanta, isn't it?" According to the fan and two others present, Rocker replied, "I'm still a millionaire, and you're a piece of â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€." To this, the fan  39-year-old Dave Masken of Atlantic City  said, "You suck." According to the fans, Rocker said back, "Suck this."

All fans hate Rocker of course. The media will tell you this all the time. I personally though have witnessed him get a standing ovation while he was in the minor leagues shortly after his career was derailed due to the grievous error of speaking his mind. And he was on the visiting team at the time! They boo him in New York because he says he hated the city, which is a sentiment expressed by every non-New Yorker I've ever met, black or white. Elsewhere he is kind of a cult hero. That must mean that whites really are racist but the only time they can express it is during the occasional time John Rocker pitches. Hey we have to have some kind of outlet don't we?

On to Larry Cochell.

Larry Cochell, who managed the Oklahoma Sooners for 14 years and won a NCAA title in 1994, is out of a job. Years of hard work, hundreds of boys carefully guided into adulthood, thousands of hours of effort in helping his fellow man  all gone. Forgotten, brushed away, buried. Cochell spoke the forbidden word aloud. He did not use it to personally demean, he did not use it in anger, he merely spoke the forbidden word and it summoned forth the demons that appear at its mention to crush the life of the person unfortunate enough to speak it.

It does not matter that Cochell has spent his life molding young men to be responsible adults. And surely many of those young men were black. They were boys saved from the wrong path and righted by the mentorship of Cochell.

Harry Potter stories are currently very popular. Those stories feature the use of spells and incantations to do all sort of magic. Now we have a real magic word! It is a word with the power to destroy. It can end careers, ruin fortunes, and wreck lives. There has never been a word with such power. The simple act of speaking the word wields the type of power that dwarfs the incantations of ancient wizards and sorcerers.

Only certain people however can fall prey to its effects, however. Others are immune. Those people may speak the word freely. They can shout it at the top of their lungs, they can scream it at others, sing it in songs, write it on paper (or the sides of buildings). In America everybody is equal, some more than others.

Cochell's public crucifixion on the cross of political correctness should not be surprising. Those that would destroy a good man for innocent remarks are well aware of what they are doing. That Coach Cochell is singularly undeserving of this professional lynching is, to them, the best of all results. The more innocent the victim the better. It sends a chilling message that innocence is no defense when accused of the crime of racism. And racism can be committed by whites whenever they say something bad or good about the "chosen" people.

A city of Washington bureaucrat almost lost his job a few years ago when he used the word "niggardly" during a budget meeting. The word means cheap or miserly. A black person in attendance did not know the meaning of the word and was offended. Thus saying things that are not even about black people can also be a sign of racism. Perhaps it would be better to say nothing at all, although that too, is probably a sign of racism.

So a white person can be guilty of racism by saying something good, saying something bad, or not saying anything at all. No wonder there is so much racism among whites. White people by their very existence are racist. Therefore the only cure for racism would be to rid the world of white people. Which is exactly the goal of those that crucify the John Rockers and Larry Cochells of the world.




Nov 2, 2004
Thank you, J.B. Cash, for the sensational article on John Rocker. Thank you, D.W. for floating CasteFootball.US as a general internet site, its expansion is exhiliarating. And thank you John Rocker, for saying what we think.

One more time:

John Rocker for President !!


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Great article JB! Rocker should be considered a hero instead of a racist. Few people are left in the public eye who aren't afraid to speak their minds. One things for certain, nobody will forget about him anytime soon.